Top 37 Apps Similar to How To Parkour map for MCPE

Aquatic Park map for MCPE 1.4
The Aquatic Park is a big waterpark mapforMinecraft with lots of water slides and other fun structures.Mapfor Minecraft is most likely inspired by real life waterparksthatexists all over the world both. If you have ever been to oneofthese in real life or would like to see how one might looklikethen enter this map for Minecraft and experience it foryourself.Here’s an overview of the entire waterpark map forMCPE.Lots of water sliders and diving towers. The Aquatic Park is a abigwater park map for Minecraft with more than seven differentwaterrides. To ride any of the water rides we highly suggest touse aboat. Aquatic Park map for MCPE is a good mix of ridessuitable forall ages. Either way it’s a unique and really greatexperience inthis map for Minecraft PE. Make sure to wear a properswimsuitbecause chances are you are going to get wet! Hopefullyyou don’tfear heights! Leave your impressions and feedback on theThe AquaticPark map in the comments.DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application for MinecraftPocketEdition.This application is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB.The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the Minecraft Assetsareall property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner.All rights reserved. In accordancewith
Ship Battle map for MCPE 1.4
Pirate Ship Battle is a pvp map forMinecraft.The main goal is to blow up the other ships captains roomby miningthrough the obsidean under the room and lighting the TNT.Its a 4-6player game and took me 30 hours to build this map forMinecraft.Read the rules, enjoy. The Pirate Ship Battle is a mapforMinecraft where two separated teams will be participating inabattle on the sea. Through the use of Sethbling’s clever TNTcannoninvention you will be firing TNT blocks like cannonballs atyourenemy’s ship. The one remaining team with the most survivorsandthe whollest ship are the winners.How to play on Pirate Ship Battle map for MCPE?To play this map for Minecraft at least two players or morearerequired. The two teams who will fight in battle map forMinecraftPE are the pirate team versus the colonial team. Each teamgot itsown ship. The goal is to strategically use the TNT cannonstoexplode your enemy’s ship. The ship that is the most destroyedwillbe consider the loser.How to use the TNT cannons?The TNT cannon is built using three TNT blocks. Begin byfirsttapping the bottom and the upper MCPE TNT blocks as seen intheimage below. Then quickly tap the third TNT block. Thetwopreviously ignited TNT blocks will catapult the third TNTblocktoward the other ship and explode. There are more TNT blocksin thechests on the ship which you can use to reload thecannons.DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application for MinecraftPocketEdition.This application is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB.The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the Minecraft Assetsareall property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner.All rights reserved. In accordancewith
Seed City map for MCPE 1.4
Seed City is a fictional modern city mapforMinecraft with probable inspiration from larger cities intheUnited States. The current map for Minecraft developmentfeatures aharbor, skyscrapers and an electric factory of some sort.Thestreets are narrow and most buildings in the MCPE city aretightlycombined.All of the buildings in the Seed City map for Minecraftgotinteriors and the possibility to enter them. The Seed City mapforMinecraft never gets boring as every block got a varying typeoffeeling in terms of different textures and architecture. Itisstill a quite small city in terms of horizontal size but therearesome many things to explore in the map for Minecraft itselfmakingit definitely worth a download.DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application for MinecraftPocketEdition.This application is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB.The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the Minecraft Assetsareall property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner.All rights reserved. In accordancewith
Ender Epic Elytra map for MCPE 1.1
This map is one of the most challengingelytramaps currently available for Minecraft Pocket Edition(version1.0).Important: This map for Minecraft requires versionrequiresMCPE 1.0. On map for Minecraft are no checkpoints andunderneathyou there is a consistent flow of hot burning lava. Trapsandhostile mobs are common and you can’t do much to avoid eitherotherthan continuously reborn and by each try slowly learningthedangers of the map for Minecraft PE. How to play on mapforMCPE?Find the items in the chest and think of a way out of yourprisoncell. Hint: lever!Find the access point for the elytra course, put elytra, jumpoffthe ledge and press the jump button once again to activatethegliding feature for your elytra wings.Try to avoid the obstacles and find a way down to the Netherportal.Elytra wings are one of the new features in version 1.0 ofMinecraftPocket Edition. The wings can be attached to your body(as achestplate) and then be used for gliding. Before you jump offtheplatform to use the elytra wings make sure you’ve got one addedtoyour chestplate armor slot. Press the jump button in air toactivatethe wings to start gliding.DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application for MinecraftPocketEdition.This application is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB.The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the Minecraft Assetsareall property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner.All rights reserved. In accordancewith
Sky Adventure map for MCPE 1.4
