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Coop - Tilbud, Bonus, Betal og Mad 21.3.1
COOP APP’EN ER FOR ALLEDu kan som medlem af Coop få en masse ud af at bruge app’en,menselvom du ikke er medlem er der gode grunde til at bruge app’en.Dukan altid læse de gældende tilbudsaviser fra Coops butikkersamtnæste uges aviser. Med Coop app’en er det nemmere at lave godmad ihverdagen og få en sund madøkonomi.FÅ BONUS NÅR DU HANDLER HOS COOPNår du som Coop medlem har handlet for mere end 500,- kroneriCoop’s butikker på en måned, får du 1% i bonus på dineindkøbresten af måneden. Betaler du dine indkøb med et kort fraCoopBank, får du yderligere 20% mere i bonus – altså 1,20% i fastbonusresten af måneden. Hver uge får du også bonus påudvalgtetilbudsvarer - de ses i app’ens tilbudsmenu.OVERBLIK OVER DIN BONUS - OG BETAL MED DENHver gang du handler tikker der bonus direkte i din app. Du serdinbonus med det samme og kan vælge at betale med den næste gangduhandler i Coops butikker eller på Derudover kan dubrugeappen til altid at holde øje med status på dinoptjentebonus.PERSONLIGE MEDLEMSTILBUDHver uge kan du som medlem vælge og aktivere 5 personlige tilbudfraen række af tilbud som vi har særligt udvalgt til dig..Tilbudene erbaseret på det du køber mest af og kan købes hosKvickly, Irma,Superbrugsen, Dagli’Brugsen og Fakta. Udover depersonlige tilbud,tilbydes Coop medlemmer helt særlige tilbud påmasser af varer, ogMedlemsbonus.LOKALE TILBUD TIL DIG OG NYT FRA DIN BUTIKTjek altid Coop app’en for varer til ekstra god pris i dinlokalebutik - de findes kun i app’en. Din lokale butik er denbutik, somdu som medlem har valgt som din tilhørsbutik, da dumeldte dig indi Coop, og du kan til enhver tid vælge en anden. Iapp'en er derogså nyheder, events og meget mere fra dinfavoritbutik.BETAL MED DIN BONUS VED KASSENSom medlem behøver du ikke længere bære rundt på dit medlemskortfraCoop, men kan nemt og hurtigt bruge app’en ved kassen. Scanapp’envia bluetooth eller QR scanner ved kassen og betal også nemtmed dinopsparede bonus eller et tilknyttet betalingsmiddel.OPSKRIFTER, KOGEBOG OG MADINSPIRATIONHver dag får du gode tips til nem og hurtig aftensmad, køkkenfifogtusindvis af opskrifter, så du aldrig mangler inspirationikøkkenet. Med Coop app’en er det nemmere at lave god mad og fåensund madøkonomi.BONUS OG TILBUD FRA VORES PARTNEREIkke nok med at du som medlem kan optjene bonus i Coopsbutikker,kan du også få bonus fra vores partnere. Tjek altid Coopapp’en,inden du f.eks. planlægger oplevelser med familien, skiftertilvinterdæk, tanker benzin, shopper online eller bestiller dinnæsteferie.STYR PÅ DINE KASSEBONERHvis du betaler med app’en kan du straks se din kvittering.Hvergang du handler, gemmer app’en en kopi af kassebonen, så dukanholde styr på dit husholdningsregnskab ét samlet sted ogfindegamle kvitteringer.COOP app is ALLYou can be a member of Coop get a lot out how to use the app, butifyou're not a member, there are good reasons to use the app. Youcanalways read the applicable flyers from Coop stores as well asnextweek's newspapers. With Coop app makes it easier to make goodfoodin everyday life and have a healthy madøkonomi.GET BONUS WHEN DEALING WITH COOPWhen Coop member has acted for more than 500, - crowns inCoop'sstores in a month, you get 1% bonus on your purchases rest ofthemonth. Are you paying your purchases with a card from theCoopBank, you get an additional 20% more in bonuses - ie 1.20% ofthefixed bonus the rest of the month. Every week you also get bonusonselected bargains - viewed in the app specials menu.OVERVIEW OF YOUR BONUS - AND PAY WITHEvery time you trade policies that bonus directly into your app.Yousee your bonus instantly and can choose to pay by the next timeyoushop at Coop stores or Additionally, you can use theapp toalways keep an eye on the status of your bonus earned.PERSONAL MEMBER OFFERSEach week you as a member select and activate 5 personalizedoffersfrom a number of deals that we have specially selected foryou ..The offers are based on the buying most of and can bepurchased atKvickly, Irma, Super, Dagli'Brugsen and Facts . Inaddition to thepersonalized offers, offered Coop members withspecial deals onlots of products, and Member bonus.LOCAL OFFER FOR YOU AND NEWS FROM YOUR SHOPAlways check Coop app for goods to extra good price in yourlocalstore - they exist only in the app. Your local store is thestoreyou as a member have chosen as your tilhørsbutik when yousigned upin the Coop, and you can always choose another. In the appthere isalso news, events and more from your favorite store.PAY YOUR BONUS IN THE BOXAs a member you no longer need to carry around your membershipcardfrom Coop, but can easily and quickly use the app at checkout.Scanapp via Bluetooth or QR scanner at the checkout and pay tooeasywith your accumulated bonus or a related payment.RECIPES, AND COOKBOOK food inspirationEvery day you get good tips for quick and easy dinner, køkkenfifandthousands of recipes, so you never lack inspiration in thekitchen.With Coop app makes it easier to make good food and ahealthymadøkonomi.BONUS AND OFFERS FROM OUR PARTNERSNot only do you as a member can earn bonuses in Coop stores, youcanalso get bonus from our partners. Always check Coop app beforesuch.planning experiences with family, switching to wintertires,refueling, shopping online or book your next vacation.MANAGING YOUR CASH BONERIf you pay with the app you can immediately see your receipt.Eachtime you shop, store app a copy of your receipt so you cankeeptrack of your household accounts in one place and findoldreceipts.
FabSwapp Get Free Stuff Local 2.8.2
FabSwapp is a rapidly growing swap community in themobilemarketplace. We specialize in trading used clothing &muchmore. Find Great Deals! FabSwapp is free & simple appforswapping new or used stuff within your neighborhood. Let go anyofyour lightly used items, secondhand fashion & save money!It’sboth eco and financial friendly way to keep your closetconstantlychanging by being part of this local friendly community.The app iseasy to use and you can collect tokens just by using theapp to buystuff for free. It’s a fact, that most used clothes stillhave 90%of their life left in them so why not give them a secondlife &upcycle by trading with someone else. How It Works • Listyourusable clothing & other things laying around the house.It’s assimple as taking a picture & writing a briefdescription. •Browse daily to find new and second hand items thatother peopleare giving away nearby • Private chat with other usersabout yourgive away items • Place a bid on any item using tokens asourvirtual currency • Receive offers from other users andnegotiatethe optimal amount of tokens • Meetup or ship itemsbetween members• Enjoy a Give free. Get free. Guilt free way oflife. Swap yourunwanted or stored items to save money theenvironment The bestpart is that swaps are not one to one; they areone to many. Thismeans that if you give an item to one person, youcan redeem thetokens you earned for stuff that other users aregiving away. Tradeyour pre-loved stuff with other people locallyfor free. Take alook in your closet, you might even have a nicehandbag or pursethat is still in great condition that you canbarter. Just imaginea mobile version of consignment store, goodwillplaces, fleamarket, garage sale or yard sale but better than cheap.It is free!It’s also social and you get to meet other like-mindedpeople whowant good quality free items and to look stylish at thesame time.You can exchange with pre-loved stylish and designerdress, shoes,handbags, accessories and more. This app is foreveryone fromfashion forward girls and boys to game enthusiasts andbook loverseverywhere! FabSwapp is the easiest way to swap clothesand otherstuff you may have lying around the house such as: •books,electronics & video games, gadgets, cell phones, toolsandvintage stuff • woman, man, kid, girl, boy, baby &maternityclothing and kids toys • Watches, makeup, jewelry,handbag, boots& more! Take advantage of near me feature. It iscompletely upto you to swap with someone near or far away. FabSwappis yourlocal flea market. No need to have a time consuming andmessy yardor garage sale. Just put it on FabSwapp and watch the allpeoplecome looking for free stuff. FabSwapp is not a buy &sell, weonly focus on free trade just like the barter system. Doesyourwardrobe need to be refreshed? Are you tired of the look ofyourgarments collecting dust? If you want to shop less butbefashionable and stylish, then FabSwapp is the right app foryou!Find people who love to swap their cool stuff with yours!USERPRIVACY • We don’t share your information with ANYONE.