Top 7 Apps Similar to 헬퍼코리아

이모님을부탁해-가사도우미,청소,시터,주부알바,구인구직 1.0.2
1. 서비스 소개이모님을 부탁해는 열린 가사도우미 구인구직 앱입니다.가사도우미, 산후도우미, 베이비시터, 아동돌보미, 간병인, 청소도우미, 바우처 도우미 등이모님을 찾는 채용자와 일자리를 찾는 이모님을 스마트폰을 통해 연결시켜 드립니다.앱을 받으셔서 본인이 원하는 채용 및 구직정보를 등록해 보세요.이모님을 부탁해의 맞춤 매칭 시스템이 비슷한 조건의 이모님과 일자리를 찾아드립니다.2. 서비스 특징- 무료 회원가입- 무료 구인구직 정보등록- 연결수수료 0원- 매달 30건의 무료열람상품 이용 (매달 1일 재지급)- 내 지역, 조건과 비슷한 채용 및 구직정보를 실시간으로 알려주는 푸시알림 서비스- 믿고 거래할 수 있는 환경을 위해 모든 이용자들의 휴대폰 본인인증제- 앱, 모바일 웹, 홈페이지를 통해 다양한 디바이스에서 이용 가능홈페이지 & 모바일웹 :www.emonim.com1. Introduction ServicesTake care of the aunt is open Domestic help Job app.Domestic help, postpartum helper, babysitter, childcaregivers,caregiver, cleaning assistant, helper, etc.VoucherAn aunt and aunt to find jobs and recruiters find will connect viaasmartphone.Bateusyeoseo the app you want to register in person Lookrecruitmentand job search information.Take care of your aunt's custom matching system will find theauntand jobs in similar conditions.2. Service Features - Free Sign Up- Free Job Registration Information- Connection fees 0 won- 30 cases per month free viewing products used (1 daysmonthlyre-payments)- In the region, recruitment and employment conditions similartoreal-time information to inform Push Notification Service- I believe that certification of all mobile phone users that canbetraded for the environment- Apps, available in a variety of devices via the mobileweb,websiteHome & Mobile
단디헬퍼-가사도우미,베이비시터,파출부,입주 등 구인구직 1.10
단디헬퍼는(주)우리매니저에서 운영하는 구인구직 서비스로서,베이비시터, 가사, 음식, 청소, 식당도우미, 파출부 서비스의 1인자입니다.채용정보 5만 5천명, 인재정보 3만 3천명(2015년 2월 기준)의 정보가 등록이 되어있고채용/구직정보 중 이름, 연락처를 제외한 정보는 무료열람이 가능합니다.홈페이지에선 지원받을 수 없는 실시간 푸시 기능도 제공하고 있으니 많은 이용 부탁드립니다.Dandi helper(Note) As Job Service operated by our manager,Babysitting, housekeeping, food, cleaning, restaurantassistant,is one of the factors egg poacher.No services.Employment Information 5 5 10 000 thousand, the informationonthe talent information 3 3 10 000 thousand (2015: February)areregistered andOf employment / job information, name, contact information,butit can be viewed free of charge.In homepage, so you can not get support, and alsoprovidereal-time push capabilities please use us.
가사도우미예약_인천조은파출부_인천가사도우미 1.3
"조은사람들"은 풍부한 경험을 가지고 있는 전문가사 서비스를 본사의까다로운 선발과정과 체계적인 교육을 통해 육성한 가사도우미를 통해고객님 댁에 확실한 서비스를 해 드리는 가사전문기업입니다.다른 곳에서 느끼지 못한 성실함과 책임감이 있는 차별화된 가사서비스를"조은사람들"을 통해 경험해 보기시 바랍니다.일반 가사일로부터 전문적인 입주/거주중청소, 음식관련 서비스 등가정에서 필요로 하는 모든 서비스를 고객님을 대신해서 저희 전문가사도우미분들이 도와 드립니다.365일 언제나 성실함과 책임감으로 고객님께 다가가는 참된 서비스로꾸준하게 고객님과의 인연을 맷도록 하겠습니다.고객님의 만족을 최우선의 가치로 추구합니다.감사합니다.