Top 18 Apps Similar to Aliexpress Montenegro

Лучшие товары с Алиэкспресс 1.8
Устали искать полезноенаАлиэкспресс?Теперь есть наше приложение:1. Действительно полезные товары из Китай для каждого.2. 26 категорий товаров.3. Сортировка по цене и популярности.4. Удобный поиск.5. Приятный дизайн.6. Быстрый переход на сайт AliExpress.7. У нас Алиэкспресс на русском полностью + цена в рублях.8. Для Вас разработан кэшбэкОтслеживайте самые выгодные товары с Китая и заказывайте посылкиводин клик.Мы старались для вас и надеемся, что вы оцените приложениеподостоинству.Мы откроем для вас aliexpress с новой стороны!Tired of lookingatAliekspress useful?Now is our application:1. Really useful goods from China each.2. 26 product categories.3. Sort by price and popularity.4. Easily search.5. Nice design.6. Jump to the site AliExpress.7. We Aliekspress to Russian + fully price in rubles.8. For you developed cashbackKeep track of the most profitable products to China, order andsendin a single click.We tried for you and hope that you will appreciate theapplicationon its merits.We will open for you a new side aliexpress!
Best China Prices 1.4.5
Before I get the list of stores, it’simportantto consider there are two types of stores:- E-retailers (B2C) – In this case, you buy directly fromtheretailer which collects payment, and handles shipping andsupport.Examples are DealExtreme and GeekBuying.- Seller Portals – The website then acts as a third partyfortransactions between two parties: a seller (individual orsmallbusiness) and a buyer. Examples is Aliexpress.If you purchase any item from an e-retailers, you’re likely tohavethe same level of support and overall experience next timeyoupurchase a product. But if you buy from Aliexpress forinstance,you may want to check the seller ratings and other buyers’feedbackbefore committing to a purchase. There tends to be a widerrange ofproducts and cheaper prices on sellers portals.There’s another type of sites using the dropshipping service ofsomee-retailers. They are just a website to allow people topurchase,but all product shipping and handling is done by theoriginale-retailer. I believe none of the sites listed belowaredropshipping websites.I’ll start by the ones that I regularly use by orderofpreference:Dealextreme – I do most of my purchases via,mostlybecause I’ve gotten used to it, the price are OK (most ofthetime), they accept Paypal, and I clearly understand theirvariouspolicies in terms of shipping, and returns. If you haveareasonable proof a product is defective, or not asdescribed,they’ll either provide a refund (as dx points), or payfor returnshipping (amount limited) and refund later.. I’ll explaina bitmore in other sections of the post.Aliexpress – It’s a seller portal with a large numberofsellers, and an amazing choice of products. If I can’t get whatIneed from, I’ll use Aliexpress where I’m pretty sure tofindanything. It would probably be my first choice, if theyacceptedPaypal. You have to be especially careful however with sometrickssellers are using to deceive prospective buyers. Moredetailsbelow.There are three others e-retailers, I’ve either usedinfrequently,and/or who have provided samples to cnx-software.comin the past orcurrently:Pandawill – This e-retailer is relatively popular andsellsgadgets, clothes, and (cheap) jewelry. I’ve purchased once,and Idid not have any issues with their service or product.GeekBuying – I receive most of my samples for reviewfromGeekBuying, and although I’ve never purchased from them, theyseemto be very popular, and trusted by the community. One reasoncouldbe because they try to release firmware for theirdevicesregularly, and they are involved in the community. Theymainly sellgadgets, but I’ve recently seen some (cheap) jewelrytoo.Taobao is the biggest consumer-to-consumer (C2C)e-commerceplatform based in China. You can get clothes,accessories, gadgetsand even computer hardware at very low (dirtcheap) prices.However, because the website is 100% in Chinese, thismay be abarrier to those who want to shop.Before you shop on a website, you’ll probably want to know if itistrustworthy. One way is to use Google to find out if peoplementionscams, bad customer services and so on. For every sitesyou’ll findsome negative reviews, as you can’t please anyone. Butdo not letthese scare, and try to find overall what people thinkabout thesites, products and service. Another, possibly faster, wayis checkthe sellers on Resellerratings and compare varioussites.Once you’re happy with the site, but you’re using a sellerportalyou’ll need to check the seller ratings on the site itself(e.g.Aliexpress). After each buyer receive a parcel, they’llnormallygive a mark between 1 and 5 stars depending on the shippingspeed,if the product matches the description and so on. If a sellera nofeedback, it does not mean they are bad, but you’re takingmorerisk than with a seller with 1,000 reviews and a 99%approvalrating.
