Top 8 Games Similar to Симулятор качка 2015

Симулятор пацана 2.3
Coil Software
Симулятор пацана - это игра, объединяющаявсебе такие жанры как текстовая RPG и симулятор. Вампредлагаетсяпримерить на себя роль четкого пацана с района, которыйстремится ктому, чтобы стать самым крупным авторитетом на своемрайоне - статькрышей. Чтобы пройти этот трудный путь от терпилы докрыши, вампридется разводить прохожих, грабить тачки, крышеватьточки,посещать клубы и вписки. Все эти действия интерактивны, т.к.в игрепрактически нет случайностей - все происходящее зависит отвашейсмекалки и состояния, в котором пребывает персонаж.Simulator kid - this isagame that combines genres such as text RPG and simulation. Youareinvited to try on the role of a kid with a clear area, whichiscommitted to becoming the most influential in its region -tobecome the roof. In order to pass this difficult path fromterpilyto the roof, you will have to raise passers-robbing cars,Roofingpoint to visit clubs and night and day. All these actionsareinteractive as the game is almost no chance - everythingthathappens depends on your wits and the state in which thecharacterremains.
Симулятор пацана 2 2.02
Coil Software
Продолжение нашумевшей игры «СимуляторПацана»,вдохновленной лучшими сюжетами бандитских сериалов иреальнымиисториям из суровых девяностых. Стань частью дворовойкультуры ипройди нелёгкий путь от шпаны до крупного авторитета,преодолевнемало трудностей и приняв множество непростых решений.Выполняйинтересные и оригинальные задания, созданные с душой ипронизанныеискромётным юмором. Прокачивай своего уникальногоперсонажа и банду,захватывай районы и стань смотрящим города! Вигре тебя ждут:- Более 20 уникальных локаций;- Множество оригинальных заданий, в которых твой выбор имеет весипоследствия;- Динамичные бои с огромным количествомзапоминающихсяпротивников;- Возможность одевать персонажа по своему вкусу и снабжать егосамымсмертоносным оружием;- Оригинальный саундтрек и стильная графика;- Прокачка и развитие физических показателей персонажа;- Ночные клубы, одинокие девушки и умопомрачительные танцы;- Собственная банда, в которой можно прокачать каждого бойца;- Возможность захватить все локации и стать смотрящим города;- Постоянно добавляющиеся новые задания и ещё больше контентакаждымобновлением;Continuationofsensational game "Simulator Kid" inspired by the beststorygangster series and the real history of severe nineties. Be apartof a domestic culture and pass the hard way from punks tolargeauthority, overcoming many difficulties and taking a lotofdifficult decisions. Perform interesting and original taskscreatedwith the soul and penetrated sparkling humor. Pumped auniquecharacter and the gang, exciting areas of the city and belooking!In the game you will find:- More than 20 unique locations;- Many original tasks, which is the weight of your choiceandconsequences;- Dynamic fights with a lot of memorable enemies;- Ability to dress your character according to your taste andtosupply him with the most deadly weapons;- Original soundtrack and stylish graphics;- Bleeding and development of physical parameters ofthecharacter;- Nightclubs, lonely and breathtaking dancing girls;- Own gang, which can pump each fighter;- The ability to capture all the location and looking to becomethecity;- Constantly adding new tasks and even more content eachupdate;
PicaSim: Flight simulator 1.1.1074
The Rowlhouse
Flight simulator for radio controlled planes
Dr. Panda Mailman 21.3.55
Dr. Panda
Be a mailman and deliver mail as you explore a huge,interactiveworld!
Flight Pilot: 3D Simulator 2.11.23
Unleash your inner maverick and CONQUER the skies with a 3Dairplanesimulator.
Fishing Clicker Game 2.0.4
A unique clicker game about fishing. Are you able to catchtheshark?
Finger force-meter Simulator 1.0
Finger force meter is a simulator of apowermeasuring, a joke, showing the force of your fingers! Who areyou:real power man or a slacker? A monster or a sucker? A kid oragoon? Reach the maximum at this game and show yourstrength!Pretend that you push down the screen and earn bestscores! Makefun of your friends & show them your record! Enjoyplaying thisgame with friends, challenge them and find out whosefingers arestronger and who deserves being called a real bull!Check yourfinger power!ATTENTION! Finger force-meter is a SIMULATOR! The app“Fingerforce-meter” shows random results! Your phone is NOT abletomeasure the strength of fingers or weigh items in reality! It’snotreal power measurer! Be careful! Don’t damage your screenandprevent putting heavy things on your phone!
Episode - Choose Your Story 23.90
Episode lets you LIVE your stories. OnechoiceYOU make can change everything. Or, become a creator andwrite yourown! Mean Girls, Pretty Little Liars, Demi Lovato, andthousandsmore interactive stories. Choose your #episodelife<3Wouldn’t it be amazing if YOU were a character in yourfavoritestory? Episode lets you do just that, with over 50,000grippingstories. In each, create your own character and makechoices thatmatter. From your favorite Hollywood titles like MeanGirls to fanfaves such as Bad Boy’s Girl, you’ll binge on Episodeforhours.With all your favorite genres, there’s no time like the presenttofall in love, rise to fame, or solve a decade-old mystery.Betteryet, join this incredible community and become a creator ofyourown – writing and publishing stories, amassing lots of fansalongthe way!Episode is LIT. Join our #episodesquad for #episodelife.FOLLOW reading PRETTY LITTLE LIARS!- CREATE YOUR PERSONAL LOOK and choose your best outfits.- MAKE FRIENDS WITH THE LIARS and hang out with thecoolestclique.- EXPERIENCE THE SUSPENSE and uncover the mysterious “A”.- DATE THE HOT GUY and decide your path to romance.OTHER FEATURED STORIES:MEAN GIRLS: SENIOR YEAR + SORORITY RUSH. Step insidegirlworld, right where the Mean Girls movie left off, and navigatethedrama and romance. As you battle Regina George, you’ll get tospendtime withknow characters from the Mean Girls movie likeCady,Janis, Damian, and of course the Plastics. You will also meettheguy of your dreams, but Regina won't let you get himthateasily.DEMI LOVATO: PATH TO FAME. Star in your very own tour!Afterwinning a spot on Demi’s tour as her opening act, it’s timetoembrace your true self and define your dream career. As Demisharesher advice on taking control of destiny, what choices willyou makeas you become a role model for aspiring stars?FALLING FOR THE DOLAN TWINS. On your first day in LA,youmeet the cutest guy you've ever seen—and then you meet histwinbrother. As you get closer and closer to internet stars EthanandGrayson Dolan, the sparks start to fly... which one willyouchoose?HOLLYWOOD DAYS WITH HAYES, featuring internet sensationHayesGrier. Your choices determine how you rise in the Hollywoodranks.As the lines blur between fantasy and reality, how will youmanage?Let's see what you've got! You might even fall in love asyouradventure unfolds.PRETTY LITTLE LIARS and all related characters and elements ©&™ Warner Bros. Entertainment Inc. (s17)TM & ©2017 Paramount Pictures. All Rights Reserved.Supports Tablets!Please note that Episode is free to play, but you are abletopurchase game items with real money. If you want to limittheability to make in-app purchases, you may create a PIN intheSettings menu from within the Google Play Store.Your use of this application is governed by the Terms ofServiceavailable at and useof your data are subject to the Privacy Policyavailable at support: