Top 37 Apps Similar to The Message of The Hour

The Table 4.0 4.0.524
The Table 4.0 - All Sermons Of Rev. William Marrion Branham
Christian sermons word of God 2.0.26
Christian sermons to preach. Include the Word of God in your life
William Branham Quotes/Sayings 0.2
Branham Quotes and Sayings…. From A to Z. Examples: "Don'tneverletyour TESTIMONY be negative; let it be positive ALL theTIME"“Now,they say, "Too much religion will make you go crazy."Toomuch ofthe wrong thing will make you go crazy. But the religionofJesusChrist, if you are crazy, it puts you in your rightmind”Why60-0309 Branham Quotes By Topics Love, Money,Friendship,Prayer,Attitude, Blessings, Character, Control, Faith,Healing,Peace,Protection, Relationship, Strength, Successful,Leadership,Trials& Sufferings and more... Branham Quotes A toZSuggestions arealways welcomed through thisemail:[email protected] I love youwith the love of the Lord andmay youcontinue to swim in theatmosphere of God’s love. Thank youand Godbless you. Amen! THISAPPS IS SPECIALLY MADE FOR YOU!
The Family Altar ~ Daily Manna 0.0.3
Volume1,2&3 Daily Bread Bible & Rev. William MarrionBranhamSermons By T.A.Dodd
Joyce Meyer's Sermons 1.9
Joyce Meyer Sermons app is fresh every day: new messages, newdailydevotional.
Message Questions/Answers COD 0.1
"The reason we do this is to find out what's on the people'smind,what they're thinking about. See? And that's what makes agoodstrong church. You've got to have the--the times, just like yougotto comb the cockleburs out like, you know, and everything, getallthe--the things out of the way so that you can move steadily.Sonow that's the reason we have question night once in a while, istofind out" ~William M. Branham 53-0629 "The Bible has the answerforthis day. It's had it for other days. It's got it forever,becauseit is Christ the same yesterday, today, and forever. TheBible hasthe answer, because the Bible is the revelation of JesusChrist,being revealed since the foundation of the world" ~64-0122LookingUnto Jesus
Branham Message Library 0.2
Note: Updates is coming very soonwithArticles& More about William BranhamWe expect you will be delighted with the richness andvarietyofthe resources available within the ‘WilliamBranhamStorehouseCollection Apps’ It is laden with spiritual foodandblessings forthe hungry soul. We invite you to ‘Come and dine!’asyou use thisApps.~Message Library - William Branham Storehouse(Books)The Acts of the ProphetDo You Fear CancerOperation of Church OfficesPersonal Testimony of the Coming of the GiftDivine Healing in the Branham CampaignsAs the Eagle Stirreth Her NestThe Eleventh CommandmentFoot Prints On The Sands Of TimeWilliam Branham, A Man Sent From GodMemorial ServiceI Was Not Disobedient to the Heavenly VisionSermons of William M. BranhamA Prophet Visits South AfricaThe Supernatural GospelTwentieth Century Prophet~Articles & More about William BranhamExperience the Love, Faith and Hope that Motivated His LifeWilliam Branham would have desired that you have accesstotheresources contained in this Collection so you canshareandexperience the love, faith and hope that so motivated hislifeanddetermined his success. He knew the mind and characteroftheSpirit of God as few men have ever known and hissimplespiritualwisdom when quickened by the Holy Ghost will beaseeminglyinexhaustible treasure to deepen the relationship ofallChristianswith their Savior.THIS APPS IS SPECIALLY MADE FOR YOU.