Alitools Shopping Assistant 8.4.2
AliTools Ltd.
Price tracking and seller rating for smart shopping
Кэшбэк с Алиэкспресс покупок 2.6
Вернем Вам % с каждой покупкинаАлиэкспресс!Просто нажмите кнопку "Актвировать кэшбэк" и сделайтепокупку.AliExpress платит нам % за каждую покупку, а мы большую частьотдаемВам!1. Что такое "кэшбэк" Алиэкспресс?Cash back — это возврат наличных денег за покупки.Алиэкспрессплатит нам вознаграждение за каждого клиента.Мы в свою очередь отдаем большую часть вознаграждения Вам. Неимеетзначения, покупали Вы ранее или нет, кэшбэк идет с любойновойпокупки.2. Товар будет стоить дороже?Все цены в AliExpress остаются такими же, как если бы Выпростозашли туда и совершали покупки, даже не зная, что за нихможнополучать кэшбэк.3. Как вывести деньги?Минимальная сумма выплат составляет всего 15 руб. для выводанаWebMoney или счет мобильного.Для вывода на карту любого банка России и Украины: 500 руб.На QIWI: 100 руб.Выплаты по средам автоматически.AliExpress теперь еще выгоднее c Bonus2You!Наш сайт: https://bonus2you.netРекомендации по кэшбэку:Правила выплатПишите по любым вопросам: [email protected]Мы ВК: refund you witheverypurchase on Aliekspress!Just click "Aktvirovat cashback" and make a purchase.AliExpress% pays us for each purchase, and we will give youthemost!1. What is a "cashback" Aliekspress?Cash back - a return of cash for the purchase. Aliekspress pays usafee for each client.We in turn give you the most reward. It does not matter, youhavealready bought or not, cashback comes with any newpurchase.2. This product will cost more?All prices in AliExpress remain the same as if you just wentoutthere and make a purchase without even knowing that they cangetcashback.3. How to withdraw money?The minimum payout is only 15 rubles. for output to WebMoneyorthrough mobile.To display the card of any bank in Russia and Ukraine:500rub.On QIWI: 100 rub.Wednesdays payments automatically.AliExpress is now more profitable to c Bonus2You!Our website: https://bonus2you.netGuidelines for Cash Back: of payment with any questions: [email protected] VC:
Скидки для Алиэкспресс 2.0.001
AliExpress - самый популярный интернетмагазинв России и СНГ. Миллиарды товаров от миллиона продавцов! Каксредитакого многообразия найти что-то интересное?AliExpert - Ваш личный помошник для поиска самыхинтересныхтоваров на AliExpress! Мы находим самые удивительные,необычные икачественные товары по низкой цене и предлагаем их Вам.Покупкаосуществляется напрямую через Алиэкспресс!Зачем переплачивать посредникам, когда Вы можете покупатьтоварынапрямую у производителей?Мы даем возможность огромного выбора подарков для дома,гаджетов,украшений и просто притных мелочей, которые сделают Вашужизньярче!Функционал:- Ежедневно обновляемый список товаров от AliExpert;- Возможность ставить лайки и делиться с друзьями товарами вВК,которые тебе понравились;- Получать скидочные купоны на покупку разных товаровсAliExpress;- Добавлять интересные товары в избранное;- Не знаете что подарить друзьям или родственникам на НовыйГод,День Рожедния или другой праздник?- AliExpert каждый день предлагает новые товары, которые неоставятВас равнодущными!- Весь товар с AliExpress на русском языке!- Хочешь получать крутые товары от AliExpert бесплатно и бытьвкурсе розыгрышей и конкурсов?- Вступай в нашу группу ВКонтакте ибудьв курсе всех акци и розыгрышей!AliExpress - themostpopular online shop in Russia and the CIS. Billions of goodsfromone million merchants! As among such a variety to findsomethinginteresting?AliExpert - your personal assistant to find the mostinterestingitems on AliExpress! We find the most amazing, unusualandhigh-quality products at low cost and offer them to you.Purchasingis done directly through Aliekspress!Why pay to intermediaries when you can buy products directlyfromthe manufacturer?We give the opportunity to a huge selection of gifts for thehome,gadgets, jewelry and pritno just little things that will makeyourlife brighter!Functional:- Daily updated list of products from AliExpert;- Ability to put the Huskies and share with your friends VCgoodsthat you like;- Get discount coupons for the purchase of various goodstoAliExpress;- Add interesting items to favorites;- Do not know what to give to friends or relatives on NewYear'sDay Rozhedniya or other holiday?- AliExpert every day offers new products that will not leaveyouravnoduschnymi!- All goods with AliExpress in Russian!- Want to get cool products from AliExpert free and be awareofdraws and competitions?- Join our group VKontakte and beawareof all the share prices and jokes!
