Top 36 Apps Similar to CraftFestival map for MCPE

Aquatic Park map for MCPE 1.4
The Aquatic Park is a big waterpark mapforMinecraft with lots of water slides and other fun structures.Mapfor Minecraft is most likely inspired by real life waterparksthatexists all over the world both. If you have ever been to oneofthese in real life or would like to see how one might looklikethen enter this map for Minecraft and experience it foryourself.Here’s an overview of the entire waterpark map forMCPE.Lots of water sliders and diving towers. The Aquatic Park is a abigwater park map for Minecraft with more than seven differentwaterrides. To ride any of the water rides we highly suggest touse aboat. Aquatic Park map for MCPE is a good mix of ridessuitable forall ages. Either way it’s a unique and really greatexperience inthis map for Minecraft PE. Make sure to wear a properswimsuitbecause chances are you are going to get wet! Hopefullyyou don’tfear heights! Leave your impressions and feedback on theThe AquaticPark map in the comments.DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application for MinecraftPocketEdition.This application is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB.The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the Minecraft Assetsareall property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner.All rights reserved. In accordancewith
Seed City map for MCPE 1.4
Seed City is a fictional modern city mapforMinecraft with probable inspiration from larger cities intheUnited States. The current map for Minecraft developmentfeatures aharbor, skyscrapers and an electric factory of some sort.Thestreets are narrow and most buildings in the MCPE city aretightlycombined.All of the buildings in the Seed City map for Minecraftgotinteriors and the possibility to enter them. The Seed City mapforMinecraft never gets boring as every block got a varying typeoffeeling in terms of different textures and architecture. Itisstill a quite small city in terms of horizontal size but therearesome many things to explore in the map for Minecraft itselfmakingit definitely worth a download.DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application for MinecraftPocketEdition.This application is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB.The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the Minecraft Assetsareall property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner.All rights reserved. In accordancewith
Sky Adventure map for MCPE 1.4
Simple Sky Adventure is a challenging mapforMinecraft PE which forces you to try to survive the lifeonmultiple different skyblock islands. Each MCPE island isdifferentfrom the other and this creates unique difficulties whereyoualways have to be on the lookout for new dangers which can causeastruggle for your survival on map for Minecraft PE.How to play in map for Minecraft?The spawn is on a skyblock island with minimal resources. Grabtheitems in the chest to get started. But make sure to use theitemscarefully as you might otherwise run out of resourcesveryquickly.The objective on map for Minecraft is to explore all10different islands.The only way to do that is by taking it onenightat a time and try to continuously evolve and gain better itemsandblocks. Then use your resources to build bridges betweentheislands to continue on with the exploration in mapforMinecraft.The ultimate challenge is to survive for as long you can inSkyblockfor MCPE while only being allowed to use the blocks anditems whichare found on the islands. Simple Sky Adventure is anincrediblychallenging survival map where the objective is tosurvive for asmany days you can using whatever resources you find.In Simple SkyAdventure map for Minecraft there is an extremescarcity ofresources and you must think carefully before using anitem. Givethis challenge a try and let us know in the comments howlong yousurvived in Simple Sky Adventure map for Minecraft.DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application for MinecraftPocketEdition.This application is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB.The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the Minecraft Assetsareall property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner.All rights reserved. In accordancewith
Ship Battle map for MCPE 1.4
Pirate Ship Battle is a pvp map forMinecraft.The main goal is to blow up the other ships captains roomby miningthrough the obsidean under the room and lighting the TNT.Its a 4-6player game and took me 30 hours to build this map forMinecraft.Read the rules, enjoy. The Pirate Ship Battle is a mapforMinecraft where two separated teams will be participating inabattle on the sea. Through the use of Sethbling’s clever TNTcannoninvention you will be firing TNT blocks like cannonballs atyourenemy’s ship. The one remaining team with the most survivorsandthe whollest ship are the winners.How to play on Pirate Ship Battle map for MCPE?To play this map for Minecraft at least two players or morearerequired. The two teams who will fight in battle map forMinecraftPE are the pirate team versus the colonial team. Each teamgot itsown ship. The goal is to strategically use the TNT cannonstoexplode your enemy’s ship. The ship that is the most destroyedwillbe consider the loser.How to use the TNT cannons?The TNT cannon is built using three TNT blocks. Begin byfirsttapping the bottom and the upper MCPE TNT blocks as seen intheimage below. Then quickly tap the third TNT block. Thetwopreviously ignited TNT blocks will catapult the third TNTblocktoward the other ship and explode. There are more TNT blocksin thechests on the ship which you can use to reload thecannons.DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application for MinecraftPocketEdition.This application is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB.The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the Minecraft Assetsareall property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner.All rights reserved. In accordancewith
Sky Wars Two map for MCPE 1.4
Sky Wars II is a PvP Minecraft map for uptoeight players. There are a total of nine floating islandswhereeight of them are meant as the start point for each player. Ontheisland in the center there is a stronghold which should betheobjective of every player to access as there are plenty ofgreatgear in chests there.On map for Minecraft are no set rules so you could go ahead andmakeup your own ones as you see fitting. Each player/team spawnsin mapfor Minecraft PE on its own island and the aim is to be thelastplayer or team. Beat players using a weapon or knock them off.Witheach win you will be rewarded with a reward. You can usereward tounlock many kits and perks to improve your gameexperience. Epicfights taking place in the sky are just one of thethings you getfrom the SkyWars II map for Minecraft. As the namesuggests, the mapfor MCPE is all about fighting other players onfloating islands.Sky Wars isn’t a new game type for Minecraft, butthis map for MCPEis certainly newer.DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application for MinecraftPocketEdition.This application is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB.The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the Minecraft Assetsareall property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner.All rights reserved. In accordancewith