Simple Sky Adventure is a challenging mapforMinecraft PE which forces you to try to survive the lifeonmultiple different skyblock islands. Each MCPE island isdifferentfrom the other and this creates unique difficulties whereyoualways have to be on the lookout for new dangers which can causeastruggle for your survival on map for Minecraft PE.How to play in map for Minecraft?The spawn is on a skyblock island with minimal resources. Grabtheitems in the chest to get started. But make sure to use theitemscarefully as you might otherwise run out of resourcesveryquickly.The objective on map for Minecraft is to explore all10different islands.The only way to do that is by taking it onenightat a time and try to continuously evolve and gain better itemsandblocks. Then use your resources to build bridges betweentheislands to continue on with the exploration in mapforMinecraft.The ultimate challenge is to survive for as long you can inSkyblockfor MCPE while only being allowed to use the blocks anditems whichare found on the islands. Simple Sky Adventure is anincrediblychallenging survival map where the objective is tosurvive for asmany days you can using whatever resources you find.In Simple SkyAdventure map for Minecraft there is an extremescarcity ofresources and you must think carefully before using anitem. Givethis challenge a try and let us know in the comments howlong yousurvived in Simple Sky Adventure map for Minecraft.DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application for MinecraftPocketEdition.This application is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB.The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the Minecraft Assetsareall property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner.All rights reserved. In accordancewith
Sky Wars Two map for MCPE 1.4
Sky Wars II is a PvP Minecraft map for uptoeight players. There are a total of nine floating islandswhereeight of them are meant as the start point for each player. Ontheisland in the center there is a stronghold which should betheobjective of every player to access as there are plenty ofgreatgear in chests there.On map for Minecraft are no set rules so you could go ahead andmakeup your own ones as you see fitting. Each player/team spawnsin mapfor Minecraft PE on its own island and the aim is to be thelastplayer or team. Beat players using a weapon or knock them off.Witheach win you will be rewarded with a reward. You can usereward tounlock many kits and perks to improve your gameexperience. Epicfights taking place in the sky are just one of thethings you getfrom the SkyWars II map for Minecraft. As the namesuggests, the mapfor MCPE is all about fighting other players onfloating islands.Sky Wars isn’t a new game type for Minecraft, butthis map for MCPEis certainly newer.DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application for MinecraftPocketEdition.This application is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB.The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the Minecraft Assetsareall property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner.All rights reserved. In accordancewith
Tea Party map for MCPE 1.3
Here’s a very unusual type of skywars PvPmapfor Minecraft. The environment in which the battles on mapforMinecraft are supposed to take place in is a tea party MCPEworld.In the center of the map for Minecraft PE there are twotables ontop of a cloud set with all sorts of delicacies likecakes, teacups and more cakes. Surrounding the the tables in TeaParty PvPmap for Minecraft are eight floating islands all with oneuniquecastle. There are no set rules in the map for Minecraft PE.Use itas you like and make up your own type of gameplay. But try togetsome friends to play the map for Minecraft with.DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application for MinecraftPocketEdition.This application is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB.The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the Minecraft Assetsareall property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner.All rights reserved. In accordancewith
AM Castle map for MCPE 1.3
Mariner Castle is a large and magnificentoldcastle map for Minecraft PE situated on a hillside of anisland,overlooking the town. There are multiple little houses inmap forMinecraft outside the castle meant for the commonpeople.Connecting the MCPE town is a harbor where a ship hasdroppedanchor, maybe its waiting for some goods to pick up. Themainattraction in this map for Minecraft is the castle. It gotseveralrooms of different sizes and decorations. If you enjoy thepart ofexploring then this map for Minecraft will definitely haveseveralthings for you to do. Go for a little exploration in thecastle andcast a glimpse at the beautiful gardens and townarchitecture.Mariner Castle map for Minecraft is a castle built inmedievaltimes, it was designed in the European style, there are alot ofwindows, on top of the castle has a the spire, maybe thiscastlehas been author built based on a castle at France.DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application for MinecraftPocketEdition.This application is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB.The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the Minecraft Assetsareall property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner.All rights reserved. In accordancewith
Epican Republic map for MCPE 1.3
Attention: Use the latest version oftheMinecraft PE.Epican Republic map for Minecraft consists of two main citiesandcombined they include hundreds of structures such assuburbanhomes, skyscrapers, stadiums and churches. The main thingwhich Ilike about this map for Minecraft PE is that it looksvery“Minecrafty”. The building style is much similar to how thedefaultstructures in Minecraft World look like (e.g. villages).EpicanRepublic map for MCPE is built in a flat world and that meansthatyou are limited to the cities and can’t really goanywhereelse.Hotels, bank, museums and ancient temples are just a few ofthestructures which you will find in this amazing city. No spaceinmap for Minecraft has been left empty. There’s literallyastructure everywhere you go. But it’s actually good as it createsaquite realistic appearance to the city.It’s by no doubt one of the most detailed maps forMinecraftPE.DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application for MinecraftPocketEdition.This application is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB.The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the Minecraft Assetsareall property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner.All rights reserved. In accordancewith