Alibuy products 4.5.2
Shop mobile
We created this app to reveal ourexperiencewith this products.Many people are skeptical about trying out any product andtheyhave every right to feel this way.We were so impressed by it, that we decided to write ourunbiasedreview on it, so that consumers (thats you) can realizewhether itsreally worth it or not. well gladly help you out.We recommend products based on feedbacks from customers whohavebought the product on the network and based on ourpersonalopinion.Like our facebook page to be updated all the time withourproducts.Enjoy.
China Shopping 1.7.1
Nowadays a great share of goods that we buy–electronics, clothing, home and garden items and many more,areproduced in China. There is a wide range of China shoppingwebsitesthat sell a massive assortment of goods without recurringtomediators, and thus offering lower prices. It is no wondermanycustomers all over the world have already made their choiceandswitched over to online shopping.Chinese stores are extremely popular among online shoppers, whohavecome to a realization that Chinese clothes, shoes, electronicsorgadgets may be of high quality and no worse than Western ones.Evenwell-known international brands and European fashion housesopentheir factories in China, and some Chinese shoppingcompaniescooperate with factories that produce famous brandsproviding bestbargains for their customers.Certainly, even the best Chinese shops have their advantagesandcertain risks. No doubt, free shipping in most of the shops aswellas low prices, discounts and offers topped by an amazingvariety ofall product categories imaginable attract thousands ofcustomersdaily to Chinese shops. However, you should keep in mindthat somee-commerce marketplaces serve as platforms for a multitudeofsellers, and it is essential to check their ratings andusers'feedback before order placement.All in all, Chinese shopping websites may definitely save you alotof money. Fierce competition makes both the top Chineseonlineshops and new emerging stores fight tooth and nail fortheircustomers by means of fresh promotions, coupons, deals andservice.Whether you are planning to update your wardrobe withChineseclothes or buy a latest gadget, Chinese stores will be happytooffer you good value for money.Clothes unquestionably are the bestselling product overtheinternet. When looking for a good value / quality ratio feelfreeto check online clothing stores from China. Most of them offerfreeshipping.People, regardless of their age, social status, place ofresidencebuys online everything. Some of them might need newshirts, otherslook for original jeans or sweaters. Some years agoonline storeshad little trust and clothes were bought rarely, butnow shoppingonline is becoming more and more secure. This resultedto appearmore reliable online stores with decreased price andincreasedquality. Nowadays more and more people afford to purchaseexpensiveand high quality clothes online.As the internet has became an opportunity to buy everything youneedthere is no more need to go to the ordinary local store anymore. Ifyou prefer any particular clothing store or brand, youwill easilyfind your favorite clothes online. Finding yourpreferred brandclothes will be even easier. Just use the rightkeywords or filtersand clothes will be few clicks away. Please becareful to choose theright size as sizes differ from country tocountry. Chinese sizesare way much smaller compared to sizes in USor Europe. Make sure toalways check seller’s descriptions and sizemeasurements thoroughlybefore purchasing online.Top Chinese online shopping,,,,,,,,,,,BuyInCoins,,,,,,,,,,,,
AliBuy shop 2.3
Shop mobile
We recommend products based on feedbacksfromcustomers who have bought the product on the network and basedonour personal opinion.Visit Our Facebookpage: our facebook page to be updated all the time withourproducts.Enjoy
china shopping online 6.0
mobile apps
china online shopping is a popular way of shopping today thisapphelps you to find products and shopping in a touch of afingershopping by cell-phone or tablet is much accessible andeasier findproducts sales in china internet shop, often they aremuch cheaperthan similar product at a retail store see best sellingitems! youcan find anything you want from:man's and woman'sclothing,shoes,glasses, baby clothes ,accessories and much more.find a perfectgift for holidays, mother's day, valentine's day andmore. manyonline stores offer free shipping worldwide. features: -fastbrowse and search over thousands of products - shop byproductcategory - access to shopping cart - access to your orderstatus -read reviews and ratings on products - you can pay withPayPal.