Tea Party map for MCPE 1.3
Here’s a very unusual type of skywars PvPmapfor Minecraft. The environment in which the battles on mapforMinecraft are supposed to take place in is a tea party MCPEworld.In the center of the map for Minecraft PE there are twotables ontop of a cloud set with all sorts of delicacies likecakes, teacups and more cakes. Surrounding the the tables in TeaParty PvPmap for Minecraft are eight floating islands all with oneuniquecastle. There are no set rules in the map for Minecraft PE.Use itas you like and make up your own type of gameplay. But try togetsome friends to play the map for Minecraft with.DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application for MinecraftPocketEdition.This application is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB.The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the Minecraft Assetsareall property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner.All rights reserved. In accordancewith
Ender Epic Elytra map for MCPE 1.1
This map is one of the most challengingelytramaps currently available for Minecraft Pocket Edition(version1.0).Important: This map for Minecraft requires versionrequiresMCPE 1.0. On map for Minecraft are no checkpoints andunderneathyou there is a consistent flow of hot burning lava. Trapsandhostile mobs are common and you can’t do much to avoid eitherotherthan continuously reborn and by each try slowly learningthedangers of the map for Minecraft PE. How to play on mapforMCPE?Find the items in the chest and think of a way out of yourprisoncell. Hint: lever!Find the access point for the elytra course, put elytra, jumpoffthe ledge and press the jump button once again to activatethegliding feature for your elytra wings.Try to avoid the obstacles and find a way down to the Netherportal.Elytra wings are one of the new features in version 1.0 ofMinecraftPocket Edition. The wings can be attached to your body(as achestplate) and then be used for gliding. Before you jump offtheplatform to use the elytra wings make sure you’ve got one addedtoyour chestplate armor slot. Press the jump button in air toactivatethe wings to start gliding.DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application for MinecraftPocketEdition.This application is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB.The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the Minecraft Assetsareall property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner.All rights reserved. In accordancewith
Epican Republic map for MCPE 1.3
Attention: Use the latest version oftheMinecraft PE.Epican Republic map for Minecraft consists of two main citiesandcombined they include hundreds of structures such assuburbanhomes, skyscrapers, stadiums and churches. The main thingwhich Ilike about this map for Minecraft PE is that it looksvery“Minecrafty”. The building style is much similar to how thedefaultstructures in Minecraft World look like (e.g. villages).EpicanRepublic map for MCPE is built in a flat world and that meansthatyou are limited to the cities and can’t really goanywhereelse.Hotels, bank, museums and ancient temples are just a few ofthestructures which you will find in this amazing city. No spaceinmap for Minecraft has been left empty. There’s literallyastructure everywhere you go. But it’s actually good as it createsaquite realistic appearance to the city.It’s by no doubt one of the most detailed maps forMinecraftPE.DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application for MinecraftPocketEdition.This application is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB.The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the Minecraft Assetsareall property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner.All rights reserved. In accordancewith
AM Castle map for MCPE 1.3
Mariner Castle is a large and magnificentoldcastle map for Minecraft PE situated on a hillside of anisland,overlooking the town. There are multiple little houses inmap forMinecraft outside the castle meant for the commonpeople.Connecting the MCPE town is a harbor where a ship hasdroppedanchor, maybe its waiting for some goods to pick up. Themainattraction in this map for Minecraft is the castle. It gotseveralrooms of different sizes and decorations. If you enjoy thepart ofexploring then this map for Minecraft will definitely haveseveralthings for you to do. Go for a little exploration in thecastle andcast a glimpse at the beautiful gardens and townarchitecture.Mariner Castle map for Minecraft is a castle built inmedievaltimes, it was designed in the European style, there are alot ofwindows, on top of the castle has a the spire, maybe thiscastlehas been author built based on a castle at France.DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application for MinecraftPocketEdition.This application is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB.The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the Minecraft Assetsareall property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner.All rights reserved. In accordancewith
Mega City map for MCPE 1.0
Mega City is a really cool map forMinecraft!The best city map for MCPE EVER! In this map forMinecraftPE,there is an absolutely huge city filled with lotsofcolorfulbuildings and skyscrapers!This city is absolutely jam packed with different buildings!Youarequite limited for space on Minecraft Pocket Edition, butthecreatorof this map has done a good job making his cityfeelmassive bycreating so many buildings in a small space. Thewidevariety ofbuildings also makes the city feel very life likeandrealistic.There are also a few areas that you wouldn’tusuallyexpect from amediocre city design.Epic Mega City map for Minecraft includes a real subway,andanoutdoor cafe! Every building also has it’s owndecoratedinterioras well! A lot of thought must have went into thiscity,and itmust have taken ages to put so much detail into eachandeverybuilding! In this map for Minecraft PE you can see ahugeselectionof different houses, skyscrapers and other buildingsyouwouldexpect to see in a big city! There are lots of alleysandwalkwaysin between each building so you can explore it andtravelaroundeasily on foot. What do you think of this map for MCPE?Feelfreeto leave your opinions in the comments section below!DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application forMinecraftPocketEdition.This application is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB.The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the MinecraftAssetsareall property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner.All rights reserved. Inaccordancewith
How To Parkour map for MCPE 1.0