Branham's Dreams and Visions 0.1
Testimonies & More from The Table - All Sermons of Rev.WilliamMarrion Branham
Message/Branham Stories 0.2
Stories Told by the Prophet William Marrion Branham:Updatesiscoming SOON with more stories ~The footsteps of theprophet –KidsCorner The Angry Bull and Branham's Love Prospector-SecondVersion You better use your shotgun (Television) AthinkingMan'sFilter Produces a holy Man's Taste What Satan's DDThasDoneSprayed Horrible Poison Spray I am the Bright andMorningStartJesus, The Rose of Sharon The Lily of The ValleyAmerikeewasAmerikee Why Your Ministry Is Not The Greatest ? RespectGodABetter Lady and a Mother – Opossum A Lost Man, Is A WildManAuntJemima – The Shunnamite Woman of Our Day A Very PresentHelpInTimes Of Trouble - First Version A Very Present Help InTimesOfTrouble - Second Version Be An Example WorthFollowingCouldAnybody Ever See God ? Create A Good Atmosphere ByPrayer-Personal Testimony Does It Still Attracts You..? GhostsAreRealHow The Eagle Renews Its Youth Magnetization – YouMustBeMagnetized Telephone..? God’s Got Beat A Million Mile ThankGodForThe Nuts The Bears And The Prophet's Molasses - FirstVersionTheBears And The Prophet's Molasses - Second Version TheBears AndTheProphet’s Molasses - Third Version The Caged Eagle TheEagleAmongThe Chickens The Eagles That We Are The Execution Of TheManWith APardon Why ? The Flaw Made It A Masterpiece –PhysicalVersion-First Version The Flaw Made It A Masterpiece –SpiritualVersion-Second Version The Flight Training Of The EagletsThe GameWardenAnd The Killer Bull - First Version The Production ofTheCreatorAnd The Hybrid Reproduce The Prophet And The HornetsTheProphetAnd The Killer Bull The Sudden Attack On PearlHarborTheUnthoughtful Father They Went Without A Guide, So TheyAllPerishedWhose Fool Are You ? You Couldn't Hit Nothing; I GiveThemTo You.– God Which Dog Are You Feeding - First Version WhichDogAre YouFeeding - Second Version Step off for a while -FrenchSoldier TheMagic Flower and Prospector There are stillChristians -DrunkHusband She kept herself like a Lady - Artist AHoly Man'sWife -Pastor's Wife The Wounded Dove Son of A King Godwith Skin OnMr.Crow Church Member The Armour Bride The ChristmasDoll TheInfideland the Apple Tree The Little Eagle Story TheMasterViolinist TheRambling Man and the Tornado The Scoffer andtheOncoming Storm
Only Believe & Believers Hymns 0.0.3
The "Only Believe and Believer's Hymnal Apps" brings youalltheHymns you can find in the Only Believe and Believer'sSongBooks.1. The Only Believe Song Book has 1085, 2. Believer’sSongBook has479 songs and 3. Luganda Language Song Book. HymnsandSongs havebeen arranged in the same chronological order as seeninour Hymnand Song Books in order for Believers to easilynavigateand searchfor Hymns or Songs in the fastest way than everbefore.This is themost complete collection available. Note:Theapplication iscreated to make the learning of songs moreeffectiveand efficientin any apart of the world. It is not intendedtoreplace ourHymn/Song Books but to make it more accessible toallwhere everand whenever one needs it. Features • Search aHymn/Songby itsNumber • Search a Hymn/Song by its Title • Navigateto theNext orPrevious songs • Arranged in logical order • WorksOfflineor Workwithout Internet THIS APPS IS SPECIALLY MADE FORYOU.Thisapplication is still in development stage.Constructivesuggestionsare always welcomed. For those of you whowant tocontribute to‘’Only Believe and Believer’s Apps’’ can sendit to myemail [email protected]. Thank YOU and God Bless YOU.Amen
LWB Mobile
KJV Bible, William Branham Sermons, Healing Videos, Gospel Musicandmore!
