Top 22 Apps Similar to ONMEST

Selfcast 2.1.1404
You can download the Selfcast app for free and usemostfeatures,including applying for Free jobs. If you want to applyforBasic orPremium jobs, you must sign up for a subscription.Selfcastis anapp that enables Talents – actors, models, dancers,extras andmanyothers – to connect with Producers in the film, TV,eventandadvertising industry without any intermediary. FeaturesontheSelfcast app include: Comprehensive Talent profilePersonalizeyourprofile Upload photos and videos See job postingsApply forPAIDjobs Apply for international jobs Receive individualjoboffersCommunication with the Producers Record SelfcastvideosSigndigital contracts Training and tutorial You cancastyourself,build your personal profile and receive job offers.Amongothergreat features you can communicate directly withProducers,whenthey want to book you for exciting jobs. When usingSelfcastyoudon’t need an expensive agency to manage your career.You canjustdo it yourself. Download the app today, create yourprofileandstart looking for jobs right away. See you on Selfcast!
Synergy WorldWide 1.13.0
The official app for Synergy WorldWide Team Members isreadyforaction. Check the status of your business and the growthofyourteam. Manage orders and access resources. Enjoythereal-timecontrol of your distributorship while sharing EliteHealthacrossthe world.
FLApp: Future Lab Aachen App 2.2.3
FLApp: The new science guide. Experience Aachen in a whole new way!
Emlid Flow 9.11
Professional Land Survey App
SSG Academy
SSGAcademy application offerstrainingproducts, brand news and even behavioral trainings.Now you can also connect anywhere, anytime, by smartphone ortabletand it's all free!Remembering that access is allowed only for peoplealreadyregistered on the site.
Guuru 2.3.11
Unleash your inner Guuru - share your expertise and get paid forit!
EOS Crop Monitoring 0.17.0
EOS Crop Monitoring is a free application that lets youmonitorcropperformance, make scouting reports and mark problemareas. Allyouneed is a smartphone with Internet access to monitoryour farmfromany place. App requires the user to sign in withanexistingaccount. The EOS Crop Monitoring app is perfect forfarmowners,managers and workers, agricultural consultantsandinsurancecompanies. Core of field monitoring is basedonmultispectralsatellite imagery analysis. Functionality 1)Scoutingtasks andreports Application allows you to perform scoutingtasksand fillin information about field scouting including butnotlimited tofield crop performance, crop details likehybrid/variety,stage ofgrowth, plant density and soil moisture.Scouts can alsoattachphotos to scouting report 2) Getting all fieldinfo togetherThereare field cards for every field you save. You canuse it tostorecrop and area information, as well as visualize yourfield onthemap with all scouting reports related to the field.3)Interactivemap With our customised map, you can view allyourfields andscouting reports in one place. You can quicklyaccessinformationabout the vegetation index for any of your fieldswhichallows youto pinpoint problems areas and improve cropproductivity.About EOSWe are the California based AgTech companythat developsan onlineplatform for precision farming. If you haveany questions,email usat [email protected] Download and startscouting right away!
myUWindsor Mobile 4.1.2
Put the University of Windsor experience in the palm ofyourhandwith the new myUWindsor application. Designed toconnectstudentswith the latest news, course schedules and socialevents,the appoffers convenience and accessibility with just onetouch.Alumniand visitors can also access the app to use thecampusmap,directory and more. The myUWindsor app allows theentirecampuscommunity to stay in touch. Features: Courses –Reviewyourcourses, schedule, grades and exams Messages – ReceiveallyourmyUWindsor messages and CLEW notifications in one spot Map–Campusmap with searchable options Leddy Library – Connectwiththelibrary quickly and search their site for books andjournalsDailyNews – Stay current on daily campus news Events – Listofcampusevents including academic, athletic and culturalFinances–Provides account details and allows you to add fundstoyourUwinCARD Go Lancers – Are you a Lancer fan? Stay up to dateoftopstories and events Directory – Search faculty,staffanddepartments Social – Access UWindsor Facebook, TwitterandYouTubepages in one click Emergency – Read importantinformationwhere youneed it most, on your phone CJAM – Listen toCJAM live TheLance –Get the latest news from UWindsor’s officialstudentnewspaperCampus Life – Gateway to important studentrelatedservices Thisapp will continue to evolve and we welcomeyourfeedback to enhanceyour myUWindsor experience.
