Top 19 Apps Similar to 顔文字屋(無料アプリ版、広告も無し)

Emoticons Pro 3.0
This is a paid, ad-free version of'Japaneseemoticons'.'Japanese emoticons Pro' app allows fastly inserting顔文字(kaomoji, Japanese smileys) to your messages everywhere. Justopenthe app and select a smile - it will be automatically copied totheclipboard. App can be attached to the system bar or to thesearchkey. Simeji is also supported. Less clicks, moreconvenient!Please note that it's not graphic emoticons, it is text ones.Also,because this app is not a service, it doesn't take CPU timeanddoesn't discharge the battery.
顔文字ツール 1.4.6
Emoticon input support application "emoticons tool"
Emoticon Pack with Cute Emoji
[Features]- This app is a collection of popular emoticons and emojis to useatyour convenience.- Emoticons and emojis are distinct categories.- If you turn on automatic update, the emoticon andemojicollections will be refreshed automatically.- Update will start from the least used ones.- If you hold down on a emoticon you like, there will bemanyoptions using that emoticon.- Launch from either the Home Button or the Notification Bar.- You can also directly input these emoticons from the MushroomorATOK Direct keyboard add-on.- Used emoticons and emojis will be saved into "History." Holddownon them to erase.[How to Use]1. Tap the emoticon or emoji, and it will copy toyourclipboard.2. When you want to use it in another app, just hold downyourfinger and paste.[Medium]Android app on AppBrain Annie (meat Lloyd) Market app & Reviews girl site "Apuripia"
かわいい!顔文字9000+(無料かおもじアプリ) 2.1.1
☆祝200万DL突破!☆フジテレビ「めざましテレビ」で【可愛い!顔文字9000+】が紹介されました!☆殿堂入りアンドロイドアプリ100選!オクトバが本気で選んだ神アプリまとめ!-2012年度版-に掲載されました!顔文字(かおもじ)アプリの決定版が登場!!!!かわいい「顔文字」だけ約1万点集めた顔文字辞典です。(*´ω`*)顔文字をタップするだけで簡単コピー!LINEやcommにスグ使えます!メール、facebook、twitterにも、もちろん対応!さらに無料で使えます!かわいい顔文字を定期的に追加していきます♪しかも完全オリジナルなので、新しい「顔文字」とたくさん出会えます(。ゝ∀・)b☆顔文字追加のお知らせ大人気!芸能人愛用の顔文字を大量追加!☆便利な機能顔文字をお気に入り登録できます!顔文字を履歴から選択できます!☆顔文字カテゴリーご紹介人気の顔文字(ランキング)新着の顔文字芸能人愛用の顔文字あいさつ系の顔文字感情系の顔文字生活系の顔文字行動系の顔文字季節・イベント系の顔文字ラブ&ピース系の顔文字アニマル・キャラ系の顔文字格闘系の顔文字遊び・スポーツ系の顔文字海外の顔文字もちろん全部の顔文字が無料です!かわいい顔文字を今スグ体験しよー(*´ー`*)☆レビューサイトからも好評価♪★ Androidapps100★ appliko スタッフレビュー★ OCTOBA レビュー★ FAVROID レビュー★ giveAppdeANDROID レビュー★ meetroid レビュー★gooスマホ部★スマホガール★andronavi★docomo Apps&Review☆お知らせ一部端末で顔文字が表示されない不具合が生じております。顔文字が表示されない場合は、一度本アプリをアンイストールしていただいた後に、再度インストール頂けますと、正常に表示されます。ご迷惑をおかけいたしますが引き続きかわいい!顔文字9000+を宜しくお願いします。
Emoticon Dictionary 6.10.166
IO Inc.
Emoticon Dictionary is the most Kawaii and Cuteemoticonscollection. ʕ •ɷ•ʔฅ*⌒♡
flick - Emoticon Keyboard
IO Inc.