How To Parkour free map forMinecraftconsistsof 15 different parkour levels. Each of them onMCPE mapoffer adifferent type of challenge based on how the coursehas beenbuiltand also depending on which blocks was used. If youwant totrainyour parkour skills then this map for Minecraft PEoffers agreatvariety of challenges which can be challenging formostplayers nomatter your skill level.How to Parkour is a map for Minecraft on PC but Idecidedtorecreated it on MCPE. Parkour maps are all about gettingtothefinish line as fast as possible. There are 15 differentlevelsonthis map for Minecraft with each level increasingindifficulty.This free map for MCPE can hopefully teach peoplemoreaboutparkour and still be fun for experts. We want you to makethemostof your Minecraft experience, and we hope that this mapcanhelppropel you to the next level in MCPE gaming.DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application forMinecraftPocketEdition.This application is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB.The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the MinecraftAssetsareall property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner.All rights reserved. Inaccordancewith
Simple Adventure map for MCPE 1.1
Simple Adventure is a fun adventure mapforMinecraft with many parkour and puzzle challenges whichrequiresolving. In total there is about 25 minutes worth ofgameplay onthis map for Minecraft.It’s all set in an old MCPE castle so the environment is reallyfunto explore. Map for Minecraft PE doesn’t have much of astorylinebut we suppose you could invent your own reason for goingto thecastle. Step inside the magical wardrobe and enter the worldofNarnia where an epic adventure awaits. In this adventure mapyouwill start out in the old world in Minecraft. On map forMinecraftwill be a lot of walking but if you are a true Adventureand Puzzlefan this is definitely something you’ll enjoy as thereare manythings which you will recognize.Rules:1.Set difficulty to peaceful; 2.Set render distance to lowormedium; 3.Don’t break blocks unless told otherwise; 4.Don’tclimbtrees.DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application for MinecraftPocketEdition.This application is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB.The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the Minecraft Assetsareall property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner.All rights reserved. In accordancewith
Elytra Project map for MCPE 1.0
This is an awesome elytra wingsmapforMinecraft which includes a multitude of flying challengeswhicharefor the most part very difficult (at least as soon you getpastthefirst levels).To fly with the help of elytra wings you needtofindthem in the trunk and put it on.Before you jump offtheplatform touse the elytra wings make sure you’ve got one addedtoyourchestplate armor slot. Press the jump button in air toactivatethewings to start gliding.It’s an ender themed map forMinecraftPEwhich means it includes structures which are in somewayinspiredby the End World.As a whole, it is a very difficultmapforMinecraft especially because there are no checkpoints andlotsoftraps.How to play on map for Minecraft?You can either play this map for Minecraft PE togetherwithfriendsor by yourself. That’s completely up to you. But beforeyoustartplaying do yourself the favor of equipping a pairofelytrawings.The objective is very simple. All you need to do istoflythrough the rings or other types of structures on theway.DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application forMinecraftPocketEdition.This application is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB.The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the MinecraftAssetsareall property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner.All rights reserved. Inaccordancewith
Space map for MCPE 1.1
This map for Minecraft includes alargePvPspace platform arena. To make map for Minecraft PE look asit isinspace there are several planets and stars surroundingthearena.Choose among classes such as Lord of Fire, KnightorAstronaut thenenter the arena to fight other players on SpacePvPmap forMinecraft. If you like the space movies or just spaceingeneralthen give this map for Minecraft PE a try togetherwithsomefriends. Start the game on the map for Minecraft PE bychoosingoneof the kits.There are eight different classes to choose from and youarenotallowed to combine them. The classes include: Lord ofFire,Witch,Knight , Alien, Astronaut, Lord, Guardsman and Soldat.Wheneveryone have selected a class then it’s time to enterthearena.Do a countdown from 10 and then begin the battle. In themapforMinecraft PE you will find several pressure plates. If youstandontop of them you will be given different potion effectssuchasspeed and jump boost.DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application forMinecraftPocketEdition.This application is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB.The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the MinecraftAssetsareall property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner.All rights reserved. Inaccordancewith
Flying Elytra map for MCPE 1.1
In this map for Minecraft you have to useapair of elytra wings to fly through a series of obstacles.Important: This map for Minecraft requires version MCPE 0.17orlatest version. This is probably the most challenging elytramapfor Minecraft PE out there right now as it requires you to flybothhorizontally and sometimes make a huge leap vertically intosometunnel. And the fact that you have to play the majority oftheFlying Elytra map for MCPE in darkness (during night)surelydoesn’t make things easier. Either way, it’s a really fun mapforMinecraft to play!How to play on Flying Elytra map for MCPE 0.17?Elytra wings is a new item in 0.17.0 of Minecraft PocketEdition.You can equip the item in one the chestplate armor slot.Basicallythey provide you the ability to glide. For example, youcan jumpdown off a mountain, start gliding and then land safely ontheground. In this map for Minecraft you will be taken throughaseries of obstacles. The wings can be attached to your body (asachestplate) and then be used for gliding. Before you jump offtheplatform to use the elytra wings make sure you’ve got one addedtoyour chestplate armor slot. Press the jump button in airtoactivate the wings to start gliding.DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application for MinecraftPocketEdition.This application is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB.The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the Minecraft Assetsareall property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner.All rights reserved. In accordancewith
Fantasy Mansion map for MCPE 1.0