World Bank MacroStats to Go 1.1
World Bank
WB MacroStats to Go is an app that provides acombinationofinnovation, simplicity and portability which trulymakeseconomicinformation available at your fingertips. The appdrawsfrom theBank Group’s Open Data initiative and hasbeenspecificallydesigned for mobile platforms (iPhone, iPad,Androiddevices) topresent macroeconomic information in a new way.Itfeatures avisual and dynamic representation of the data youneed.The apppresents all the key macroeconomic indicators (rangingfromgrossdomestic product structure to fiscal, balance ofpaymentsorpoverty data) to provide users with the ability toquicklyanalyze,categorize, compare, and track any country in theworld.There arefour distinguished features that add value to theWorldBank’scurrent product portfolio: • WB MacroStats combinesdataaccess onthe go with an appealing visual analysis. The appwasexclusivelydesigned for mobile platforms, and it featuresdynamicbubblecharts and customizable tables that can be easilyexported bytheuser. • WB MacroStats uses a simple algorithm withtwocustomizablecriteria (per default, GDP per capita andpopulation)andadjustable weights that allows for the automaticselection ofpeercountries. • The app is automatically populatedwith thelatestdata available by connecting to the WorldDevelopmentIndicatorsAPI. Once the data is loaded to the app, nointernetconnection isneeded. • In addition, the app provides theuser withup-to-dateWorld Bank projections for key economicvariables such asGDPgrowth and Current Account Deficits.
Statcounter Web Analytics 2.12.1
Independent web analytics specialist Statcounter tracksmillionsofwebsites for companies, agencies,bloggers,self-employed,charities and anyone who wants to measureactivity ontheirwebsite, blog or forum. Key features include easeofuse,independence and ability to view individual visitors inrealtime.We read all feedback submitted via the app orourwebsite. We'veimplementedseveralimprovements based on the feedback already. Keepit coming.Somemembers are having trouble logging in. If you arehavingtroubleplease send us your feedback and let us know whatusernameandpassword combination you are trying.
Throughput Test Client 1.0.38
TamoSoft Ltd
TamoSoft Throughput Test is a utility for testing performanceofWi-Fi networks.
Radius 17.6
Radius Agent
Radius features a 71,000+ real estate agent community andreferralmarketplace.
National Life Group Agent App 3.0.0
For agents who sell products issued bythecompanies of National Life Group, this app enables you toaccesscritical information about your business on-the-go andon-demand.For example, you will have the ability to search and viewyour newbusiness records based on Policy Status, Annuitant/InsuredName,Action Required, and Recent Searches. Functionality mirrorswhatagents have through the National Life Agent Portal withadditionalaccess to Agent News that provides critical business andproductupdates, along with company announcements.National Life Group is a trade name of National LifeInsuranceCompany (Montpelier, VT) and its affiliates.TC83185(0115)p
Tradovate Pulse 1.201111.3
Tradovate Pulse is a new mobile app developed by Tradovate thatisspecifically designed for simplicity through anintuitiveeasy-to-use interface. Tradovate Pulse provides thefeatures andinformation you need where you need them when you needthem.Tradovate Pulse: - Leverages new technologies. We've builtthis newmobile application on Google's new mobile UI framework,Flutter.This enables us to develop even faster for mobile, itprovides somegreat new UI features and has fantastic performance. -Is designedfor simplicity and ease of use. We're like you, we useour phonesfor everything and don't want to have to go through moresteps thannecessary to get to important information. This app isgearedtoward an interface that is simple and intuitive to use. -Has moreinformation more readily available. We're working toeliminateneedless taps and swipes that take you away from managingyourtrades/positions/accounts. Important information is where itneedsto be and accessing additional details is simple. - Providessimpleposition and order management. We've made the interfacesforposition and order management simple and powerful. -Providesmodern interactions and navigation. As most trading mobileapps arestarting to diverge from great mobile experiences, we'releveragingmodern tools to enable a more mobile-centric approach tothis newapp. - Introduces smart assistant-based messaging. Pulsehas an"assistant" which will provide important information based ontheproducts you trade and monitor. See these messages at the bottomofthe app. While we will continue to offer our current mobileapp,Tradovate Trader, we encourage you to try Tradovate Pulseandexperience a new simpler way to interact with the futuresmarkets.