Mega City map for MCPE 1.0
Mega City is a really cool map forMinecraft!The best city map for MCPE EVER! In this map forMinecraftPE,there is an absolutely huge city filled with lotsofcolorfulbuildings and skyscrapers!This city is absolutely jam packed with different buildings!Youarequite limited for space on Minecraft Pocket Edition, butthecreatorof this map has done a good job making his cityfeelmassive bycreating so many buildings in a small space. Thewidevariety ofbuildings also makes the city feel very life likeandrealistic.There are also a few areas that you wouldn’tusuallyexpect from amediocre city design.Epic Mega City map for Minecraft includes a real subway,andanoutdoor cafe! Every building also has it’s owndecoratedinterioras well! A lot of thought must have went into thiscity,and itmust have taken ages to put so much detail into eachandeverybuilding! In this map for Minecraft PE you can see ahugeselectionof different houses, skyscrapers and other buildingsyouwouldexpect to see in a big city! There are lots of alleysandwalkwaysin between each building so you can explore it andtravelaroundeasily on foot. What do you think of this map for MCPE?Feelfreeto leave your opinions in the comments section below!DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application forMinecraftPocketEdition.This application is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB.The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the MinecraftAssetsareall property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner.All rights reserved. Inaccordancewith
Elytra Project map for MCPE 1.0
This is an awesome elytra wingsmapforMinecraft which includes a multitude of flying challengeswhicharefor the most part very difficult (at least as soon you getpastthefirst levels).To fly with the help of elytra wings you needtofindthem in the trunk and put it on.Before you jump offtheplatform touse the elytra wings make sure you’ve got one addedtoyourchestplate armor slot. Press the jump button in air toactivatethewings to start gliding.It’s an ender themed map forMinecraftPEwhich means it includes structures which are in somewayinspiredby the End World.As a whole, it is a very difficultmapforMinecraft especially because there are no checkpoints andlotsoftraps.How to play on map for Minecraft?You can either play this map for Minecraft PE togetherwithfriendsor by yourself. That’s completely up to you. But beforeyoustartplaying do yourself the favor of equipping a pairofelytrawings.The objective is very simple. All you need to do istoflythrough the rings or other types of structures on theway.DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application forMinecraftPocketEdition.This application is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB.The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the MinecraftAssetsareall property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner.All rights reserved. Inaccordancewith
Simple Adventure map for MCPE 1.1
Simple Adventure is a fun adventure mapforMinecraft with many parkour and puzzle challenges whichrequiresolving. In total there is about 25 minutes worth ofgameplay onthis map for Minecraft.It’s all set in an old MCPE castle so the environment is reallyfunto explore. Map for Minecraft PE doesn’t have much of astorylinebut we suppose you could invent your own reason for goingto thecastle. Step inside the magical wardrobe and enter the worldofNarnia where an epic adventure awaits. In this adventure mapyouwill start out in the old world in Minecraft. On map forMinecraftwill be a lot of walking but if you are a true Adventureand Puzzlefan this is definitely something you’ll enjoy as thereare manythings which you will recognize.Rules:1.Set difficulty to peaceful; 2.Set render distance to lowormedium; 3.Don’t break blocks unless told otherwise; 4.Don’tclimbtrees.DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application for MinecraftPocketEdition.This application is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB.The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the Minecraft Assetsareall property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner.All rights reserved. In accordancewith
Flying Elytra map for MCPE 1.1
In this map for Minecraft you have to useapair of elytra wings to fly through a series of obstacles.Important: This map for Minecraft requires version MCPE 0.17orlatest version. This is probably the most challenging elytramapfor Minecraft PE out there right now as it requires you to flybothhorizontally and sometimes make a huge leap vertically intosometunnel. And the fact that you have to play the majority oftheFlying Elytra map for MCPE in darkness (during night)surelydoesn’t make things easier. Either way, it’s a really fun mapforMinecraft to play!How to play on Flying Elytra map for MCPE 0.17?Elytra wings is a new item in 0.17.0 of Minecraft PocketEdition.You can equip the item in one the chestplate armor slot.Basicallythey provide you the ability to glide. For example, youcan jumpdown off a mountain, start gliding and then land safely ontheground. In this map for Minecraft you will be taken throughaseries of obstacles. The wings can be attached to your body (asachestplate) and then be used for gliding. Before you jump offtheplatform to use the elytra wings make sure you’ve got one addedtoyour chestplate armor slot. Press the jump button in airtoactivate the wings to start gliding.DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application for MinecraftPocketEdition.This application is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB.The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the Minecraft Assetsareall property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner.All rights reserved. In accordancewith
