Top 17 Apps Similar to 最新ゲーム攻略forポケモンgo/レアモンスターの場所を探せ

Chat,Guide&News For Pokemon Go 1.5.6
This app helps your play for Pokémon Go.Youcan find useful information to enjoy Pokémon Go.1. Exchange the informations on the chat feature2. Check your favorite Pokemon3. Useful Information4. Easy-to-use UI design◇What is PokemonGo?PokemonGo is Nintendo's first foray into augmented realityappsand it has already proved to be incredibly popular, withPokémonplayers around the world downloading the app and hunting forpocketmonsters.Venusaur, Charizard, Blastoise, Pikachu, and many other Pokémonhavebeen discovered on planet Earth!Now’s your chance to discover and capture the Pokémon allaroundyou―so get your shoes on, step outside, and explore theworld.You’ll join one of three teams and battle for the prestigeandownership of Gyms with your Pokemon at your side.Pokemon are out there, and you need to find them. As youwalkaround a neighborhood, your smartphone will vibrate whenthere’s aPokémon nearby. Take aim and throw a Poké Ball… You’llhave to stayalert, or it might get away!You can check your Pokemon's rare rate! It's easy to knowyourPokemon's potential.Picture book is very useful item for you. Where can we findthePokemon? How Pokemon is rare?Let's find your partner to attack the Gyms by usingChatfeature!◇ "Pokemon GO" six functions that support the adbenture1. ItemPokemon GO when to use the app to appear, you know what usefulor.First to try to check in at the start of the game!2. PokedexIt is Pokemon list of which appeared in Pokemon GO. You cancheckhow the Pokemon is rare or how to get this Pokemon. If thePokemonhave never seen before Let's make sure how this Pokemonisrare.You can fined you favorite Pokemon!3. ChatWe rife a variety of information in the chat (bulletin board).Fromthose for beginners who get started with Pokemon GO, chat, youcanexchange information in real time from a variety ofcategories,such as news. Since can talk on the theme that suits youfrombeginner to users of high-level, Pokemon GO will playmorefun.4. NewsDelivers the latest information of the Pokemon GO from newssites,it may be one step lead come to try to find a quick trick tootherusers.5. WikiThe basic method of operation of the Pokemon GO, pleasecheckhere.◇Search far and wide for Pokémon and itemsCertain Pokémon appear near their native environment―lookforWater-type Pokémon by lakes and oceans. Visit PokeStops, foundatinteresting places like museums, art installations,historicalmarkers, and monuments, to stock up on Poké Balls andhelpfulitems.◇Catching, hatching, evolving, and moreAs you level up, you’ll be able to catch more-powerful Pokémontocomplete your Pokédex. You can add to your collection byhatchingPokémon Eggs based on the distances you walk. Help yourPokémonevolve by catching many of the same kind.
Tricks For Pokemon GO 1.2.2
Watch and learn best tips and tricksforPokemon GO game.First part is for beginners, and is called beginners guideforPokemon Go, which tells the basic mechanics of the game andfirstthings all players should do at the start.You can download Pokemon GO game safely on Google Play Storeinvalid countries.Check in at Poke stops:While walking, look around on the minimap and spot the blueiconswhich indicate Pokestops. Those blue icons are frequentlyimportantplaces and landmarks such as sculptures, noteworthybuildings, etc.Staying close to them and spining/swiping thepicture will deliveryou items(can be obtained via in-game shopalso) such as pokeballs, potion, s¸per potion, hyper potion, reviveitem, lucky egg(hatches as you walk), incense, lure module (luresthe nearbypokemons to the pokestop), razz berry(decreases thechance oftarget pokemon escaping).Crowded popular places mean more pokestops, which meansmorepokemon respawns. So, if you are in a non-crowded zone, thinkaboutgoing to these crowded places such as local parks, malls,centralplaces, cafeteria and similar hotspots where you will havemorechance of finding pokemons. Not to mention in these places youwillbe gaining a lot of items checking-in at pokestops.Redesign your Pokemons:In Pokemon GO game, there is the nice feature of renamingthePokemon you catch. There is also a trick regarding thiswithEeveeís evolution, we will touch that later.Track and Recognize Pokemon:In the right bottom of the screen thereís a tracker which showsthenearby Pokemons as well as their distance with the measureoffootprint. One