Top 12 Games Similar to Breakout Space

Breakout 1.6
Breakout is a fun and modern approachtotheclassic brick breaker / arkanoid game. Use the ball tobreakthebricks, with the help of many different power-ups. Playthroughthe300 levels in the main game, or build your own breakoutlevelsinthe integrated level editor. 4 other game modes arealsoincludedin breakout, along with in-game achievements. Theonlinescoreboarddisplays scores for breakout players worldwide.Main features:- Modern take on the classic arkanoid / breakout /brickbreakinggames- 300 levels- Level editor, create your own brick breaker levels- Multiple game modes- Array of weapons and power-ups- Achievements- Save and load your games- Online scoreboards, see how you compare againstotherbreakoutplayersEnjoy breakout!
Teste seus reflexos neste jogoeletrizantedequebrar tijolos. Cada tijolo realiza uma açãoinesperada nogame,como aumentar ou diminuir a velocidade da bola eaumentar otamanhodo bastão. O jogador inicia o jogo com três vidas.Utilizeas setaspresentes na tela para movimentar o bastão e acertarabola. Caso abola saia de cena, o jogador perdera uma de suasvidas,ao atingirzero vidas o jogador perde a partida. Cada tijoloao serdestruídorealiza uma ação única no jogo com duração de 5segundos.Ostijolos vermelhos aceleram a velocidade da bola, osazuisdiminuema velocidade de bola e os cinzas aumentam o tamanhodobastão. Paravencer o jogo o jogador deverá passar por 5 níveisdejogo, onde emcada nível é aumentado a velocidade da bola e onúmerode tijolospresentes na cena.Test your reflexesinthisgame thrilling brick breaking. Each brick performsanunexpectedaction in the game, how to increase or decreasethespeed of theball and increase staff size. The player startsthegame with threelives. Use the arrows on the screen to move thebatand hit theball. If the ball from the scene, the player lostoneof theirlives, the lives reaches zero the player loses thematch.Each brickto be destroyed performs a single action in thegamelasting 5seconds. The red brick accelerate the speed of theball,blue ballspeed decrease and increase the ash bat size. To winthegame theplayer must go through 5 levels of play, where eachlevelisincreased ball speed and the number of bricks onthescene.
Break Bricks Classic 1.0
Kang Mobile
Classic brick breaking puzzle game to play!
BreakOut 1.0
Juego BreakOut, Laboratoriodeprogramación,Escuela de ingeniería Eléctrica. Universidad deCostaRica
Wall Destroyer
Wall Destroyer, a brick breaker, block busting, spectacular!
Arcball: A Brick Breaker Ball 1.5.1
Looking for a great retro themedgamethatoffers you a stunning combination of Pong and Breakout inasingle,cohesive package? Welcome to Arcball, the ultimateretroarcadeexperience that allows you to experience an amazing,fungameplayjust like in the old days.Playing Arcball is very simple, all you have to do is totapthescreen and then slide the paddle in the desired direction.Ifyoumove fast enough you will enter the super furiousrainbowspeedmode that provides you with a great way todefeatyouropponent!There are plenty of special bricks in the game that willallowyouto access great bonuses, not to mention that the ballspeedincreasesgradually, so you will always have a senseofchallenge!Arcball is more than a breakout game, becausealongsideremovingthe bricks from the board, you also need to scorejust likein aPong title. The combination of these two games offersanexplosivegameplay which can be shared with a friend orplayedagainst theAI, no matter how you choose it.One thing is certain, Arcball offers a great experienceandonethat you will be able to enjoy for a very long time.Don’thesitateand download the game right now, it’s the ultimatepocketbrickbreaker with an extraordinary twist!Features:★ Play against the AI or a human player.★ Multiple difficulty levels.★ Retro graphics.★ A stunning combination of two popular retro games.★ One of a kind soundtrack.
CartoonBrickBreaker(Bricks) 2.0.5
Eight categories 320 stage - Cartoon of Breakout ! - Version2.0released !
Breakout Brick 1.0
Breakout Brick is a very old classicalarcadesimple yet addictive game.Bounce your red super ball to make a grand demolition ofallbrick.Destroy all bricks and pass each phases very smartly.Bounce a ball depends on angle of incidence of ball and movementofpaddle.Features:=> Exciting levels with different shapes=> Extra super bricks like expand your paddle, earn life,extraball.=> Colorful graphics.
Steampunk Brick Breaker 5.0
For those who love Steam punk andbreakoutgames.Three game modes: Campaign, Just Play, RandomCampaign: 240 levels with 3 modes of difficulty to beatJust Play: 3 difficulty modes (easy, medium, hard) This modepicksrandom campaign levels to playRandom: 3 difficulty modes (easy, medium, hard) This istotallyrandom, you'll never know what you'll get in this gamemode.This gives you unlimited game play.The ability to erase campaign levels and start alloveragain.Choose an avatar for the high scoresThree board designs, representing the three difficulty modesSimple Controls:Drag the paddle from side to side and hit the balls and gearsthatdropMake sure you do not let the balls fall below the paddleIf all balls fall below the paddle it is game overYour final score is multiplied by how many balls you have left,sothe more balls you keep bouncing the higher your score will beinthe endThere are 3 different ballsThere are 5 different color gears, each one doessomethingdifferentTwo animated blocks shoot out lightning or shoot out randomplasmaballs that destroy bricksThe permissions is for the ad, and saving game settingsnothingmore.If you have any questions feel free to email meDoes not work on the Galaxy TabS 8.4 and Galaxy Tab 8.0(issuewith the drag)
Galaxy Breakout Fun 1.1
Rik T
Play Galaxy Breakout as you clear eachlevelbysmashing bricks with your lovely blue ball. This game has6amazinglevels that will keep you occupied. It's not an easy totasktoclear each level, so good luck!
Breakout 1.0
He is a small robot, he needs yourhelp.Byabout control, to help him through the obstacles. Can youhelphim.He needs you.
Jewels Breakout Bricks 1.05
Jewels Breakout Bricks is aclassicbrickbreaking game with awesome game features that worksperfect onanyof your mobile device. This is a simple yet an oldtimefavoriteclassic Arkanoid style game that you'll be sure toenjoy!Your game mission is to destroy all the jewels bricks,touchandmove left or right the game puddle and shoot the ball uptobreakthe brick filled board. Use the 3 power-ups toadvanceyourself tothe next level without losing the balls oryourlife.Smash your way through the many levels, blasting thebricksandleveling up as you continue to rule the gams filledlandofbricks.Jewels Breakout Bricks Game Features:- Clean and beautiful jewels breakout graphics.- Precise sound FX & music soundtrack.- 100 exciting and challenging jewels levels to defeat.- easy level selector and game setting.- 3 special power up jewels bricks.- Addictive game play with endless fun.- Totally free game (ad supported).