Timezone Converter 1.2.3
Alt Studio NZ
Easy conversion tool between many time zones, no ads!
Acron RPN Calculator 3.1.2
Acron Games
Beautiful, easy to use, and powerful RPN calculator
Speccy Spectrum Analyzer
Turn your phone into a professional audio spectrum analysistoolwith this app.
Dynatrace 2.1.219
Dynatrace LLC
The Dynatrace mobile app provides real-time alerts onyourAndroiddevices when performance problems are detected inyourapplicationenvironment. As a key component of theDynatraceapplicationperformance monitoring system, the Dynatracemobile appprovidesreal-time root-cause analysis—from yourcloud-basedinfrastructureall the way down to individual lines ofapplicationcode—that yourdevelopers can use to accelerate problemresolution.You must havea Dynatrace account to use this app. Toregister foryour freetrial account, visit with artificial intelligenceDynatrace is afull-stackperformance and availability monitoringsystem thatenables yourDevOps team to monitor the health of yourentireapplicationenvironment, from the cloud-based datacenterlevel, tothe servicesthat your applications rely on, all the waydown to thecode-level,Dynatrace monitors it all. With real usermonitoring,Dynatraceeven provides real-time performance insightsinto yourcustomers’mobile and desktop experiences with yourapplication.Dynatraceuses artificial intelligence to significantlyreduce thetimerequired to identify the root causes ofsystemperformanceproblems. Rather than overload you withambiguousalerts, Dynatraceprovides you with complete, pre-analyzedproblemsthat show youboth the full impact and the cause of eachdetectedproblem.Artificial intelligence enables Dynatrace to learnthebaselineperformance of every component in your environmentandtherebyinstantly detect performance problems and theircauses.Dynatracecontinuously monitors the health of your hostsandnetwork,cloud-based services, hypervisors (including VMwareESXiand AmazonWeb Services), and service infrastructure to keep youandyour teamin control of the health of your applicationenvironment.Keywords- Monitoring - Application performancemanagement (APM) -Servermonitoring - Real user monitoring (RUM) -Apdex -Virtualizationmonitoring - Correlation metrics - Operatingsystemmetrics -Network metrics - Real user experience metrics-Synthetic-usermonitoring (SUM) - Production environmentmonitoring- Fullmonitoring of technology stacks - Hypervisormonitoring(VMWareESX, Amazon AWS) - Database monitoring
HackSpace magazine 5.8.3
Raspberry Pi
HackSpace magazine is the best monthly magazine for hackersandmakers.