Space map for MCPE 1.1
This map for Minecraft includes alargePvPspace platform arena. To make map for Minecraft PE look asit isinspace there are several planets and stars surroundingthearena.Choose among classes such as Lord of Fire, KnightorAstronaut thenenter the arena to fight other players on SpacePvPmap forMinecraft. If you like the space movies or just spaceingeneralthen give this map for Minecraft PE a try togetherwithsomefriends. Start the game on the map for Minecraft PE bychoosingoneof the kits.There are eight different classes to choose from and youarenotallowed to combine them. The classes include: Lord ofFire,Witch,Knight , Alien, Astronaut, Lord, Guardsman and Soldat.Wheneveryone have selected a class then it’s time to enterthearena.Do a countdown from 10 and then begin the battle. In themapforMinecraft PE you will find several pressure plates. If youstandontop of them you will be given different potion effectssuchasspeed and jump boost.DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application forMinecraftPocketEdition.This application is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB.The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the MinecraftAssetsareall property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner.All rights reserved. Inaccordancewith
Fantasy Mansion map for MCPE 1.0
This is the most perfect map forMinecraftPEwith Nether portal and fantasy mansion which Ipersonallywouldhave liked to arrive to after a long day of miningin WorldforMinecraft. Map for Minecraft really feels like a placewhichhavebeen taken straight out of the magical place. The innisfairlysmall but everything is incredibly detailed. Fantasy InnmapforMCPE this is a large map for Minecraft with interestingplacestoexplore. The creation for MCPE includes two mainstructures(onestable & one inn) and also a mysterious Netherportal. Onthismap for Minecraft, you can immerse yourself in theworld ofbattleand explore, relax at the Fantasy Mansion and exploretheNetherportal.DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application forMinecraftPocketEdition.This application is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB.The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the MinecraftAssetsareall property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner.All rights reserved. Inaccordancewith
CraftFestival map for MCPE 1.0
This map for Minecraft is supposed tobeareplica (or at least inspired by) the Music Festivalwhichtookplace in Myanmar. The Music CraftFestival is a yearlyFestivalinMinecraft world where famous artists and many DJshaveplayed.Music Festival map for Minecraft features a big stageand acontrolpanel which can be used to fully control the lights,LEDscreensand fireworks on stage. It’s a really cool map forMCPEwhich letsyou arrange your own music shows in Minecraft PE!Thespawn inMusic CtaftFestival map for MCPE is on a large parkinglotin frontof the festival area. Walk through the entrance toenteraccess thefestival. There are lots of visitors which have cometosee theshow. You can spawn more by using the villager spawneggs.All ofthe lights and fireworks in map for Minecraft on canbecontrolledat the control table. To run this show you’ll needatleast acouple of players.Let the show on Music CraftFestival map for Minecraft begin!DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application forMinecraftPocketEdition.This application is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB.The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the MinecraftAssetsareall property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner.All rights reserved. Inaccordancewith
Big Tree Man map for MCPE 1.1
This is a great skyblock map for MinecraftPEifyou need some type of arena to fight other players. VacioTreeis areally well designed map for Minecraftwhich features ahugetreewhich has the appearance of a man (with wildhair).Surrounding thegiant tree are interconnected skyblockislands. Onmap for Minecraftare no specific set of rules orguidelines whichyou need to follow.Make up your own as you go andhave some fun!You will have fun forhours in this great Multiplayermap forMinecraft.DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application forMinecraftPocketEdition.This application is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB.The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the MinecraftAssetsareall property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner.All rights reserved. Inaccordancewith
Simple Redstone 2 map for MCPE 1.1
This is a map for Minecraft PEwhichfeaturessomewhere around 10 different redstone machines andthebest thingis that all of them are very easy to build. Getsomeinspiration ofwhat kind of machines you can build thisredstonemachines in yourown Minecraft world. Most of the machinesareexplained with abrief text so make sure to read the signsin-game.Here are a fewof the redstone machines which you will findon mapfor Minecraft.Manual Beacon Beam Power: Use the levers tocontrolwhich potioneffect to enable. Redstone Trading Machine:Trade yourfood fordiamonds. Unlimited Water Collector: Fill up youremptybuckets!Redstone Cobblestone Generator: Do you think it isboringto minecobblestone? I do too, but with this machine youcanautomaticallygenerate cobblestone. There are multipledifferentredstonestructures to explore on Simple Redstone 2 mapforMinecraft. Justwhen you think you’ve seen everything therearestill some thingsleft to see. For example, there is onehiddenelytra course in themap for Minecraft PE.DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application forMinecraftPocketEdition.This application is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB.The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the MinecraftAssetsareall property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner.All rights reserved. Inaccordancewith
16 levels of parkour MCPE map 1.0.2
This Minecraft map contains 16 levelsofunforgettable adventures that will bring you to the worldofparkour. If you are the skilled parkour player – the levelswillhelp you to improve your experience. If you are just abeginner,still don’t hesitate and try this MCPE map where you starton thefirst level which is the easiest and complete all up to 16th.Youshould like the complex environment on this Minecraft map.Climb,jump, swing, roll and run to get to the final point withoutanyassistive equipment. The peculiarity of this MCPE map is thattherooms all have different and unique obstacles; they are allofdifferent complexity levels and speeds which gives theparkourbeginners to try their first steps on it.After completing this map, you will learn all the tricks andbecomea skilled player.Examine your skilfulness and quickness on this Minecraft maprightnow! Our application is easy to be installed, same as MCPEmapsdownloader.Attention! This map is not developed by Mojang. Minecraft isatrademark of Mojang AB. Please note that we are not affiliatedwithMojang AB, but we adhere to the terms set out by Mojang ABat
Sky Platform. Map minecraft PE 1.0.4
Download this MCPE map and enjoytheachievement of the heavenly platform!Completely free! Our application is very simple to use andworkslike mpce downloader and installer. Map will be established inasingle click.You will find a fascinating parkour trial for achievingheavenlyplatform.Climb to the highest point of the minecraft world.Some levels you will pass easily, but some make you reflect onthepassage.This MСPE game is a unique parkour adventure. The game takesplacein one of the temples of the ancient God of the MCPEuniverse.Parkour trial began for you after a heavenly goddessbelieved inyou and given a task to get to the heavenly platform ofthe ancientGod.Many adventurers have tried to reach the heavenly platform,butfailed. And now you have a chance to succeed where otherplayershave fallen. Can you reach the top of the minecraft worldandconquest this heavenly platform?Use all your skills to reach the top. You need perseveranceandinventiveness to overcome all the trials and get to the end ofthisadventure.And when you do this, you should know that you have conquered oneofthe most difficult parkour map for Minecraft PE games.Lets do it! Goddess bless you in this incredible journey.---Attention! This MCPE map is not developed by Mojang. Minecraft isatrademark of Mojang AB. Please note that we are not affiliatedwithMojang AB, but we adhere to the terms set out by Mojang ABat
Paradise Parkour Minecraft Map 1.0
In the game Minecraft Pocket Editionplayerscandownload minecraft maps that greatly influenceanddiversifygameplay. Map for MCPE - that every time a newlocation,where youjoin the complicated battle with mobs or bosses,you willfind alot of useful minerals. Minecraft maps are dividedintoseveraltypes, they depend on the location and the meaning ofthegame. Astriking example is the survival map for mcpe, here youwillbeexposed to various tests, whether the lack of resourcesorunusualplace. Let look at what are the Minecraft maps:adventure maps, survival maps, Parkour maps, pvp maps,horrormaps,hide and seek maps and Redstone maps. Check all ofourMinecraftmaps, leave your comments to each of them and sharewithfriends onsocial networks.Paradise Parkour map for MCPE in which 25 differentlevels.Theuniqueness of each of the levels that they are located inspace9by 9 blocks, small room with very complex tasks. Be carefulandyouwill see the light passing each level. Paradise ParkourmapforMCPE is lots of fun and joy!This app is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB.MinecraftName,brand and assets of all property Minecraft Mojang ABortheyrespectful owner. All rights reserved. Inaccordancewith
Wipeout MPCE Map 4.5
Wipeout MPCE Map was a popular game showonTVin which people had to complete a big obstacle courseandcompetefor the best time. The game has now been remade inMinecraftPE.The obstacles include pistons, parkour, slimeblocktrampolinesandlots more. It can be played both with multipleplayers andalone.These pistons will pull away the wool block just whenyouthoughtit was safe to jump.Another part of the obstacles course include somemorebasicparkour. But nonetheless difficult especially whenyouarecompeting against other players.It’s really important to jump on the trampoline right ontimetoget as far you can.Slimeblock parkour is really tricky!Rules / TipsDon’t break blocksIt uses many redstone mechanisms, the map might lag forolderdevices(MCPE DL tested it on Nexus 9 and it worked fine)This is an unofficial Wipeout MPCE Map. Thisapplicationisintended for educational purposes only. This mcpe mapforMinecraftis not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB. TheName,Brand andthe Assets are all property of Mojang AB ortheyrespectful owner.All rights reserved.
The Best Parkour map for MCPE 1.1
Shilai map
The Best Parkour is a map forMinecraftconsisting of several of stages which takes place ineverywherefrom shabby sewers to all sorts of different biomes.Eachlevel getsa little bit longer and more difficult to complete. Theexpectedtotal gameplay is somewhere around 15 minutes.This is aparkour mapfor Minecraft Pocket Edition which design was based onthe typicalcolorful design which can be found in all of the map forMCPE.Mostof the levels in The Best Parkour map for Minecraft arefairly easyto complete but there’s definitely a few ones whichrequire someextra attention while playing.It’s a really wellthought out mapfor Minecraft with medium-hard obstacles and amazinglookingbuilds. The combination of challenging parkour and epiccreationsresults in a top notch experience.It’s well worth it so make sure to try it out.UNOFFICIAL PRODUCT MINECRAFT. NOT APPROVED Mojang or affiliatedwithMojang .All rights reserved. In accordancewith
New Parkour of Elements PE Map 2.11
The Parkour of Elements minecraft pe mapisachallenging parkour map with four different levels.Theappearanceof each level is themed as one of the fourclassicalelements:earth, water, air and fire. Your mission is tocompleteall fourlevels to become the richest miner in Minecraft.Downloadnow andenjoy The Parkour of Elements minecraft pemap.