Prayer Quotes/Sayings 0.2
The “Prayer Quotes and Sayings Apps” delivers powerfulthoughts(Quotes) from Our Lord Jesus Christ, William Branham, JohnWesley,Martin Luther, Apostle Paul and many others to come as theapps isbeen updated. The purpose of this Application is to makesure thatyou are constantly reminded of your prayer life. Pleasefind belowsome inspiring quotes from these High ProfilePersonalities ~OurLord Jesus Christ “And all things, whatsoever yeshall ask inprayer, believing, ye shall receive” ~William Branham“Lay asideeverything. Just get as close to God as you can. Walkwith Him,talk with Him. Let everything else be secondary but yourprayerlife. Stay right with Him all the time” ~John Wesley “Goddoesnothing except in answer to Prayer” -Martin Luther “To beaChristian without prayer is no more possible than to bealivewithout breathing” ~Billy Graham “To get nations back ontheirfeet, we must first get down on our knees” ~Charles Spurgeon“Youcan be omnipotent if you know how to pray, omnipotent in allthingswhich glorify God” ~John Bunyan “Prayer will make a man ceasefromsin, or sin will entice a man to cease from prayer” ~CharlesFinney“Nothing tends more to cement the hearts of Christians thanprayingtogether. Never do they love one another so well as whentheywitness the outpouring of each other’s hearts in prayer”~RichardBaxter “Prayer must carry on our work as much as preaching;hepreacheth not heartily to his people that will not pray forthem”~Apostle Paul “Continue in prayer, and watch in the samewiththanksgiving” ~Prayer Quotes from The Bible With Prayer IndexandTopics Prayer Quotes On Love Prayer Quotes On BlessingsPrayerQuotes On Favor Prayer Quotes On Strength Prayer GeneralBibleQuotes Prayer Quotes On Healing Prayer Quotes On PeacePrayerQuotes On Protection Prayer Quotes On Relationship PrayerQuotes OnComfort Quotes from Country Leader and Founding FathersAbrahamLincoln George Washington John Adams John Evans Atta MillsSamuelAdams George H. W. Bush George W. Bush Andrew JacksonHerbertHoover Franklin Delano Roosevelt Harry S. Truman DwightD.Eisenhower Benjamin Franklin Ronald Wilson Reagan Downloadpowerfulinspiring prayer quotes, to help us pray for our lovedones,families, friends, ourselves and the world at large in ourbusyschedules as The Day of Redemption is near. “Pray withoutceasing”(1st Thessalonians 5:17) You can choose either Quotes VieworAuthors View Quotes View give you all the quotes in theAppsAuthors view allows you to select the quotes using the names oftheauthors. Suggestions are always welcomed through thisemail:[email protected] I love you with the love of the Lord andmay youcontinue to swim in the atmosphere of God’s love. Thank youand Godbless you. Amen! THIS APPS IS SPECIALLY MADE FOR YOU
Joel Osteen's Sermons 2.0
Joel Osteen is a native Texan and the Pastor ofLakewoodChurch,which according to Church Growth Today is America'slargestandfastest growing church. Each week Joel delivers God'smessageofhope and encouragement to more than 38,000 attendees.AccordingtoNielsen Media Research, Joel is the mostwatchedinspirationalfigure in America. His weekly sermon isbroadcast intoevery U.S.television market where it is viewed byseven millionAmericanseach week and more than 20 million eachmonth. His weeklybroadcastis also seen in almost 100 nations aroundthe world. Weare sothankful for the opportunity to share thegreatest message ofallwith individuals, families and communitiesall over the world.Thisministry is committed to helping people fromall walks oflifeexperience the unconditional love and unending hopefound onlyin apersonal relationship with Jesus Christ. JoelOsteen's Sermonsappis fresh every day: New daily devotional, newmessages andnewsermons. NOTE: Internet or WiFi connection isrequired in orderforthe app to access the audio messages andsermons. DISCLAIMER:Thedeveloper of this app (MTSOFT) is not arepresentative,affiliateor subsidiary of the Joel OsteenMinistries, but believesin whatGod is doing through his ministry.Therefore any enquiry orrequestas regards the Bible teachingsaccessible through this appshouldbe sent to the Joel OsteenMinistries.
Evangelism Bible Quotes/Tools 0.1
"But watch thou in all things, endure afflictions, do the work ofanevangelist, make full proof of thy ministry" ~2 Timothy 4:5Value,what is valuable? Getting a soul saved. For he who wins asoul iswise. The soul you win will be a star in your crown inheaventhrough eternity. And a soul is worth more than ten thousandworlds.But as we have something precious we must know how topresent it aswell, else we do more harm than good. This apps isdesigned withscriptures on topical biblical teachings that canhelp you get quickscriptures to explain to someone on a topicwhilst you arewitnessing, obeying the Lord's command of the greatcommission. Wehope it will be of great help to you.