This is the most perfect map forMinecraftPEwith Nether portal and fantasy mansion which Ipersonallywouldhave liked to arrive to after a long day of miningin WorldforMinecraft. Map for Minecraft really feels like a placewhichhavebeen taken straight out of the magical place. The innisfairlysmall but everything is incredibly detailed. Fantasy InnmapforMCPE this is a large map for Minecraft with interestingplacestoexplore. The creation for MCPE includes two mainstructures(onestable & one inn) and also a mysterious Netherportal. Onthismap for Minecraft, you can immerse yourself in theworld ofbattleand explore, relax at the Fantasy Mansion and exploretheNetherportal.DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application forMinecraftPocketEdition.This application is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB.The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the MinecraftAssetsareall property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner.All rights reserved. Inaccordancewith
Big Tree Man map for MCPE 1.1
This is a great skyblock map for MinecraftPEifyou need some type of arena to fight other players. VacioTreeis areally well designed map for Minecraftwhich features ahugetreewhich has the appearance of a man (with wildhair).Surrounding thegiant tree are interconnected skyblockislands. Onmap for Minecraftare no specific set of rules orguidelines whichyou need to follow.Make up your own as you go andhave some fun!You will have fun forhours in this great Multiplayermap forMinecraft.DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application forMinecraftPocketEdition.This application is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB.The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the MinecraftAssetsareall property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner.All rights reserved. Inaccordancewith
Simple Redstone 2 map for MCPE 1.1
This is a map for Minecraft PEwhichfeaturessomewhere around 10 different redstone machines andthebest thingis that all of them are very easy to build. Getsomeinspiration ofwhat kind of machines you can build thisredstonemachines in yourown Minecraft world. Most of the machinesareexplained with abrief text so make sure to read the signsin-game.Here are a fewof the redstone machines which you will findon mapfor Minecraft.Manual Beacon Beam Power: Use the levers tocontrolwhich potioneffect to enable. Redstone Trading Machine:Trade yourfood fordiamonds. Unlimited Water Collector: Fill up youremptybuckets!Redstone Cobblestone Generator: Do you think it isboringto minecobblestone? I do too, but with this machine youcanautomaticallygenerate cobblestone. There are multipledifferentredstonestructures to explore on Simple Redstone 2 mapforMinecraft. Justwhen you think you’ve seen everything therearestill some thingsleft to see. For example, there is onehiddenelytra course in themap for Minecraft PE.DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application forMinecraftPocketEdition.This application is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB.The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the MinecraftAssetsareall property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner.All rights reserved. Inaccordancewith
16 levels of parkour MCPE map 1.0.2
This Minecraft map contains 16 levelsofunforgettable adventures that will bring you to the worldofparkour. If you are the skilled parkour player – the levelswillhelp you to improve your experience. If you are just abeginner,still don’t hesitate and try this MCPE map where you starton thefirst level which is the easiest and complete all up to 16th.Youshould like the complex environment on this Minecraft map.Climb,jump, swing, roll and run to get to the final point withoutanyassistive equipment. The peculiarity of this MCPE map is thattherooms all have different and unique obstacles; they are allofdifferent complexity levels and speeds which gives theparkourbeginners to try their first steps on it.After completing this map, you will learn all the tricks andbecomea skilled player.Examine your skilfulness and quickness on this Minecraft maprightnow! Our application is easy to be installed, same as MCPEmapsdownloader.Attention! This map is not developed by Mojang. Minecraft isatrademark of Mojang AB. Please note that we are not affiliatedwithMojang AB, but we adhere to the terms set out by Mojang ABat
Pixelmon Minemaps for MCPE 1.0
Pixelmon Minemaps for Minecraft PEofmanythings from the showPixelmon Minemaps for Minecraft PE of many things fromtheshow,including Pokemon, gym badges, and battling.A fun feature of Pixelmon Minemaps for Minecraft PE is thatyoucancatch Pokemon in a 3D poke ball, and even see yourPokemon'suniqueattributes which consist of habits,damage, armor and aggression. This isnt just a cosmeticmodthatgives facelifts to models already existing in thegamePixelmonactually includes an attack system ripped rightfromPixelmonMinemaps for Minecraft PE, with over 500 individualattackmovesand even status ailments, to make it play and feel muchlikethehandheld Pokemon games. This Pixelmon Minemaps forMinecraftPEeven a functioning pokedex for keeping track of whatmonsterstheplayer has caught!Pixelmon Minemaps for Minecraft PE is pack of mod it have manymodinthis appEvery mod has title, description , screenshot anddownloadbutton.Search any mods for mcpe you want just browsefavourite modandpress DOWNLOAD ... Done!This Pixelmon Minemaps for Minecraft PEneedsBlockLauncherapplication to apply. Also you need install thefullversion ofMCPE in your smartphone or tablet.This application is not affiliated in any way with MojangAB.TheMinecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the MinecraftAssetsareall property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner.Allrightsreserved. Inaccordancewith
Mine Car MPCE Map 3.4
The Mine Car MPCE Map Add-on replacesfivemobsin-game with five brand new cars. The vehicles are quitefastandoffer a great opportunity to more easily move aroundinMinecraft.The vehicles are very efficient as they require nofueland can bedriven in almost any kind of terrain. In thatsense,it’s a car ofthe future.How to drive a car?First off you need to find a car. The easiest way isprobablytospawn one in creative mode. There are five different carsandeachof them replaces a mob in-game:Red Car = StrayBlue Car = Wither SkeletonGreen Car = SkeletonOrange Car = Zombie PigmanYellow Car = HuskUse a mob spawn egg to spawn the cars. In this case, I decidedtogowith the red car. There should be no difference in termsofspeed nomatter which you pick. Perhaps that is somethingthecreator couldadd in the future.Tap on the car (or right-click if you are on Windows 10)toenterthe vehicle. To start the vehicle you will need a key(orrather acarrot on a stick). Then just turn in the directionwhichyou wantto go.But be careful! You don’t wanna hit anyone with yourcar,right?It’s a great way to get around in the Minecraft worldandlike amodern alternative to riding horses.Down below you’ll find two download links to twodifferenttestmaps. They are great maps to use for trying out theaddon!ChangelogThis update is called The Halloween Update!Two new mine-cars (yellow & orange)Cars no longer take fall damageSpawn eggs for cars have texturesAdded one helmetTesting map looks spookyBug fixesThis is an unofficial Mine Car MPCE Map. Thisapplicationisintended for educational purposes only. This mcpe mapforMinecraftis not affiliated. The Name, Brand and the Assets areallpropertyof Mojang AB or they respectful owner. Allrightsreserved.