Parkour Minecraft Map 1.0
The best maps for Minecraft PEDescription map:Paradise Parkour is a big map with 25 different levels.Eachlevelexists in a space of 9×9 blocks and has a unique themewhichusuallysomehow relates to the biomes in Minecraft. Most ofthelevels arefairly easy to complete but there’s definitely afewones whichrequire some extra attention while playing.Most of the levels are fairly easy to completebutthere’sdefinitely a few ones which require some extraattentionwhileplaying.NOTE:: You need Minecraft PE to play our ParkourParadiseMapsApp.This is an unofficial Map for Minecraft Pocket Edition.Thismapis not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB. TheMinecraftName,the Minecraft Brand and the Minecraft Assets are allpropertyofMojang AB or their respectful owner. All rightsreserved.Inaccordancewith
Super Parkour Map for MCPE 2
Super Parkour Map for MCPE is aspeedrunparkour map for Minecraft in which you try to race to getthefastest time possible. The name in the list of map in the game-Parkour. There are short cuts and long cuts that you willdiscoverfor your self, as long as you follow the correct path, youcan doany jumps you choose. Super Parkour is a map for Minecraftwherethe goal is to get as fast as possible to the end of the map.There are shortcuts on the way so make sure to keep youreyesopen for those to get quicker to the finish line. Super Parkourisan awesome parkour map for Minecraft that provides its playerswitha thrilling and engaging experience by implementingvariousdifferent gimmicks into mix in order to add depth to thegameplay.In terms of challenge, the map for Minecraft isn’t reallyamong themost difficult out there, but it’s by no means easyeither. Thinkof this particular map for Minecraft as a mediumdifficulty parkourmap that’s loaded with multitudes of features tomake sure thatplayers get to enjoy an engaging and immersiveexperience.
Mega Dropper Minecraft Map 1.0
In the game Minecraft Pocket Editionplayerscandownload minecraft maps that greatly influenceanddiversifygameplay. Map for MCPE - that every time a newlocation,where youjoin the complicated battle with mobs or bosses,you willfind alot of useful minerals. Minecraft maps are dividedintoseveraltypes, they depend on the location and the meaning ofthegame. Astriking example is the survival map for mcpe, here youwillbeexposed to various tests, whether the lack of resourcesorunusualplace. Let look at what are the Minecraft maps:adventure maps, survival maps, Parkour maps, pvp maps,horrormaps,hide and seek maps and Redstone maps. Check all ofourMinecraftmaps, leave your comments to each of them and sharewithfriends onsocial networks.The Mega dropper map for MCPE ranked in the top 10mostanticipatedmaps, it is the largest of all the dropper mapevercreated. Youwill be enchanted by the 22 colorful, excitinglevels.The purposeof the map is to jump down the level andavoidobstacles, then youland in the water. Mega dropper map forMCPE isvery difficult, youwill spend on its passage more than onehour,but you willdefinitely get a lot of pleasure.This app is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB.MinecraftName,brand and assets of all property Minecraft Mojang ABortheyrespectful owner. All rights reserved. Inaccordancewith
Penta Parkour MCPE map. 1.0.2
Minecraft map with numerous rooms withvarietyof complex environments will become a great companion duringyourlong lasting trips or when you are just bored.The peculiarity of this MCPE map is that the rooms allhavedifferent and unique obstacles; they are all ofdifferentcomplexity levels and speeds which gives the parkourbeginners totry their first steps on it.Each room is long and designed in different themes, such aswinter,jungles, room with lava, icy room. the blocks therecomposeunrepeatable constructions what makes this Minecraftmapinteresting and exciting.To overcome them and get to the end of the room you need toclimb,jump, run, swing, roll and show all your best skills.Forget about the times when you were bored! Examine yourskilfulnessand quickness on this Minecraft map right now! Ourapplication iseasy to be installed, same as MCPE mapsdownloader.Attention! This map is not developed by Mojang. Minecraft isatrademark of Mojang AB. Please note that we are not affiliatedwithMojang AB, but we adhere to the terms set out by Mojang ABat
Parkour levels. MCPE map 1.0.1
Narenda Modi
This Minecraft map contains 9 levelsofunforgettable adventures that will bring you to the worldofparkour. If you are the skilled parkour player – the levelswillhelp you to improve your experience. If you are just abeginner,still don’t hesitate and try this MCPE map where you starton thefirst level which is the easiest and complete all up to 9th.Youshould like the complex environment on this Minecraft map.Climb,jump, swing, roll and run to get to the final point withoutanyassistive equipment.After completing this map, you will learn all the tricks andbecomea skilled player.Right behind you back you will find a building that containsanadditional quest for you.You may want to take an additional quest on this MCPE map andgainadditional rewards.Examine your skilfulness and quickness on this Minecraft maprightnow! Our application is easy to be installed, same as MCPEmapsdownloader.Attention! This map is not developed by Mojang. Minecraft isatrademark of Mojang AB. Please note that we are not affiliatedwithMojang AB, but we adhere to the terms set out by Mojang ABat
Map Wipeout MPCE 2.2
Wipeout MPCE Map was a popular game showonTVin which people had to complete a big obstacle courseandcompetefor the best time. The game has now been remade inMinecraftPE.The obstacles include pistons, parkour, slimeblocktrampolinesandlots more. It can be played both with multipleplayers andalone.These pistons will pull away the wool block just whenyouthoughtit was safe to jump.Another part of the obstacles course include somemorebasicparkour. But nonetheless difficult especially whenyouarecompeting against other players.It’s really important to jump on the trampoline right ontimetoget as far you can.Slimeblock parkour is really tricky!Rules / TipsDon’t break blocksIt uses many redstone mechanisms, the map might lag forolderdevices(MCPE DL tested it on Nexus 9 and it worked fine)This is an unofficial Wipeout MPCE Map. Thisapplicationisintended for educational purposes only. This mcpe mapforMinecraftis not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB. TheName,Brand andthe Assets are all property of Mojang AB ortheyrespectful owner.All rights reserved.
