Top 21 Apps Similar to めざせ!盗聴警備マスター

Defend you from Eavesdropping 2.0.6
shark pool
detective app packed with useful information for solving problemsindaily life
Wiretap Sensing 1.6
You are keeping various kinds of valuable information inyourSmartphone such as pictures,contact, texts, certificate and others.Unfortunately, however, there is a fatal issue that thoseofcritical information can be leakedbefore you knowing it.For example, Starbucks’ Complimentary Voucher Application canbeautomatically installed onyour Smartphone, which can make it happen Mobile Payment uptoUS$300 without realizing it.If your memory, pictures and certificate would be leaked, it canbeutilized to financial settlementand thus tremendous losses will be happened from yourvaluableproperties.In addition, your Smartphone is exposed to Remote Control.Someone can access and control your Smartphone and it canbeutilized for bugging andrecording your conversation, stalking your private life, evenmoreserious case like adultery tracingby a private detective.Private information in Smartphone is weaker against securitybreachso that spiteful applicationcan take contact, call logs, texts, locations, schedules,internethistories and others secretly.Prevent leakage of your valuable information and financiallossesby Smart AntiSpy.Smart AntiSpy can monitor all application installed inyourSmartphone in real-time basis andgive warnings against any suspicious &dangerousapplication.Smart AntiSpy is providing power functions as follow.Real Time Monitoring- Mobile Payment Sensing: Real-time monitoring and detectsuspiciousapplications able toDo mobile payment secretly- Wiretap Sensing: Make a real-time alarm on secretly tappingandrecording by remote control- Remote Control Sensing: Real-time monitoring and warningyourSmartphone by remotecontrol- Data Traffic Sensing: It happens excessive data trafficinorder to leak information thru network.Smart AntiSpy provides real-time monitoring on data trafficstateand warning excessive datatraffic situationIntelligent App. Analysis- Leakage of Private Information: Smart AntiSpy detects andshowssuspicious applications whichcan look/peek your private information and control yourSmartphoneas follow.. look/peek contact, contact list, message, call logs,schedule,location, internet historyNFC data and user information. send push messages, modify/delete memory contents,recordvoices/circumference sounds,remote control.- App. Inspection: Analyze the authorities of allapplicationsinstalled in your Smartphone andjudge the risks of applications- Unknown Sourced App.: Display applications abnormallyinstalledthru Google Play StoreThe object of Smart AntiSpy is sensing anddetectingsuspicious/doubtful applications which are able to leakprivateinformation and financial settlement.Any App. which is being indentified as risky application thruSmartAntiSpy would not be spitefulone. Hence, Smart AntiSpy does not take any legal responsibilityandliability related to wrongdetection and mis-judgement on Applications.Only, Smart AntiSpy is providing users with what App. havewhatauthorities and plays a helpfulrole for users to delete an unnecessary App. in Smartphone.Thank you for choosing the Smart AntiSpy
盗み見 *無音、無表示で自動撮影。国産アプリのカメラで安心。 3
真っ暗な画面が自動かつ無音で写真を撮っていきます。悪用や盗撮には使用しないでください。自動で連続で撮影されるので、瞬間をのがさず、シャッターを押す手間もはぶけます。・国産アプリだから安心です。画像の保存先は/sdcard/DCIM/camera/となりますので、他のアプリで閲覧してください。*ネットワークを経由してサーバー等へは保存はされません。シャッター音が鳴らないので周りに気づかれずに撮影できます。自分の赤ちゃんのカワイイ寝顔や、ペットの行動、授業中の板書の記録など、さまざまなシーンに活用できます。位置情報は登録されないので安心です。開発のモチベーションを上げるため、ぜひレビューください。画像は圧縮していないので高画質です。Dark screenwillcontinueto take photos with automatic and silent.Please do not use to abuse and voyeur.Since it is automatically taken at a continuousandwithoutmissing moment,Effort to press the shutter I also saves.- Because it is domestic app it is safe.Since the storage destination of the image will be / sdcard/DCIM/ camera /, please browse in other apps.* Via the network to the server, etc. will not be saved.You can be taken without being noticed around theshuttersoundcan not be heard.My cute sleeping face and the baby, pet behavior,recordingsuchas blackboard in class,You can take advantage of the various scenes.The position information is safe because it isnotregistered.Order to increase the motivation of development, please byallmeansreview.Image is a high quality because it does not compress.
