Top 39 Apps Similar to Mega City map for MCPE

Seed City map for MCPE 1.4
Seed City is a fictional modern city mapforMinecraft with probable inspiration from larger cities intheUnited States. The current map for Minecraft developmentfeatures aharbor, skyscrapers and an electric factory of some sort.Thestreets are narrow and most buildings in the MCPE city aretightlycombined.All of the buildings in the Seed City map for Minecraftgotinteriors and the possibility to enter them. The Seed City mapforMinecraft never gets boring as every block got a varying typeoffeeling in terms of different textures and architecture. Itisstill a quite small city in terms of horizontal size but therearesome many things to explore in the map for Minecraft itselfmakingit definitely worth a download.DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application for MinecraftPocketEdition.This application is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB.The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the Minecraft Assetsareall property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner.All rights reserved. In accordancewith
Epican Republic map for MCPE 1.3
Attention: Use the latest version oftheMinecraft PE.Epican Republic map for Minecraft consists of two main citiesandcombined they include hundreds of structures such assuburbanhomes, skyscrapers, stadiums and churches. The main thingwhich Ilike about this map for Minecraft PE is that it looksvery“Minecrafty”. The building style is much similar to how thedefaultstructures in Minecraft World look like (e.g. villages).EpicanRepublic map for MCPE is built in a flat world and that meansthatyou are limited to the cities and can’t really goanywhereelse.Hotels, bank, museums and ancient temples are just a few ofthestructures which you will find in this amazing city. No spaceinmap for Minecraft has been left empty. There’s literallyastructure everywhere you go. But it’s actually good as it createsaquite realistic appearance to the city.It’s by no doubt one of the most detailed maps forMinecraftPE.DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application for MinecraftPocketEdition.This application is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB.The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the Minecraft Assetsareall property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner.All rights reserved. In accordancewith
Aquatic Park map for MCPE 1.4
The Aquatic Park is a big waterpark mapforMinecraft with lots of water slides and other fun structures.Mapfor Minecraft is most likely inspired by real life waterparksthatexists all over the world both. If you have ever been to oneofthese in real life or would like to see how one might looklikethen enter this map for Minecraft and experience it foryourself.Here’s an overview of the entire waterpark map forMCPE.Lots of water sliders and diving towers. The Aquatic Park is a abigwater park map for Minecraft with more than seven differentwaterrides. To ride any of the water rides we highly suggest touse aboat. Aquatic Park map for MCPE is a good mix of ridessuitable forall ages. Either way it’s a unique and really greatexperience inthis map for Minecraft PE. Make sure to wear a properswimsuitbecause chances are you are going to get wet! Hopefullyyou don’tfear heights! Leave your impressions and feedback on theThe AquaticPark map in the comments.DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application for MinecraftPocketEdition.This application is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB.The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the Minecraft Assetsareall property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner.All rights reserved. In accordancewith
Ship Battle map for MCPE 1.4
Pirate Ship Battle is a pvp map forMinecraft.The main goal is to blow up the other ships captains roomby miningthrough the obsidean under the room and lighting the TNT.Its a 4-6player game and took me 30 hours to build this map forMinecraft.Read the rules, enjoy. The Pirate Ship Battle is a mapforMinecraft where two separated teams will be participating inabattle on the sea. Through the use of Sethbling’s clever TNTcannoninvention you will be firing TNT blocks like cannonballs atyourenemy’s ship. The one remaining team with the most survivorsandthe whollest ship are the winners.How to play on Pirate Ship Battle map for MCPE?To play this map for Minecraft at least two players or morearerequired. The two teams who will fight in battle map forMinecraftPE are the pirate team versus the colonial team. Each teamgot itsown ship. The goal is to strategically use the TNT cannonstoexplode your enemy’s ship. The ship that is the most destroyedwillbe consider the loser.How to use the TNT cannons?The TNT cannon is built using three TNT blocks. Begin byfirsttapping the bottom and the upper MCPE TNT blocks as seen intheimage below. Then quickly tap the third TNT block. Thetwopreviously ignited TNT blocks will catapult the third TNTblocktoward the other ship and explode. There are more TNT blocksin thechests on the ship which you can use to reload thecannons.DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application for MinecraftPocketEdition.This application is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB.The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the Minecraft Assetsareall property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner.All rights reserved. In accordancewith
Tea Party map for MCPE 1.3
Here’s a very unusual type of skywars PvPmapfor Minecraft. The environment in which the battles on mapforMinecraft are supposed to take place in is a tea party MCPEworld.In the center of the map for Minecraft PE there are twotables ontop of a cloud set with all sorts of delicacies likecakes, teacups and more cakes. Surrounding the the tables in TeaParty PvPmap for Minecraft are eight floating islands all with oneuniquecastle. There are no set rules in the map for Minecraft PE.Use itas you like and make up your own type of gameplay. But try togetsome friends to play the map for Minecraft with.DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application for MinecraftPocketEdition.This application is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB.The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the Minecraft Assetsareall property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner.All rights reserved. In accordancewith
Sky Adventure map for MCPE 1.4