Baby Skins + Mod for Minecraft
Have you ever wanted to have Baby SkinsandModfor Minecraft Pocket Edition? Well now you can! We haveloadsofskins for you to try!Minecraft Baby skins and Baby Mob mod like both girlsandboys,because everyone ever wanted to be Little baby inyourfavoriteminecraft games! Baby minecraft skins as there are withusand inabundance! So skins for minecraft pe for boys and girls -arefoundin our application!Minecraft your characters will gain a new look, auniqueandoriginal. Stand out, be one step ahead of youropponents!Baby Skins Skins will provide a great collection of Skins:sisterlocation skins, animatronic Skins, Herobrine SkinsCapes,hotskins, pvp, fnaf christmas skins, etc.You can find your favorite Superhero Skin here ! You cantryyourSkins on all types of maps : Survival Maps , AdventureMaps,Creative Maps , Parkour Maps , Red Stone Maps, Fnaf mapsandallother that you want! They even work with the bestmodsforminecraft pe - like: Lucky block mod , Fly Mod, Fnafmod,Pixelmonmod , herobrine mod, etc. Easy to install all typesofskins:Sister Location skins, Herobrine Skins , Zombies Skins,foxy&freddy and more! We just do not have informationaboutMinecraftcheating. Any cheat to Minecraft punishablebyadministrators. Soif you love Minecraft cheats - you will notfindthem.WarningBaby Skins and Mod for Minecraft PE Free is anunofficialapplicationfor Minecraft Pocket Edition and Minecraftfor PC. Thisapplicationis not endorsed by or affiliated withMojang AB. Theirnames, brandsand other issues of this applicationare trademarksand property oftheir respective owners. All rightsreserved.Inaccordancewith
Horror House Minecraft Map 1.0
In the game Minecraft Pocket Editionplayerscandownload minecraft maps that greatly influenceanddiversifygameplay. Map for MCPE - that every time a newlocation,where youjoin the complicated battle with mobs or bosses,you willfind alot of useful minerals. Minecraft maps are dividedintoseveraltypes, they depend on the location and the meaning ofthegame. Astriking example is the survival map for mcpe, here youwillbeexposed to various tests, whether the lack of resourcesorunusualplace. Let look at what are the Minecraft maps:adventure maps, survival maps, Parkour maps, pvp maps,horrormaps,hide and seek maps and Redstone maps. Check all ofourMinecraftmaps, leave your comments to each of them and sharewithfriends onsocial networks.Horror house map for MCPE, which was set up fortheholidayHalloween. In this house you will be surprised wholivehere:ghosts, ghouls and weeping angels are among the fewcreatures.Themain advantages of Horror house map for MCPE is itssounddesignand hidden traps. There's no storyline, but youdefinitelywant toexplore the whole house, step by step, you willplunge intotheatmosphere of terror and fear. Be careful, therearewerewolves!Watch your feet, here and there, everywhere traps.Thehouse isteeming with a variety of creatures who do not liketheminers. Thehouse is built in a creative mode, it lookssupercool!This app is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB.MinecraftName,brand and assets of all property Minecraft Mojang ABortheyrespectful owner. All rights reserved. Inaccordancewith
Jump Parkour Minecraft Map 1.0
In the game Minecraft Pocket Editionplayerscandownload minecraft maps that greatly influenceanddiversifygameplay. Map for MCPE - that every time a newlocation,where youjoin the complicated battle with mobs or bosses,you willfind alot of useful minerals. Minecraft maps are dividedintoseveraltypes, they depend on the location and the meaning ofthegame. Astriking example is the survival map for mcpe, here youwillbeexposed to various tests, whether the lack of resourcesorunusualplace. Let look at what are the Minecraft maps:adventure maps, survival maps, Parkour maps, pvp maps,horrormaps,hide and seek maps and Redstone maps. Check all ofourMinecraftmaps, leave your comments to each of them and sharewithfriends onsocial networks.Jump adventure parkour map for MCPE excellent,interestingandexciting. It consists of various 12 levels, pass itfrombeginningto end! Once you have passed the next level you willmakea saving,a checkpoint. It consists of a room with beds, whereyoucan restand gain strength. Each level is unique in its ownway,weather,themes, complexity. Choose the most difficult level,and donotforget to save! Jump parkour map for MCPE go forameetingadventures.This app is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB.MinecraftName,brand and assets of all property Minecraft Mojang ABortheyrespectful owner. All rights reserved. Inaccordancewith
Map Temple Run For MCPE 1.0
The Temple Run PE for MineCraft MCPE Mapisatimed parkour map where the ground behind you will getpulledawayby pistons as you continue through the map. Everytwocheckpointsyou will get 10 seconds added to the clock butit’snever enoughtime to rest. You constantly have to be on yourmove ifyou want tocomplete this map.Download Temple Run [Parkour]PE forMineCraftMap Now.