GdePosylka 3.37
Official application of package tracking website
Cashback service Megabonus
Webimatic LTD
Service helping to make smart online purchases
Prices 2.0.2
Do you like online shopping and often buyingineBay, Amazon and AliExpress? So, this app will help you to saveyourtime and money. Realtime search in all shops and displayproducts inone search result.Alibaba: A Mix of Amazon, eBay and PayPal With a DashofGoogleAlibaba Group Holding Ltd.— which is preparing to launch perhapsthelargest U.S. stock listing ever of a Chinesecompany—dominatesChina's e-commerce market. But not everybody inthe U.S. has agrasp of its scope.Perhaps the best way to understand Alibaba is as a mix ofAmazon,eBay and PayPal, with a dash of Google thrown in, all withsomeuniquely Chinese characteristics.Unlike Inc., which buys goods from suppliers andsellsthem to customers, Alibaba has always acted as amiddleman,connecting buyers and sellers and facilitatingtransactions betweenthem. While it isn't an auction company, itsmiddleman role issimilar to the one played by eBay Inc.Taobao, Alibaba's biggest website, is like a giganticChinesebazaar, with about 760 million product listings from sevenmillionsellers. Merchants don't pay to sell products on Taobao.Instead,they pay Alibaba for advertising and other services toallow themto stand out from the crowd.That no-fee model is part of Taobao's appeal in China. Much aswithGoogle Inc., the ads from merchants appear withTaobao'sproduct-search results.While Taobao is mostly for small merchants, Tmall, anothershoppingsite run by Alibaba, is designed for bigger merchants,includingwell-known brands such as Nike Inc. and Gap Inc. AppleInc. thisyear opened a store on Tmall. Unlike Taobao, Tmall, whichhas about70,000 merchants, charges each seller a deposit and anannual fee,as well as a commission on each transaction.What sets Alibaba apart is size. The company has said thatTaobaoand Tmall account for more than half of all parcel deliveriesinChina. In 2012, the combined transaction volume of Taobao andTmalltopped one trillion yuan ($163 billion), more than Amazon andeBaycombined.Alibaba's revenue is about one-tenth of Amazon's because theChinesecompany doesn't sell products on its site. But Alibaba isfar moreprofitable. Alibaba's third-quarter revenue rose 51% froma yearearlier to $1.78 billion. Net profit was $792 million,giving thecompany a profit margin of 44.6%, according toshareholder YahooInc., which owns a 24% stake in Alibaba. Amazonposted revenue of$17.09 billion and a loss of $41 million in thesame quarter.Alibaba founder Jack Ma, shown last May, spoke at an event tomarkthe 10th anniversary of his company's TaobaoMarketplace.ENLARGEAlibaba founder Jack Ma, shown last May, spoke at an event tomarkthe 10th anniversary of his company's Taobao Marketplace.AFP/GETTYIMAGESAlibaba, which could raise about $15 billion from its U.S. IPO,alsohas emerged as a huge player in China's creaky financialsystem. Tosolve the problem of buyers trusting merchants on itssite, Alibabacreated Alipay, a payment system that protects buyersif sellersdon't deliver. Alipay has become so ingrained in Chinathat when thecompany created a money-market fund, it became one ofthe world'slargest in just eight months.Alibaba also makes microloans and is taking part in aChinesegovernment program to set up five private banks on a trialbasis insome big cities. Run by an affiliate of Alibaba, thepayment systemhas allowed the company to accumulate a vast amountof informationon Chinese small businesses, consumers and theironlinetransactions.Even though Alibaba remains by far the biggest player inChina'sfast-growing e-commerce market, the company faces stiffcompetitionas more Chinese consumers use smartphones. Social-mediaandonline-games company Tencent Holdings Ltd. is emerging asapowerful competitor because of its ability to use itspopularWeChat mobile-messaging application as a platform to offerservicessuch as e-commerce.