Simple Sky Adventure is a challenging mapforMinecraft PE which forces you to try to survive the lifeonmultiple different skyblock islands. Each MCPE island isdifferentfrom the other and this creates unique difficulties whereyoualways have to be on the lookout for new dangers which can causeastruggle for your survival on map for Minecraft PE.How to play in map for Minecraft?The spawn is on a skyblock island with minimal resources. Grabtheitems in the chest to get started. But make sure to use theitemscarefully as you might otherwise run out of resourcesveryquickly.The objective on map for Minecraft is to explore all10different islands.The only way to do that is by taking it onenightat a time and try to continuously evolve and gain better itemsandblocks. Then use your resources to build bridges betweentheislands to continue on with the exploration in mapforMinecraft.The ultimate challenge is to survive for as long you can inSkyblockfor MCPE while only being allowed to use the blocks anditems whichare found on the islands. Simple Sky Adventure is anincrediblychallenging survival map where the objective is tosurvive for asmany days you can using whatever resources you find.In Simple SkyAdventure map for Minecraft there is an extremescarcity ofresources and you must think carefully before using anitem. Givethis challenge a try and let us know in the comments howlong yousurvived in Simple Sky Adventure map for Minecraft.DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application for MinecraftPocketEdition.This application is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB.The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the Minecraft Assetsareall property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner.All rights reserved. In accordancewith
Sky Wars Two map for MCPE 1.4
Sky Wars II is a PvP Minecraft map for uptoeight players. There are a total of nine floating islandswhereeight of them are meant as the start point for each player. Ontheisland in the center there is a stronghold which should betheobjective of every player to access as there are plenty ofgreatgear in chests there.On map for Minecraft are no set rules so you could go ahead andmakeup your own ones as you see fitting. Each player/team spawnsin mapfor Minecraft PE on its own island and the aim is to be thelastplayer or team. Beat players using a weapon or knock them off.Witheach win you will be rewarded with a reward. You can usereward tounlock many kits and perks to improve your gameexperience. Epicfights taking place in the sky are just one of thethings you getfrom the SkyWars II map for Minecraft. As the namesuggests, the mapfor MCPE is all about fighting other players onfloating islands.Sky Wars isn’t a new game type for Minecraft, butthis map for MCPEis certainly newer.DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application for MinecraftPocketEdition.This application is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB.The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the Minecraft Assetsareall property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner.All rights reserved. In accordancewith
Ender Epic Elytra map for MCPE 1.1
This map is one of the most challengingelytramaps currently available for Minecraft Pocket Edition(version1.0).Important: This map for Minecraft requires versionrequiresMCPE 1.0. On map for Minecraft are no checkpoints andunderneathyou there is a consistent flow of hot burning lava. Trapsandhostile mobs are common and you can’t do much to avoid eitherotherthan continuously reborn and by each try slowly learningthedangers of the map for Minecraft PE. How to play on mapforMCPE?Find the items in the chest and think of a way out of yourprisoncell. Hint: lever!Find the access point for the elytra course, put elytra, jumpoffthe ledge and press the jump button once again to activatethegliding feature for your elytra wings.Try to avoid the obstacles and find a way down to the Netherportal.Elytra wings are one of the new features in version 1.0 ofMinecraftPocket Edition. The wings can be attached to your body(as achestplate) and then be used for gliding. Before you jump offtheplatform to use the elytra wings make sure you’ve got one addedtoyour chestplate armor slot. Press the jump button in air toactivatethe wings to start gliding.DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application for MinecraftPocketEdition.This application is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB.The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the Minecraft Assetsareall property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner.All rights reserved. In accordancewith
AM Castle map for MCPE 1.3
Mariner Castle is a large and magnificentoldcastle map for Minecraft PE situated on a hillside of anisland,overlooking the town. There are multiple little houses inmap forMinecraft outside the castle meant for the commonpeople.Connecting the MCPE town is a harbor where a ship hasdroppedanchor, maybe its waiting for some goods to pick up. Themainattraction in this map for Minecraft is the castle. It gotseveralrooms of different sizes and decorations. If you enjoy thepart ofexploring then this map for Minecraft will definitely haveseveralthings for you to do. Go for a little exploration in thecastle andcast a glimpse at the beautiful gardens and townarchitecture.Mariner Castle map for Minecraft is a castle built inmedievaltimes, it was designed in the European style, there are alot ofwindows, on top of the castle has a the spire, maybe thiscastlehas been author built based on a castle at France.DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application for MinecraftPocketEdition.This application is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB.The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the Minecraft Assetsareall property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner.All rights reserved. In accordancewith
How To Parkour map for MCPE 1.0
How To Parkour free map forMinecraftconsistsof 15 different parkour levels. Each of them onMCPE mapoffer adifferent type of challenge based on how the coursehas beenbuiltand also depending on which blocks was used. If youwant totrainyour parkour skills then this map for Minecraft PEoffers agreatvariety of challenges which can be challenging formostplayers nomatter your skill level.How to Parkour is a map for Minecraft on PC but Idecidedtorecreated it on MCPE. Parkour maps are all about gettingtothefinish line as fast as possible. There are 15 differentlevelsonthis map for Minecraft with each level increasingindifficulty.This free map for MCPE can hopefully teach peoplemoreaboutparkour and still be fun for experts. We want you to makethemostof your Minecraft experience, and we hope that this mapcanhelppropel you to the next level in MCPE gaming.DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application forMinecraftPocketEdition.This application is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB.The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the MinecraftAssetsareall property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner.All rights reserved. Inaccordancewith
