Top 2 Apps Similar to たけうちはりきゅう整骨院

Hair make APPY 公式アプリ 4.4.1
Hair has released an official app of make APPY.
MEIT Emotional Intelligence 1.4.14
Are you emotionally Intelligent? Now, youcantest it and share your Emotional Intelligence level withyourcontacts.MEIT (The Mobile Emotional Intelligence Test) is a simpleandfriendly application for assessing your abilities toperceive,understand and manage your Emotional Intelligence. MEIThas beendeveloped by Emotional Apps ( and itisbased on the most empirically supported EmotionalIntelligencemodel (Four Branch Model; Mayer-Salovey). Answers ofmore than1,000 users have been used for developing the test.The main innovation of MEIT is the fact that there is not justaquestionnaire but it is an ability test where the user mustfindout what emotion is presented and locate their emotions interms ofactivation and pleasure.MEIT is composed by 4 different tasks that request test-takerstoguess the emotions that several pictures show.Additionally,test-takers must locate some emotions in the properspot (cell) inrelation to the activation and pleasure theseemotions evoke andfinally discriminate between emotions that arevery close.MEIT combines static pictures and animations that providegreaterrealism and entertainment.After completing the test, users get a score and a ratingthatallow them to self-assess their Emotional Intelligence andcompareit to other users. Finally, MEIT also allows users to sharetestresults on Facebook.We're always listening to your feedback, so if you need helporwant to report a rare bug, please contact us at [email protected].