Top 24 Apps Similar to Defi Meter AB

Defi Meter C 5.1.2
This application is a meter app to use to connect with theBluetoothDefi Smart Adapter W or Defi Smart Adapter.
Defi StarTour 2.0.0
本アプリはDefiSmartAdapterとBluetoothで接続して使用するアプリです。Defi Smart AdapterはADVANCE Control UnitまたはOBDと接続して使用する製品で、ADVANCE ControlUnitに取り込んでいる車両情報またはOBDの車両情報をBluetoothでアンドロイド端末に送信するアダプターです。Android対応バージョン:2.2以上Defi Webサイトに記載の注意点および使用方法を必ずお読みになってからダウンロードしてください。必ずDefiにて動作確認が取れた携帯端末をご使用ください。動作確認が取れている携帯端末につきましてはDefi Webサイトに記載しております。 ADVANCEコントロールユニットまたはOBDに入力されているセンサーデータがメーターとして表示されます。表示可能な機種は、車速、エンジン回転数、吸気圧、油圧、燃圧、油温、水温、排気温度、電圧、スロットル開度、吸気温度、ギアポジションです。各種メーター表示機種をタッチすると、他の機種への切り替えできます。アプリが正常に動作しない場合や、ご不明点等がありましたら、下記DefiWebサイトの問い合わせフォームよりご連絡ください。 applicationisanapplication that is used by connecting via Bluetooth andDefiSmartAdapter.Defi Smart Adapter in the product to be used in connectionwithOBDor ADVANCE Control Unit,This is the adapter to be sent to the Android deviceviaBluetooththe vehicle OBD information or vehicle informationareincorporatedinto the ADVANCE Control Unit.Android-Version: 2.2 or higherPlease download notes and described it after reading byallmeanshow to use the Defi Web site. use the mobile terminal is well-testedbyDefialways.Further explanation is given in Defi Web site With regardtothemobile terminal that take the operation check. data that is input to the OBD or Defi ADVANCEcontrolunitis displayed as a meter.Vehicle speed, engine speed, intake pressure, oilpressure,fuelpressure, oil temperature, water temperature,exhaustgastemperature, voltage, throttle opening, intake airtemperature,canbe displayed models, is gear position.If you touch the meter display various models, you canswitchtoother models.or if the app is not working properly, If there isaquestionetc., please contact us from the contact form belowDefiWebsite.
Defi Logger 4.0.1
本アプリはDefi Smart AdapterとBluetoothで接続して使用するアプリです。DefiSmartAdapterはADVANCE ControlUnitまたはOBDと接続して使用する製品で、ADVANCE ControlUnitに取り込んでいる車両情報またはOBDの車両情報をBluetoothでアンドロイド端末に送信するアダプターです。Android対応バージョン:2.2~9.0(Android10では動作しません)DefiWebサイトに記載の注意点および使用方法を必ずお読みになってからダウンロードしてください。必ずDefiにて動作確認が取れた携帯端末をご使用ください。動作確認が取れている携帯端末につきましてはDefiWebサイトに記載しております。コントロールユニットに入力されているセンサーデータが、デジタル数値表示とグラフ表示されます。また携帯端末のGPS位置情報からMAP上に軌跡表示も行います。走行中のセンサーデータおよび走行軌跡を記録することができ、走行後に解析機能で呼び出すことができます。また2つのデータを同時に呼び出して比較することもできます。アプリが正常に動作しない場合や、ご不明点等がありましたら、下記DefiWebサイトの問い合わせフォームよりご連絡ください。
Defi AD Meter Free 3.0.0
本アプリはDefiSmartAdapterとBluetoothで接続して使用するアプリです。Defi Smart AdapterはADVANCE ControlUnitと接続して使用する製品で、ADVANCE ControlUnitに取り込んでいる車両情報をBluetoothでアンドロイド端末に送信するアダプターです。Android対応バージョン:2.2以上Defi Webサイトに記載の注意点および使用方法を必ずお読みになってからダウンロードしてください。必ずDefiにて動作確認が取れた携帯端末をご使用ください。動作確認が取れている携帯端末につきましてはDefi Webサイトに記載しております。 ADVANCEコントロールユニットに入力されているセンサーデータがメーターとして表示されます。表示可能な機種は、車速、エンジン回転数、吸気圧、油圧、燃圧、油温、水温、排気温度、電圧、ギアポジションです。バーメーター表示やデジタルメーター表示機種をタッチすると、切り替えできます。アプリが正常に動作しない場合や、ご不明点等がありましたら、下記DefiWebサイトの問い合わせフォームよりご連絡ください。
OBD Info-san!