Elytra Project map for MCPE 1.0
This is an awesome elytra wingsmapforMinecraft which includes a multitude of flying challengeswhicharefor the most part very difficult (at least as soon you getpastthefirst levels).To fly with the help of elytra wings you needtofindthem in the trunk and put it on.Before you jump offtheplatform touse the elytra wings make sure you’ve got one addedtoyourchestplate armor slot. Press the jump button in air toactivatethewings to start gliding.It’s an ender themed map forMinecraftPEwhich means it includes structures which are in somewayinspiredby the End World.As a whole, it is a very difficultmapforMinecraft especially because there are no checkpoints andlotsoftraps.How to play on map for Minecraft?You can either play this map for Minecraft PE togetherwithfriendsor by yourself. That’s completely up to you. But beforeyoustartplaying do yourself the favor of equipping a pairofelytrawings.The objective is very simple. All you need to do istoflythrough the rings or other types of structures on theway.DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application forMinecraftPocketEdition.This application is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB.The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the MinecraftAssetsareall property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner.All rights reserved. Inaccordancewith
Simple Adventure map for MCPE 1.1
Simple Adventure is a fun adventure mapforMinecraft with many parkour and puzzle challenges whichrequiresolving. In total there is about 25 minutes worth ofgameplay onthis map for Minecraft.It’s all set in an old MCPE castle so the environment is reallyfunto explore. Map for Minecraft PE doesn’t have much of astorylinebut we suppose you could invent your own reason for goingto thecastle. Step inside the magical wardrobe and enter the worldofNarnia where an epic adventure awaits. In this adventure mapyouwill start out in the old world in Minecraft. On map forMinecraftwill be a lot of walking but if you are a true Adventureand Puzzlefan this is definitely something you’ll enjoy as thereare manythings which you will recognize.Rules:1.Set difficulty to peaceful; 2.Set render distance to lowormedium; 3.Don’t break blocks unless told otherwise; 4.Don’tclimbtrees.DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application for MinecraftPocketEdition.This application is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB.The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the Minecraft Assetsareall property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner.All rights reserved. In accordancewith
Space map for MCPE 1.1
This map for Minecraft includes alargePvPspace platform arena. To make map for Minecraft PE look asit isinspace there are several planets and stars surroundingthearena.Choose among classes such as Lord of Fire, KnightorAstronaut thenenter the arena to fight other players on SpacePvPmap forMinecraft. If you like the space movies or just spaceingeneralthen give this map for Minecraft PE a try togetherwithsomefriends. Start the game on the map for Minecraft PE bychoosingoneof the kits.There are eight different classes to choose from and youarenotallowed to combine them. The classes include: Lord ofFire,Witch,Knight , Alien, Astronaut, Lord, Guardsman and Soldat.Wheneveryone have selected a class then it’s time to enterthearena.Do a countdown from 10 and then begin the battle. In themapforMinecraft PE you will find several pressure plates. If youstandontop of them you will be given different potion effectssuchasspeed and jump boost.DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application forMinecraftPocketEdition.This application is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB.The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the MinecraftAssetsareall property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner.All rights reserved. Inaccordancewith
Flying Elytra map for MCPE 1.1
In this map for Minecraft you have to useapair of elytra wings to fly through a series of obstacles.Important: This map for Minecraft requires version MCPE 0.17orlatest version. This is probably the most challenging elytramapfor Minecraft PE out there right now as it requires you to flybothhorizontally and sometimes make a huge leap vertically intosometunnel. And the fact that you have to play the majority oftheFlying Elytra map for MCPE in darkness (during night)surelydoesn’t make things easier. Either way, it’s a really fun mapforMinecraft to play!How to play on Flying Elytra map for MCPE 0.17?Elytra wings is a new item in 0.17.0 of Minecraft PocketEdition.You can equip the item in one the chestplate armor slot.Basicallythey provide you the ability to glide. For example, youcan jumpdown off a mountain, start gliding and then land safely ontheground. In this map for Minecraft you will be taken throughaseries of obstacles. The wings can be attached to your body (asachestplate) and then be used for gliding. Before you jump offtheplatform to use the elytra wings make sure you’ve got one addedtoyour chestplate armor slot. Press the jump button in airtoactivate the wings to start gliding.DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application for MinecraftPocketEdition.This application is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB.The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the Minecraft Assetsareall property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner.All rights reserved. In accordancewith
CraftFestival map for MCPE 1.0
