Top 30 Apps Similar to Nurse Shift Calendar (I AM NUR

myShiftWork: Shift Work Calendar, Plan & Schedule 6.32
Vozye Pty Ltd
myShiftWork is a simple, no-fuss shift work calendar tohelpschedule, plan & manage your shifts on your phone.Traditionalcalendar apps aren’t ideal for shift workers –myShiftWork solvesthe problem by letting you create custom workshifts withcustomizable icons & colors, then add them to yourcalendarwith one tap. Add unlimited shifts per day or set up ashiftrotation and apply it to your shift work calendar quickly&easily. Doing this makes it easy to set up an entire month’s –ormore - worth of work shifts in less than a minute and you canseeupcoming work shifts on your lock screen! View your work shiftsina simple, cleanly designed month view calendar or in a handylistformat. You can overlay your personal calendar on top so youcankeep track of what’s going on outside of work, too. With just atapyou can share your schedule with friends, family, and co-workers–whether they’re using myShiftWork ornot.------------------------------------------------------------------WHYSHIFT WORKERS LOVEMYSHIFTWORK------------------------------------------------------------------✔CREATE SHIFTS Add as many shifts as you’d like, and choose yourownicon and header for each shift type. ✔ ADD TO CALENDAR WITH ONETAPSelect one of your shifts, then tap each day on the workcalendaryou’d like to add it to. Unlimited shifts per day. ✔ SHAREYOURSCHEDULE Send friends, family, and co-workers your workschedulewhether they’re using myShiftWork or not. ✔ UPCOMING SHIFTWORKWIDGET See your work shift schedule without even opening upthe app,right from the lock screen, or from inside any other app.✔ SET UPCUSTOM SHIFT ROTATIONS Set up shift rotations andmyShiftWork willautomatically apply your shifts over any daterange you choose –great for repeating schedules (e.g. a 3-weekschedule that repeatsfor 4 months).--------------------------------------------- MOREAWESOME FEATURES--------------------------------------------- • Addpersonalizednotes to any of your shifts • Enter your hourly rateand we’ll showyou an estimate of your monthly earnings • Addunlimited shifts perday (Pro. Version Only) • Reminders for shifts• Indicate vacationdays with the holiday icon, or sick days withthe medical icon •See your schedule on the Calendar or List view •Swipe betweenmonths, or pick any month (just tap the date at thetop)-------------------------- PERFECT FOR…--------------------------• Nurses • Emergency workers • Doctors •Security guards • Cleaners• Retail employees • Laborers • Servers,bartenders, kitchen staff• Grocers • Police and Firefighters •Military • Surgeons • Newsand media reporters • Paramedics •Students and part-time workers •Taxi or Uber drivers • Shipping andwarehouse staff • Pest controlworkers • Locksmiths • Hydro workers• Protective service • Foodpreparations • Truckers and tow-truckdrivers • Constructionworkers • Bus drivers and othertransportation workers • Air Crew •Pilots • Anyone who wants ashift work calendar & has troublekeeping track of their shiftschedule! With myShiftWork, you’ll beable to glance at your shiftcalendar and immediately know whenyou’re working – and when you’renot. If you have any concerns,issues or suggestions about how wecan improve the app please [email protected] DOWNLOADMYSHIFTWORKER TODAY – THESIMPLE, EASY TO USE SHIFT WORK CALENDAR,PLAN & SCHEDULE!
Shift Tracker
Shift tracker is the best way for shiftworkersto keep track of hours worked and money earned. The appallows youto:✔ Schedule upcoming shifts. (Up to one year in advanced).Pastshifts can also be viewed✔ Set your payrate per shift to calculate money earned✔ Create shift templates of your most frequent shifts to helpsavetime✔ Indicate unpaid break times to get more accurate data.✔ Customise display and default value optionsThere is also a premium version of this application availableat premium version includes great additional featuressuchas:✔ View detailed statistics about your earnings and hours workedforany time range✔ Three Android widgets for quick access to information✔ Set reminders for shifts✔ Ability to export data to CSV. Perfect for import intoMicrosoftExcel or for forwarding to payroll!
Simple Shift - work schedule 1.33.2
Work shifts schedule calendar. Working hours and earnings.
Shift Calendar 1.8.9
The best calendar for shift-workers.
shyftplan - your shift roster 50.140.00
duty roster, time recording and payroll - everything from onesource
Roster planning 2.3.0
Duty roster for work
Megashift - Shift Calendar 3.0.9
duty roster/shift calendar app with hourly calculation
Shift Work Calendar 2023.2.4
Calendar for shift workers. You can input your monthly shiftveryquickly.