Ali Super Deals 1.3.0
This application is designedtoprovideconvenient access to Super Deals page on you can always find a lot of cheap and amazingthings.Note,that this is not official application ofAliExpress.
Search Aliexpress Brands 1.2.2
Application helps buyers Aliexpress with alistof brands that you can search by keyword.From the app you can search directly in Aliexpresss.
Big Sale In China 31.0.4
Online shoppping is very popular now! Thisapphelp you to find product in lower price or in big sale whichischeaper than normal!Big Sale In AliExpress, an app collection of globalonlinestore's super deals,include such as AliExpress, dhgate, ebayandother popular online shopping site.Get coupon from aliexpress site free!If you like this app, welcome to give a rate for us, Thanksalots.All the site info comes from internet. If there anyproblem,please mail to me!Update version Info:1.add for get coupon in AliExpress free2.add more superdeal products in AliExpress.3.add superdeal function4.add pull to refresh page function5.fix bugs that product photo not display6.add filter product function7.add for best selling in aliexpress8.add switch between large view and small view in search list
Compras Paraguai 3.1.5
Com o aplicativo Compras Paraguai você compara de formarápidaefácil os preços de milhares de produtos vendidos nasmelhoreslojasdo Paraguai. Além disso, o aplicativo oferece: -Preços emDólar,Real, Peso e Guarani. - Fotos e detalhes dosprodutosorganizadospor modelos e categorias. - Busca avançada comfiltroserefinamentos. - Lista das principais lojas do Paraguai-Mapainterativo com a localização de cada loja. -Informaçõesdetalhadasdas lojas, com fotos, site, whatsapp e etc. -Maioresofertas. -Listas de desejos. Você escolhe os produtos edepois vaiaté a lojae acessa facilmente os produtos salvos nalista. -Calculadorataxas de cartão de crédito. - Calculadora deimposto -FAQ. -Português e Espanhol. - O Compras Paraguai ajudavocê acompararpreços nas principais lojas do Paraguai. - Economizetempoedinheiro em sua viagem ao Paraguai. - Boas compras! *OComprasParaguai não possui loja nem efetua qualquer tipo devendadeprodutos, você precisa ir até o Paraguai para adquiri-los.
AliPromo - Sales & Discounts Finder 1.3
A powerful finder of Aliexpress discounts and China shoppingsaleswith the best prices and promotional products. In-app you willfindAliexpress discounts for almost all categories starts fromKidsstuff and ends with jewelry. At the same time, you cancheckproduct pictures or save it for future look inside theapp.AliPromo - Aliexpress sales & discounts main features:Freedatabase of the best china shopping promotions and prices Alldatais divided into categories Discounts finder Look productphotosSave interesting promos in the offline database Search forthe bestChina shopping prices for desired products As we know,Aliexpressoffering the customer good products at the mostattractive prices.Now you can always be aware of all the existingshares on the site,simply by installing the app and get the bestAliexpress discountscurrently available in the store. All Chinashopping discounts andAliexpress promotions broke down intorelevant categories thatfacilitate the search, see only what you'reinterested. Discountsand sales finder will help you to buy thedesired item for the bestprice on the whole Aliexpress marketplace.Just search its name orexplore our in-app categories. If you haveany suggestions aboutAliPromo - China shopping and Aliexpressdiscounts please contactme using email or contact from at thebottom.
AliBuy Express -Shopping 4.0
Shop mobile
Alibuy offers a huge selection of products ,Super deals,best of thebest,woman&menclothing,jewelry,phones.The most popular products from Ali Express.This application is designed to search for the best knownandbest ratings from AliExpress products.