【トライアル版での動作確認を!】本アプリは、有料となっておりますが、取り付ける車両やELM327Bluetoothデバイスによって動作しない可能性があります。また、なるべく動作するように開発(&修正対応)していますが、Android全ての端末には対応しきれません。個人で開発しておりますので、あらかじめ御了承ください。よって必ずトライアル版(無料)で動作確認を行ってから購入してください。(※動作しない場合は、購入を控えてください!)■はじめに!OBD Info-san! は、ELM327 Bluetooth デバイスを使ってクルマの情報を表示するツールです。この手のアプリでは、燃費を前面に出しているのが多いですが、そんなのは出来て当然!?です。ドライブを楽しくして、有益な情報(メーター)が、カッコ良く表示されるのを目指して開発しております!また、トラブル診断コードの表示およびチェックランプの消去も行えます。(専用機を買うより断然お得♪)■必要なものは?本アプリを使用するには、安価に出回っている ELM327 Bluetoothデバイスが必要です。また取り付ける車両もOBD-IIに対応している必要があります。※OBD-II および ELM327 Bluetoothデバイスについての詳しい説明■新ELM327 Bluetoothデバイスについて(※1)2014/末頃からバージョン2.1となるELM327Bluetoothデバイスが市場に出回ってきました。このバージョン2.1が使用できる車両は、最新のCAN通信車両のみです。古い車両(K-LINE接続など)は、このバージョン2.1のデバイスでは動作しませんのでご注意下さい。(※2)2014初頭から流通したと思われる新種のELM327デバイス(PIN入力あり)にVer1.5.4.0から対応しました。旧バージョンで該当デバイスを使うと、接続時に初期化エラーになっていました。(※3)2013/夏頃からペアリング要求しないELM327Bluetoothデバイスが市場に出回ってきました。Ver1.2.4.0から対応しました。但し、これが使用できるのはAndroidOS2.3.3以降およびBluetoothセキュア接続に対応した端末が必須です。また、それを接続する場合ペアリング(PIN入力)の必要はありません。ただしアプリ内の「PIN入力なしBluetoothデバイス」設定をONにしてください。■なにが出来るの?次の内容を車両からOBD-IIコネクタを経由取得して表示します。 速度・エンジン回転数・ブースト圧(もしくはバキューム圧)・スロットル開度・燃料残量・水温・吸気温・電圧など。これにより、瞬間燃費、平均燃費、走行距離(ODO/TRIP-A,B)、走行時間、停止時間なども表示できます。またGPSや各種センサーを使って、高度表示やGセンサー値の保存、最高速などのポイント保存なども行えます。さらに、トラブル診断コードの表示およびチェックランプの消去も行えます。(診断機を購入するよりも断然お得です!)■こだわってます!むやみやたらとOBDから情報を取得すると画面への更新速度が遅くなってしまいます。そこで本アプリでは、各表示画面でOBDデータの取得を最適に行い情報の更新頻度を上げる制御を行っています。(ストリート画面、サーキット画面、エコ画面などに分けて、それぞれに適した制御をしています)また、本アプリは日本車特有のプロトコル(K-LINE等)にも対応しており、他のアプリで接続出来ないような車種でもかなりの確率で接続できます!■動作確認済み車両について近年の車両であれば、日本車・輸入車問わず数多くの車種に対応しています。また古い車両で採用されている日本車特有の通信プロトコルにも対応しています。主に国産メーカーでは2008年10月以降に新型として発売または2010年9月以降にマイナーチェンジされた車両であればほぼ対応しています。輸入車では欧州車が2001年頃以降、米国車は1996年以降の車が対応しています。お乗りの車両で動作しましたらメイン画面のメニュー「車両接続情報の提供」から情報を送信頂けると幸いです。クルマ好きの皆さん協力をお願いします!m(__)m※最新の『動作確認済み車両および接続プロトコル』は、次のサイトでご案内しております【その他】起動後は必ずAbout画面『このアプリについて』に記載されている注意事項および最新情報をご覧ください。なお、日本車特有のプロトコルは、OBD-II規格ではないためトラブル診断は行えない事があります。(本アプリのトラブル診断は、OBD-II規格に準拠しております)【問い合わせ等について】ご要望や問い合わせなどは、直接でのメールは、避けてください。※メールアドレスによっては、迷惑メールフィルターにより除外される恐れがあります。それらを防ぐ意味もありサポートサイトにある『問い合わせフォーム』からの連絡をお願いします。【特記事項】このアプリの開発者は、安心・安全なアプリの開発者であるとしてアンドロイダーの公認デベロッパーに認証されています。[Check the operationattrial! ]This application, but we have become a surcharge, the propertymaynot work by the vehicle and ELM327 Bluetooth device tobeattached.In addition, we have developed to operate as much as possible(andfix compatible), but it is not fully compatible with Androidallterminals. So we have developed in the individual,pleaseacknowledge beforehand.Therefore, please purchase after performing the operation,alwaysverify this trial version (free). and (If ※ does not work,pleaserefrain from the purchase!)■ at the beginning!OBD Info-san! Is a tool that displays the information of thecarusing the ELM327 Bluetooth device.In the application of this hand, and of Although it is oftenhasissued a fuel consumption to the front, of course to be abletokind of is! ? It is.By fun drive, useful information (meter), but we have developedwiththe aim of being cool display!In addition, you can also erase the display and check lampoftrouble diagnostic code. (And by far ♪ deals than buyingadedicated machine)■ What do you need?To use this app, you must have ELM327 Bluetooth devices thatareavailable on the cheap.Also, attach vehicle must also correspond to the OBD-II.※ Detailed description of what OBD-II and ELM327Bluetoothdevice■ For information about new ELM327 Bluetooth device(※1)2014 / ELM327 Bluetooth devices to be version 2.1 since aroundtheend came on the market. vehicle that this version 2.1 isavailable,only the most recent CAN communication vehicle. Oldvehicle (suchas K-LINE connections), does not work with the deviceof thisversion 2.1 Please note.(※2)It added support from Ver1.5.4.0 to 2014 new species ofELM327device that seems to have been in circulation since thebeginning(with PIN entry). If you use the appropriate device in theoldversion, it had become the initialization error at the timeofconnection.(※ 3)ELM327 Bluetooth devices that do not pairing request from 2013/summer came on the market. It was supported fromVer1.2.4.0.However, this is the terminal corresponding to theAndroid OS 2.3.3or later and Bluetooth secure connection isrequired can beused.In addition, there is no need for pairing (PIN input) If you wanttoconnect it. However, please to ON "no PIN input Bluetoothdevice"setting in the app.■ What you can do?The following content and then retrieve and display via theOBD-IIconnector from the vehicle.Speed, engine speed, boost pressure (or vacuum pressure),thethrottle opening, the remaining amount of fuel, watertemperature,intake air temperature, voltage, etc..As a result, the instantaneous fuel consumption, averagefuelconsumption, distance traveled (ODO / TRIP-A, B), running time,Ican also be displayed such as the stop time.Also, using the GPS and various sensors, storage of advanceddisplayand G sensor value, it can also be performed, such as pointsave,such as maximum speed.In addition, you can also erase the display and check lampoftrouble diagnostic code.(It is by far profitable than buying a diagnostic machine!)■ I stuck you have!Wildly and update rate from OBD to screen and retrieveinformationwill have become slower.In this app, it is the control to increase the update frequencyofoptimally perform information the acquisition of OBD data ineachdisplay screen.(Street screen, circuit screen, is divided, such as ineco-screen,you have a control that is suitable for each)In addition, the present application is also toJapanesecar-specific protocol (K-LINE, etc.) are compatible, youcanconnect a significant probability even in models that can notbeconnected by other app!■ About Tested vehicleIf in recent years of the vehicle and it is compatible with anumberof models regardless Japanese car imported car.In addition also supports the Japanese car-specificcommunicationprotocol that has been adopted in the oldvehicle.If mainly in the domestic manufacturers a vehicle it is aminorchange since the release or in September 2010 as new on orafterOctober 2008 are supported almost.Imported car European car is 2001 or later around in, theUnitedStates car after the 1996 car is supported.From Once you worked on the vehicle of your ride main screen menuof"Providing vehicle connection information" if you can sendtheinformation it is fortunate. Thank you everyone cooperationoffavorite car! m (_ _) m※ "Tested vehicle and connection protocol" of up-to-date, wehaveguidance on the following site[Other]After starting always About screen please refer to the notes andthelatest information is listed in the "About This App".In addition, Japanese car-specific protocols, it may not bethetrouble diagnosis is not a OBD-II standard.(Trouble diagnosis of this application, we are compliant withtheOBD-II standard)[For inquiries]Such as requests and inquiries, the mail directly, pleasebeavoided.※ Depending on the e-mail address, there is a risk of beingexcludedby junk e-mail filter.I'd like a report from also means to prevent them in thesupportsite "contact form".【Notices】The developer of this app, has been certified to theofficialdevelopers of andro Idah as a developer of safe andsecureapplication.
OBD Info-san! トライアル版
■はじめに!OBD Info-san! は、ELM327 Bluetooth デバイスを使ってクルマの情報を表示するツールです。この手のアプリでは、燃費を前面に出しているのが多いですが、そんなのは出来て当然!?です。ドライブを楽しくして、有益な情報(メーター)が、カッコ良く表示されるのを目指して開発しております!■必要なものは?本アプリを使用するには、安価に出回っている ELM327 Bluetoothデバイスが必要です。また取り付ける車両もOBD-IIに対応している必要があります。※OBD-II および ELM327 Bluetoothデバイスについての詳しい説明■なにが出来るの?次の内容を車両からOBD-IIコネクタを経由取得して表示します。 速度・エンジン回転数・ブースト圧(もしくはバキューム圧)・スロットル開度・燃料残量・水温・吸気温・電圧など。これにより、瞬間燃費、平均燃費、走行距離(ODO/TRIP-A,B)、走行時間、停止時間なども表示できます。またGPSや各種センサーを使って、高度表示やGセンサー値の保存、最高速などのポイント保存なども行えます。さらに、トラブル診断コードの表示およびチェックランプの消去も行えます。(診断機を購入するよりも断然お得です!)■こだわってます!むやみやたらとOBDから情報を取得すると画面への更新速度が遅くなってしまいます。そこで本アプリでは、各表示画面でOBDデータの取得を最適に行い情報の更新頻度を上げる制御を行っています。(ストリート画面、サーキット画面、エコ画面などに分けて、それぞれに適した制御をしています)また、本アプリは日本車特有のプロトコル(K-LINE等)にも対応しており、他のアプリで接続出来ないような車種でもかなりの確率で接続できます!■トライアル版の制限あくまでも動作確認のバージョンと位置付けているため以下の制限をさせて頂いています。 ・メーターパネルのOBD接続後は、約8分を過ぎると終了します ・トラブル診断は、行えません ・ドライブステータスの記録・表示は行えませんなど動作確認を終えましたら、有料版をお求めいただけると幸いです。m(_ _)m■動作確認済み車両について近年の車両であれば、日本車・輸入車問わず数多くの車種に対応しています。また古い車両で採用されている日本車特有の通信プロトコルにも対応しています。主に国産メーカーでは2008年10月以降に新型として発売または2010年9月以降にマイナーチェンジされた車両であればほぼ対応しています。輸入車では欧州車が2001年頃以降、米国車は1996年以降の車が対応しています。お乗りの車両で動作しましたらメイン画面のメニュー「車両接続情報の提供」から情報を送信頂けると幸いです。クルマ好きの皆さんの協力をお願いします!m(__)m※最新の『動作確認済み車両および接続プロトコル』は、次のサイトでご案内しております■新ELM327 Bluetoothデバイスについて(※1)2014/末頃からバージョン2.1となるELM327Bluetoothデバイスが市場に出回ってきました。このバージョン2.1が使用できる車両は、最新のCAN通信車両のみです。古い車両(K-LINE接続など)は、このバージョン2.1のデバイスでは動作しませんのでご注意下さい。(※2)2014初頭から流通したと思われる新種のELM327デバイス(PIN入力あり)にVer1.5.4.0から対応しました。旧バージョンで該当デバイスを使うと、接続時に初期化エラーになっていました。(※3)2013/夏頃からペアリング要求しないELM327Bluetoothデバイスが市場に出回ってきました。Ver1.2.4.0から対応しました。但し、これが使用できるのはAndroidOS2.3.3以降およびBluetoothセキュア接続に対応した端末が必須です。また、それを接続する場合ペアリング(PIN入力)の必要はありません。ただしアプリ内の「PIN入力なしBluetoothデバイス」設定をONにしてください。【初期化が終わり接続したのに電圧しか表示されない?】CONNECT時の初期化は ELM327 Bluetooth デバイスに対して行っております。電圧しか表示されないのはELM327Bluetooth デバイスとの通信が行えたのみで、車両ECUとの通信が行えていない事になります。この様な場合になった時は、OBD-II プロトコル設定を変更を試みてください。変更しても動作しない場合は、車両が対応していない事になります。ご了承ください。【その他】起動後は必ずAbout画面『このアプリについて』に記載されている注意事項および最新情報をご覧ください。なお、日本車特有のプロトコルは、OBD-II規格ではないためトラブル診断は行えない事があります。(本アプリのトラブル診断は、OBD-II規格に準拠しております)【問い合わせ等について】ご要望や問い合わせなどは、直接でのメールは、避けてください。※メールアドレスによっては、迷惑メールフィルターにより除外される恐れがあります。それらを防ぐ意味もありサポートサイトにある『問い合わせフォーム』からの連絡をお願いします。【特記事項】このアプリの開発者は、安心・安全なアプリの開発者であるとしてアンドロイダーの公認デベロッパーに認証されています。■ at the beginning!OBD Info-san! Is a tool that displays the information of thecarusing the ELM327 Bluetooth device.In the application of this hand, and of Although it is oftenhasissued a fuel consumption to the front, of course to be abletokind of is! ? It is.By fun drive, useful information (meter), but we have developedwiththe aim of being cool display!■ What do you need?To use this app, you must have ELM327 Bluetooth devices thatareavailable on the cheap.Also, attach vehicle must also correspond to the OBD-II.※ Detailed description of what OBD-II and ELM327Bluetoothdevice■ What you can do?The following content and then retrieve and display via theOBD-IIconnector from the vehicle.Speed, engine speed, boost pressure (or vacuum pressure),thethrottle opening, the remaining amount of fuel, watertemperature,intake air temperature, voltage, etc..As a result, the instantaneous fuel consumption, averagefuelconsumption, distance traveled (ODO / TRIP-A, B), running time,Ican also be displayed such as the stop time.Also, using the GPS and various sensors, storage of advanceddisplayand G sensor value, it can also be performed, such as pointsave,such as maximum speed.In addition, you can also erase the display and check lampoftrouble diagnostic code.(It is by far profitable than buying a diagnostic machine!)■ I stuck you have!Wildly and update rate from OBD to screen and retrieveinformationwill have become slower.In this app, it is the control to increase the update frequencyofoptimally perform information the acquisition of OBD data ineachdisplay screen.(Street screen, circuit screen, is divided, such as ineco-screen,you have a control that is suitable for each)In addition, the present application is also toJapanesecar-specific protocol (K-LINE, etc.) are compatible, youcanconnect a significant probability even in models that can notbeconnected by other app!■ Trial Version LimitationsWe have gotten is not the following limitations because it ismerelypositioned as the operation check of the version.OBD connection after the meter panel, and then ends when toomuchabout 8 minutesTrouble diagnosis, it can not be performedAnd recording of the drive status display can not be doneSuch asOnce you have finished the operation check, it is fortunate ifyoucan purchase a paid version. m (_ _) m■ About Tested vehicleIf in recent years of the vehicle and it is compatible with anumberof models regardless Japanese car imported car.In addition also supports the Japanese car-specificcommunicationprotocol that has been adopted in the oldvehicle.If mainly in the domestic manufacturers a vehicle it is aminorchange since the release or in September 2010 as new on orafterOctober 2008 are supported almost.Imported car European car is 2001 or later around in, theUnitedStates car after the 1996 car is supported.From Once you worked on the vehicle of your ride main screen menuof"Providing vehicle connection information" if you can sendtheinformation it is fortunate. We ask the cooperation of the loveofyour car! m (_ _) m※ "Tested vehicle and connection protocol" of up-to-date, wehaveguidance on the following site■ For information about new ELM327 Bluetooth device(※1)2014 / ELM327 Bluetooth devices to be version 2.1 since aroundtheend came on the market. vehicle that this version 2.1 isavailable,only the most recent CAN communication vehicle. Oldvehicle (suchas K-LINE connections), does not work with the deviceof thisversion 2.1 Please note.(※2)It added support from Ver1.5.4.0 to 2014 new species ofELM327device that seems to have been in circulation since thebeginning(with PIN entry). If you use the appropriate device in theoldversion, it had become the initialization error at the timeofconnection.(※ 3)ELM327 Bluetooth devices that do not pairing request from 2013/summer came on the market. It was supported fromVer1.2.4.0.However, this is the terminal corresponding to theAndroid OS 2.3.3or later and Bluetooth secure connection isrequired can beused.In addition, there is no need for pairing (PIN input) If you wanttoconnect it. However, please to ON "no PIN input Bluetoothdevice"setting in the app.[Voltage to initialization is the end connection onlyappear?]Initialization at CONNECT, we have made to the ELM327Bluetoothdevice. The voltage is not only appear, in only cancommunicatewith the ELM327 Bluetooth device, and you will not cancommunicatewith the vehicle ECU.When it became such a case, please try to change the OBD-IIprotocolsetting.If you even if you change it does not work, it will be thatthevehicle does not correspond. Please note.[Other]After starting always About screen please refer to the notes andthelatest information is listed in the "About This App".In addition, Japanese car-specific protocols, it may not bethetrouble diagnosis is not a OBD-II standard.(Trouble diagnosis of this application, we are compliant withtheOBD-II standard)[For inquiries]Such as requests and inquiries, the mail directly, pleasebeavoided.※ Depending on the e-mail address, there is a risk of beingexcludedby junk e-mail filter.I'd like a report from also means to prevent them in thesupportsite "contact form".【Notices】The developer of this app, has been certified to theofficialdevelopers of andro Idah as a developer of safe andsecureapplication.