This map for Minecraft is supposed tobeareplica (or at least inspired by) the Music Festivalwhichtookplace in Myanmar. The Music CraftFestival is a yearlyFestivalinMinecraft world where famous artists and many DJshaveplayed.Music Festival map for Minecraft features a big stageand acontrolpanel which can be used to fully control the lights,LEDscreensand fireworks on stage. It’s a really cool map forMCPEwhich letsyou arrange your own music shows in Minecraft PE!Thespawn inMusic CtaftFestival map for MCPE is on a large parkinglotin frontof the festival area. Walk through the entrance toenteraccess thefestival. There are lots of visitors which have cometosee theshow. You can spawn more by using the villager spawneggs.All ofthe lights and fireworks in map for Minecraft on canbecontrolledat the control table. To run this show you’ll needatleast acouple of players.Let the show on Music CraftFestival map for Minecraft begin!DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application forMinecraftPocketEdition.This application is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB.The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the MinecraftAssetsareall property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner.All rights reserved. Inaccordancewith
Fantasy Mansion map for MCPE 1.0
This is the most perfect map forMinecraftPEwith Nether portal and fantasy mansion which Ipersonallywouldhave liked to arrive to after a long day of miningin WorldforMinecraft. Map for Minecraft really feels like a placewhichhavebeen taken straight out of the magical place. The innisfairlysmall but everything is incredibly detailed. Fantasy InnmapforMCPE this is a large map for Minecraft with interestingplacestoexplore. The creation for MCPE includes two mainstructures(onestable & one inn) and also a mysterious Netherportal. Onthismap for Minecraft, you can immerse yourself in theworld ofbattleand explore, relax at the Fantasy Mansion and exploretheNetherportal.DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application forMinecraftPocketEdition.This application is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB.The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the MinecraftAssetsareall property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner.All rights reserved. Inaccordancewith
Big Tree Man map for MCPE 1.1
This is a great skyblock map for MinecraftPEifyou need some type of arena to fight other players. VacioTreeis areally well designed map for Minecraftwhich features ahugetreewhich has the appearance of a man (with wildhair).Surrounding thegiant tree are interconnected skyblockislands. Onmap for Minecraftare no specific set of rules orguidelines whichyou need to follow.Make up your own as you go andhave some fun!You will have fun forhours in this great Multiplayermap forMinecraft.DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application forMinecraftPocketEdition.This application is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB.The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the MinecraftAssetsareall property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner.All rights reserved. Inaccordancewith
Simple Redstone 2 map for MCPE 1.1
This is a map for Minecraft PEwhichfeaturessomewhere around 10 different redstone machines andthebest thingis that all of them are very easy to build. Getsomeinspiration ofwhat kind of machines you can build thisredstonemachines in yourown Minecraft world. Most of the machinesareexplained with abrief text so make sure to read the signsin-game.Here are a fewof the redstone machines which you will findon mapfor Minecraft.Manual Beacon Beam Power: Use the levers tocontrolwhich potioneffect to enable. Redstone Trading Machine:Trade yourfood fordiamonds. Unlimited Water Collector: Fill up youremptybuckets!Redstone Cobblestone Generator: Do you think it isboringto minecobblestone? I do too, but with this machine youcanautomaticallygenerate cobblestone. There are multipledifferentredstonestructures to explore on Simple Redstone 2 mapforMinecraft. Justwhen you think you’ve seen everything therearestill some thingsleft to see. For example, there is onehiddenelytra course in themap for Minecraft PE.DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application forMinecraftPocketEdition.This application is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB.The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the MinecraftAssetsareall property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner.All rights reserved. Inaccordancewith
Tim City for MCPE 1.1
MCPE TimCity Map for Minecraft is alargecreation map resembling a larger city in Europe.All buildingsareas realistic as possible, you have complete freedom of action.InTimCity for MCPE you will find a mixture of buildings allincludingsmaller skyscrapers to normal family homes made out ofbrick.TheTim city map for Minecraft never gets boring as everyblock got avarying type of feeling in terms of different texturesandarchitecture. On the roads you will find parked vehicles toowhichadds a lot of realism to the city.See our collection of the best maps for Minecraft PE and a bunchofother realms including adventure, survival, parkour, fashionandmini-games.ATTENTION:UNOFFICIAL PRODUCT MINECRAFT. NOT APPROVED Mojangoraffiliated with Mojang.
Angels City Map MCPE 1.2
Blocks Angeles is one of the oldest cityforMinecraft Pocket Edition and the most recent update is agreatoverhaul compared to what it used to look like in the past.The mapis inspired by the architecture often found in modern citiestoday.There is a nice contrast of both modern and old buildings,and it’srealistic too, since every modern city is a constantdevelopmentproject.Note: Its Free to download.This is an unofficial map for Minecraft Pocket Addition.TheMinecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the Minecraft Assetsareall property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner.. This mcpemapfor Minecraft is not affiliated in any way with officialMinecraftDeveloper. All rights reserved.
Bikini Bash City Map MCPE 2.1
Bikini Bash City is the city map withmainsettings for the SpongeBob SquarePants animated TV series inyourMinecraft PE game. This Bikini Bash City Map includeseverythingfrom SpongeBob’s own pineapple house to the Bikini BottomMall.Everything will be added and played in your Minecraft PE withfewclicks.If you’ve ever watched SpongeBob on TV then we can guaranteeyouwill find many similarities to this MCPE map. To really get inaSpongeBob mood we recommend that you download aSpongeBobskin!Note: Its Free to download.Whats new??1. Skins and Bikini Bob Ad-don has been added.This is an unofficial map for Minecraft Pocket Addition.TheMinecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the Minecraft Assetsareall property of Mojang AB or their respectful owner.. This mcpemapfor Minecraft is not affiliated in any way with officialMinecraftDeveloper. All rights reserved.