不審者対策・男性の声で早急応対!-防犯ボイスパートナー 1.0.1
男性による完全肉声・生声での厳選20パターンを収録一人暮らしで不安なことがたくさんあるけど、頼れる男性がいない…とお困りの女性のための防犯アプリが新登場!男性声で早急に対応できるありそうでなかった防犯ボイスアプリ。しかも機械が不自然に読み上げる声(ボイス)ではなく完全肉声!インストール後すぐにご利用いただけます!★こんな時にオススメ★・強引な訪問セールスのインターホン対応に・深夜に不審なドアベルが鳴った時の対応に・帰宅時の一人暮らしカモフラージュに・男性の声で守ってもらいたいときに・男性の頼りになる声を聴きたいときに使い方はとってもカンタン!読み上げて欲しいセリフにチェックを入れて再生ボタンを押すだけ!頼りがいのあるイケボの男性の声(ボイス)で一人暮らしの不安をかき消そう!あなただけの男声パートナーが防犯生活をしっかり守ります!!AndroidView様にレビュー記事掲載していただきました! carefully selected 20 patterns in full naturalvoice,raw voice by manI have a lot to be uneasy at livingalone,security app for women of troubled dependable men not ...with yournew appearance!Crime prevention Voice app was not immediately likely to bedealtwith male voice.Moreover, rather than voice (voice) the machine is readunnaturalcompletely natural voice!Available immediately after installation!★ Recommended this time to ★• The intercom correspondence of assertive visit sales· To respond when a suspicious doorbell rang in the middle ofthenight- To return home when living alone camouflageWhen I want to protect in-male voiceWhen you want to listen to the voice that isdependableof-menIt's easy to use!Just press the play button to check the want dialogue thatreadaloud!Let Kakikeso anxiety of living alone inthevoice of men rely is of the stomach Ikebo (voice)!You just male partner will protect firmly the securitylife!!I was published review articleinAndroidView like!
ミタ?(ロック監視) 1.7
That one? You are arbitrarily seen? It is an application thatisuseful at such time!
セコムあんしんアプリ 1.0.2
Secom Anshin app is an app for the "safe and secure life,"whichSecom Co., Ltd. to provide. In this application thefollowingservices are available.
DigiPolice 3.2.1
dawn corp.
DigiPolice is a crime prevention app that the MetropolitanPoliceDepartment's Life Safety and General Affairs Divisiondeliverscrime prevention information and crime preventioninformation inTokyo.
