Top 3 Apps Similar to PROメロ♪仮面ライダー 着信設定アプリ

PROメロ♪仮面ライダー フォーゼ&オーズ 着信設定アプリ 1.0.0
「PROメロ♪」で人気の着信メロディをスマートフォンで完全再現♪ワンタッチの簡単操作で着信音、メール音(通知音)、アラーム音に設定可能☆◆収録曲○Switch On!/土屋アンナ-TV朝日系「仮面ライダーフォーゼ」オープニング曲○SAMURAI STRONG STYLE/綾小路 翔 VS マーティ・フリードマン-映画「仮面ライダー×仮面ライダー フォーゼ&オーズ MOVIE大戦 MEGA MAX」主題歌○Giant Step/Astronauts-TV朝日系「仮面ライダーフォーゼ」エンディング○フォーゼ変身/鳴瀬シュウヘイ-TV朝日系「仮面ライダーフォーゼ」より○アバンタイトル/鳴瀬シュウヘイ-TV朝日系「仮面ライダーフォーゼ」より○イントロダクション/鳴瀬シュウヘイ-TV朝日系「仮面ライダーフォーゼ」より○コズミックエナジー/鳴瀬シュウヘイ-TV朝日系「仮面ライダーフォーゼ」より○パワーダイザー/鳴瀬シュウヘイ-TV朝日系「仮面ライダーフォーゼ」より○Anything Goes!/大黒摩季-TV朝日系「仮面ライダーOOO(オーズ)」主題歌○Regret nothing ~Tighten Up~/火野映司(C.V.渡部 秀)-TV朝日系「仮面ライダーOOO(オーズ)」ED曲◆主な機能  -着信音設定  -メール音(通知音)設定  -アラーム音設定◆対応機種docomo・P-04D・AQUOS PHONE SH-06D・Disney mobile on docomo P-05D・Xperia acro HD SO-03D・MEDIAS ES N-05D・Xperia NX SO-02D・Disney Mobile on docomo F-08D・MEDIAS LTE N-04D・Q-pot.Phone SH-04D・PRADA phone by LG L-02D・ARROWS μ F-07D・LUMIX Phone P-02D・GALAXY NEXUS SC-04D・ARROWS X LTE F-05D・MEDIAS PP N-01D・Optimus LTE L-01D・AQUOS PHONE slider SH-02D・AQUOS PHONE SH-01D・GALAXY NEXUS SC-04D・ARROWS Kiss F-03D・GALAXY S II LTE SC-03D・with series REGZA Phone T-01D・with series P-01D・Xperia PLAY SO-01D・Xperia ray SO-03C・P-07C・AQUOS PHONE f SH-13C・Xperia acro SO-02C・GALAXY S II SC-02C・MEDIAS WP N-06C・AQUOS PHONE SH-12C・LYNX 3D SH-03C・REGZA Phone T-01C・Xperia arc SO-01C・MEDIAS N-04C・GALAXY Tab SC-01C・Xperia SO-01B・GALAXY S SC-02Bau・Optimus X IS11LG・GALAXY SII WiMAX ISW11SC・ARROWS ES IS12F・MEDIAS BR IS11N・AQUOS PHONE IS14SH・ARROWS Z ISW11F・DIGNO ISW11K・AQUOS PHONE IS13SH・htc EVO 3D ISW12HT・htc EVO WiMAX ISW11HT・MIRACH IS11PT・REGZA Phone IS11T・G'zOne IS11CA・INFOBAR A01・AQUOS PHONE IS12SH・XPERIA acro IS11S・AQUOS PHONE IS11SH・IS05・REGZA Phone(IS04)・IS03※Eメールの着信音につきまして、本アプリでは「通知音」の変更のみ可能となっているため、「通知音」とは別に「メール着信音」がある機種につきましては、「メール着信音」には設定出来ません。予めご了承下さいますようお願い申し上げます。SoftBank・LUMIX Phone 101P・AQUOS PHONE 102SH・008Z・003P・HTC Desire HD 001HT・DELL Streak SoftBank 001DL・GALAPAGOS 003SH・GALAPAGOS 005SH・AQUOS PHONE 007SH・AQUOS PHONE 009SH・Vision 007HW※Sメールの着信音につきまして、本アプリでは「通知音」の変更のみ可能となっているため、「通知音」とは別に「メール着信音」がある機種につきましては、「メール着信音」には設定出来ません。予めご了承下さいますようお願い申し上げます。◆対応OSAndroid OS 2.1以降※本アプリは月額サービスではございません。ダウンロード時にのみ販売価格分が課金されます。以降はアンインストールするまで無料で使用出来ます。※アラーム設定が有効な状態で端末の電源をOFFにすると、アラームが無効になりますので、再度有効にする必要があります。
Audio Book: Riders Of The Purp 1.0
Red Cricket
The "Riders of the Purple Sage"AndroidLibrivox Audio Book App!Riders of the Purple Sage by Grey, ZaneThe year is 1871, and wealthy ranch owner Jane Withersteen isintrouble. She has incurred the displeasure of her Mormonchurchleaders by refusing to marry a church elder and bybefriendingGentiles (non-Mormons). In rides Lassiter, thequintessentialWestern hero: mysterious, purposeful, a deadlygunslinger, but withan unexpected streak of gentleness. WhileLassiter is assistingJane at the ranch, her friend