State of Democratia MPCE Map 3.4
State of Democratia MPCE Map is one ofthelargest and most detailed city maps so far created forMinecraftPE. The city offers a great variety of colors and thereare peacesigns all over the city. Probably in relation to the factthat it’spart of the Peaceland republic.Another city which can now be explored is the CityofHollowoodenplank. You can reach this city by finding the longredbridge and follow it until you get to a mesa biome.In the republic of Peaceland there are loads of differentareasand buildings which can be explored. Everything fromhospitals,libraries, univeristies to residential houses andapartmentcomplex.This is an unofficial State of Democratia MPCE Map.Thisapplication is intended for educational purposes only. Thismcpemap for Minecraft is not affiliated. The Name, Brand and theAssetsare all property of Mojang AB or they respectful owner. Allrightsreserved.
iCraft City map for MCPE 1.4
iCraft City map is an exotic city in theearlystages of development but the beginning definitely lookspromising.It’s a city with palm trees, luxurious houses, apartmentcomplexesand so far one mall. Surprisingly the best thing about theMCPE mapis the realistic roads which goes in several differentdirections,crosses over bridges and so on. It really adds arealistic touch tothe entire map for Minecraft PE.Be sure to see our collection of the best maps for Minecraft PEanda bunch of other realms including adventure, survival,parkour,fashion and mini-gamesCAUTION: This application is not a game. Minecraft trademark andallintellectual property owned by Mojang AB. This is an unofficialappfor Minecraft Pocket Edition.
State of Democratia 1.0.2
This is a classic exploration Minecraft map.Itconsists of three cities mà có khác unique structure andbuildings.The developers and designers worked hard on and now younódetalization have a great chance to check this out.If you were looking for city map, then this one is for you! Thismaphas everything you MCPE exploration need to feel yourself likeinreal city: and Polyclinic hospital, stadium and zoo, sky-scraperandbunker, entertainment places, road network and train stations.Allnhững buildings Minecraft map to make this look like a realmoderncity. It's decorated with green plants mà am also add to itnicelooking and realistic view.One of the cities on this map is a various MCPE productssupplier,farmer here you will find houses, Agricultural fieldsandothers.Faster On Your To move exploration mode, you have a great chancetosẽ use the auto vehicle.---Examine Minecraft this land right now! Our application is easy tobeinstalled, same as MCPE maps downloader.Attention! This map is not Developed by Mojang. Minecraft isatrademark of Mojang AB. Please note not affiliated with We ArecóMojang AB, but adhere to the terms set chúng out by Mojang ABat
Map Bikini Bottom for MCPE 1.0
Bikini Bottom - is a small town somewhereontheocean floor and the main site of action of thefamousanimatedseries. Map of Bikini Bottom for Minecraft PEincludes allthe mainparts of the city from the pineapple house tothe mainstore BikiniBottom. If you've ever watched the cartoon onTV, thenthis map youwill find many similarities with the presentBikiniBottom.Map of Bikini Bottom for Minecraft PE is made veryefficientlyandaccurately simulates real Bikini Bottom. Here you canhave funwithall the heart, and cook a few krabsburgers catchjellyfish inthefields. This card is suitable for the followingversionsofMinecraft PE: 1.0.0 (0.17.0), 0.16, 0.15, 0.14.DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application forMinecraftPocketEdition. This application is not affiliated in anyway withMojangAB. The Minecraft Name, Brand and the Assets are allpropertyofMojang AB or their respectful owner. All rightsreserved.Inaccordancewith
Modern City map for Minecraft 1.16-mc
This is an unofficial application forMinecraftPocket Edition. This application is not affiliated in anyway withMojang AB. The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and theMinecraftAssets are all property of Mojang AB or their respectfulowner. Allrights reserved. In accordancewith!This is Modern City a map for Minecraft Pocket Edition, not theapp.Map is big and interesting, with 1 click installOur Features:- regular updates- 100% working maps- collection maps for minecraft pe- auto-install for each mapYou can ask for minecraft maps by categories:survival,adventure, puzzle, parkour, creation, pvp, mini-game,minecraftmods - horses, guns, tutorials and crafting guidescomingsoon.If you need any map, don't hesitate to drop a request inreviewsection. Thank you for your support!To play this map you need Minecraft PE app (MCPE).This application is not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB.TheMinecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and the Minecraft Assetsare allproperty of Mojang AB or their respectful owner. Allrightsreserved. In accordancewith
New Craft city map for MCPE 1.2
To get the main city, find the bridge asseenin the image below. It’s just outside the house which youwillspawn inside. Cross the bridge to get to the main parts ofthecity.New Craft City is a creation map for Minecraft PE whichtakesmuch of their inspiration from New York City. There are manyof thebuildings have really cool street art and the fact that theyhavemanaged to cover such a large area but still keepingitinteresting, modern and beautiful is an amazing feat.The Silverhills city map for Minecraft is made in the modeofconstruction.It is also worth noting that in this mode, the game player isnoneed for constant collection of resources,defense against enemies and no death threats from the water (donotdrown) and height (do not break if dropped from agreatheight).Be sure to see our collection of the best maps for Minecraft PEanda bunch of other realms including adventure, survival,parkour,fashion and mini-gamesUNOFFICIAL PRODUCT MINECRAFT. NOT APPROVED Mojang or affiliatedwithMojang.