Firework Mod for Minecraft PE~ 1.0
Mod Fireworks was made especially foryou.Thismod adds a lot of new items to the game. All of them arelikethem,or fireworks. Such as rockets, exploding like a balloon oratriplefountain. Fire in the sky and grains jet fireworks willlikefotevery player, it's very impressive and beautiful.Usingpaper,gunpowder, flint, steel, and Redstone dust, you can makemanykindsof fireworks. To run multiple types of fireworks at thesametime,you need to use a launcher for fireworks. All recipesarefairlysimple, and resources are not rare. With the mod onfireworkseveryholiday will be unforgettable!Firework Mod for Minecraft PE 0.15.6, 0.15.4,0.15.3,0.15.0,0.14.3You need to use Blocklauncher to install the mod.This application is not affiliated in any way with MojangAB.TheMinecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the MinecraftAssetsare allproperty of Mojang AB or their respectful owner.Allrightsreserved. Inaccordancewith
New music festival map MCPE 1.0.1
The Music Festival map forMCPE(MinecraftPocket Edition) is a yearly EDM Festival wherefamousartists andmany other DJs have played. This map for gameissupposed to be areplica (or at least inspired by) theMusicFestival which tookplace in Myanmar last year (2016). Thismapfeatures a big stageand a control panel which can be used tofullycontrol the lights,LED screens and fireworks on stage.It’s a really cool map which lets you arrange your own musicshowsinMinecraft PE! The spawn is on a large parking lot in frontofthefestival area. Walk through the entrance to enteraccessthefestival.There are lots of visitors which have come to see the show.Youcanspawn more by using the villager spawn eggs.All of the lights, fireworks and so on can be controlledatthecontrol table. To run this show you’ll need at least acoupleofplayers.The maps are downloaded from our server mcpe-minecraft.comandgetautomatically installed into the appropriate directory.Chooseyourmap and enjoy playing it in just a few seconds. Inviteyourfriendsto play together and take the most out of yourgame!We afford a good opportunity to all the developers touploadtheirdevelopments on our server and we ensure to add them toourapp.Have a wonderful game, give us your likes and share thiswithyourfriends! We collected the most popular maps fortheminecraftgame.This is a non-official application for Minecraft.Andthisapplication has nothing to do with the Mojang ABCompany.The name, brand, and a trademark of minecraft exclusivelybelongtothe Mojang AB and we highly respect their property. Allrightsarereserved accordingtothe
Portal Gun for Minecraft 3.1.0
Better Mods
Mod adds many features to MCPE found in the popularpuzzle-platformPortal games
Parody Songs for Minecraft 1.0
Awesome Lab
Parody Songs for Minecraft isasimpleapp that shows collections and compilations ofvideoaboutminecraft parody songs free.FEATURES OF THIS APP:★ Easy to use (one click app)★ Sharing functionDisclaimer:This application is not affiliated in any way with MojangAB.TheMinecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the MinecraftAssetsareall property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner.Allrightsreserved. Inaccordancewith
Creation Maps for Minecraft PE 1.0.36
Cool MineApps
You cannot decide on the new creationMapsformcpe?We present the directory where you will find themostdiverseminecraft maps. The collection includes creative mapsforminecraftpe fnaf minecraft, Spongebob minecraft,Skyblockminecraft,minecraft airport, house with ghosts, tnt villageandother popularcreative maps for minecraft. You will easilyinstallthis new mcpemaps:1. Choose the directory Creation Maps for Minecraft pe2. Click on "download"3. Start Minecraft PE and enjoy.Minecraft pe maps is one of the major additions, becauseevenfanseventually get tired of favorite maps. Despite thedifferencesofminemaps textures depend on the difficulty of a levelor aversionof maps for minecraft pe, new locations makegameplayintense anddiverse. A lot of monsters, weapons, decorativeelementswerecreated for mcpe creation maps). But the player canbump intothevoid and take damage even in the mode of creativitydespitethediversity creation minecraft maps. Do not walk incirclesonfamiliar routes, and download the new directoryminecraftpemaps.The Skyblock minecraft map has already won the heartsofthousandsplayers all over the world. Maybe, it's becauseofsimplicity ofgame locations this. You should use allpossibleresources tosurvive on the floating island. Hardcore modecan openfor you aportal at the lowest possible level, where are alot offire, lava,and mushrooms.If you know who lives in a pineapple under the sea, youwouldlikenew Sponge Bob minecraft. The underwater city ofBikiniBottomexactly recreated on mcpe maps. Spongebob