OBD Info-san! MAXWIN
OBD Car Doctor 7.6.9a
PNN Soft
OBD Car Doctor new features:Supporttypes of adapters: OBD-II (Bluetooth, WiFi, Kiwi 3 (BLE),Vinli)and GPS-only mode (if you have no adapter) Updated logbook:fuelingand service notes.Reads real-time and stored diagnostics parameters from ECU ofOBD-IIcompliant cars. Support data reading PID's from cars with 2and moreECU.Note!!! Requires ELM 327 or compatible BluetoothOBD-IIAdapter. Read more at Work w/oadapterpossible only in GPS mode: Speed, AltitudeNote!!! There are multiple reports on connectionissuesup to ECU malfunctioning when using adapters with MACaddresses:66:35:56:... strongly recommend to avoid this adapters!Other chipadapters marked with ELM327 v2.1 also have a lot ofissues! Pleasecontact us by mail to report troubles with adapters,would be niceto have the following info: naming, MAC address,ELM327 firmwareversion info and/or connection log, This will helpto create list ofpotentially dangerous adapters and share thisinformation with otherusers.Features:- real-time engine and vehicle OBD2 parameters: speed,rotation(rpm), coolant temperature, pressure, lambda and multipleothersensors data supported by your car- chart drawing for real-time data- check engine light control (MIL): read and clear storederrorcodes and related freeze frame data- Fuel Economy/Consumption parameters (MPG) (for diesel need tosetproper flag in Configuration)- code scanner: store and share DTC (Diagnostic Trouble Codes)dataand General info- auto-start of last used command screen (use "Auto start ofthelast command" option in Configuration alone or in combinationwith"Connect BT at start")- console for advanced users experiments with OBD-II andadaptercommands (use "Test"-"Console" option in Configuration toallowconsole screen)- read more details at product site read GPS data: speed, altitude- support of graphical gauges- logbook: fueling, service records, carmaintenance,diagnostics★ ★ ★ More features ★ ★ ★ are available with ProversionOBDCar DoctorPro Economy parameters now supported as beta versionfeature,please note that for correct calculation you may need toenterproper Engine displacement (in cubic cm) and volumetricefficiency(in %, the default is 80)Note!!! Avoid simultaneous running of multipleOBDreading applications, be sure that other applications arenotkeeping live OBD connection.Required permissions:- Device & app historyUsed to self- identify application when running in background- LocationExtra GPS parameters: GPS speed, altitude- Photos/Media/FilesStore and read "Logbook" and Debug data as directuser'sactions- OtherBluetooth related - communication with external adapterInternet related - publishing "Logbook" records to server asdirectuser's actionsPlease send your questions with email, as we can't answer inPlaymarket comments.You could help to improve the project by sending OBD2 detailsinforelated to your car. Fill in the car details withconfigurationscreen and click send button in "General information"section.Thanks!
OBD2 Codes Fix Lite 1.17
OBD High Tech
Supported 200200 diagnostics trouble codes definition andpossiblecauses
LiveView for Torque (OBD/Car) 1.0.2
Ian Hawkins
A Torque Plugin for the Sony LiveView MN800 'watch' device
Deep OBD 1.3.189
Deep OBD analysis for vehicles similar to ISTA-D, INPA or Tool32
CarSys Scan (Best OBD2 & ELM32 1.8
OBD High Tech
CarSys easy help you: Check Engine Light, Clears Codes, LiveData...