footprint means that pokemon is close, whilethreefootprints mean it is far.Transfering the duplicates:Letís say, you had a charmender, yet you catched yetanothercharmender. What are you going to do with two charmenders?Quiteeasy and well done by the studio. You transfer multiplePokemons toProfessor Willow(like Professor Oak) and he will rewardyou withthe candy of the Pokemon which can be used later in orderto evolveand upgrade your pokemon. Note that upgrade/power uprequiresPokemon Star Dust also. Powering up increases Pokemonscombatpower(CP) and health.In Pokemon Go, as you roam around and collet the rewardsofPokestops, you will frequently collect Eggs. Hatching the egggivesyou a free Pokemon, a strong one actually.In order to hatch the egg, you must place it in an incubatorandstart hatching. There are eggs of 2 KMs, 5 KMs and 10 KMs.Thismeans these eggs will require you walking as much asthesedistances. You may use multiple eggs and incubators at thesametime however incubators are limited, except fort he startingone,and limited incubators can either be bough from the store orwonupon reaching certain levels.Once you reach the limit of distance you need to walk, your eggwillhatch and you will be rewarded with a random Pokemon.Controlling the Evolution of Eevee:There are three possible outcomes of Eevee's evolution andmanypeople are getting a lot of duplicates.Re-name your Eevee as below to achieve the desired Pokemon fromtheevolution. You should choose the Eevee with the highest CP(combatpower). Click on the edit button next to Eevee's name andalter itto what you wish to achieve from the evolution:Sparky = JolteonRainer = VaporeonPyro = FlareonMake sure first letter is capital. This method is not exactly100%success however it is close that it is highly accepted bythecommunity as feedbacks indicate so.Also in one of our education/tutorial videos, it is explainedhowto use the poke radar in-game feature, as well as how cheatersusebots to farm and reach level 40 faster.Pokemon GO Plus Wristband is announced, and we will keepourapplication up to date, adding tutorial videos forsuchwearable.Gym:Gyms are fortress like places that you can conquer and defendbyplacing your Pokemon. Holding gyms rewards the player withpokecoin/poke gold.
Guide for Pokemon GO 2.2.1
This Unofficial app made by fan of thisgame.This guide includes all the information for Pokemon Go.This is the best Guide for Pokemon GO, this application is justtipsand discoveries. You may discover helpful gameplay videos andtipshere. This guide app is ideal for beginners. Also pokemon gotipswill be helpful for you. By watching videos you will learnMain features of Pokemon Go guide:- Watch pokemon videos to have knwoledge- Learn from experts where you can find pokemons- Tips & Hints for Beginners, Newbies- Level And Walkthrough Guide- Tricks to get the best high score- Learn Pokemon go tricks- Learn pokemon go cheats- Wath pokemon go tips from gudie for pokemon go app- Learn how to battle pokemon go- Learn how to find rare pokemons on map- Learn useful tips and hack for pokemon go* This app need internet connection*** Disclaimer/Legal Notice ****:This is NOT an Official Guide. The application name istheproperty of their respective owners. This is NOT a Cheats forthegame, NOT an Official App. We made this App only as a FREE FANAPPwith no cheats, only for those who wants to enjoy the Game.Ifthere is any trademark or copyright violation that does notfollowwithin the Fair Use, please contact us and we willimmediately takeaction on it.
㊙情報for ポケモンGO~最新ゲーム×マップ×攻略アプリ~ 1.0.8
ポケットモンスターのNEWゲーム。暇つぶしに最適です。ナイアンティックと株式会社ポケモンによって共同開発されたスマートフォン向けゲームアプリ。対応プラットフォームはAndroidとiOS。任天堂の岩田聡や株式会社ポケモンの石原恒和らにより構想され、「Ingress」を基とする拡張現実(AR)を扱うナイアンティックと協力することで実現した位置情報ゲームである。開発プロジェクトには任天堂をはじめとして、Googleも出資している。現実の世界を舞台に特徴である捕獲・育成・交換・バトルを楽しむことができる。基本プレイは無料。【免責】このアプリはファンが作成した非公式アプリです。あらかじめご了承ください。本アプリは ポケモンGOの公式アプリではありません当アプリで掲載している動画、画像等の著作権は、製作者様及び発案者様に帰属します。著作権等の侵害を目的とするものではありません。掲載している画像などに関して削除依頼などがございましたら、アプリ内お問い合わせフォーム又はメールアドレスにて掲載箇所・内容を記載頂きご連絡ください。即座に削除等の対応をとらせて頂きます。
完全攻略forポケモンGO 7.0.0
このアプリは、ポケモンGOの攻略アプリの決定版です。このアプリさえあれば、他を出し抜き、ポケモンマスターになることができます!さらに、おまけとしてポケコインを無料で手に入れる方法も掲載しています。非公式アプリです。This app isthedefinitiveedition of the capture app Pokemon GO.If they have this app, others Dashinuki, it can becomeaPokemonmaster!In addition, the way to get free Pokekoin as a bonus wearealsoposted.It is an unofficial app.