minecraftdoes notdifferfrom the original. Start a new adventure in thepineapplehouse,travel into the city or explore new territoriesofcreationminecraft maps.Horror fans will appreciate Fnaf minecraft maps andHountedManshionmap. Characters Fnaf minecraft look really scaryandangry. The mapis ideal for single attacks or missions withyourfriends. Thisminemap already contains a resource pack. Willbehard to survivelast night in the restaurant with edible pizzaoncreative minecraftmap.Haunted Mansion Map looks like the old horrorattraction.Skeletons,corpses and vampires are walking in the oldmansion. Youhave tounravel many secrets and find the damn thing inthe cavehome. Areyou ready to plunge into the mysterious world ofthemansion hauntedwith this creative maps minecraft?The map of Tnt village allows you to move throughthepicturesquefields. However, would you go to the next level ofthismcpe mapsyou will have to use a chest with TNT and make a bigbang.Set themaximum number of buttons in order to pass all levelsofcreativemaps minecraft.Where can you hide from crazy adventures and relax? Of courseinyourown home. You can choose a cozy corner in our mapsdirectoryofcreation maps for mcpe. NXUS City - ModernArchitectureSeriesplayers mcpe maps will immerse you in the heartof themetropolis.Architectural masterpieces will surprise itsforms, andthe uniqueexterior of the urban environment. Creationmaps for mcpewilldelight you with regular updates. You will findthe combinationofarchitectural traditions and innovations in TheAspen aModernConceptual House Map. The creators have tried to comeup acozy andcomfortable house in the country style. ThecreativeminecraftSimple Medieval house map was created in order tostartplay rightnow. It will look like a real moving. Choosefurniturefor your newhome and organize garden. The house on thehill will beyourfavorite minemaps.DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application forMinecraftPocketEdition. This application is not affiliated in anyway withMojangAB. The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand andtheMinecraftAssets are all property of Mojang AB or theirrespectfulowner. Allrights reserved. Inaccordancewith
PvP maps for minecraft PE 1.1.4
This application is the collectionamultiplayer of maps for the game minecraft. The collectionhasincluded only the best cards of pvp (player versus player).Thanksto these maps now you will be able to play in minecraft notonlyalone but also together with friends.For every map, we’ve developed an interesting name, description,andscreenshot. Thus, before downloading the desired map, you cangetfamiliar with it in every detail. Moreover, some maps comewithvideo reviews.In the application of the MCPE (Maps for Minecraft PE) - wehaveplaced only the best map on the subject RedStone. Have a supercoolgame, put us your likes and share with friends! Our maps aremadefor the current version of a game - at the moment version0.16(update 1/27/2017).This is a non-official application. And this application hasnothingto do with the Mojang AB Company.The name, brand, and a trademark of minecraft exclusively belongtothe Mojang AB and we highly respect their property. All rightsarereserved according tothe
car mods for mcpeis 2.2
car mods for mcpeis Add the oil, akey,wheel,steering and more, there are car mod mcpe. much on stage,buttheyall have only be able to ride out the Minecraft track.Tryridingthe vehicle that you have full control over the. It isthespeed,direction, and the existence of the course.It a fun, Mods for all persons. adds Cars. In this carmodsformcpe games can be added easily and be abletoDownloadeasily.What are the details of the Mod Minecraft?- Mech- The Car- Bikes- The fuel system was completed: don't forget to refuel yourcarorhave the time to walk.This car mods for mcpe Is can only be appliedwithBlockLauncherapplication and you need install the full versionofMCPE andBlockLauncher in your smartphone or tablet.This is an unofficial application for Minecraft PocketEdition.Thisapplication is not affiliated in any way with MojangAB.TheMinecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the MinecraftAssetsareall property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner.Allrightsreserved. In accordance with
Map The End TNT Wars For MCPE 1.0
This The End TNT Wars for MineCraft MCPEmapisa minigame where you need to construct TNT cannons whichyouthenhave to use to destroy the other team’s base. You willbesplit upon two separate islands which are divided by a hugewall.It’s areally fun type of minigame which I highly recommend toplaywith atleast a couple of other players. Teamwork is essentialhereso makesure to communicate with the other teammembers!DownloadThe End TNTWars [PvP] for MineCraft Map Now.