OBD Car Doctor Pro
OBD Car Doctor new features:Economizerwidget for presentation and recording fuel economy data.Overlaymode to present economy data over any application screens.Reads real-time and stored parameters from ECU ofOBD-IIcompliant cars.Before purchasing please check the compatibility withfreeversion of OBD Car DoctorNote!!! Requires ELM 327 or compatibleBluetoothOBD-II Adapter. Read more at http://www.incardoc.comNote!!! There are multiple reports on connectionissuesup to ECU malfunctioning when using adapters with MACaddresses:66:35:56:... strongly recommend to avoid this adapters!Other chipadapters marked with ELM327 v2.1 also have a lot ofissues!Features:Common:- real-time engine and vehicle parameters: speed,rotation,temperature, pressure, lambda and multiple other sensorsdatasupported by your car- chart drawing for real-time data- check engine light control: read and clear stored error codesandrelated freeze frame dataPro version:- allow real time parameters recording- read, display, read multiple parameters simultaneously- recording parameters in background mode- view and sending recorded parameters traces- GPS support- fuel Economy parameters- upload to server (beta version) store and share DTC data and General info- auto-start of last used command screen (use "Auto start ofthelast command" option in Configuration alone or in combinationwith"Connect BT at start")- (new) console for advanced users experiments with OBD-IIandadapter commands (use "Test"-"Console" option in Configurationtoallow console screen)- consumption fuel per time- support of graphical gauges- specialized widgets: fuel economy, acceleration- overlay to present economy data over any application screenFuel Economy parameters now supported as beta versionfeature,please note that for correct calculation you may need toenterproper Engine displacement (in cubic cm) and volumetricefficiency(in %, the default is 80)For files uploading do the following when your deviceconnectedto Internet:- create account with Registration option in through theapplication(Menu-Configuration-Account) or with siteoption set your Login and Password inAccount(Menu-Configuration-Account)- upload your traces to server: open list of recorded traces atOBDRecords page, long click on item, select "Send to service" inpopupmenu- visit and login at Personal account pagetoview the traces.Note!!! Avoid simultaneous running of multipleOBDreading applications, be sure that other applications arenotkeeping live OBD connection.Please send your questions with email, as we can't answer inPlaymarket comments.You could help to improve the project by sending OBD-IIdetailsinfo related to your car. Fill in the car detailswithconfiguration screen and click send button in "Generalinformation"section. Thanks!
OBDII Trouble Codes
Simple and fast OBDII (EOBD) database with more than18500descriptions!
AlfaOBD software for Fiat Group cars native diagnostic
Ulysse Speedometer Pro
ULYSSE SPEEDOMETER PRO—the ultimateadvancedGPS tool that is not only a high-precision GPS*Speedometer,displaying not only the current speed (analog ordigital) but alsopacking in many other exciting features.As a part of our Ulysse community, you’ll find itsfunctionalityindispensable. To discover further what’s packed intoour tool, binarytoys Lab, we listen to our users and areconstantlyintegrating your feature requests—Ulysse is not onlybuilt by us,but also by you, our Ulyssers!How about:★ Overlays—display important speed/direction/time info overyourother installed apps★ Trip Computer—record the current, yesterday’s, today’s,week’s,month’s journeys★ Track recorder—trace your journey and export to SD and/or emailasGPX or Google Earth KML format★ Multiple profiles: for every car, bike, velo,walking,skiing★ Music Controller—control your installed musicplayerdirectly★ HUD—a Head-Up Display for your windshield★ GPS Altimeter★ GPS Compass★ Latitude/longitude display★ Settings km/h, mph, knots; miles/feet, kilometers,nauticalmiles★ Maximum displayed speeds: 1900 km/h / 1160 mph / 1000knots!★ Racing meter—measure acceleration times: 0-100 km/h, 0-60 mphandfor 1/4 mile.★ Average speed indicator★ Switchboard – menu system providing easy setting changesoffunctions – simply tap the main speedometer dialforactivation★ Three shortcut pages—Application, Communication, Navigation; foratotal 36 user-defined application shortcuts★ Speed limits’ warnings (‘Speed Edge’) – define audio andvisualspeed alarms★ App quickstart—assign other installed apps and called in justtwotaps★ Customizable UI colors—are 16 million colors enough?★ Current battery status info—charge, temperature★ Car dock support—application automatically starts and exitsondocking and undocking★ Run the speedometer in background mode—show speed discretelyinthe status bar and even gives visual notification forspeedlimits**★ Binarytoys’ Customer support second-to-none… take a look atourreviews!But don’t limit Ulysse to just your automobile!Imagine accessing all the features mentioned via virtually anymeansof transport.Whether traveling by van, truck, bus, motorbike, bike,horse,unicycle, Segway, plane, helicopter, foot, camel, taxi,rickshaw,skateboard, train, boat, hang-gliding or paragliding(etc.)—youwill find a useful use for Ulysse!We Love our Ulyssers – And They Love Ulysse!We are fully dedicated to our user base – with its millions ofloyalworldwide users, we are constantly building on this successtoguarantee that Ulysse remains on pole position now and inthefuture.You don’t have to take our word for it, read what some of thetopnames in the business are saying:"Poetry in motion"—"Most advanced Speedometer App"—"this virtual dashboard has been aprovenlifesaver"—"...enter Ulysse Speedometer to save me"—RichardDevine,AndroidCentral"Accurate, visually appealing and informativespeedometerapplication"—Crackberry.comHave we forgotten something? Visit our homepage and send usacomment.Would you like to see Ulysse translated into your ownlanguage?Contact us today at [email protected] to find out howor join uson*Dependent on phone hardware**In the case of system overloading, a small lag is possibleKnown limitation - trip distance may have 2-3% deviation fromcar'sodometer dataLook to for a new car-dock for your phone!