Timeless Texts 2.5
Timeless Texts is a inspirational collectionofmini sermons and Christian spiritual writings from greatpreachersof the past with a audio bible library section containingreadingsof various popular scripture passages from the KJV Bibleproducedwith relaxing background music.The sermons and spiritual writings are by noted men of God:Charles H. Spurgeon, Thomas Brooks, A.W. Pink, A.B.Simpson,Oswald Chambers, Dr. J. Vernon McGeeHenry Law and more.Also included is the daily devotional by F.B. Meyer.You can use this app for daily inspiration and encouragementathome or while on the go !This app is offered completely ad free!
Predicas mujeres cristianas 20.0.0
Preaching for Christian women enjoy the feminine visionofChristianity
God Biblical/Christian Names 0.1
Knowing the names of God is one of the most upliftingBibleadventures a Believer can discover. You will learn aboutGod'sLove, character, his nature, and how completely he cares foryou.~The Seven Compound Names of Jehovah ~The Seven RedemptiveNames ofJesus ~Christian names and their meaning -Christian BabyBoy Names-Christian Baby Girl Names "And Jesus was that Rose ofSharon. And,notice, a rose is a beautiful thing, it has perfume init. Butbefore the perfume can come out, the rose has to be crushed,andthen the perfume is squeezed from the rose. Jesus, in His life,wasthe most beautiful life ever lived; but He couldn't remainthatway, 'cause He had to anoint His Church (to approach HisHoliness),so His life was squeezed out. It cost God His Son. Itcost God thegreatest price. It cost Christ His life. He was theRose of Sharon;but to get the perfume out of a rose, you have tocrush it up. Hisbeautiful life was crushed at a young Man ofthirty-three and ahalf years, that we might live." (~Rev. WilliamMarrion Branham)
Spurgeon Sermons - Theology fo 3.2.9
All Preaching from the "Prince of Preachers" to Know God's WillforYour Life
End Times Bible Prophecy 5.0
***You need to download the free App “CHRISTIAN BOOKS” forreadingthis App***
Message Hub Mobile 3.6.0
Message of the Hour and Bible cross-reference in more than30languages..
T.D. Jakes's Sermons 1.6
T.D. Jakes's Sermons app brings you closer to the Lord.
Melchisedec - Our High Priest 0.1
The Judge Himself Became Our Attorney And Advocate, Melchisedec-Our High Priest. There was a King and a Priest in Salem the cityofpeace, which became the city of David. The name of this Kingandpriest was Melchisedec. lt is clearly stated in scripturesthatthis King did not have beginning of days or ending of Life, hehadno Father or Mother and was without descent and was known astheking of righteousness. Angels have a beginning, the world hadabeginning, man had a beginning and all spirits of all levels hadabeginning including principalities and powers in high placesetc.,for they were created by God, but it is said of this Kingandpriest that he had no beginning or ending of days. Who isthisKing? I will answer boldly. There is only one King who hasnobeginning and has no end and He is God Almighty the creator oftheuniverse, Elohim the self-sufficient one. Oh how sweet it istoknow that the God we serve has no beginning and has no endingofdays for He is the Ancient of Days, the Alpha and the Omegaandthat he is the King of Salem: The king of peace. Because he istheking of peace he gives us peace which passeth allunderstanding,the peace which when in you will be like the riversof waters nevergoing dry. There was the need for a priest unto Godin Jerusalembut God did not get any one who was qualified: Sinlessand worthy,so God occupied the position Himself. It is worthnoticing that itwas in the mind of God that Levites should becomepriest unto Godin Israel and as priest they will be entitled totithe. But how canthey take tithe from the other tribes of Israelhaving not paidtithe themselves. They have to be justified fortaking tithe and tobe justified they had to pay tithe .If the titheis paid to man,what justification has he having not paid tithebefore. The onlyone they could pay the tithe to, to be justifiedwas God and Godwas justified for taking tithe because he createdman. Abrahamtherefore paid tithe to God almighty on behalf of Levi.That's whyLevi as a priest of God was justified for taking tithefrom all theother tribes of Israel on behalf of GOD. God was theportion ofLevi and therefore was entitled to that which belongs toGod;Joshua -13:33 and Hebrew 7. In other words, the one Abrahampaidthe tithe to have to be God. Those who are seeking for Godandwaiting for His appearing I dedicate this little book. Godblessyou.
