Top 19 Apps Similar to かんたんスリープ管理 ウィジェットや通知バーで簡単に設定変更

スリープしない 1.0
スクリーンオフ(Screen Off)画面を消して誤操作防止
Kazu Pinklady
It is an application to turn off the screen and preventerroneousoperation. Since it does not use dangerous privileges, itdoes notinterfere with fingerprint authentication. It is safeandlightweight because there is no advertising andnetworkcommunication.
Screen Keep Plus
Kazu Pinklady
The tilt sensor allows the phone to easily switch between "on"and"off" sleep.
画面消女 ~こんなときに画面消灯しないでよ~ 3.0.4
It is the ability to switch easily the screen off (sleep mode) ZE ★
Screen On Plus
Kazu Pinklady
Wakes from sleep by sensor without pressing the power button.
スリープチェンジャー 2.1
StayAwake 1.0.2
Simple app to toggle a stay awake mode.enables stay awake,- always- if plugged in to AC/USBTo work the stay awake "if plugged in to AC/USB" mode,pleaseunplug your device from AC/USB and check the box; then pluginagain.useful for- viewing map when driving a car- playing movies or slideshow- developing apps- etc.* may not work on custom ROM.
Screen Keep - No Advertisement
Kazu Pinklady
This application is free. There is no advertisement. If abuttonispushed, it does not sleep automatically. A button isdisplayed onaforefront side. A button can be pushed at any time. Asetupofautomatic "Termination time" is possible. The Longclickthebutton(Press and hold the button). A screen is locked.Operationismade impossible. ===== request ===== This app isdonationware.Ifyou were pleased with this app, please givecontribution.becauseit is managing with no advertisement, there areno profitsby thisapp. Only your warm heart is a reliance. I believethat theworldis full of spirit mutual support. ===== Thecontributorymethod===== Please purchase any one of charged appwhich Icreated.Obtained contribution is carefully used asfuturedevelopmentcosts. Thank you. ::::: Kazu Pinklady :::::
スリープ移行アプリ 1.5
App there is no function, however, nothing is the app strongestifyou use it in conjunction with the "application start charging/disconnects".
Just a sleep-prevention widget.
SleepToAirplaneMode 1.2
This aplication watching sleep modetosettingphone sleep mode.※Caution!!When flying, please "Stop Watching Sleep" andexitthisapplication.This application tested by HTC desire.
On/Off設定(Pro) 1.7
アプリ名 「On/Off設定(Pro)」会議や授業中に突然、着信が!! そんな経験をされた方も多いと思います。そんな時役に立つのがこのアプリです!スイッチをONにしてれば突然の着信にも画面を覆う かひっくり返すだけでマナーモードにすることができ ます。またカバンやポケットに入れている間はマナーモード がいいという方にもおすすめです。(カバンやポケットの中ではマナーモード、取り出す と解除されます)タイマーを使って指定した時間にマナーモードを設定することができます。またマナーモード以外にもWi-Fi設定、音量設定、、、、素早く1つの画面でいろいろと設定したい時にも便利です!携帯の設定画面のようなデザインで使いやすいアプリです。1.Auto系の設定①Autoマナーモード②Autoミュートモードカバン・ポケットの中では自動にマナーモード・ミュートモードになります。取り出したら解除されます。また携帯をひっくり返すか画面を覆ってもマナーモード・ミュートになります。覆う場合は覆ってる限りはマナーモード・ミュートです。※手を離すとマナーモード・ミュートは解除されます。③Auto Wi-Fi主にWi-Fiを使っている場合、ON・OFFの切り替えがめんどくさい・・・そんなときに自動的にON/OFFできる便利なアプリです。ポケットやカバンの中ではOFF、取り出したらONに自動的に切り替わります。ポケットなどに中に入れて使わない場合はOFFにすることで電池の節約にもなります!また取り出したら自動にONになるのでいちいち設定する手間も省けます。※カバンの中に入れる場合は内ポケットなどに入れることを推奨します※Wi-Fiについては最初お使いの機器にて設定が必要です。コンビニなどのWi-Fiを使う場合は別途コンビニなどの提供するアプリが必要な場合があります。④Auto Volumeカバンやポケットの中に入れていると着信があっても聞こえない・・・でも、カバンやポケットの中に入れるたびに音量を上げるのはめんどくさい・・・そんなときにこのアプリが役立ちます!カバンやポケットの中に入れている間は自動的に着信音量を最大にします。取り出すと音量最大を解除します。また音量の設定も簡単にできます。※カバンの中に入れる場合は内ポケットなどに入れることを推奨します⑤Auto Voice通話中、相手の声が小さいなぁ~と感じることがあると思います。でも通話中に通話音量を上げるのは操作しづらい・・・そこで役に立つのがこのアプリです!スイッチをONにするだけで通話中は自動的に通話音量を最大にしてくれます。通話終了後は自動的に通話音量最大を解除します。また通話音量の設定も簡単にできます。※スピーカー通話の場合は通話音量は最大にはなりません。⑥Auto Bluetooth着信時に自動的にBluetoothをONになります(着信終了時には自動的にOFFになります)電池の節電にもなります2.各設定について①マナーモード②サイレントモード③ミュートモード④着信音量の最大設定⑤メディア音量の最大設定⑥アラーム音量の最大設定⑦通話音量の最大設定⑧Wi-Fiの設定⑨Bluetoothの設定⑩画面の回転ロックの設定⑪画面のスリープの設定⑫機内モードの設定3.その他の設定①目覚まし機能②音量設定(着信音量・通話音量・アラーム音量・メディア音量)③着信音量の選択④バッテリー情報※他のアプリとの関連性や不具合の防止のため再起動すると目覚ましのタイマーはリセットされます。お手数ですが再起動後、改めて目覚まし機能のタイマーをセットしてください。