Sky Wars Atlantis map for MCPE 1.2
Shilai map
Epic fights taking place in the sky arejustone of the things you get from the Skywars Atlantis mapforMinecraft. As the name suggests, the map for MCPE is allaboutfighting other players on floating islands.Sky Wars isnt a new game type for Minecraft, but this map forMCPEis certainly newer. The author notes that players must be usingthelatest version of the Minecraft when playing on this map or itwillnot load correctly. Also, it plays best with four people atthesame time. You could have some fun playing with just oneotherperson, but once one player gets an advantage in thatsituation theMCPE game tends to devolve very quickly. As for themap forMinecraft, its pretty good. There are a number of smallislandsfound around the area and many of these have one or morechestsfilled with equipment and items that will either make youstrongeror give you the materials needed to invade another MCPEisland. Thetreasures are balanced and naturally the best items areon thecentral island, where everyone has about an equal chance ofgettingto them if they move quickly enough.You could benefit from playing the Skywars Atlantis mapforMinecraft alone once or twice to figure out where thebesttreasures are before playing with other people.UNOFFICIAL PRODUCT MINECRAFT. NOT APPROVED Mojang or affiliatedwithMojang .All rights reserved. In accordancewith
Bikini Bottom MPCE Map 3.2
Bikini Bottom MPCE Map is the cityandmainsetting for the SpongeBob SquarePants animated TV series.Thismapincludes everything from SpongeBob’s own pineapple housetotheBikini Bottom Mall. If you’ve ever watched it on TV thenwecanguarantee you will find many similarities to thisMinecraftPocketEdition map. To really get in a SpongeBob mood werecommendthatyouThis is an unofficial Bikini Bottom MPCE Map. Thisapplicationisintended for educational purposes only. This mcpe mapforMinecraftis not affiliated. The Name, Brand and the Assets areallpropertyof Mojang AB or they respectful owner. Allrightsreserved.
Puzzle minecraft maps 1.0.36
Cool MineApps
Download the most complicatedMinecraftpuzzlemaps!Combine playing your favorite game and feeding yourintellect!Test your memory capabilities, test of attention,developreactionand enjoy the gameplay of minecraft!You can download all puzzle maps for minecraft pe.We’ve made the collection of minecraft puzzle games with awiderangeof difficulty so that everyone will find maps forminecraftpe ormaze minecraft with appropriate level.Installation instructions of minecraft maps:1. Choose your favorite mcpe maps2. Click "Install"3. Launch Minecraft PE and play your downloaded minemaps.There are 8 different levels of minecraft pe mapsright"Behindclosed doors". Еach level has its own rules andconditionsof thetask. Almost all of puzzles work based on themechanismRedstoneMinecraft Pocket Edition.It means that you will be able to complete the quest onlyafteryouactivate the necessary mechanisms on minecraftpemaps.Attentiveness is the main thing in this game. You havetolearn allthe tips for the transition to a new level. Theseminemapsareperfect for beginners.There are 10 puzzles of various levels of complexity of mapsformcpe«Remember Death». The game starts in three rooms. Youshouldrememberthe location of objects in these rooms. If you`llfindalldifferences on maps for mcpe, you will go to anotherlevelofpuzzle maps for minecraft pe. Each new level willbemoredifficult, differences will be more inconspicuous.Theexplosionfollowed for each wrong answer. These minecraft puzzlesdonotforgive mistakes.How would look post-apocalyptic puzzle minecraft maps?EventsofGenesis start with your waking up in a new world after alongcoma.Now you live in a world devastated by the nuclearwar.Learn,perform tasks, look for clues on mcpe maps and savehumanityfromextinction.If you are tired to survive, you should install mcpe maps «10waystodie». The main purpose of this minecraft puzzles just die.Thesemapsare not so simple. You need to create obstacles usingtheblock tokill yourself.Minecraft Trials maps for minecraft is the perfectcombinationofparkour and puzzles minemaps. The bonus emerald hiddenineachlevel. If you find it, you will move to the new tasks.Exciting puzzle minecraft maps were created for fans ofMinecraftPEmechanisms. The logic and knowledge of thecharacteristicsMinecraftPE mechanisms will help you pass 5 levelsmcpe maps. Themainadvantage of this maps for minecraft pe is theabundance ofnewmechanisms for both beginners and experiencedplayers.Surgeon simulator are the minecraft puzzles based onpopulargamewith the same name. In this game, you need to helpthepatientssetting organs in a true way.Note minecraft puzzle maps Redstone. The main purposeoftheseminecraft pe maps is search for a lost village andallinhabitants.Evaluate the work of Redstone mechanisms PocketEditionon alllevels minecraft puzzle games.Maze minecraft and minecraft puzzles are suitable for allversionofMCPE 0.12.1, 0.13.1, 0.14.0, 0.14.1, 0.15.0, 0.15.1,0.15.8,0.16.0,0.17.0 and others.DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application forMinecraftPocketEd. This application is not affiliated in any waywith MojangAB.The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and theMinecraftAssetsare all property of Mojang AB or their respectfulowner. Allrightsreserved. Inaccordancewith
Creeper Friend Mod MCPE 1.2
