Top 12 Apps Similar to Music Notes Keyboard CML

Piano Chords and Scales Pro 1.5
Sincere apps
We believe that learning to play a piano and musictheory(chords,scales and composition) can be much easier. PianoChordsand Scalesapp lets you explore and learn piano in simpleandinteractive way.You can become much better musician whilehavingfun along the way.App contains large library of chords,scales andchordprogressions. You can change root note, inversion,and thequalityof progression. Audio playback is available for allthe listandelements. Chords and scales contain detaileddescription.Appcontains ascending, descending note playback. Notescanbedisplayed on virtual piano and staff views. Scalefingeringsareavailable for all scales and they are displayeddynamicallywhenscales is played. App also includes song composerthat allowsyouto easily layout chords progressions. Song composerhasrecommendchord feature based on selected scale. This lets youfindgreatideas for songs or improve your existing songs.Simplylistening toa key in its different modes can easily strike upanidea for amelody or riff. You can see and hear how chordsrelateswith scalesand forms chord progressions. It can be usedtogetherwith realpiano and while you are studying for music theoryor pianoexams.You can benefit if you are playing by ear, but whattobecomebetter at sight reading. Tool is based on fundamentalsandveryhelpful for beginners. Experienced musicians can alsobenefitfromsong composing tool, that allows you to put togetherchordsthatwork. A lot of focus on is put on simplicity and ease ofuse.Userinterface is well structured and does not contain toomuchdetails.Navigation is consistent and easy to use. Chords andscalesmakeslearning music theory fun and inspiring!
Note Flash -Learn Music Sight Read Piano Flashcard 1.7
Note Flash helps you improve your sight reading skillsforsheetmusic. This is the most intuitive way of learning how toreadsheetmusic notes as it listens via the microphone to make sureyouplaythe correct note in the correct octave. Note Flash is theONLYappwhich also has accidentals (sharp and flat notes) alongwithledgerlines for advanced players. Note Flash is also the ONLYappto showgraphs on your progress in recognizing notes faster.Thisway youwill know which notes you are spending more timethinking.**How touse** Play the Note shown on screen on the pianoand theapp willlisten via the microphone. You must play in thecorrectoctave too- Note Flash is very intelligent to recognize thecorrectoctaves.If played correct, the app shows a new note onscreen. Ifyou can'tremember, then you can tap "Show Hint". The appis builtforinfinite practice which encourages practice more as itmakesnotereading into a game. Note Flash learns which note youaregettingwrong or spending more time thinking and shows youmoreoften. Youcan view your progress graphs for each note andbothstaff. Thisway you will know exactly how long you spendthinking ofeach noteand how it's improving! You can select whichhand youwould like topractice or you can do both randomly. You canalsochoose to showaccidentals - sharp, flats as well enableledgerlines for moreadvanced students. The app comes with a varietyofbeautiful themesand you can use your own picture too for thetheme.Please notethat the app needs microphone access to listen toyourpiano. Yourmicrophone data is completely safe as it neverleavesyour phone.If you have any feedback, please contact usat:[email protected] Ihave made this app with love because Imyselfstruggled to readmusic when learning piano and the old paperflashcards were justnot effective! So I really hope this helps youandyour studentsout!
ABRSM Flute Practice Partner 1.0.24
A tool for practising ABRSM Flute exam pieces in a musicalandenjoyable way
Piano Sight-Reading Trainer 2.0.0
A fun way to improve your sight-reading skills for Piano
Piano Ear Training Pro Improved Smoothness
Exercises to achieve perfect pitch and play music by ear. Beabetter musician.
Piano Melody Pro Stability Improvements
Learn to play your favourite Songs by Ear on the piano
Piano Trainer - Sight Reading
Train your sight reading skill! The app recognizes and correctsthenotes
Piano Chords, Scales, Progress 6.55.325
Find chord or music scale with couple touches. It'schordprogression builder.
ABRSM Clarinet Practice Partne 1.0.24
A tool for practising ABRSM Clarinet exam pieces in a musicalandenjoyable way
Piano Scales & Chords Pro Enhanced UI
Piano simulator to learn scales, chords and improvisation.