TN City map for MCPE 2
TN City map is a large city which is stillawork in progress. TN City map for MCPE a realistic city withlotsof different areas to explore. Some include a suburb, anairportand even an army base. If you like to go out exploring thenyouwill likely find this city interesting as it got a large varietyofthings to explore. And since it’s far from being completed youcanexpect more updates in the future!The city is in constant development, and that’s even trueforsome of the structures in the map like this constructionsite.A nice suburb in the outer part of the city.Leading into the city is a big highway. Currently it just leadsinone direction but it’s likely the city will expand further inalater update.An airport is a must for any major city. Here you will findjumbojets and even an airplane coming in for landing.The central part of the TN City map for Minecraft is crowdedwithshops, office buildings and skyscrapers. There are lots ofthingsto explore in this amazing city!The development of TN City map for MCPE has been in progressforover two months. Today is the first release and this iswithoutdoubt one of the best cities we’ve reviewed. The city issituatedon relatively small island far out in the ocean. On a verylittlearea the builder have been able to fit many different typesofcreations. A shipyard, a beach with a boardwalk and a ferriswheel,skyscrapers, lots of fine homes and everywhere justbeautifuldetails.
Ciudad City for MCPE 1.1
Ciudad City map for Minecraft hasmanydifferent type of buildings you would expect to find in asmallercity which is striving to expand. All streets look busy asthereare countless of cars and trucks trying to make their waythroughthe city. Even if the cars don’t actually move it stillmakes theMCPE city look a lot more realistic and alive. There arebuildingssuch as a fire department, a hospital and a soccerstadium.Allbuildings are as realistic as possible, you havecomplete freedomof action.The Ciudad City map for Minecraft is made in the modeofconstruction.It is also worth noting that in this mode, the MCPE game playerisno need for constant collection of resources,defense against enemies and no death threats from the water (donotdrown) and height (do not break if dropped from agreatheight).Be sure to see our collection of the best maps for Minecraft PEanda bunch of other realms including adventure, survival,parkour,fashion and mini-gamesATTENTION:UNOFFICIAL PRODUCT MINECRAFT. NOT APPROVED Mojangoraffiliated with Mojang.
Enclave City for MCPE 1.2
Enclave City map for Minecraft is a largecitybuilt underground. There are over a hundred houses and onebigcastle and everything is lit up with torches and glowstoneshangingdown from the ceiling of the cave. Night or day doesn’tmatter downthere. It’s always dark but it’s a really cool anduniqueexperience. And it’s actually not completely empty of peopleasit’s populated with villagers.Explore the Enclave City forMCPEwith friends.It is also worth noting that in this map for Minecraft, thegameplayer is no need for constant collection of resources,defense against enemies and no death threats from the water (donotdrown) and height (do not break if dropped from agreatheight).Be sure to see our collection of the best maps for Minecraft PEanda bunch of other realms including adventure, survival,parkour,fashion and mini-games.ATTENTION:UNOFFICIAL PRODUCT MINECRAFT. NOT APPROVED Mojangoraffiliated with Mojang.
Skins & Mods for Minecraft 1.9
Do you want to diversify the gameplayinminecraft? In our app you will find everything your heartdesires!We specifically picked the best content in allcategories!Detailed description of the sections:Mods for MinecraftIn this section you will find minecraft mod. Huge selection ofmcmods. Each user will be able to find a suitable minecraft modsforpocket edition. Any mc mods for pe quickly downloaded directlytoyour phone! Various of minecraft mods pe greatly transformyourboring gameplay.All the TOP mods mcpe are already available in theapp:Mods orespawn, tnt mod, pixelmon mod, animals mods, schoolmods,dragon mods, dinosaurs mods, dogs mods, dino mods, gunsmods,girlfriend mod, house mods, herobrine mod, hide and seekmods,lucky block mod, cars mod, city mod, crazy craft mod, castlemods,command block mod, backpack mod, baby mods, morphing modandmore!Skins for MinecraftIn this section you will find minecraft skins. Huge selection ofmcskins. Each user will be able to find a suitable minecraftskinspe. Any mcpe skins quickly downloaded directly to yourphone!Various of minecraft skins for pe greatly transform yourboringgameplay.All the TOP skins mcpe are already available intheapp:Undertale skins for minecraft, minecraft skins wolf, skinswithwings, skin with capes, enderman skins, skins princess,skinsanimals, anime skins, skin stealer, fnaf skins, girlskins,herobrine skins, hot skins, christmas skins, capes, babyskins,bikini, skins mobs and more!Maps for MinecraftIn this section you will find minecraft maps. Huge selection ofmcmaps. Each user will be able to find a suitable minecraft mapsforpe. Any mcpe maps quickly downloaded directly to yourphone!Various of maps for mc greatly transform yourboringgameplay.All the TOP maps for minecraft pe are already available intheapp:Minecraft quest maps, city with a school, end map, mapsredstonehouses, redstone maps, white house map, town maps forminecraft pe,undertale maps, underwater maps, maps of schools, mapsof castles,maps of houses, parkour maps, prison maps, pvp maps,adventuremaps, skywars maps, survival maps for minecraft pe,skyblock maps,fnaf maps for mcpe, horror maps, kingdom maps forminecraft pe,castle maps, minecraft maps village, mansion maps andmore!Seeds for MinecraftIn this section you will find minecraft seeds. Huge selection ofmcseeds. Each user will be able to find a suitable minecraftseedspe. Copy any mcpe seeds quickly! Various of minecraft seedsfor pegreatly transform your boring gameplay.All the best minecraft seeds for mcpe are already availableinthe app:Minecraft pe seeds for houses, city seeds for minecraft,villageseeds for minecraft pe and more!Textures for MinecraftIn this section you will find texture packs for minecraft pe.Hugeselection of mc texture packs. Each user will be able to findasuitable minecraft textures. Any mcpe texture packquicklydownloaded directly to your phone! Various of mcpe texturesgreatlytransform your boring gameplay.All the TOP textures for minecraft pe are already availableinthe app:Realistic texture packs, undertale texture packs forminecraft,christmas texture packs, scary texture packs, girltexture packs,horror texture packs, kawaii texture packs, candytexture packs,city texture packs, cute texture packs, mario texturepacks, moderntexture packs and more!Addons for MinecraftIn this section you will find minecraft addons. Huge selection ofmcaddons. Each user will be able to find a suitable minecraftpeaddons. Any mcpe addons quickly downloaded directly to yourphone!Various of addons for mcpe greatly transform yourboringgameplay.ATTENTION:This is an unofficial application for MinecraftPocketEdition.This application does use the internet to load new data, sopleasebe aware of data usage!