Application name "On /Offsetting (Pro)"During class meetings and suddenly, incoming! ! I think it issuchan experience a lot. It is this app can be useful in such a case!You can be in silent mode just turn over or cover the screenalsocalled sudden as long as the switch to the ON position. In addition, it is recommended in silent mode that goodwhileyou are put in a bag or pocket.You can (will be canceled silent mode, and take out is in the bagorpocket) is set to silent mode at a specified time usingthetimer.The Wi-Fi settings, volume settings to manner modeotherthan,,,,It is also useful when you want to set a lot on onescreenquickly!It is an application that it is easy to use with a design suchasthe setting screen of the mobile.Setting the system 1.Auto① Auto Manner Mode② Auto mute modeIt is in silent mode Mute mode to automatic in a bag pocket.It will be canceled if you take out.In addition, it becomes the silent mode, mute even over thescreenor turn over the mobile phone.As long as you are covered if you cover is silent mode mute.※ Silent mode Mute will be canceled when you release thehand.        ③ Auto Wi-FiIf you are using a Wi-Fi primarily, the switching of the ON · OFFistroublesome ...It is a handy app that can be ON / OFF automatically in suchacase.It automatically switches to ON OFF, if you take out is in a bagorpocket.It also saves battery by to OFF if you do not use and put itinto a pocket!In addition, I omit the trouble to set one by one because itturnedON in automatic After removing.※ It is recommended to put on and inside pocket if you put inthebag※ It is necessary to set at the first device on your Wi-Fi.There is a case application to provide, such as a conveniencestoreseparately is unnecessary if you use the Wi-Fi, such asaconvenience store.④ Auto VolumeYou do not hear even if there is an incoming call and to have putina bag or pocket ...But turning up the volume every time you put in your pocket orbagand troublesome ...This app can help you in such a case!Achieve the highest ring volume automatically while you are put inabag or pocket.Clear the volume up to and take out. I also can simplify thesettingof the volume.※ It is recommended to put on and inside pocket if you put inthebag⑤ Auto VoiceI think that there is that busy, you feel the other party's voiceissmall - I wonder.But turning up the call volume during a call it is hard tooperate...It is this app where it useful!For us to maximize the call volume automatically during a callbysimply switch to ON.Clear the call volume up to automatically after a call.I also can simplify the configuration of the call volume.※ Call Volume is not a maximum in the case of thespeakercall.⑥ Auto BluetoothIt is ON the Bluetooth automatically when receiving a call(It will turn OFF automatically to the incoming end)It becomes the power saving of batteryAbout 2. Each setting① silent mode② silent mode③ mute modeMaximum setting of ④ ring volumeMaximum setting of ⑤ media volumeMaximum ⑥ Setting of alarm volumeMaximum setting of ⑦ call volumeSetting of ⑧ Wi-Fi⑨ Bluetooth settingsSetting the rotation of the lock screen ⑩Setting the sleep of ⑪ screenSetting of ⑫ airplane modeSetting of 3. Other① Alarm function② volume setting (ring volume and call volume and alarm volumeandmedia volume)③ Selection of ring volume④ battery information※ timer alarm will reset and restart for the prevention ofdefectsand association with other apps.Sorry to trouble you, but after a restart, please set the timerofthe alarm clock again.
NekasanZ(Sleep解除アプリ) 1.0.2
Sleep解除アプリNekasanZは、ワンタッチで端末をスリープモードにさせないように設定するアプリです。OFF:端末に設定されている時間でスリープモードになります。ON(やる気→Min):端末に設定されている時間で画面が薄暗くなります。スリープモードにはなりません。ON(やる気→Max):端末に設定されている時間になっても画面は明るいままです。スリープモードにはなりません。端末起動時に前回の状態で自動的にアプリが起動します。Sleep release applicationNekasanZ is an application to be set up so as not to sleepmodein the terminal at the touch of a button.The sleep mode by the time it is set in the terminal: OFF.Screen dims by the time it is set in the terminal: ON(motivation→ Min). It is not a sleep mode.Screen will remain bright even in the time that it is set totheterminal: ON (motivation → Max). It is not a sleep mode.I will launch the application automatically in the previousstateto the terminal startup.