「安心チェッカー」スマホのみで出来るリモート監視カメラ 1.0
【概 要】安心チェッカーは、外出時に、自宅のお子様やペットの様子などを確認できるアプリです。【機能と使い方】スマホが2台あれば外出中に画像の確認ができますが、1台で使うことも可能です。従って使い方次第では、簡易セキュリティシステムとしてお役に立てると思います。1台で使う場合は、リアルタイムでの監視はできないため、手元に端末がある時に写真の確認を行うことになります。2台で使う場合は、1台をカメラ用として監視場所に置き、もう1台は写真の確認用として外出先に持ち出します。2台の端末を使うため、2台別々の設定が必要です。機種変したOS4.0以降の古いスマホを監視用カメラとして活用すると便利です。明るさセンサと動きセンサをONにすると端末周囲の変化に合わせて撮影を自動に行うことができます。監視画像は撮影後サーバにアップロードされます。アップロードには、ある程度の時間がかかる場合があります。【監視カメラ用スマホの設置ポイン】写真は横向きで表示されるためスマホは、横置きで設置すると見やすくなります。【使い方説明サイト】※ユーザ認証のために端末情報を取得いたしますが、ご了承下さい。
かんたん合成アプリ 5.2
LIXILのリフォーム用玄関ドアリシェントが新しくリシェントⅡ(リシェント2)として生まれ変わりました。LIXILのリシェントⅡ玄関ドアは、ドアデザイン・カラーバリエーションを豊富に備え、エントリーシステム・防犯機能面も充実し、断熱性能も備えたリフォームドアです。2017/03/09 (バージョン 5.2)不具合修正・一部端末において背景に写真を取り込むことが出来ない現象が起きておりましたが、修正しました。手順)①自宅の玄関を正面から縦長で撮影します。②本アプリを起動します③本アプリの使用方法を確認します。④好きな玄関デザインを選びます。⑤先に撮影した画像を取り込みます。⑥既存の玄関が片開きか片袖・親子か確認し、新たに取り付ける玄関にランマ付・ランマ無にするか選択します。⑦ドアサイズを撮影した玄関のサイズに拡大・縮小します。⑧撮影した写真の状況に応じ、ドアの横回転・縦回転・傾きをツールを使って行います。⑨玄関の色・デザインを自由に組み換えができます。⑩リフォーム後の玄関回りが決まったら保存します。⑪玄関の製品代を把握することができます。工事代は別途になります。【推奨OS Android 4.0以上】Renovation fortheentrance door Rishento of LIXIL was reborn as a new RishentoⅡ(Rishento 2).Rishento Ⅱ entrance door of LIXIL is abundantly equipped with adoordesign, color variations, also fulfilling entry systemsecurityfeature surface, is the renovation door that also includesthermalinsulation performance.2017/03/09 (version 5.2)Bug fixes- A phenomenon that can not be taken in a photo in the backgroundinsome terminals had been happening, but has been modified.procedure)① you the entrance of the home taken in portrait fromthefront.② start this app③ Make sure how to use this application.④ Select the desired entrance design.⑤ and download the images was the destination to theshooting.⑥ existing front door to see if single or open single sleevesparentand child, and then select whether to transomwith-transom-free tothe front door you are installing a new.⑦ and scaled to the size of the entrance that were takendoorsize.⑧ depending on the circumstances of the photos were taken, dothehorizontal rotation and vertical rotation and tilt of thedoorusing the tool.⑨ freely you can recombinant the entrance of color anddesign.⑩ Save When the entrance around is decided aftertherenovation.⑪ you can grasp the product cost of the entrance. Constructioncostwill be separately.[Recommended OS Android 4.0 or more]
東京不審者マップ 1.1.2
地域を守る防災・防犯の決定版/みんなのまちづくりアプリ『結』 2.0.3
いざというときの備えに『結』を利用しませんか防犯・防災から日常生活まで役に立つ、多機能連携アプリ『結』は、国民生活・日本経済の安定向上を目指した活動の一環として開発されたスマートフォン向けアプリです。『結』があれば…・防犯機能が充実! 危険区域に立ち入ったら、知らせてくれます。・簡単、便利なショッピングモールサイト『A.G.K.』が利用可能!・被災時にはあなたがいる避難所に必要な物資が届きます!・災害時、安全に避難所へ移動・安全な道に誘導し避難所へ行くことができます。・日常生活時にも自分の行きたい場所・施設に道に迷わず辿り着くことができます。いつ巻き込まれるかわからない犯罪、いつ来るか分からない災害から身を守る為、今、多機能アプリ『結』が注目されています。防犯・防災から日常生活まで役に立つ「結」のご利用は無料です。Why do not you usethe"binding" to prepare for an emergencyHelp from crime and disaster prevention to everydaylife,multi-functional cooperation app "sintering" is a smartphoneappthat has been developed as part of the activities aimedatstability improvement of people's lives, theJapaneseeconomy.If there is a "binding" ...- Crime prevention function is enhanced! Once intrusive indangerzone, it informed me.Simple, convenient shopping mall site, "A.G.K." is available!- At the time of the disaster you will receive necessary suppliestothe shelter where you are!· The event of a disaster, you can go to the induction inmovementand safe passage to the safe haven shelter.• Even at the time of everyday life you can arrivewithouthesitation on the road to the location and facilities thatyou wantyour go.When get involved or do not know a crime,In order to protect themselves from disaster I do not know whentocome, now, you have a multi-function application "sintering"isattention.Help from crime and disaster prevention to everyday life useof"imaging" is free.
