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ハタチのニッポン湯巡り紀行03 1.0.0
2013年の3月1日~8月31日まで、ハタチの娘は日本中を車ひとつで温泉求めて走っておりました。楽しいけど、ちょっと切ない…そんな湯巡り紀行をお楽しみください。今回は、徳島県、高知県、愛媛県、香川県と四国の21温泉をご紹介します。▼目次はじめに【徳島県】薬草料理が堪能できる上勝町でいただく、弘法大師ゆかりの湯。「月ヶ谷温泉 月の宿」四国最東端へ!ウミガメ卵形の露天で海を一望&白魚の踊り食い。「かもだ岬温泉」コラム「長谷川さん」露天から見える美しいダム湖、仰げば徳島の月。那賀町「道の駅 もみじ川温泉」断崖から太平洋をひとり占め!徳島の超開放露天。日和佐「ホテル 白い燈台」青と緑が大歩危峡谷にまばゆい、白濁のつるつる温泉。「サンリバー大歩危」【高知県】わざわざ訪れたくなる、とろとろの湯が湧く山奥の村へ。「北川村温泉 ゆずの宿」電波の届かない小さな集落に、旅人の立ち寄る秘湯が!安芸「こまどり温泉」高知の大自然を仰ぎながら、木造露天でリラックスタイム。「中津渓谷 ゆの森」高知一の絶景露天は海水を温めた「汐湯」!カツオの町・中土佐で至福のひととき。「黒潮本陣」コラム「高知の美容師さん」高知市内観光の後は…鏡川を見下ろしながら、まったり温泉。鏡村「鏡文化ステーションRIO」美肌効果抜群の超良泉質!田舎料理もいただける、穴場な温泉旅館。「大正温泉」【愛媛県】温泉×アウトドア×地産バイキング!な、お城風温泉宿。愛南「山出憩いの里温泉」愛媛県民が選ぶ泉質の良い温泉第1位を獲得した、ぬるぬる極上湯。東温「さくらの湯」愛媛巡礼中のお遍路さん御用達!天然岩の大胆な湯船が魅力的。久万「古岩屋荘」日本三古湯・道後温泉!明治27年に建てられた風格ある本館へ。道後「道後温泉本館」地元の方が愛用!道後温泉にある、もう1つの公衆浴場。道後温泉「椿の湯」コラム「松山は雨」川遊びにお菓子作り、時の流れが止まる温泉施設。新宮「霧の森」【香川県】高松の奥座敷・塩江温泉郷!ぬめりの強いお湯で肌もすべすべ。塩江「奥の湯温泉」日本一オシャレでキュートな銭湯!直島アートプロジェクトの看板、「I♥湯」へ。春はお花見、秋は紅葉。高齢者に優しい山間の温泉施設!東かがわ「白鳥温泉」天然炭酸泉かけ流し&オシャレすぎるデザイン、文句なし。仏生山「仏生山温泉」コラム「自転車、直島、オリーブオイル、うどん」おわりにUntil March 1 - August31of 2013, daughter of upland fields had been running seekinghotsprings over Japan in one car. Though fun, please enjoy alittlesad ... such hot water tour travelogue. This time,Tokushima,Kochi, Ehime Prefecture, we will introduce the KagawaPrefectureand Shikoku of 21 hot springs.▼ Table of ContentsIntroduction[Tokushima Prefecture]And get in Kamikatsu that can enjoy the herb cuisine, YukariKoboDaishi hot water. "Tsuki~ketani hot spring month of theinn"Shikoku easternmost to! Dance eating of overlooking the seaandicefish in the open-air sea turtle egg-shaped. "KamodaMisakiOnsen"Column "Hasegawa"Beautiful dam lake visible from the open-air, Aoge if Tokushimaofthe month. Naka-cho "Road Station maple river hot spring"The hog the Pacific Ocean from the cliff! Tokushima superopenstalls. Hiwasa "hotel white lighthouse"Blue and green is dazzling to Oboke canyon, slippery hot springofcloudiness. "Sunriver Oboke"[Kochi]You'll want to visit all the way, to the mountains of thevillagesprings hot water of simmering. "Kitagawa-mura OnsenYuzuinn"It does not reach the small village of radio waves, the secrethotwater stop by the traveler! Aki "Cock Robin Onsen"While Allegiance Kochi of nature, relaxing in woodenstalls."Nakatsu Valley Yu of Forest"Kochi one of the spectacular open air was warm seawater"Shioyu"!Indulge in the town of Nakatosa of bonito. "KuroshioHonjin"Column "hairdresser's Kochi"After the Kochi city ... while overlooking the Kagamigawa,chillinand hot springs. Kagamimura "mirror culture stationRIO"Beautifying effect preeminent super Yoizumi quality! Enjoy alsothecountryside cuisine, off the beaten path a hot spring inn."TaishoOnsen"[Ehime Prefecture]Onsen × Outdoor × local production for Viking! Na, castle-stylehotspring inn. Aiminami "Sato hot spring of Yamade rest"Ehime prefecture has won a good Onsen # 1 of spring qualitytochoose, slimy best hot water. Toon "Sakura of hot water."Ehime pilgrimage in pilgrim purveyor! Bold bathtub of naturalrocksattractive. Kuma "full Iwaya Zhuang"Japan's three Furuyu-Dogo hot spring! Style was built in 1894thereto the main building. Dogo "Dogo Onsen main building."Love is more of a local! In the Dogo Onsen, another one ofthepublic baths. Dogo hot spring "hot water of camellia"Column "Matsuyama rain"Baking, when the flow stops hot spring facilities to swim inariver. Shingu "fog forest"[Kagawa Prefecture]Takamatsu in the back parlor-Shionoe hot spring! Smooth skin eveninstrong hot water of slime. Shionoe "back of the Onsen"The cute bathhouse in Japan fashionable! Naoshima Art Project ofthesigns, to the "I ♥ Yu".Spring cherry blossom viewing, autumn foliage. Friendly mountainhotspring facilities to the elderly! Higashi Kagawa "swanOnsen"The natural carbonated water over flowing & fashionabletoodesign, no complaint. Butsushozan "Butsushozan Onsen"Column "bicycle, Naoshima, olive oil, Udon"IN CONCLUSION