Invisible Parkour MCPE map 1.0.1
If you ever wanted to try yourminecraftparkour skills, but could never find any map challengingenough,look no more. Invisible parkour offers the most extremechallengeyet, and a unique mechanic to boot.- A hardcore parkour challenge map for MCPE - to finish the run,youwill need to make your away across various obstacles, eachdesignedto be harder than the last.- In addition to the common elements of parkour maps likeladdersand tricky block placements, this map creates a newchallenge -invisible blocks. You will need to think strategicallyto figureout where the next block is and where you need tojump.- You can run this MCPE map solo, or invite friends and startaparkour race. First one to the end area wins!- You will need to install Minecraft Pocket edition on yourdeviceto play this map.Disclaimer: This map for MCPE is not developed or supportedbyMojang. Minecraft and Minecraft Pocket Edition are trademarksofMojang AB. The developers of this MCPE map are not affiliatedwithMojang. This application adheres to the terms set up by MojangAB.More info at
Map Hello Neighbor For MCPE 1.0
Game Minecraft Pocket Edition is not onlythe2modes, but also maps for minecraft, which diversify the gameasawhole. Maps for MCPE - this is a new place where youmeetadifficult test with mobs or bosses, will extract abunchofresources. Maps for minecraft there are different types,theyaredivided depending of type of place or purpose of the game.Aprimeexample is parkour map for minecraft, here to see pricesyouhaveto overcome obstacles using your skills and jumpingabilitytothink logically. Let's single out the main types ofmapsforMCPE:adventure, survival, parkour, pvp, horror, hide andseek,andRedstone. See all our maps for minecraft, leave yourcommentstoeach of them and share with friends on socialnetworks.Hello neighbor minecraft map is based on a video gamecalledHelloneighbor which is expected to be released this year. Atthemoment,it is the alpha test, and among its fans also haveminecraftfans.At the start of the mini-games you'll find yourselfin thehouse ofyour neighbor, and must find a way out that it doesnotcatch you.It is very fun and very complicated!How to play the hello neighbor map for minecraft?Game Mechanics worked out very well and is close to thePCversion.Besides the main goal is not to be entrapment neighbor,youbetternot be seen at all, it is very difficult, because hewasalways onthe alert. Your neighbor is a villager who sees bad,theradius ofyour discovery is big enough. He will see you only ifyouare veryclose. A neighbor shoots at you with snowballs thatcanhurt you oreven kill. The goal of the game in the helloneighbormap forminecraft is to find the key things that are hiddenall overthehouse in a variety of cabinets and containers. Find allthecardskeys to open the access to all parts of the house. Thereisonetrick that you need to use. Inside the cabinet youbecomeinvisibleto the eye of neighbor, so hurry hide in the closetassoon as hefinds you. Hello neighbor map for minecraft is lotsoffun andentertainment.This app is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB.MinecraftName,brand and assets of all property Minecraft Mojang ABortheyrespectful owner. All rights reserved. Inaccordancewith
Wither Storm Mod for Minecraft 1.7
The Wither Storm Add-on turns thewitherbossinto an outsized and horrifying boss noted in MinecraftStoryModebecause the Wither Storm. It’s like a hundred times largerthanthewither boss and conjointly way more powerful. It’s thelastwordchallenge for anyone considering themselves an honestfighterandneed to seek out out however way their skills will takethem.Ifyou've got the center to challenge it allow us torecognizewithinthe comments however it went!MCPE Boss BattleAs soon as it has lost somewhere around half of its health itwillbeimmune to arrows. I tried using my sword to damage it butitwasquite difficult to find the hitbox.The most efficient way to defeat it is by using TNT blocks.The wither storm boss is spawned just the same way asthenormalwither boss. You will need four soul sands and threewitherskullsto spawn it.Place the last wither skull on the top center soul sandtospawnit.Place lots of TNTs, ignite them and hope that some ofthemwilldamage the boss MCPE.It’s much larger than the normal wither boss and as aresultalsomuch stronger. It’s most likely impossible to defeat thisbossallby yourself. But if you do, be sure to let us know inthecommentshow you did it!Shooting arrows is probably the easiest way to damage itinthebeginning as it gives you the necessary range toavoidtheexplosions.Eventually it was defeated. It drops one nether star. It’salittlebit cheap seeing as we just defeated the biggest boss inMCPEmod.But it’s definitely a feat worth boasting of! At leastifyoudefeated it in survival mode which I surely didn’t.This is what the world looked like after we had had our fun.I really recommend using this for a world seed that’sflat.Rouletteis one such seed.Be sure to rate us and see our collection of the bestMinecraftPEMods and game addons for download includingadventure,survival,parkour, creature, mini-game and minecraftmodsDISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application forMinecraftPocketEdition.This application is not affiliated in any way with MojangAB.Name,Brand and the Assets are all property of Mojang ABortheirrespectful owner. All rights reserved. Inaccordancewith