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독일마을뮌헨하우스 1.0
독일마을뮌헨하우스주소: 경상남도 남해군 삼동면 독일로 71-5(물건리 1164번지, 독일마을)사업자번호: 613-21-72358연락처: 010-7108-8400홈페이지주소: http://munichhouse.nemocom.kr남해 독일마을 한가운데 위치 독채펜션 가족 커플 단체 모임 인기펜션이며, 즐길거리는 테라스와정원 정자에서 바다조망이 한눈에 보이며 파독전시관 독일식당 독일임비스 독일공방 등이 도보로 5분거리입니다.인근볼거리는원예예술촌 해오름예술촌 물건리방조어부림 몽돌해변 나비&더테마마크 자연휴양림 은점 어촌마을체험 삼천포대교송정솔바람해변 상주 은모래비치 금산보리암 가천다랭이마을 충무공유적지 등 남해 여행지로 각광받고 있어서관광객들의추천지역입니다편안하고 낭만과 추억을 뮌헨하우스에서 만들어 드리겠습니다.German town Munich HouseAddress: 71-5 in Gyeongsangnam-do Namhae samdongmyeonGermany(1164 mulgeonri Street, German Village)Business Number: 613-21-72358Contact: 010-7108-8400Website address: http://munichhouse.nemocom.krSouthern German town in the middle position dokchaePensionsPensions popular family couples and group meetings, streetterraceand enjoySea view looks like this padok German pavilion at aglancerestaurant services being Germany Germany workshop in thegardenarbor is a 5-minute walk away. Nearby attractions includegardeningyesulchon haeohreum yesulchon mulgeonri aiding eoburimmongdolbeach theme Butterfly & more marked Natural Foresteunjeomfishing village SongJung Pines Bridge Experience SamcheonpoSandBeach Jinshan Beach resident boriam Raised ceilingsAdmirallandmarks such as Tuna Town in the spotlight as arecommended localtourist attractions Southern TheWe will create a romantic and relaxing and memorable houseinMunich.