冬月探偵事務所 2.3.0
創業20年の信頼と実績!!神奈川県川崎市の探偵事務所。南武線・東横線・目黒線「武蔵小杉」駅から徒歩3分浮気調査、素行調査、人探し・事件解決、盗聴・盗撮発見等の総合探偵社です。アプリで電波の届かないところでも閲覧出来ます。事務所までの地図、電話も1タップでかける事が出来ます。電話帳に電話番号の登録は不要なので安全です。当事務所は、ご依頼者様のご希望に沿って、長い経験と実績からムダな費用がかからないよう、最適なプランをご提案させて頂き、お一人お一人、丁寧で誠実な対応を心掛けて参ります。低料金でわかりやすい「完全パック」、ご清算も着手なしの後払いなので安心です。料金等お客様が便利に活用出来るようサポートするアプリです。充実したアプリ内容 ・ニュース配信 ・探偵依頼フォーム ・探偵一覧・サービス内容一覧・事務所インフォメーション(所在地・地図・TEL) ・過去実績配信・問い合わせフォーム・SNS(Facebook、Twitter、LINE)など便利な機能盛り沢山!! #探偵 #探偵事務所#冬月探偵事務所#Detective agency #浮気調査 #人探し #事件解決 #盗聴器探し #東京23区#神奈川県川崎市を拠点 #武蔵小杉#新丸子
Protect Private information 1.6
You are keeping various kindsofvaluableinformation in your Smartphone such as pictures,contact, texts, certificate and others.Unfortunately, however, there is a fatal issue thatthoseofcritical information can be leakedbefore you knowing it.For example, Starbucks’ Complimentary Voucher Applicationcanbeautomatically installed onyour Smartphone, which can make it happen Mobile Payment uptoUS$300without realizing it.If your memory, pictures and certificate would be leaked, itcanbeutilized to financial settlementand thus tremendous losses will be happened fromyourvaluableproperties.In addition, your Smartphone is exposed to Remote Control.Someone can access and control your Smartphone and it canbeutilizedfor bugging andrecording your conversation, stalking your private life,evenmoreserious case like adultery tracingby a private detective.Private information in Smartphone is weaker againstsecuritybreachso that spiteful applicationcan take contact, call logs, texts, locations,schedules,internethistories and others secretly.Prevent leakage of your valuable information andfinanciallossesby Smart AntiSpy.Smart AntiSpy can monitor all application installedinyourSmartphone in real-time basis andgive warnings against any suspicious &dangerousapplication.Smart AntiSpy is providing power functions as follow.Real Time Monitoring- Mobile Payment Sensing: Real-time monitoring anddetectsuspiciousapplications able toDo mobile payment secretly- Wiretap Sensing: Make a real-time alarm on secretlytappingandrecording by remote control- Remote Control Sensing: Real-time monitoring andwarningyourSmartphone by remotecontrol- Data Traffic Sensing: It happens excessive data trafficinorderto leak information thru network.Smart AntiSpy provides real-time monitoring on data trafficstateandwarning excessive datatraffic situationIntelligent App. Analysis- Leakage of Private Information: Smart AntiSpy detectsandshowssuspicious applications whichcan look/peek your private information and control yourSmartphoneasfollow.. look/peek contact, contact list, message, calllogs,schedule,location, internet historyNFC data and user information. send push messages, modify/delete memorycontents,recordvoices/circumference sounds,remote control.- App. Inspection: Analyze the authorities ofallapplicationsinstalled in your Smartphone andjudge the risks of applications- Unknown Sourced App.: Display applicationsabnormallyinstalledthru Google Play StoreThe object of Smart AntiSpy is sensinganddetectingsuspicious/doubtful applications which are able toleakprivateinformation and financial settlement.Any App. which is being indentified as risky applicationthruSmartAntiSpy would not be spitefulone. Hence, Smart AntiSpy does not take any legalresponsibilityandliability related to wrongdetection and mis-judgement on Applications.Only, Smart AntiSpy is providing users with what App.havewhatauthorities and plays a helpfulrole for users to delete an unnecessary App. in Smartphone.Thank you for choosing the Smart AntiSpy