and rider BernVenters is having anadventure of his own in the Utah canyonlands.Riders of the PurpleSage is a story of heroism, love, brave men andstrong women, gooddogs and fast horses. And who is that MaskedRider? (Summary byLaurie Anne Walden)Total running time: 10:45:07 Read by Laurie Anne WaldenYou can listen to the recording for free at Lassiter02 Cottonwoods03 Amber Spring04 Deception Pass05 The Masked Rider06 The Mill-wheel of Steers07 The Daughter of Withersteen08 Surprise Valley09 Silver Spruce and Aspens10 Love11 Faith and Unfaith12 The Invisible Hand13 Solitude and Storm14 West Wind15 Shadows on the Sage-slope16 Gold17 Wrangles Race Run18 Oldrings Knell19 Fay20 Lassiters Way21 Black Star and Night22 Riders of the Purple Sage23 The Fall of Balancing RockThe Android App "Riders of the Purple Sage by Grey, Zane AudioBook"is a full featured media player with:Selectable Table of Contents to allow to jump to the startofany of the chapters.Adjustable Progress Bar to allow to jump to any spot inthecurrent playing chapterPrevious Chapter ButtonRewind ButtonPlay / Pause ButtonFast Forward ButtonNext Chapter ButtonThe "Riders of the Purple Sage by Grey, Zane Audio Book" Appwillnot use up your data plan's minutes by downloading the audiofiles(mp3) over and over. You will download load all the data whenyouinstall the App. The "Riders of the Purple Sage by Grey, ZaneAudioBook" App works even in airplane mode and in places withoutWi-Fior phone network access! So you can listen to your audiobookanywhere anytime! The "Riders of the Purple Sage by Grey,ZaneAudio Book" App automatically pauses when you make or receiveaphone call and automatically resumes after the call ends.The"Riders of the Purple Sage by Grey, Zane Audio Book" Appwillcontinue to play until you exit the App or pause the reading soitis perfect for listening in bed, at the gym, or while drivingintowork.
Crossroads 1.0
Carl Kuhl
The "Crossroads" albums has songs thatremindusof what America is about and other songs with a looktowardsthefuture. Songs include: "Keep Movin' On", "Reach outStrong","StillBelieve," "I Remember You", and "Come with Me." Thesongs"Ride theBus" and "By the River" are great to take on thatsummeradventure."White Horse Rider" is a powerful rock song thatremindsus all ofour early founders and the price that our veteranspayed tosecureour freedom. The album ends with the relaxingclassical numberof"Hope". See the video. Past albums include"America" and"MorningStar."There are quotes about freedom, dreams, family life,faith,andlife to take on the journey. Life is a "journey" and thisapp isagood companion. We need more in the futurethanjustpromises........we need to take the qualities that willhelp usgetthrough to the next destination from the past and awillingnesstoreach out to those around us.