Outlines and Preachings
Outlies and preachings, Bible studies and messages.
Destiny Worship Center 6.2.0
Subsplash Inc
Destiny Worship Center: Helping You Fulfill Your God-Given Destiny.
Bethel Church 1.7.4
The official Android app for Bethel Church, Festus, Missouri.Thisfree app allows you to browse and search through the sermons ofourministry and stream immediately or download for laterlistening.Summary of features include: - Browse, search, and streamaudiosermons! - Browse, search, and stream video sermons! -Browse,search, and read PDF transcripts! - Download sermons forofflinelistening. - Browse sermons by DATE preached. - Browsesermons bysermon SERIES. - Browse sermons by BIBLE reference. -Browsesermons by the SPEAKER name. - Browse sermons by EVENTcategory. -Browse through recommended sermon PICKS. - Read and postuserCOMMENTS on sermons. - Read Spurgeon’s Morning &Eveningdevotional. - Interactive MAP with geolocation. - Playsermons innatively in background! - VIDEO streaming or downloading!- Livevideo WEBCASTING w/ multi-bitrate! - View newest PHOTOS. -View ourBLOG and add comments. - View our upcoming EVENTS. -TWITTER feedintegration. A WiFi or 3G/4G internet connection isrequired. Thisapp was created by
Prestonwood Baptist Church 6.1.7
Subsplash Inc
With the Prestonwood app you can listen to hours of gospelcenteredpreaching.
Christian Rick Warren Sermon 2.1.0
Richard Duane "Rick" Warren (bornJanuary28,1954) is an American evangelical Christian pastor andauthor. Heisthe founder and senior pastor of Saddleback Church,anevangelicalmegachurch in Lake Forest, California, that istheeighth-largestchurch in the United States (includingmulti-sitechurches). He isalso a bestselling author of manyChristian books,including hisguide to church ministry andevangelism, The PurposeDriven Church,which has spawned a series ofconferences onChristian ministry andevangelism. He is perhaps bestknown for thesubsequent book ThePurpose Driven Life which has soldmore than 30million copies,making Warren a New York Timesbestselling author.Warren holds conservative theological viewsandtraditionalevangelical views on social issues such asabortion,same-sexmarriage, abstinence-only education over the useof condomstoprevent HIV/AIDS, and embryonic stem-cell research.Duane Richard"Rick"Warren(born January 28, 1954) is an American evangelicalChristianpastorand author. He is the founder and senior pastorofSaddleback Church,an evangelical megachurch in LakeForest,California, that is theeighth-Reviews largest church in theUnitedStates (includingmulti-site churches). He is Also abestsellingauthor of manyChristian books, Including his guide tochurchministry andevangelism, The Purpose Driven Church, the whichhasspawned a seriesof conferences on Christian ministryandevangelism. He is perhapsbest known for the subsequent bookThePurpose Driven Life roomateshas sold more than 30 millioncopies,making Warren a New York Timesbestselling author.Warren holds conservative theological viewsandtraditionalevangelical views on social issues such asabortion,same-sexmarriage, abstinence-only education over the useof condomstoPrevent HIV / AIDS, and embryonic stem-cellresearch.