いい湯なび 1.0.3
北は北海道から南は沖縄まで。日本全国の銭湯を地域や現在地から検索できます。出張先や旅行先で銭湯を探すのに最適な、銭湯ファン必携のアプリです。銭湯の営業時間帯や設備からも検索可能(一部の銭湯のみ)。【スーパー銭湯・立ち寄り温泉 随時更新中!】現在、対応の都道府県は以下の通りです。・東京都・愛知県・岐阜県・三重県・静岡県North from Hokkaidosouthto Okinawa.A public bath in Japan I can search from local and location.Perfect to find a public bath on the road and travel destination,itis a public bath fan must-have app.It can also be retrieved from public bath business hoursandequipment (part of the public bath only).[Super sento-stop hot springs updated from time to timein!]Currently, the corresponding prefectures are as follows.·TokyoAichi Prefecture·Gifu Prefecture·Mie·Shizuoka Prefecture
Tracking Crime Buzzer 1.1.4
Easy security tool of the time ofwhat-if~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~Tracking security buzzer as well as function as asecuritybuzzerthat sounds a loud sound at the push of button,It is a crime prevention buzzer app tracking you toinformusimmediately by e-mail security buzzer Once pressed, totracktheterminal to stop manually, E-mail to automaticallypositionstuckto.It is useful to notice whereabouts at the time ofthecrimeprevention distress, lost, in mountain climbing.○Simple trackingJust set up an e-mail sent with your Google account. You willbeableto notify you by e-mail whereabouts when the buttonispressed.○Easy check the whereaboutsMove one shot to Googlemap site by clicking the URL it iswritteninthe mail.○Anyone useSince they use Gmail, you can use the Android allterminals.Sincethere is no contract or monthly registration, feelfree toaskanyone.[Function]・You can that you start tracking without ringing the buzzer.・It is determined the number of minutes every you want tosavetheposition information, or notify by e-mail if you takewhattimesthe position information.・I can register up to 3 up to the notification destination.・Confirmation of the position can be found at thisURLmailsent.・Get the position information by the network or GPS. *It is recommended that you ON the GPS as much as possible.[How to use]1.Please set by pressing the gear button. I Bong buzzer without any configuration.2.Loud sound becomes, long press the "Buzzer" buttonpiercedtheearphone, please make sure mail is sentsuccessfully.Earphone please do not to your ear because it isverybigsound.3.Will be allowed to start the Mimamori without sounding abuzzerifyou press and hold the button "Silent".4.Press the gear button to stop tracking, please pressthestoptracking.If you have any bug reports, and requestsDo you write in the comments,[email protected] is
노블오카리나 운지 0.5
Ocarina Noble (Noble ocarina), you can improve your performanceandfingering skills in the correct fingering through the app.
V3 モバイル(スマホセキュリティ対策/フィルタリング)
In addition to anti-virus, privacy protection, and lossprotectionfor smartphones / tablets, it also has a child lockfunction thatprotects children from harmful sites! You can try itfor free for10 days.