Guide for Pokemon Go 1.8
This app contains a guide to the gamePokemonGo high consists of several tips and tricks to simplify thefans ofthis game is to complete each mission in the game PokemonGowe will go in-depth on all 6 of the known Legendary PokemonInPokemon Go.First will talk about the 3 Legendary Birds, Articuno, ZapdosandMoltres.Then we will get into the most sought after of the LegendaryPokemonIn Pokemon Go Mew & Mewtwo.While the last one making an appearance in this guide.>>> GET Guide for Pokemon go and play for free now!!!<<<**** DENIAL OF RESPONSIBILITY: ****Legal information:This app is unofficial Pokemon Go is just a guide, it isnotauthorized or created by the creator of the game.This application complies with the guiding principles of theUSCopyright law "fair use"
個体値GO ポケモンGO個体値計算ツール 1.1
人気プレイ動画集 forポケモンGO 1.1.2
プレイ回数が圧倒的に多い有名&人気のプレイヤーのポケモンGOプレイ動画です。待望のポケモンGOが日本にリリースされてからどんどんレベルアップしていく様子や裏技などをプレイ動画としてまとめました。ポケモンGOをより楽しむための攻略動画です。Number of playsisthePokemon GO play video of the overwhelming majorityofwell-knownand popular players.The long-awaited Pokemon GO has put together, such as howandtricksto continue to rapidly level up since it was releasedinJapan asplay videos.It captures the video to enjoy more the Pokemon GO.
攻略情報forポケモンGO 1.00
レポートforポケモンGO 1.0.3
Twitterにて、投稿されたばかりのポケモンをお知らせ中!フォローお待ちしてます!注意 : 本アプリはリアルタイムでポケモンの出現場所を表示するアプリではございません。■ すべてのポケモンマスターを目指すものへ!「レポートforポケモンGO」を使ってポケモンの生息地を探そう!捕まえたポケモンを投稿してみんなで共有しよう!「レポートforポケモンGO」は世界中のポケモントレーナーと情報を共有できるアプリです。世界中のポケモントレーナーによって投稿されたポケモンの生息地やそのレア度を知ることができます。「レポートforポケモンGO」を使って、効率的にポケモン図鑑を完成させよう!■ ポケモンの生息地がすぐに分かる!レアなポケモンはどこにいる?本アプリでは、簡単にポケモンの出現場所を探すことができます。ポケモン名だけでなく、タイプやレア度から探すことも可能です。現在地周辺のポケモン情報を調べて、レアポケモンを見逃さずにつかまえよう!■ スクリーンショットでかんたん共有!あなたがつかまえたレアなポケモンを全世界のトレーナーに教えてあげよう!つかまえたポケモンのスクリーンショットを使って、簡単に投稿できます。スクリーンショットをアプリが自動で読み取るので、複雑な入力をすることなくポケモンの情報を投稿できます。※ 対応環境対応OSバージョン:Android 4.4以上対応端末:Android 4.4以上の端末本アプリは位置情報を利用します.位置情報の許可をしない場合はアプリを利用できません※ 本アプリはポケモンに関するアプリや企業とは一切関係がありません。At Twitter,duringtheannouncement of the Pokemon that has just been posted!Welookforward to follow! This app is not in the app to view the emergenceplaceofPokemon in real time.■ to the aims of all the Pokemon master! The world's largest habitat of Pokemon using the"reportforPokemon GO"! Trying to share with everyone to post Pokemon caught! "Report for Pokemon GO" is an app that can shareaPokemontrainer and information around the world. It is possible to know the habitat and the raredegreeofPokemon that have been posted by Pokemon traineraroundtheworld. Using the "report for Pokemon GO", attemptstoefficientlycomplete the Pokédex!■ habitat of Pokemon can be seen soon! Rare Pokemon Where are you? In this app, you can easily look for the emergenceplaceofPokemon. Pokemon name not only, it is also possible to look forfromthetype and rarity. Examine the Pokemon information around thecurrentposition,you catch to not miss the rare Pokemon!■ Easy share in the screenshot! I'll tell the rare Pokemon that you have caughtthewholeworld of the trainer! Using a screen shot of the Pokemon caught, youcaneasilypost. Because the screen shot app read automatically, youcanpostinformation of Pokemon without complex input.※ corresponding environment Corresponding OS version: Android 4.4 or higher Corresponding terminal: Android 4.4 or more terminals This application makes use of the location information.Ifyoudo not want the permission of the location informationisnotavailable to app※ This app is the app and companies about the Pokemon does nothavearelationship at all.