The Creeper Friend Mod MCPE turnsallcreepersinto humanoids. Creepers can now be tamed usingdiamondsand usedsimilar to a bodyguard to keep you protectedagainst thehostilecreatures in Minecraft. Besides being the perfectcompanionon youradventures it also looks very cool as it iswell-dressedwith adark suit and black shades. I love it, and Ithink you willtoo!How does it work?Creepers now looks like humans. It got two arms and twolegs.Theyare neutral by default. This means they will only attackifthey arebeing attacked first.To befriend a creeper you first need to tame one.Holdsomediamonds in your hand, get close to a creeper and thenpresstheTame button to tame it. If you are successful someheartsappeararound the creeper. A tamed creeper wears a black suit,a redtieand cool black shades. It looks just like aprofessionalbodyguardexcept that it got a green creeper face.You can have as many of them as you want and you canevenstartbreeding them. Feed a carrot or an apple to twodifferentcreepersand they will soon start make love. They are veryefficientatmaking babies. A baby will pop out just a second or twoaftertheirlove fest. Babies will automatically be tamed.Minecraft is sometimes a very dangerous world and that’swhythereare many benefits of getting a bodyguard. First off,theyareincredibly loyal and will always try to protectyouagainstanything that’s hostile.Long-tap on a creeper and use the Sit / Stand buttontocommandthem. For example, you can station them onmultipledifferentlocations.The bodyguard creepers are very fast and quite strong.Thismeansthat they won’t have any problem whatsoever to takedownpossiblethreats.New Creeper Stats / Features:Hit attack damage 4Never explodesTwo times more health than the original creeperNeutral mob, only attacks the player if it isattackedfirst,otherwise friendlyHelps player kill other mobs if tamedDrops 2 diamonds and 1 golden swordDISCLAIMER: This Creeper Friend Mod MCPE isanunofficialapplication for Minecraft Pocket Edition.Thisapplication is notaffiliated in any way with Mojang AB.TheMinecraft Name, theMinecraft Brand and the Minecraft Assets areallproperty of MojangAB or their respectful owner. Allrightsreserved. Inaccordancewith
Mod Portal Gun For MCPE!~ 1.0
Portal Gun Mod for Minecraft PocketEditionaddsto the game interesting mechanics of movement in spacewiththe helpof portals. Mod Portal Gun is rich in features andfungameplayelements. There are plenty of fine instruments withgunsdifferentfunctions, creating portals or mutations bothsubjectsgravity.Let's look at the mods weapons: The first weapon "PortalGunWood& Stone" set up specifically to move inspace,creatingportals. 100 times can be used.There are two types of portals "blue" and "yellow", thesamebuttonsWe can see on our screen. "Blue" is needed to createportalentranceand the "Yellow" to portal exit. Practice in movinginspace usingthese two buttons.Second weapon "Portal Gun" is used to changethegravitationalproperties of objects, ie to move things withplace to another place. To do this, we also have two buttonsontheedges of the screen "Pick" and "Drop", as you probablyalreadyYouguessed them very easy to use. Take the "Portal Gun" inhandsandworking out in the movement of objects or even mobs. Itisveryfunny!There is another type of "gravity gun". It is muchmoreinterestingto the previous two. It works on the principleof"Portal Gun", butwith small Advantages: You can shoot subjectsthatyou raised inthe air. To do this, we have added one more"Shoot"button. Amongother inventions like Turrets, they areautomaticallysufficient toestablish them in the right place andthey will shootat the enemy.Often such Turrets players use insurvival mode toprotect theirbases or home. The enemy will not doany step.As there is a jumpers block and radio, jumper Blocks sent toyouinthe air if it come from the top. radio addmusic in the game. To install necessary to use Blocklauncher.Portal Gun Mod for Minecraft PE 0.16.2, 0.16.0This application is not affiliated in any way with MojangAB.TheMinecraft Name, Brand and the Minecraft Assets are allpropertyofMojang AB or their respectful owner. All rightsreserved.Inaccordancewith
Addon FNAF mod for minecraft 1.0
Minecraft mods - it is a supplement,add-onsforthe game Minecraft Pocket Edition. MCPE mods gainingpopularitywiththe release of each version of the beloved game.Minecraftmods - away to get away from everyday life and spend timefunandinteresting. We select only the most functional, fun MCPEmodsthatare sure to be interested for you and your friends.Shareyourachievements with other players in the socialnetworks.Minecraftmods will open a new world for you, play in theworldwhere youhave to survive and not only. Exploreinterestingbuildings orentire continents, create your own industrywith thehelp ofRedstone mechanisms. Use your sword and shield, agrenadeand guns,machine gun and bazooka in the fight againstuninvitedzombies.Furnish your home beautiful scenery objects andfurniture.MCPEmods diversify your events in the game, fireworks andthemedworldsfor the new year, halloween and other holidays.Minecraftmods makethe game a variety of characters, bosses andordinarymonsters.MCPE mods get a lot of fun from the game!Addon FNAF mod for minecraft - this hide and seek minigamewiththeaim to spend five nights at a party at Freddy. Addon FNAFmodforminecraft made on the basis of well-known computergame,whichplunges you into a world of terror and fear. Addon FNAFmodforminecraft has excellent texture and a terriblemusicalarrangementthat is not important enough for a horror maps.What isso specialand how to play the addon FNAF mod for minecraft?Quitesimply,sharing with friends on the two teams, it isrecommended toplayhide and seek in 4 people, in 2 is not veryinteresting. Onepartof the players hiding, and other one is lookingfor them!AddonFNAF mod for minecraft is lot of fun. All fans totickleyournerves, recommend!This app is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB.MinecraftName,brand and assets of all property Minecraft Mojang ABortheyrespectful owner. All rights reserved. Inaccordancewith
Map 4 Fireworks For MCPE 1.0
This 4 Fireworks for MineCraft MCPEmapfeaturesfour different firework structures which can be used asablueprintor inspiration to build something similar (or maybeevenmore epic)in your own worlds. It’s time to celebrate the new(andold) year andperhaps this map can help you to do that a bitmoreepic fashion inMinecraft.Download 4 Fireworks [Creation]forMineCraft MapNow.