SpaceXNow - A SpaceX fan app 1.0.3
For the hardcore SpaceX fan who doesn't want to miss anythingSpaceXrelated. Mobile 1.13.0
Serving the world's largest community of translators,ProZ.comdelivers a comprehensive network of essential services,resourcesand experiences that enhance the lives of its members.ProZ.comMobile enables language professionals and outsoucers to: •Browsetranslation and interpreting jobs, submit offers, and keeptrack ofthese offers. • Post jobs and receive quotes fromlanguageprofessionals from all around the world. • Browse thefreelancedirectory and get in touch with the largest communityoftranslators and interpreters via email, phone or Skype,organizejob candidates into lists ( Lists™) and folders, orbrowsespecialized groups of pre-screened experts ( Pools™).•Manage risks by checking the Blue Board™ --a databaseofoutsourcers containing colleagues' past experience with them--andhelp others by leaving feedback. • Search millions oftranslatedterms and phrases in a collection of glossaries anddictionariesbuilt by and for professional translators. • Give andreceive helpwith the translation of tough terms through KudoZ™. •Exchangeinformation with colleagues by answering daily polls. •Discusstopics of interest to translators and other languageprofessionalsvia forums. • Share information about what you areworking on topromote the work you do and track your project historyover time. •Test and hone your translation skills by participatingin regularcontests. • Share jobs, KudoZ questions and points, quickpolls andwhat I'm working on posts on Facebook, Twitter andLinkedIn withjust one click. IMPORTANT: Some Mobilefeatures areavailable to paying members only. For moreinformation,visit Learn Mobile: Contact us: Viae-mail:[email protected] Through our supportcenter: Followus: OnFacebook: OnTwitter: OnLinkedIn: OnGoogle+: OnInstagram: OnPinterest:
Aviation News Talk 2.4.30
Max Trescott
General Aviation news, interviews, pilot safety tips,andlistenerquestions answered. These clear and concise, “justthefacts”podcast audio recordings deliver relevant informationforallpilots, and student pilots who want to learn to fly,withoutthefluff and banter sometimes found in podcasts. Theepisodesarestrictly about General Aviation; when an airlinestoryisdiscussed, it’s always in the context of what a GApilotcouldlearn from an airline-related story or accident. Wealsointerviewaviation leaders who are in the news in ourNewsMakersepisodes. Insome of these episodes, survivors of anaircraftaccident orincident share what they learned. You can findaviationnews onlots of web sites. But I bring you a perspective onthe newsthatcomes from over forty years as a pilot. In addition tonews,oneach show I talk in depth about a pilot skill or safetyissue.AndI spend a lot of time researching information, so you canrelyonwhat you hear. Listeners have given me tons of feedback,andtheysay they find the show interesting, informative, andchock-fullofrelevant content and commentary. They like that theshow is tothepoint and doesn't waste their time. Why I do the Show.IcreatedAviation News Talk because, while I love being a cohostontheAirplane Geeks podcast, there isn't enough time on that showformeto share all the information I’d like with listeners. And,asIlistened to other aviation podcasts, I wasn't finding thekindofgeneral aviation show I was looking for. I teach flying 5-6daysaweek, and often after a flight, I think, “I need tosharethisinformation with other pilots to help keep them safe.”That'swhy Istarted this provide valuable information thatmighthelpsave a life (and I've already been told by one pilotthatsomethingI told her saved her life!). Your Host. Max Trescottisthe 2008National Certificated Flight Instructor of the Year. Heisa CirrusPlatinum CSIP flight instructor who helps potentialCirrusSR20 andSR22 buyers around the country evaluate the manytradeoffsinvolvedin deciding whether to buy a new versus a slightlyusedCirrus.He’s based in the San Francisco Bay area andspecializesinteaching in G1000, Avidyne, and Perspective glasscockpitairplanessuch as the Cessna, Diamond, and Cirrus planes,andEclipse andPhenom jets. He’s an author, former magazinecolumnist,and is bestknown for his Max Trescott’s G1000 &PerspectiveGlass CockpitHandbook. With this app you are alwaysconnected tothe latestepisodes and the show. Quickly star episodesand savethem to alist so you can easily enjoy them over and over!This apphas a Carmode too! Rotate your phone to display largerplaybackcontrols. Itis the best and most convenient way to accessAviationNews Talk.If you're a fan of the show you won't want to bewithoutit! Thisapp contains the following features: * Car mode,rotateyour phoneto display larger playback controls * Streamingaccess toplayepisodes from anywhere * Always updated with thelatestepisodesand an archived back catalog * Playback resume(wheninterrupted bya call or other distraction) * Quick access toallthe contactmethods for the show like phone, email, web,Facebook,and Twitter* Playback controls like continuous play, Speed1x,Repeat Off, andSleep Timer