가사도우미 가사도우미예약 인천가사도우미 인천파출부 조은사람들 인천조은파출부"People Joe" istheheadquarters of professional housekeeping service that has awealthof experienceDomestic help you through the tough selection process andtrainingthrough systematic trainingLyrics giving it a certain service to your home is aprofessionalenterprise.Lyrics differentiated services with integrity andresponsibilitynot feel elsewhereWhen you see and experience through "Joe the people."Cleaning of the professional resident / resident from thegeneralhousekeeping, food services, etc.Our staff of expert guests on behalf of all the services you needathomeDomestic help these people help.365 days to go always with integrity and accountability closertocustomers true service Matt will steadily to the relationship with customers.The pursuit of customer satisfaction as the highest value.Thank you.Domestic help Domestic help Domestic help bookingIncheon,Incheon, Incheon egg poacher.No Joe Joe egg poacher.Nopeople
파출박사-가사도우미 / 파출부 구인구직 직거래 3.4
파출부, 가사도우미, 베이비시터, 각종 청소도우미의 구인,구직을 원하실때직업소개소에 지불 하시던 가입비나 소개수수료가 필요 없는 앱입니다.구인자와 구직자가 직접 서로 연결 할 수 있으므로시간 절감과 함께 비용이 절감되는 앱입니다.아울러 무책임하고 불성실한 구인, 구직자를블랙리스트 신고를 할 수 있는 기능이 있어믿고 안전하게 이용 하실 수가 있습니다.직접 빠른 연결을 원하시면 월 11,000원의 열람권 신청을 하셔서횟수에 관계없이 편리하게 사용 하실 수 있으며열람권 신청을 하지 않아도 등록을 해놓고 기다리시면구인, 구직자의 연락을 받을 수 있습니다.필요한 일정에 맞춰 예약 날짜도 신청이 가능하니많은 이용을 해주시면 감사하겠습니다.저희 앱을 이용해 보시고 불편한 점이나 부족한 부분이 있다면언제든지 요청을 해주시면 빠른 시간안에 반영하도록최선을 다하겠습니다.문의전화 : 070-4236-1199----개발자 연락처 :고객센터 1899-2129Egg poacher.No,domestichelper, babysitter, job variety of cleaning assistant, youwant tofind a jobThe app does not require a subscription whom referral fees paidtoemployment agencies rain.Guinja and job seekers can connect directly to each other, soThe app, which costs over time reduction.In addition, irresponsible and unfaithful classifieds,jobseekersHave the ability to report the blacklistBelieve that you will be able to use safely.For a quick direct connection yeolramgwon hasyeoseo theapplicationof the Month ₩ 11,000It can be used conveniently, regardless of the number andYeolramgwon you do not have to wait haenotgo register withussimyeonClassifieds, job seekers can get in touch.Do you meet the required schedule dates also can applyI would appreciate you can do the lot used.If you are using our app looked inconvenience or deficienciesYou can do the request at any time to reflect in a short timeI will do my best.Contact Phone: 070-4236-1199
수원 성남 용인 화성 청소 대행 정도환경 소독 방역 1.0.0
경기 수원 성남 용인 화성 지역에서 청소 대행 전문 업체 이용가이드이비니다.정도환경소독 방역 공장청소등다양한 서비스를 이용하는 방법 지금 앱을 안드로이드 스마트폰에 설치해보세요~자세한 사항은 홈페이지 참조 깨끗한 환경 즐거운 생활Seongnam, YonginSuwonHwaseong area in the non-specialist cleaning agent usedgayideuyi.About environmental disinfection plant defenses, suchascleaningHow to use the various services now try to install the app onyourAndroid smartphone -For more information, see website pleasantlivingenvironment clean
Any Help 1.1.4
Triankle Inc.