flick is the name of this app, now!【features of flick】・AI Prediction, considering for context.・Searchable a million emoticons forfeelings.・Theme from your images and videos for thekeyboardbackground.Easy to input emoji🐷・AI predictionWhen AI conversion is turned on, predictions and conversions canbeperformed by considering the input sentence. You canentercharacters more comfortably than ever, because fewerflickmanipulations display the words you want to input. It isalsouseful for those who are not used to typing characters usingflickoperations on smartphones.・Searchable emoticonsSearch emoticons with a keyword from feelings and just touch ittouse it. This app has many topical news emoticons, so it isalwaysupdated.・Theme90 color themes for the keyboard background. Not only imagesbutalso videos can be applicable for the keyboard background.Imagescan be trimmed and shared, videos can be controlled volumeandmute.flick is Japanese input keyboard applicationwithEmoticon Dictionary.【About AI prediction of flick】This feature is to predict candidates, considering for context.AIpredicts on the IO Inc.'s server in Japan, because this processisso heavy for smartphones. AI predicts candidates on serversinJapan, which are operated by IO Inc. Nobody except AI analyzesthetyped text. The used data is treated only in Japan and itisdeleted as soon after AI uses.======================================================【How to use flick】Following steps, after downloading.1. Touch the flick icon on the home screen.2. Touch Next on Easy Set Up.3. Touch Enable and enable flick.4. Touch Switch and swich to flick.5. Touch Next and finish setting up.【How to search emoticons】1. Type「wa」「ra」「u」.2. Touch the bear (search) icon on the left side.※Search with kanji.1. Type「wa」「ra」「u」.2. Type the conversion key on the right side.3. Touch the bear (search) icon on the left side.======================================================【About permissions】• Modifying or deleting the contents of USB devices orSDcards.Used to back up SD cards.・Allows access to the vibrator.For the vibrations on touching keys.•Network CommunicationsFor searching emoticons.※AI Prediction: for communications to predict using AI on serversofIO Inc. in Japan.======================================================【About information displayed during installation】Permits the collection (flick) to be used with this app.This is not an indication of this application’s risk. This showstherisk of all keyboard applications. It is displayed when akeyboardapplication, which wasn’t previously installed, isinstalled andactivated.In this application, just setting up does not send any text andanyprivate data.Under the enabled AI prediction, text will be sent to AI of IOInc,AI running on servers in Japan. Only AI uses the text topredictcandidates and deletes the text after the process as soonaspossible. These processes runs only in Japan.======================================================【FAQ】■Cannot search emoticons with the error message"NetworkError".Turn off energy saving or except this app from the energysavinglist■To quickly input the same characters.Select Flick on flick > Advanced Software Keyboard Settings>Input Style.