「夜景探偵」夜景がキレイなお店を厳選!グルメクーポンアプリ 2.1.1
彼女の名前は飯山キャナ。ごく普通の彼女は、ごく普通に名古屋で育ち、ごく普通の恋をし、ごく普通の大学に進学をしました。そしてごく普通に東京へ上京し、ごく普通に音楽を聴き、ごく普通に食事をします。でも、ただひとつ違っていたのは、彼女は…夜景探偵だったのです!彼女の夜景好きは世界が認める一級品。彼氏が準備した夜景が見える公園デートは、360度が夜景じゃなければ認めない。東京タワーから見る夜景は、晴れた日じゃないと認めない。高速道路のピカピカごときを夜景というなんて、もってのほか!そんな彼女が探すグルメなレストランは、やはりポイントは夜景。告白するにも、合コンをするにも、お食事会にも、はたまた接待の二次会にも。夜景が見える素敵なお店であれば、何でもこなせてしまう。もちろん、全ての席から夜景が見えるわけではないことを彼女は知っています。しかし彼女の目にくるいはなく、見つけるお店の雰囲気の良さは絶品。このアプリは、そんな夜景探偵が探しに探した夜景のお店検索可能アプリ。カップルのデートに最適なお店や、アダルトな雰囲気のあるお店など、飯山探偵が認めたグルメなお店を全国各地で豊富に掲載しています。お気に入りのお店を見つけたら、登録することもできるし、検索履歴からもお店を再検索することだってできちゃいます。機能的にも飯山探偵を納得させる出来に仕上がっています。忘れてはいけないのはクーポンが付いているお店もたくさん掲載していること。クーポンマークがあるお店はきっとあなたにお得情報をもたらしてくれるでしょう。夜景がキレイなお店を探すなら、クーポン付きのお店もある「夜景探偵」にお任せください!Her name isIiyamascanner. Just a normal she is, routinely grew up in Nagoya, averyordinary love, did you go to the very ordinary university.Andmoved to Tokyo to routinely Tokyo, routinely listen to music,andthen the diet routinely.But, just I had different one, but she was ... nightscenedetective!Her night scene like the class goods that the worldrecognize.Park dating night view that boyfriend has prepared is visible,360degrees is not recognized, if that is not night scene.Night view seen from Tokyo Tower will not be recognized and notasunny day.The Gotoki shiny highway Nante say night view,absolutelyunthinkable!Such she looks gourmet restaurant, still point night view.To confess also, to a blind date, nor to your dinner party, alsoinHata also entertaining after-party.If the night view is a nice shop that looks, it wouldKonaseanything.Of course, she knows that not night view can be seen from all oftheseat.But not crazy in her eyes, the good of the shop atmosphere to findararity.This app, night view of the shop searchable app looking forlookingfor such a night scene detective.A couple of optimal and shops to date, such as shops withadultatmosphere, it is abundantly published in nationwide gourmetshopthat recognized Iiyama detective.If you find a favorite shop, can either be registered,Also it is able Even to re-search the shops from thesearchhistory.Functionally also finished in the can to convince theIiyamadetective.Forget should not be have posted a lot of shops that withacoupon.Shop there is a coupon mark will us surely bring the dealstoyou.If the night scene looks for clean shop, please leave it to thereisalso a shop with a coupon "night scene detective"!
ホームシステム 4.6
LIXIL is a home system for the application. You can check thevideocamera were transferred in the smartphone, you can alsotalkthrough the camera.