*** Launching Event ***Register Now & Get "Special Discount Code" - Only forSHORTperiod of timeDo you need some help doing your day to day, tediousorrepetitive tasks that you don’t want to do by yourself? Are youafreelancer looking for an app where you can earn some extramoneyby helping the other people?Triankle presents “Any Help” a perfect marketplace to findtheoccasional helping hand to do your day to day projects,chores,errands and even stacked tasks for your personal andbusinessneeds. Download this freelancing app right now and be abuyer tobuy services or a helper at your own convenience. You canfindwhatever service you’re looking for quickly with the app anditincludes almost everything. You can find a community helper totakeyour dog for a walk, you can find a designer with the app ordesignjobs or whatever you need to be done for your business andpersonalneeds.For Clients:Download the app in your Android device. Make a job descriptionofwhat you need done for your business or personal needs, set apriceto the task and post it online. A friendly helper fromthecommunity will read your posting and contact you through theapp.Communicate with him, negotiate and settle the price of thetaskand make the payment in advance to Any Help. On yourconfirmationof task completion, the helper gets paid via PayPal. Itis as easyas you like.For Helpers:Get registered and make your profile as a helper afterdownloadingthe app to join our community. You can earn some goodamount ofmoney doing online simple tasks and helping others through“AnyHelp”. Read the tasks or projects posted by the clients andrespondto the one you think you can do well. Connect andcommunicate withthe buyer, do the project and take your money.Why it is Amazing:- Cool and user friendly graphics- Absolutely free to post help wanted ads- Secure, in-app chat communication between buyers andworkers- Safe and fast payments via PayPal- Stack multiple tasks and jobs for more $$$- No minimum prices or job too small- Safe financial transaction between buyers and workers- Cloud space to share files for a task between a clientandhelper- Sharing task progress between a client and friendlyhelpinghand- Unique in-app dispute resolution keeps everyone safeJust like all other online freelancing websites and apps, wehaveset up a mutual review and rating system for both clientsandhelpers after finishing simple tasks. Both will give a reviewandrating to each other after the project is completed, asacompliment they will receive a discount code for reviewing.Thisfeedback is very important because it will be shown on yourprofileand people will see it. So work hard and work well to getthepositive feedback from the clients. You can make a bookmark ofyourfavorite clients, projects and helpers to connect themimmediatelyfor your next project. You can share your assignments tosocialmedia as well.Why Become a Helper or Freelancer?It’s the age of freelancing and everyone is looking for someextracash. It’s great marketplace to post project ads, apply forjobads, and share your talent if you are a creative andtalentedfreelancer. You can earn online and make some good amountof cashif you are good at doing something, anything. You can gethelp ifyou need or help others in their personal and business needsbydoing what you do best. Get some extra online cash byhelpingothers, buying and selling digital services was not thateasybefore.Work what you want to do, and work only when you want to do.Oursmart and safe platform lets you know new projects that matchtoyou and help you what to do next during the assignments.Please leave us a review and rating to let us know what youthinkabout the app. Your feedback is very important for us tocontinue todeliver the best and useful apps for your Androiddevice.While you’re in the sharing mood, go ahead and throw us a likeonFacebook too, THANKS!
띵동 : 맛집배달 / 마트편의점 사다주기 / 심부름 앱 2.0.34
[띵동만의 특별한 서비스 안내]► 맛집배달 서비스그동안 배달이 되지 않아 불편했던 수 많은 맛집들을365일! 24시간! 즉시 배달해드립니다.► 마트, 편의점 배달 서비스장을 봐야하는데 나갈 수가 없다구요? 걱정하지 마세요.띵동 앱만 있으면 24시간, 1시간 이내, 어디로든 배달해드립니다.► 생활편의 잔심부름 서비스장보기 대행, 민원서류 대행, 가사일 대행, 약국방문, 기념일 선물 배달, 홈케어 서비스 등상상하시는 모든 일이 가능합니다.►푸드박스전국맛집 전국배달 서비스!제주감귤부터 춘천닭갈비까지 전국의 맛집들을전국 어디든 배달하는 신선/반조리 택배 서비스 입니다.띵동의 프리미엄 서비스를 지금 바로 경험해보세요.[띵동 SNS 안내]페이스북 :인스타그램 :앱 이용 시 문의 또는 불편이 있으신 경우 고객센터 1588-6880 을 통해 24시간 언제든연락이가능합니다.이용가능지역: 서울시, 부천시(원미구, 소사구), 성남시(분당구)* 이외 지역은 현재 푸드박스 서비스만 이용 가능하며 빠른시일내에 맛집배달서비스로 찾아뵙도록 하겠습니다.[Special Servicesofttingdong only] ► Delivery Service RestaurantsIn the meantime it does not deliver a lot of restaurants that canbeuncomfortable365 days! 24 hours! Immediately we will deliver. ► marts, convenience stores, service deliveryI can not get out to see the chapter? Do not worry.If ttingdong apps within 24 hours, one hour, we willdeliveranywhere. ► Everyday tips jansimbureum ServiceShopping Agencies, Agency civil documents, housekeepingagency,pharmacy visit, anniversary gift delivery, home careservices,etc.All this you can imagine.► Food BoxesRestaurants Nationwide Delivery Services across the country!From Napa to Chuncheon chicken ribs of restaurants acrossthecountryThe fresh / semi-cooked courier service for delivery anywhere inthecountry. Try now directly experience the premium services ofttingdong.  [ttingdong guidance SNS]Facebook: If you have any questions or discomfort when using the app atanytime, 24 hours can be contacted via the CustomerService1588-6880.Available in: Seoul, Bucheon (Wonmi, Sosa-gu),Seongnam(Bundang)* Outside the Box Service is currently available only food andhopeto see you find restaurants delivery service soon.