Prayer 22
The best prayer app for learning how to pray as a Christian.Freefor all today
Christian Joel Osteen Sermon 5.1.0
This apps will help you and giveyoustrengthfacing your daily problem in life
Spurgeon's Sermons Offline 3.0
Igor Apps
Spurgeon's Sermons. All volumes 1-63. Sermons 1-3563
Wesley's Notes on the Bible 1.0.1
Igor Apps
John Wesley's Explanatory Notes on the Bible Commentaries ontheWhole Bible Wesley’s Explanatory Notes on the Old andNewTestaments will give every reader essential information abouttheBible. The cardinal doctrines of the Christian life are setforthby Mr. Wesley in plain and simple language. The scholar,thepreacher, the teacher or the student will find a wealth offreshand invigorating material in this rare set of books. FEATURES-clickable links to KJV Bible verses! - smart design byAndroidGuidlines! - read King James Bible mode! - better perfomanceof thetext (supported italic words, bold, colours and so on) - full(eachelement) day/night support - easy navigation, 3 tap togetpaticular commentary of bible verse - red letter edition ofKJVBible - highlight/underline part of commentary -addnotes/bookmarks - convinient settings: changing font,fontsize,linespace, brightness, red letter - share part commentaryviaGoogle+, Facebook, Twitter, email, SMS and etc - new searchengine- landscape & portrait support - fast & easy to useJohnWesley John Wesley was a Church of England cleric andChristiantheologian. Wesley is largely credited, along with hisbrotherCharles Wesley, as founding the Methodist movement whichbegan whenhe took to open-air preaching in a similar manner toGeorgeWhitefield. In contrast to George Whitefield's Calvinism,Wesleyembraced the Arminian doctrines that were dominant inthe18th-century Church of England. Methodism in both forms wasahighly successful evangelical movement in the United Kingdom,whichencouraged people to experience Jesus Christ personally.Wesley'swriting and preachings provided the seeds for both themodernMethodist movement and the Holiness movement, whichencompassnumerous denominations across the world. In addition, herefinedArminianism with a strong evangelical emphasis on theReformeddoctrine of justification by faith. Wesley was a logicalthinkerand expressed himself clearly, concisely and forcefully inwriting.His written sermons are characterised by spiritualearnestness andsimplicity. They are doctrinal but not dogmatic. HisNotes on theNew Testament (1755) are enlightening. Both the Sermons(about 140)and the Notes are doctrinal standards. Wesley was afluent,powerful and effective preacher. He usually preachedspontaneouslyand briefly, though occasionally at great length.
Gospel Preaching 1.5
Various materials for gospel-preachingarenowavailable on mobile devices. Most of the content is takenfromthedirect writings of Witness Lee. Presented withclearillustrationsand stories, these materials help saints tounderstandand clarifyvarious aspects of the truth e.g. baptism. Thestoriesallow easyreading for all and include relevant Scripture.Thisproduct isapplicable to gospel-preaching on the street, in thehomemeeting,and in all occasions alike.
Adventist Sermons: happy saturday images 2.2
Are you tired of stress? Do you have an invitation to preach anddonot know what problem to impart? Do you come from tired workandall you want is to feel relaxed? Do you have problems and doyouwant the comfort of God? is for you !!!! Today I give you thebestApp. So you can read it and share it all over the world. Inthisapplication you will have access to the Adventist sermons thatyouspend moments of reflection and can also share in conferenceswiththe brothers of the church ... You can share it with yourfriends,family, co-workers, etc. What you hope to do click ondownload! andenjoy the best hymns that you will find. With the beststations andsermons in the Adventist world. download to animateother lives andhave great experiences and messages for your life!with thisapplication that brings you several contents such as:Adventistphrases so you can share it with all your friends indifferentsocial networks and thus help those who are far away Goddo notwait any longer ... download now and you will find Prayers,you cannot miss the opportunity to know what this application hasfor you,so do not wait any longer and download Adventist Sermonsand youwill see that with this you can help thousands of yourfriends toget closer to God and enjoy the best hymns you'll find.With thebest stations and sermons in the Adventist world. Downloadto cheerother lives and have great experiences and messages foryourlife!!!
Theology dictionary complete 2.0.19
Theology Dictionary, quick reference on the definitions ofthisdoctrine
The Church of Almighty God 5.5
Study God's work in the last days and follow the footsteps oftheLamb.
EGW Writings 2 7.6.0
The Complete Published Writings of Ellen G. White available in137languages.
Only Believe Song Book 2.3
Uduak Essien
Only Believe Tabernacle Hymns is composed of songs frequentlyusedbybelievers of the capstone prophetic ministry ofwordinfallibilitybrought by God's servant William Branham forworshipand singing ofpraises.