Ghost City map for MCPE 1.0.1
No one knows where exactly all of thedenizensof this wondrous city went, but wherever they are, theysure aremissing on all the fun! This city map for MCPE haseverything youcan expect from a blooming metropolis - explore thevarious blocks,enjoy the architecture and design, and rebuild atwill! Here youwill find:- Numerous city building and constructions, each with its ownuniquedetails and architectural nuances. A lot of effort was putinto thisMCPE map.- The minecraft city is divided into several blocks, includingagated high-end community, a block of office building, a parkzone,and a few others.- Every building is intricately detailed, both inside andoutside,and the designs are pretty awesome.- Various metropolitan structures, such as a hospital, afiredepartment, a whole foods market, and a number of others - areallat your full disposal.- As the sole citizen of this ghost town, you are now eligible todowhatever you like! Play alone, or call some friends, buildanythingor blow things up - it's up to you!- Minecraft Pocket Edition app is required to play this map.Disclaimer: This map for MCPE is not developed or supportedbyMojang. Minecraft and Minecraft Pocket Edition are trademarksofMojang AB. The developers of this MCPE map are not affiliatedwithMojang. This application adheres to the terms set up by MojangAB.More info at
Silverhills city map for MCPE 1.2
New Silverhills City is an incredibleMinecraftPE map that brings a royal feel to your Minecraft world.This citymap is unlike any other cities you usually see, and hasan old-timeEuropean feel to it! It is really unique, and extremelywell done!The city is in progress, and a lot more will be added inthefuture.For now, this map for Minecraft is still super fun, andextremelybeautiful.Take a look at some of the screenshots below, and if you’d liketodownload it for yourself ! Enjoy!The Silverhills city map for MCPE is made in the modeofconstruction.It is also worth noting that in this mode, the game player isnoneed for constant collection of resources,defense against enemies and no death threats from the water (donotdrown) and height (do not break if dropped from agreatheight).Be sure to see our collection of the best maps for Minecraft PEanda bunch of other realms including adventure, survival,parkour,fashion and mini-gamesUNOFFICIAL PRODUCT MINECRAFT. NOT APPROVED Mojang or affiliatedwithMojang.
Epic Hunger Games MCPE map 1.0.2
Ramhan Fahit
There is a very different terrain inMinecraftmap. There is a ruined city, and lawn, and even MCPEforest.The area looks like a post-apocalyptic. Very tall buildingsaredestroyed, they look very old. There is something like theMCPEruined cathedralIt is this Minecraft map is suitable for a mini-game verygood,because there are a variety of terrain and there are manyhiddensmall MCPE trunks. And if the MCPE trunks are just in themiddle ofmany other Minecraft maps, here, they are in many places,and as aresult, everyone will get the good things. If you're a fanof "TheHunger Games", then you should install this map.Attention! This map is not developed by Mojang. Minecraft isatrademark of Mojang AB. Please note that we are not affiliatedwithMojang AB, but we adhere to the terms set out by Mojang ABat
Vanowood city for MCPE 1.2
Welcome to «VANOWOOD» - a huge city mapforMinecraft with skyscrapers, parks, Google office, aircraftandhelicopters hovering in the sky, and more! It’s difficulttooverestimate the beauty of «VANOWOOD» city for MCPE.Architectureof city strikes with its variety and uniqueness.Thecentral part ofthe VANOWOOD CIty for Minecraft is crowded withshops, officebuildings and skyscrapers. The map is made very highquality.The VANOWOOD City map for Minecraft is made in the modeofconstruction.It is also worth noting that in this mode, the game player isnoneed for constant collection of resources,defense against enemies and no death threats from the water (donotdrown) and height (do not break if dropped from agreatheight).Be sure to see our collection of the best maps for Minecraft PEanda bunch of other realms including adventure, survival,parkour,fashion and mini-gamesUNOFFICIAL PRODUCT MINECRAFT. NOT APPROVED Mojang or affiliatedwithMojang.