■Change the font size of candidates.Slide the bar of flick > Settings > Font size ofcondidatewords.■Sent text accidentally.Some app implements the shortcut to send text. Please turn offonthe app.ex)Open LINE and go to Other > Settings> Talk> TransmitwithEnter Key.======================================================The programming behind flick is based onmozc(, an open sourcesoftware.======================================================
Kawaii Kaomoji & emoji - Facep 2.4.1
Most popular Kaomoji app in Japan! (੭ ›ω‹ )੭language:English/Japanese/Chinese
Emoticon Max 2.0.7
450,000 DL! Free use of the strongest "kaomoji" tool! Cuteemoticonsapp!!
かおもじこ 201407290
Editable emoticons app.
かわいい顔文字登録(かおもじや絵文字が使えるアプリ) 1.1
I gathered only cute emoticons. * * ¨ * •. ¸ ¸ You can useemoticonseasily (◠‿◠)
顔文字☆CUTIE 1.0.1
超厳選された女子力高めな顔文字だけを集めたアプリがついにリリース!!”顔文字っていっぱいあるけど、可愛くて使いやすい顔文字だけが欲しい!”そんな願いを叶える顔文字アプリ♡味気ないメールも、SNSの更新だって、めっちゃ可愛く変身しちゃう♡機種依存文字の超かわいい顔文字をメインに、使いやすくて、人気のある顔文字をどんどん更新☆☆☆♥使い方♥ 1.メニュー「かおもじ」から、可愛い!使いたい!と思った顔文字をタップ♪ 2.コピーされたら、次に顔文字を使いたいアプリを選択♪ 3.アプリで画面を長押しして、貼り付けして完了♪ ♥顔文字のカテゴリ♥顔文字のカテゴリと、顔文字を一部ご紹介します♡笑う...ฅ(^ω^ฅ) etc. 嬉しい... ⁽⁽٩(๑˃̶͈̀ ᗨ˂̶͈́)۶⁾ ⁾etc. 可愛い... (๑•́ ₃•̀๑)エー etc. 好き... ٩(๛ ̆ 3 ̆)۶♥ etc.照れる... (ノ≧ڡ≦) etc. 泣く... (˚˃̣̣̥ω˂̣̣̥ ) etc. 驚く... ◝(๑⁺д⁺๑)◞՞ etc.汗... (・:゚д゚:・) etc. 怒る...٩(๑`н´๑)۶ etc. おもしろ系... ( ´ิ(ꈊ) ´ิ)etc.イベント... ∵⃝♡⍢⃝ ⍤⃝ ⍨⃝ ∵⃝♡⍢⃝⍤⃝ ⍨⃝ ∵⃝♡⍢⃝etc. おすすめはやっぱり「笑う」カテゴリの顔文字!りげなくて、しつこくない、絶妙な可愛さに胸キュン♡♡♡それから「怒る」カテゴリの顔文字も超オススメ!!怒る顔文字というと、怖いイメージがあるかもしれないけど、このアプリの怒る顔文字は激おこプンプンな憎めない可愛いキャラ♩会話の盛り上がりにもってこい♡顔文字はどんどん更新されていくので、いち早く流行りの可愛い顔文字をゲットするためには、絶対要チェック☆☆☆
Kaocolle - Japanese Emoticon 1.3
"Kaocolle"(カオコレ, kaomoji collection)isthecutest app of pretty emoticon & Kaomoji(Japanese smiley).1. Tap the Heart-mark of your favorite kaomoji, you canmakeyourcollection!2. Tap the kaomoji, you can copy it to the clipboard !3. Long press the kaomoji, you can directlysendtoapp(mail,sms,twitter etc.)Make rich & cute message with this app!
Kaomoji-kun for Twitter16000 1.0.6
Kaomoji-kun for Twitter 16000♡,*▶▪◀,*♡,*▶▪◀,*♡,*▶▪◀,*♡,*▶▪◀,*♡,*▶▪◀,*♡,*▶▪◀,*Kaomoji-kun for Twitter Emoticon,TextpictureJapan's LARGEST source!Approximately 16,000 pictographs available for FREE.Cute emoticons are very popular among Japanese girls♡,*▶▪◀,*♡,*▶▪◀,*♡,*▶▪◀,*♡,*▶▪◀,*♡,*▶▪◀,*♡,*▶▪◀,*Events/ Greetings/ Frequently used emotions are, of course,readyto be downloaded.Many UNIQUE emoticons have not yet provided by other providerarealso available here.【For example】★Simple :♪(´ε` )★Emoticon for Twitter :゚。・:★。・(๑˘︶˘๑).゚・:*:・゚☆★Greetings :コンニチワ━━━(●・ω・人・ω・★)━━━ッス★LOVELOVE :♥ L О♡(*''ω''pq''ω''*)♡ V Ё ♥…andmore!■Main applications that available for kaomojikun- Twitter- KAKAO TALK- LINE- Mail- Facebook
顔文字モジ 1.2
モジモジくんというキャラクターにこだわった顔文字アプリです**********主な機能**********1.クリップボードにコピー2.お気に入り登録3.最近使用した履歴の表示4.マッシュルーム対応***********************************顔文字カテゴリー*******★ あいさつ★ 感情(楽しい)★ 感情(怒る)★ 感情(悲しい)★ 会話★ 行動★ 愛★ 生活★ イベント★ その他*****************************顔文字の種類や機能などご要望にお答えして順次追加していく予定です
Display Emojis Correctly - Tof 3.0.1
Display any emojis correctly. The garbled emojis gets resolvedwiththis!