Piano Practice Assistant 1.17
• Keep track of your entire repertoire, downtosubsections of sections of pieces• Practice the parts that need the most work• Use scientific "best practices" of spaced repetitionandinterleaving to maximize the effectiveness of yourpracticetimePiano Practice Assistant is a spaced repetition andinterleavedpractice system for musicians.Think of it as a simple practice journal combined withanintelligent music tutor. Amateur and professional musicians useitto master pieces more effectively and to keep their repertoireintop shape. By using our practice planning algorithm based ontheprinciples of spaced repetition and interleaved practice,you'llmake the most of your practice time and build strong habitsofdeliberate practice. Originally designed for pianists,PianoPractice Assistant is now used by musicians of all instrumentstostructure and log their practice.Why? Too often our musical practice suffers from problems:- We play the fun parts over and over, neglecting tricky partsthatneed more practice- We play a piece from start to finish, ignoring mistakes ormaybecorrecting them once, even though this is effectively“practicing”the mistakes and reinforcing them in musclememory- We try to cram a passage into memory by playing it over andoverall at once, even though this has been shown tobeineffective- We allow our old favorite to become rusty, and it takes muchmorework to polish than if we had just revisited it even once everyfewmonths- We allow ourselves to plateau, rather than constantly push attheedges of our abilities- We practice without concrete goals in mind, with no feedbackcyclein place, and without countless other well-studied elementsofeffective practicePiano Practice Assistant is an intelligent music practicejournaldesigned to help with all of these obstacles and manyothers. Ifyou use it to keep track of your repertoire and practicesessions,it will intelligently suggest when, what, and how topractice.Decades of research tells us that techniques likeinterleavedpractice, spaced repetition, and deliberate practice canimproveour learning and memory, yet often we do the exact opposite,to thedetriment of our music. We’ve taken this research and used ittodesign a tool to help amateur and professional musiciansalikeimprove the quality of their practice and bring better musicto theworld. For more information, see our Practice Assistant works by keeping a log of whatyou'vepracticed, when, and how well you played it, from thebig-picturelevel all the way down to the level of the short phrasesandpassages that make up a piece. It allows you to buildbetterpractice habits by randomizing the order in which youpracticethose passages or by focusing mainly on passages youfounddifficult or haven't played in a while.The app also comes with a helpful example piece dividedintosections and subsections (Mozart Piano Sonata No. 14 in Cminor, K.457), as well as tips for practicing with PianoPracticeAssistant.Metronome included.It can take time to see a change to your practice routine payoff,so we honor requests for full refunds within 30 days ofpurchase ifyou are not satisfied.
Learn to read music notes
Music Buddy - learn music notes, keysignatures(circle of fifths) and intervals, practice sight readingsheet musicusing flash cards.Read sheet music quickly and effortlessly like a pro. Learntorecognize key signatures, notes, and intervals in the blink ofaneye. Three independent learning modules in one app. Set asidefiveminutes a day for this app, and you will be reading sheetmusiclike a professional musician in no time.The app uses an ingenious approach to memorizing informationthroughrepetition and visual patterns with a focus onhard-to-rememberpieces of information.The simple, elegant, and intuitive interface allows you toswitchbetween the different note-naming systems used in majorcountriesaround the world:• CDEFGAB (major + minor, 大调 + 小调, 大調 + 小調)• CDEFGAH (dur + moll)• Do Re Mi Fa Sol La Si (mayor + menor, maior + menor, majeur+mineur, maggiore + minore)• Дo Рe Ми Фа Coль Ля Си (мажор + минор)• ハ ニ ホ ヘ ト イ ロ (長調 + 短調)• 도 레 미 파 솔 라 시 (장조 + 단조)Key Signatures module: Learn key signatures – this module willhelpyou memorize a circle of fifths – a must for every musician.Youwill learn to recognize keys based on the number of sharps orflatsin a key signature at the beginning of a staff.Choose from three learning modes using the buttons at the bottomofthe module home screen:• Learn key signatures for major keys only – left button• Learn key signatures for minor keys only – middle button• Learn key signatures for both major and minor keys –rightbuttonNotes module: Learn music notes – this module will teach youtoquickly recognize notes without thinking – you’ll look at it,andyou’ll simply know it.Choose from three learning modes using the buttons at the bottomofthe module home screen:• Learn notes from the treble clef only – left button• Learn notes from the bass clef only – middle button• Learn notes from both treble and bass clef – right buttonIntervals module: Learn intervals – this module isespeciallyhelpful for pianists. Skilled pianists don't need toidentify everynote in a sheet. They recognize patterns based on thedistancebetween notes (intervals) and automatically stretch theirfingersaccordingly.Choose from three learning modes using the buttons at the bottomofthe module home screen:• Learn harmonic intervals only – left button• Learn melodic intervals only – middle button• Learn both harmonic and melodic intervals – right button