Guide for Pokemon Go -Pokemore 3.10
※ Caution - This app is guide, it is notforplay. Plz download Pokémon go to play.This app is made for Pokémon Go UsersNEW!Map - Now you can check near by Pokémon by map !!!<>1. Pokedex- Check stats, types, and available skills for pokemon- Evolution info. for pokemon2. Pokémon attack damage estimator- This calculation considers Attack Damage, Skill Damage,CD,Critical rate, Same type Attack Bonus, Energy- Able to check rank of Pokémon, by Attack pt3. Pokémon defense calculator- Defense and stamina (health) is considered- Able to check rank of Pokémon, by def ptUpdate ~ 8/12- Calculator for Pokémon Random stats
Calculator for Pokemon GO 1.0
Download this app to help you savestardustandcandies! Don't know which Pikachu you should train?WonderpossibleCP for different evolutions of Eevee? Use thisCPCalculator and youcan figure out which pokemon you shouldfocuson. CP of all 151pokemons can be estimated!Features:- Calculate CP per Power Up of 151 pokemons- Calculate possible CP for pokemon evolutions- Calculate material needed for power up & evolution- Ranking of pokemons according to CP per Power Up- Mark the data of your pokemonUse this CP Calculator, and then you don't need towastestardustor candies on pokemons with little potential. So comeanddownloadto be the greatest pokemon trainer!DisclaimerPokémon is a trademark of Nintendo. No copyrightortrademarkinfringement is intended.This app is in no way affiliated with or endorsed byPokemon,Nianticor Nintendo.
IV Calculator 2.05
This app has IV Calculator, CP, evolutions and Lucky Egg.
ポケレーダー for ポケモンGO 0.0.5
Claude Tech
このアプリでは、皆さんがどこでどんなポケモンをゲットしたか共有できるようになっています。是非活用してみてください。質問は質問板からどうぞ。ポケモンGOを一緒に楽しみましょう!【主な機能】・Pokemon GO情報まとめ・ポケモンスポット共有・掲示板
ガイドクイズforポケモンGO暇つぶし程度に遊べる無料アプリ 1.0.2
もはや社会現象となっているポケモンGOのガイドクイズアプリです。2016年7月中旬現在、本場の日本ではまだ配信されてませんが秒読み段階である事は間違いありません。まだ、どのようなゲームかわからない人の為に配信前に予習しておき、友達に差をつけましょう!タメにはならないくだらないクイズですが、どうか遊んでやってください・・・(o_ _)o))No longer of PokemonGOhas become a social phenomenonGuide is a quiz app.2016 mid-July now, in Japan, the home has not yetbeendeliveredIt is a countdown stage there is no doubt.Still, for the people you do not know what kind of gameLeave preparation before delivery, let's put a difference toafriend!But is a silly quiz that should not be in Tame,Please doing at whether playing ··· (o_ _) o))
Guide Pokemon Go Tips Trick 1.0
Guide Pokemon Go Tips Trick containguideandtip for Pokemon Go's beginner. It's about how to catchPokemonandbecome an strong training . Pokemon Go is getting to amobilephonenear you. Whether you are playing with phone, this gameisgoing tobe available to play soon in some country . GuidePokemonGo TipsTrick have many details that you need to running suchas howtofind and catch them, teams work and how Gyms , what itemsyoucanhope to find, and how evolution is going to work .Pokemon Go is a game where you travel the world inordertocollect every pocket monster on the planet. This app canteachyouearly learning true in the trenches, catching,hatching,andevolving Pokemon ahead it's official launch. It gotthedefinitivetutorials and trick for Pokemon Go. Have experiencereadwith guidetext content. Pick up your Poke Go plus + !!This app is an unofficial Pokemon Go , This appneedinternetconnection ,
まとめα for ポケモンGO! 1.1.9