Simeji Japanese keyboard+Emoji 18.4
Simeji is a free Japanese input keyboardthathas reached over 20M downloads! It comes with a skinnablekeyboard,cute emoticons, emoji, and more!This is the most popular keyboard app in Japan! Try it today!Simeji is a keyboard with these features!◆Skinnable keyboard- Add a wallpaper to your keyboard using a photo or image!- Chock-full of keyboard themes!- Also lots of features to change your text color and decorateyourflick keyboard.◆Use cute emoticons and emoji- See the emoticon and emoji rankings to find the mostpopularones!- Popular emoticons can be inserted immediately and let you addsomespice to your chats on LINE, Twitter, and Facebook!◆Robust Japanese input and conversion features- The cloud-based dictionary contains 2M entries,coveringeverything from anime slang to the latest buzzwords- Lots of preset phrases you can use for Nico Nico, in-gamechat,telling someone you're late, and more- As requested by users, the "Fun conversion" feature has nowbeenadded! There's also the "Everyone's Dictionary" feature, whichletsyou share cute emoticons with others.◆Easy keyboard input- Rapidly switch from the top of the keyboard to selectemoticons,emoji, numerals, and special characters◆Popular Simeji stickers- Comes with the popular set of Simeji stickersNew fun stickers are being uploaded by users every day! Thesecoolstickers are free to use!◆ASCII art and mushroom function- Easily insert from a range of over 500 ASCII art designsandemoji- Long tap on the あ/A button to set your own textexpansiondictionaryMushroom button: opens the control panel and gives you accesstoSimeji's range of featuresThe mushroom button lets you:(1) Turn on/off super cloud conversion(2) Switch keyboards (flick, QWERTY, etc.)(3) Global rankings(4) Copy/paste function(5) User dictionary entry(6) Turn one-line suggestions on/off(7) Keyboard sounds(8) Real-time side-by-side translation: Japanese toEnglish,Chinese, Korean *1(9) Text recognition: optical recognition of text in aphotograph.Use to store business cards, etc. *2(10) Align keyboard to left(11) Adjust keyboard height(12) Flick keyboard only: turn on/off simultaneous use of flickandregular keyboard(13) Speech to text(14) Emoticon and emoji conversion: when on, displayspotentialemoticon/emoji candidates for text you type(15) Fun conversion: when on, displays fun conversionslikedisplaying weather info based on the name of a place(16) Address selection: turn on/off predictive display of namesinaddress book(17) Record voice: launches Simeji expansion app, SuperVoiceConversion(18) Detailed settings*1 and *2 require registration in paid Premium ServiceThemes: choose from a wide range of themes. The My Box tab alsoletsyou open a feature where you can make a theme with your ownpicturesand images.Emoji: easily search for the emoji you want fromvariouscategories.Shortcuts and text stickers: insert phrases you often use,in-gamechat, business phrases, and more, all at a tap. Great forgreetingsand salutations, celebrations, or even ASCII text art ofanimals.The ASCII panel can be accessed from here.Simeji stickers: displays a wide range of free Simeji stickers.Tapthe ♥ icon to save ones you like to your keyboard. Use these toadda twist to your chats and texts. We've also added a featurewhereyou can upload your own stickers.Premium service:This optional service is available for 240 JPY/mo. Signing upgivesyou access to a ton of features, including new free skinsmonthly,an expanded cloud dictionary, real-time side-by-sidetranslationfrom Japanese into English, Chinese, and Korean, and thePremiumBackup tool, which lets you keep your user dictionary evenif youchange phones.
Text Palette for Emoticons and 2022051309
Save your favorite emoticons and create your own palette (๑ơ ₃ ơ)💖
めずらしい顔文字(かわいい顔文字・アスキーアートも!) 1.0.2
【!!!顔文字が表示されない端末があるというバグを修正しました!!!】*ここにしかない「めずらしい顔文字」が山盛り(゚∀゚)!!*みんなが知ってる人気者のアスキーアートも大量搭載!*LINEやメール画面でこれまでのように顔文字アプリを起動することなく、すぐにお気に入りの顔文字を使うことがきます!顔文字をワンタッチするだけでキーボードから直接使えるまさに神アプリ!もう顔文字アプリとメール画面を往復する必要はありません!どんな入力画面でも、あなたのお気に入りの顔文字を呼び出すことができます(^∀^)■ここがスゴイ!・辞書登録ボタンを押すだけでキーボードの「^_^」ボタンからいつでも使えちゃう。・LINEやSMSからも直接顔文字が入力できちゃう。・使える顔文字が10,000種類以上!・LINEやSMSと直接連携できる!宇宙一の顔文字アプリを是非体験してみてください![I Fixed a bug thatthereis a terminal that!! Emoticons do not see!!]* ASCII art of a popular person (° ∀ °)! * Everyone knowalsoequipped with a large amount "unusual emoticons" not only hereisheaped! * Without having to start the emoticon app as beforebye-mail or screen LINE, to use emoticons favorite as soon asyoucan!Just one touch emoticonsGod just apps that can be used directly from the keyboard!I reciprocate the mail screen emoticons andotherapplicationYou do not need!Any input screen, you can call the emoticon of your favorite and(^∀ ^)■ here is great!• The is usable at any time from the keyboard "^ _ ^" buttonatthe push of a button dictionary registration.· I would be entered directly face characters from the SMSandLINE.· Emoticons that can be used is over 10,000!· I can work directly with the SMS and LINE!Please come and experience the emoticon app one oftheuniverse!
Kaomoji ☆ Japanese Emoticons 1.3.1
Discover lots of cute Japanese emoticons as well as create yourown!