Sleepless in AP:Keep screen on 1.8.7
Keep screen on for your specific APP. Select an APP, thenyourdevicewill NOT sleep when you are using this APP. Somedevicesneed toselect "Persist" Mode to work properly. For example,whenyou'replaying a game or using a specified APP, your devicewillalwaysawake and not auto-sleep. * Support Android 7.0 Nougatandabove! -To use Sleepless in APP on Android 5.0 or above, youmustgo to"Settings -> Security -> Apps with usage access"andenableaccess of "Sleepless in APP" - Android 5.0 disabledoldmethod to gettop APP, so need to enable this access tomakeSleepless in APP work.- Several phones from LG and SamsungaboveAndroid 5.0 doesn'tsupport the Setting page "Apps withusageaccess", so these phonesare not supported. It needsmanufacturesof these phones to upgradesystem and support thesetting page. Youcan select any of yourinstalled APP, while theseAPPs are using,the device will alwaysawake until you leave theselected APP orpressing the power button.For example, while yourare using areader app, it is annoying thatdevice automaticallyscreen off allthe time. Using this APP canprevent the screen fromturning offwhen you are using any of yourspecified APP! How itwork: This APPwill detect the foreground APPyou're using, if theforeground APPis the selected APP, this APPwill hold a full wakelock to preventdevice from suspend. After youleave the foreground(or press powerbutton to sleep), will releasethe full wake lock.
PluggedInSleep 1.0.2
- Automatically sleep when the chargerpluggedin.- Contains the screen turn off shortcut.- Launch alternative Google Now
Auto Settings Free
Auto Settings apply setting foreachapplications or when system status, automatically.This app is Free version.You can add 2 settings only.In Free version you can NOT use the system settings.Auto Settings is intended for use in thefollowingsituations.* In usually, I want to disable the screen rotation, but when Iusea photo apps, I want to enable it.* To make batteries last longer, I want to enable Wifi and GPS,inseveral apps only.* When viewing web Articles and e-book apps, you want to disabletheautomatic-screen-off.Auto Settings has following features.* You can register the settings and apps which applynewsetting.* Auto Settings detect of launching of registered apps, and toapplythe setting.* When the Home key is pressed or unregistered app is launched,AutoSettings restore the previous settings.* When the setting is applied or restored, Auto Settings willshowthe modified notification by Toast.* When system state is changed. For example, the battery getlow,the headphone connection is changed, setting is applied.You can change the following settings.・Mobile Data Network(On,Off)・Wifi(On,Off)・GPS (*1(On,Off)・Bluetooth(On,Off)・Screen-Rotation(On, Off)・Screen-Off time(15sec,30sec,1min,2min,10min,30min,Never)・Screen-Brightness (*2(Auto,0%,25%,50%,75%,100%)・Media(Music) Volume( 0(Mute) to 15(Max) )(*1 GPS setting should be changed yourself byAndroid'sspecific.Auto Settings help to change by opening setting screen.(*2 "Screen-Brightness" will not take effect immediately.After applying the settings, please turn off screen, then turnon,for taking effect.System settings is available in Full version.It will be applied the following cases.* On System Start* Low Battery* Headphone Plugged In / Pulled Out* Power Plugged In / Pulled Out* Screen turned On / Off* Privacy *Auto Settings access to the recent launched app informationfordetection of other apps launch.However, Auto Settings does NOT save your log infomation ininside,never.Of course, Auto Settings does NOT send your infomation totheoutside, never.(Also, this app does NOT have a permission to communicate withtheoutside.)* Thanks *Debug, Feature request - Yuki YamamotoTitle Design - Yuta Oike
Xperia style rotation widget 2.0
Xperia arc style auto rotation widget.You can change ON or OFF on auto rotation option in thiswidget.if you like this app, please show donate ver.Please use at your own risk
Wi-Fi sync Screen 1.04
"Wi-Fi sync Screen" synchronizes Wi-Fi-enablement with thescreenpower.
Sleep Timer 2.0.0
■ Sleep TimerSleep timer , Decrease volume automatically at the set time ,(volume 0 ) to the state of the mute in the end.※ There is the case that the player itself can not be stopped ,butyou can stop the sound in any player application .■ You have created in order to respond to the situation ofthefollowing sleep timer .• Before going to bed , it was left to play the video or music ,itwas late and not notice the sound of the alarm in the morning.■ Sleep Timer offers two functions can be roughly divided into.It is as follows: For more information and two functions .● About the function of reducing the sound- Once at the set time , we will lower the sound .• Displays a screen to inform you that to the terminal , youarelowering the sound when you go down the sound .- By selecting the button " snooze after 30 minutes " on thescreenthat is displayed, shifting the timing to lower the sound.· In addition , by selecting on the screen that appears"stop"button , you will be able to stop working temporarily .● About the ability to return to the original sound· When the check box of automatic return , to return to itsoriginalstate the volume when it becomes time to return .• The volume of the original state , is the volume when I startedtolower the sound .• Displays the screen to notify that to the terminal , or itreturnsa sound when you return to the original sound .- By selecting on the screen that appears "stop" button , youwillbe able to stop working temporarily .The contents of the above has resulted in all , it wastranslatedby using the Internet or the like .I think that there is a somewhat obscure point in the text ,pleaseunderstand .