Skins GTA for Minecraft 1.1
Welcome to the free application with skinsonthe game minecraft. If you are tired of playing with theusualskins, then you have come to the right place. Mc skins gainedgreatpopularity among the players, which seemed to have nosurprise, butit is new skins help players gain a new breath.Minecraft gamesfree help develop your imagination, you can create ahuge worldwith nothing and do in this world that you want. You canforgetcomplicated and unclear minecraft mods, when you now havetoughskins. Skins Series GTA games for you to open a new world,theworld of the mafia, the police. Build your own prison and planttocriminals! Minecraft skins GTA - this is a new path in the worldofminecraft. Here you will find various steep minecraft skinsforboys and minecraft skins for girls. Everyone will find the skintohis liking, in what we believe, because our skins catalog ishuge!Our minecraft skins for pocket edition fit as well on thecomputerversion of the game. And if you first install skins on yourdevice,then we have for you to installation instructions that willhelpyou quickly and easily set the desired skins.Minecraft skins pe need for more interesting visualization ofyourgame. Add a variety of topics GTA! Any skin minecraft downloadsandinstalls in seconds, they weigh almost nothing. By the way,ourfree app with textures as little weight and will not take upmuchspace on your device! Skins for minecraft pe GTA will helpyouattract the game of your friends who like something to dream andatthe same time loving GTA games.In principle our skins for minecraft pe free for girlsalsosuitable, and in fact girls love to play GTA and Minecraft.Ourskins for minecraft gta they can enjoy absolutely everything!Comeand make your choice in favor of a tough skin! Open newminecraftworld and start it in your adventure! In minecraft updateithappens quite often, but our skins are suitable for any versionofthe game, because it is not an addition, but simplyreplacingskins. Realize their minecraft ideas along with new skinsin thestyle of GTA! Play with friends in minecraft onlinebecausetogether more fun! Invent something cool together! Catchcriminalsfrom the world of GTA or stop the criminal mafia.Minecraft apps ithas become very popular if you do not believe -can download ourapp and see this. You have not seen such a varietyof cool skins.Start you minecraft story mode with friends, letappreciate yournew look. And if they want the same skins - you knowwhere theysend them! Minecraft free vailable on many platforms,play in anyfree time! You minecraft house in the style of GTAappreciateeverything, even your enemies! Protect your possessions,making acool weapons! Minecraft zombies you will get round!Minecraftcrafting becomes more interesting and exciting! Youminecraft cityand even your minecraft building will be the best,you are onlyrequired effort! Well, with new skins you will have adesire to try:) Play in minecraft multiplayer but do not useminecraft cheats!Play fair, but if you do get caught with cheat -then you kickedfrom the server and you will not be able to boast oftheirachievements. Play fair play!
Modern Mansion map for MCPE 1.0
This map for MCPE features abigmodernmansion.It has loads of luxurious things most of you probably canonlydreamof. Some including a basketball court, multipleswimmingpools andenough rooms to host an entire tribe of villagers.It’s the perfect start out point if you want to live asawealthyminer in the world of Minecraft. The entire mansionissurrounded bya big wall so you don’t have to worry aboutanymonsters either.Be sure to rate us and see our collection of the bestMinecraftPEMaps and game worlds for download including adventure,survival,mcpeparkour, creature, mini-game and minecraft modsThis is an unofficial map for Minecraft. Thisapplicationisintended for educational purposes only. This mcpe mapforMinecraftis not affiliated in any way with Mojang AB. TheName,Brand andthe Assets are all property of Mojang AB ortheyrespectful owner.All rights reserved.
Map NXUS Modern Series For PE 1.0
This is NXUS Modern ArchitectureSeriesforMineCraft MCPE Map is one of the most dedicatedandrealisticmodern creations which is being built specificallyforMinecraftPocket Edition. The project started over a year agoandhas sincethen grown into an amazingly detailed cityconsistingofskyscrapers, office buildings, a huge science center,embassiesanda fully working metro system. It’s an endless sourceofinspirationand generally a mind-blowing city toexplore.DownloadNXUS ModernArchitecture Series [Creation] forMineCraft MapNow.
The End add-on Minecraft PE 1.3
The End is another dimension in Minecraftwhichdoesn’t exist in the official version of Pocket Edition(until now).The End Add-on changes that as it let’s you explore aworld whichlooks very similar to The End and even includes an epicboss knownas the Ender Dragon. If you’ve always wanted to fightthe EnderDragon then you definitely have to give this add-on atry!Ender DragonThe Ender Dragon (replaces bats) and a bunch of Endermen willspawnas soon as you pass over the pressure plate at the beginningof themap. It will spawn no matter which difficulty you’ve turnedon butwe highly recommend it to set it to normal or hard to bestsimulatethis experience.It’s an extremely dangerous boss as it has 200 health points(whichequal 100 hearts) and shoots ender fire charges from a rangeup to64 blocks.The fight is well worth it though as it drops one nether starandfive stacks of experience bottles (which is enough experiencetoget you to level 30).EndermitesThe endermites (replace silverfish) are small hostilecreatureswhich can be found spawning in the the End City. They willalsospawn if an Enderman dies.If you are within a range of 16 blocks of an endermite theywillattack you and seeing as they can teleport it can quickly getquitedangerous especially if there are many of them.EndermenEndermen can be found all over the map. They are also hostileandwill assist the Ender Dragon against you. Killing an endermanwillspawn an endermite but there is also a chance that it mightdropsome ender pearls.Ender PearlEnder pearls (replace eggs) is dropped by endermen. When youthrowan ender pearl you will be teleported to the location whereveritlands.DISCLAIMER: This is an unofficial application for MinecraftPocketEdition. This application is not affiliated in any way withMojangAB. The Minecraft Name, the Minecraft Brand and theMinecraftAssets are all property of Mojang AB or their respectfulowner. Allrights reserved. In accordancewith