Calendar+ Schedule Planner 1.09.36
Event calendar + schedule app. Planner for business andpersonalevents.
HandiCalendar 2.1.3
Abilia AB
HandiCalendar is a support for time and planning in yoursmartphone.
Today's Shift
Today Shift
Convenient and useful calendar for work shifts!
Deputy Time Clock
Deputy Time Clock (for tablets) is a simpleworkplacemanagementsolution for capturing time & attendance onsite. Awork timeclock on your tablet that employees love! ⏰ AllDeputyusers canuse this free app to track their employee hours withtheiron-sitetablet. Deputy Time Clock tablet Features: ✅ Start&Stopshifts using voice command - Employees can quickly startandendtheir shifts on the tablet, clocking in has never beeneasier!✅Verify Attendance using facial recognition -Eliminatebuddypunching. ✅ Meal and Rest Break Planning -Removethemicro-management of meal and rest breaks on site, asemployeescanclock in to their breaks & know exactly when toreturn,withoptional break enforcement for easy compliance. What'snew? 🆕ShiftDetails & Timer - Know everything about your shift&keeptrack of it. Any feedback? Need help?🤔Visit
Shift Work Calendar (FlexR Pro 7.15.9
FlexR, The #1 app for people who work in varying shifts.
Shift Work Calendar 2.1.6
Machai Apps
Do you work shifts?Fed up of trying to work out what shift you will be workingwhenasked about a future date?Wouldn't it be nice to have an App close at hand to tell you!Shift Work Calendar can be used to plan and organise yourlifearound your work commitments.Keep track of your life with this Shift Work Calendar, designedtomake planning easier for people who work shifts.Shift Work Calendar allows you to easily build differentshiftpatterns by choosing your own colours and names which canbespeedily added to the Calendar and visible at a quickglance.Comments can be added against individual days to note plans;e.g.appointments, events etc.Ads can be removed from the Calendar Settings menu option.Email [email protected] for support. Feedback and suggestionsaremost welcome.
Shyfter Staff 4.0.36
Thanks to Shyfter app, you can monitor your scheduleminutebyminute, book shifts and make your attendanceclockings.Optimizethe way you manage your company's work schedules.Savehours ofwork every week by automating tasks. Interactiveandautomaticfilling, reminders, alerts, documentmanagement,contracts.
My Class Schedule (donation) 3.0.8-p
My Class Schedule keeps your student life organized!
Touch Calendar F 1.3.47F
See your whole calendar at a glance.
Field Book 5.3.0
Field Book is an app for collecting phenotypic notes.
MakeShift 3.16.7
MakeShift, people first scheduling for shift workers.
timr – time tracking with GPS 10.2.2
Keep track of working time (timesheets) and project time,includingmileage log
Zoho Shifts 1.3
Zoho Shifts is an employee scheduling app that providesaholisticapproach towards workforce management. Zoho Shiftsconsistsof anintegrated set of processes that includeforecastingemployeerequirements, and managing time and attendance.Zoho Shiftsapp hasgot your scheduling needs completely covered,from puttingtogethera schedule for your team and planning for thedays, weeks,andmonths ahead, to swapping shifts and responding tochanges astheyarise. Key Features for Managers: - Create andmanagescheduleswith ease - View schedules from anywhere, any timewithreal-timeupdates - Create, update, and publish shifts - Fillopenshiftsquickly - Alert your team of any schedule changesthroughchat andSMS notifications - Approve and monitor shift swap,shiftoffer,and time-off requests Key Features for Employees: -Clock inandout of your shifts and breaks - View current andupcomingworkschedules anywhere, any time - Pick up open shifts-Setavailability preferences - Submit shift swaps, shiftoffersandtime off requests
Michael Heinz
Just choose your shift, morning, regular or late andtapthecorresponding day. You can define work times, colors,namesandmany more to fit your needs. With our unique app youcancreateyour whole shift pattern in less than a minute. No appcanbeatthis. Unique features: - scroll calendar - Freeeditabletemplates- Single tap to add or delete calendar entries -Doubletap toswitch shift entries - additional entries in shiftcalendarforsecond shift (double shift) - Choose work times, names,colorsandmore - Option to add notes to any calendar day -publicholidaysfor 38 countries - widget for view shifts (todayandtomorrow) -week number optional: - export of services asPDF-file -matchingof your services in your device calendar (manualandautomatic) -automatically add recurring shift cyclestoroster-calendar -automatically delete of shifts - calculationsfortotal hours ofshifts - Online Backup/Restore - daily entryofovertime - passwordprotection - data exchange Android <->iOS- planning ofholidays/vacation/trips
LOLYO Employee-App 1.0.24
cycoders GmbH
With the Lolyo app, you as an employee are always informedabouttheattractive offers exclusive for employees and all thelatestnewsfrom the company. Using the internal messenger, youcanchatdirectly with your colleagues and exchange ideas. Theappisintuitive as it has the familiar look and feel ofsocialnetworksand is therefore extremely easy to use. FEATURES •Get allthelatest news from the company • Add your comments to thenews•Always be informed about employee offers • Chatwithyourcolleagues • Earn and redeem points YOUR PARTICIPATIONWILLBEREWARDED Best of all, your participation in the appisrewardedwith points. These points can then be exchangedforattractiveoffers and products in our bonus store. Download theappnow foryour smartphone and log in! DOWNLOAD, LOG IN ANDCOLLECTPOINTS!You earn your first points simply by registering.Askyourpersonnel or marketing department now for yourpersonalaccesscode. Never miss out on any of the great employeeoffersyourcompany can negotiate and line up for you and stayup-to-datewiththe Lolyo app.
