Top 19 Apps Similar to Scientific RPN calculator

15C Scientific Calculator 2.24
Vicinno Soft LLC
As a powerful emulator of HP 15C Scientific Calculator,Vicinno15CScientific Calculator provides all functions oftheworld-renownedHP 15C RPN high-end scientificprogrammablecalculator for Android.It uses the identicalmathematics andcalculations with theoriginal to give you the sameprecision andaccuracy. It canperform numerical integration andsolve the rootsof equations inaddition to supporting complexnumbers and matrixcalculations.**** Cool Tip: click the upper rightlogo to see thesettings pagefor more options. **** **** Please benoted: the f (i)in our appworks a little differently from the realcalculator:instead ofhold and release, just click the f (i), thedisplay willshow theimaginary part for a second, then switch torealpartautomatically. ***** ★ Features include: • Root finder•Numericintegration • Complex numbers • Matrix operations•Hyperbolic andinverse hyperbolic trig functions •Probability(combinations andpermutations) • Factorial, % change,and absolutevalue • Randomnumber generator • RPN entry •Programmable •enable/disable keyclick sound • Comma as decimalpoint option •Automaticallysave/restore settings • Touch logo tosee all settings• Directaccess to support forum from app • SupportAndroid Tablet •More ★Support: Feel free to contact us [email protected]. ★Demo:Try the demo version beforeyoubuy:market://details?id=com.vicinno.sci15clite ★ Stay tuned:Likeus: See moreappsat:
Free42 3.0.20
Thomas Okken
HP-42S Simulator: advanced scientific programmable RPN calculator.
RPN Calculator 1.6.1
Andy Naoum
A simple and clean RPN calculator.
My RPN Calc User's Guide 1.43
This is the user's guide of My RPN Calc.Thisis the same as the help pages available at butconvenientlypackaged in an application for offlineviewing/reading.
WRPN 16c 7.0.3
Emmet Gray
WRPN 16c is a programmable calculator modeled aftertheHewlett-Packard HP-16c
Scientific/Financial RPN calc
A financial/scientific HP 1xC RPN calculator with gestures tospeedup inputs
DeepStack RPN Calculator 1.3.1
Lightweight Optimized HP Style RPN Calculator
Simple RPN Calculator SRC-30CV 1.1.2
"SRC-30CV" is a simple operation RPN(Reverse PolishNotation)calculator.
HP 15C Scientific Calculator 1.7.3
The authentic HP 15C Scientific Calculator App is now available.
RealCalc Plus
Scientific calculator for Android - looks and operates like therealthing!
RPN plus PRO FREE 1.0
** The most useful scientific RPN calculator for your mobile phone-now for FREE! ** RPNplus tries to optmize readability, handlingandintuitivity for basic mathematical needs. It does not containanyads or in-app-purchases and does not require any permissions(exceptfor vibration control). Some special features of RPNplusare: * Bigkeys and display * Optional … ... display (modern/usual)… keyboardcolor (RGB) … decimal/thsd separator … sleep time…key-vibration-time * Present value (financial) *Gaussiandistribution * Copy to clipboard
Stats Calculator Free 1.4.2
Nick Pierson
A well-designed, ad-free, easy to use statistics calculator.
RPNCalcN 1.16.6
RPN calculator for Software Engineering
One Scientific Calculator 3.0.22
Calculator, Graphing calculator, Converter and Matrixcalculator:all in one app
Complex Calculator Lite 1.18
Basic arithmetics plus scientific (e.g. trigonometric) functions
Plus - Simple RPN Calculator 1.3
A very simple RPN calculator.Reverse polish notation is a way of using a calculatorthat,after learning it, will make your calculations faster andmoreaccurate. Try this simple RPN calculator to get going.RPN Works like this: Instead of typing "2 + 2" (infixnotation),you type "2 Enter 2 +". Numbers you enter will be put ona stackand mathematical operators operate on the last elements ofthestack. So, "(12 × 3) + 1" would be written as "12 Enter 3 ×1+".This app is free software.
Reverse Polish Notation 1.0r
Alex Beschler
Just an implementation of Material Design inaReverse Polish Notation app. The RPN algorithm is based onBoykoBantchev's:'m probably not going to update this to be a fullcalculator.This was more of an experiment to try out Google'sMaterialDesign.Source code is available at:
Calc1980 0.0.1
Sayak B
A scientific RPN* calculator modeled after the HP calculatorsofyore with full support for Reverse Postfix Notation is here tohelpyou get your job done faster. Why RPN? In the years thatfollowed,computer scientists realized that RPN or postfix notationwas veryefficient for computer math. As a postfix expression isscannedfrom left to right, operands are simply placed into alast-in,first-out (LIFO) stack and operators may be immediatelyapplied tothe operands at the bottom of the stack. By contrast,expressionswith parentheses and precedence (infix notation) requirethatoperators be delayed until some later point. Thus, thecompilers onon almost all modern computers converted statements toRPN forexecution. (In fact, some computer manufacturers designedtheircomputers around postfix notation.) Ahh! The Calculator hasgonenuts! This is not a regular calculator app, but a RPNcalculatorwhich is designed for speed and advanced expressions.RPNcalculators are used differently and requires practice.*
MyCalcAndroid 1.0.0
Serge Nicolas
MYCalcAndroid is a powerfulRPNprogrammablescientific/financial/statistical/Currencyconvertor/Complex/Tipcalculatorwith units conversion, 2D functionsstudy forandroid.-Financial/business functions:TVM (loans, savings and leasing)Cash flow analysis NPV, IRR% change, % of totalAmortization.-Statistical/Math functions:Cumulative statistical analysisStandard deviation, mean, weighted mean.Total, Σx, Σx2, Σy, Σy2, Σxy+, -, X, √, ÷, 1 / x, ±, In, ex, LOG, 10x, x 2-Complex mode-Time mode-Function studies with roots, maximun and intercepts-Units convertor-Money Converter-Integer mode.-Tip calculator mode