節約を極める「Re9(リキュー)」電力会社比較もこれ1本で! 1.0
お手軽な節約をこのアプリ一本で Re9(リキュー)では、3つのミッションを掲げています 1.節電や節水を楽しんで実行してくれる人を増やすことで、温暖化やエネルギー問題などの地球規模の課題にアプローチすること 2.節約情報の発信を通じて国民の皆様の家計を助け、生活を少しでも豊かにしていただくこと 3.すべてのご家庭が最適な電力・ガスのプランを選択することができるよう、複雑で比較しづらい電力会社・ガス会社の料金プランを整理すること電気代・水道代・ガス代・・・日常のちょっとした工夫で節約が可能です。生活費の無駄を省くのは、生活を豊かにする第一歩!電力自由化の情報もお届けする、節約を極めるメディア「Re9(リキュー)」のアプリを是非お試しください。会員登録で、さらにお得な節約情報を毎日お届けします! ■こんな人におすすめ ・電力会社を比較したい ・電気料金が気になる、ガス代が気になる  ・少しでも無駄を省きたい ・ちょっと豪華な家族旅行を楽しみたい主婦の方 ・生活費が気になる一人暮らしの学生  ・節電したいけどどうやったらいいかわからないなどなど。 どんな方でもお得な情報が満載!少しの工夫でもっとリッチな生活を「Re9(リキュー)」であなたも節約生活を初めてみませんか? 主な機能★☆★☆節約情報(記事)★☆★☆ 1000本以上にわたる節約関連記事 電力自由化で続々登場する新プランをシュミレーションしてみたり、 一人暮らしの学生が月の電気代1,000円切ってみたり、 電気料金支払いで貯まるポイントの情報をまとめてみたり・・・ 楽しくお得な情報をまとめています ★☆★☆節約チェック★☆★☆ 1日9枚の質問で、あなたの節約度を判別! 左右の操作でお手軽に「Yes」「No」を選択 【NO】の数だけ、節約してお金を貯められる!? ★☆★☆NOリスト★☆★☆ 「節約チェック」で溜まった【NO】の中身を見れます なんと!簡単な節約ノウハウが丁寧な手順で書かれています! 溜まった”やってない(NO)”リストから、お手軽な節約術へ簡単アクセス!お得な節約情報が満載!ちょっとの努力で、今よりも豊かな生活を〜
WiEye - WiFi Scanner 1.6.0
WiEye is a FREE 802.11 WiFi Analyzer for Android. WiEye canbeusedfor wireless site surveys, wifi scanning, andwirelessdiscovery.It reports the Name, BSSID, Signal Strength(dBm),Channel, andFrequency of all access points within range. Italsographs thisdata so you can see WiFi congestion for eachavailablechannel. Byusing this WiFi scanner, you are helpingsupport theSouthernMethodist University wireless technologyresearch grouplearn moreabout wireless signals in current useacross the worldand developmore efficient protocols and algorithms.We hope thatyou findWiEye as a useful application for your wirelessscanningneeds.Alongside the application, we collect usagestatistics fromwillingparticipants to be used as anonymizedperformancecharacteristicsof wireless networks in many citiesaround the worldas well as theuser's context (driving, sitting,standing, etc.)when the sniffingis performed. The data willcontribute to a globalpicture ofwireless networks and theirperformance. We offer WiEyefree ofcharge in the hopes that therewould be a large user basefor theuser study. Your privacy is veryimportant to us.Accordingly, wehave developed this privacy policyin order for youto understandhow we collect, use, communicate anddisclose and makeuse of usagestatistics. The following outlines ourprivacy policy.- Before orat the time of collecting usagestatistics, we willdisassociatethe measured data from the user'spersonalidentification. - Wewill collect and use of usagestatistics solelywith the objectiveof fulfilling those purposesspecified by us andfor othercompatible purposes, unless we obtainthe consent of theindividualconcerned or as required by law. - Wewill only retainusagestatistics as long as necessary for thefulfillment ofthosepurposes. - We will collect usage statistics bya lawful andfairmeans and, where appropriate, with the knowledge orconsent oftheindividual concerned. - A user's location should berelevant tothepurposes for which it is to be used, and, to theextentnecessaryfor those purposes, should be accurate, complete,andup-to-dateand without regard to the person's identity. - Wewillprotectpersonal information by reasonable securitysafeguardsagainst lossor theft, as well as unauthorized access,disclosure,copying, useor modification. - We will make readilyavailable tocustomersinformation about our policies and practicesrelating tothemanagement of personal information.