Shiftbase 5.37.0
Online scheduling and time tracking software.
MYDUTY - Nurse Calendar 2.20.2p2
Pass on complicated things to [MYDUTY] and enjoy your precioustime!
Shift Calendar (since 2013)
This app is designed for all hard-workingshiftworkers. You can add customized shifts easily.
The major feature of this App is 'Easy to Use'. Wheneditingyour shifts, you can select a range of days (rather than oneday)to set. Thus, you can set your schedule (roster, planner) infewseconds. Then, you can transmit your schedule to friends (viaSMS,WhatsApp, and so on) by clicking one button. In addition,the'Cloud Shift' function allows you to exchange calendars withyourfriends.If you have any suggestion/question, welcome to send an email tome.E-mail: [email protected]:
(1) If you don't have Menu button on you device, you canopenMenu by clicking the right-top menu.
(2) While editing, youcanselect a range (rather than one day) of days to setsimultaneously.(3) To prevent alarm clock delay, please disable thebatteryoptimization function or add Shift Calendar into whitelistif youwant to use the alarm clock function.
Permission Description:
(1) Storage (Modify or delete the contents of your SD card):Thispermission is used for the Backup/Recover function. You canbackupyour shift data on the SD card.

(2) Run at startup (execute programs after boot completed):Thealarm clock will be restarted automatically after rebooting.Thispermission is required to achieve this goal.
(3) Full network access: This permission is required tosupportCloud Shift function.
(4) Find accounts on the device: This permission is requiredtosupport Cloud Shift function. Shift Calendar will useemailaddresses (Gmail) to identify users. Shift Calendar will NOTknowyour password. Shift Calendar will NOT distribute youremailaddress to any third-party (include your friends).
(5) Read Calendar: The events from Google Calendar will be showninthe Note page.(6) Control Vibration: This is used for the alarmclockfunction.This app is the first app that adopts the design of 'selectingarange of days'. (Since May 15, 2013)
Gamma Ray Calculator Pro 1.7
Save time with this exposure calculatorforIridium-192, Selinium-75 and Cobalt-60 sources.==> Pro version includes Barricade calculation for 2mR and100Mrdistance.No more need to calculate the formula or use of the"old-schoolplastic calculator"Simply fill in the thickness, activity(in Curies)andsource-film-distance and you get the correct exposuretime.R factor for different densities and film types.
Countdown for Events Pro 1.1.2
4th floor apps
This is a paid version of Countdown for Events app. It has noadsand it has more icons for events. Do not forget important datesinyour life! Track events with this day counter app. Countdownfromyour birthday, anniversary, to wedding, vacation, trip,graduation,important meetings, concerts, Christmas, Valentines orotherspecial moments of your life. If you want to track countdownsonyour home screen, we have widgets for you! Home screen isalreadyfull or you don’t want to use widgets? No problem, you cancountdays in Status bar! Count time just in days or in years,months anddays, on event day – in hours and minutes. When eventtime comes,Countdown for Events will remind you about it - you willreceivenotification, alarm will ring or you can receive SMS.Countdownyour events with: • Unlimited countdowns • Widgets 1x1,2x1, 3x1,4x1 • Count your days in status bar daycounter! • Setnotification,alarm, or send SMS for your event countdowns • Alarmsettingsinclude alarm sound, vibration, duration • Repeatingcountdowns foryour events ( every hour, day, week, year etc.) •Action prior yourevent (15 minutes before, 30 minutes, hour, dayetc.) • Save eventsto phone memory
Rippling - HR, IT & Finance 2.22.31
Paystubs | Time | SSO | Expenses | & More
SHIFTAR: Work schedule planner
Kosuke Hamada
Manage both your shift work schedule and private schedule inoneapp!