CaroO Pro (Dashcam & OBD) 3.2.0
Market leading dashcam andeco-drivingassistant with OBD!Experience the stable background operation as well as nogapsbetween recorded files on Android 4.1 or higher devices!- Video dashcam supporting resolution and quality control up tofullHD (1920x1080),- Camera exposure and focus control (depending on capabilitiesofphones),- Auto file deletion for normal/emergency video,- Emergency report via SMS, call and YouTube upload,- Car monitoring with connection of ELM327 compatibleOBDdongles,- RPM, Speed, Battery voltage, coolant temperature, Baropressure,and many more data (depending on cars),- Fuel-cut, eco-drive level, harsh acceleration/brake,idlingindicator,- Auto launch and termination options,- Co-working with Android Wear devices for notificationandcontrolWe recommend smartphones with Android 4.0 or higher, butmostsmartphones with Android 2.2 or higher are supported too.Android2.2 or lower devices will not be officially supported fromCaroOv2.3.0. Before your purchase, please use the free version,CaroOFree Driving Recorder, in advance.If you have any problems or difficulties to use this app, pleaseusethe log button on the main screen and send log files tous.
OBDII Trouble Codes Lite
Lite version of car diagnostic code database with more than18500descriptions.
CaroO Free (Blackbox & OBD) 3.2.0
CaroO Free Driving Recorder update withfullfeatures of PRO version!You can use 100 times freely with this new version and ifexpired,you can purchase PRO version or reinstall this free versionagainafter deleting it first.If you want to use the old version, please visit CaroO userservicechannel on Facebook or Google+.CaroO Free Driving Recorder is a free and lite version of CaroOProDriving Recorder which supports full pack of featuresincludingvideo dashcam with collision detection, driving trackrecorder withGPS function, and car-diagnosis and monitoring withOBD-II device.You can use video event recorder function andcar-monitoringfunction separately or together.Experience the stable background operation as well as nogapsbetween recorded files on Android 4.1 or higher devices!- Video dashcam supporting resolution and quality control up tofullHD (1920x1080),- Camera exposure and focus control (depending on capabilitiesofphones),- Auto file deletion for normal/emergency video,- Emergency report via SMS, call and YouTube upload,- Car monitoring with connection of ELM327 compatibleOBDdongles,- RPM, Speed, Battery voltage, coolant temperature, Baropressure,and many more data (depending on cars),- Fuel-cut, eco-drive level, harsh acceleration/brake,idlingindicator,- Auto launch and termination options,- Co-working with Android Wear devices for notificationandcontrolWe recommend smartphones with Android 4.0 or higher, butmostsmartphones with Android 2.2 or higher are supported too.Android2.2 or lower devices will not be officially supported fromCaroOv2.3.0. Before your purchase, please use the free version,CaroOFree Driving Recorder, in advance.If you have any problems or difficulties to use this app, pleaseusethe log button on the main screen and send log files tous.You can find a user manual of CaroO at the following link: you could also get some helpful information by visitingFacebookpage or Google+ user community.
Trevor Page
Dashboards, tuning and logging for MegaSquirt and SpeeduinoECUs.Note: NOT OBD2
Car Home Ultra
Car Home Ultra is a car dock app that makesiteasy to manage your phone while in the car.It can startup automatically when your car’s BT is detected, andyoucan always easily get back to CHU by pressing the home button(seesettings->startup options).• Customize an unlimited number of shortcuts to launch apps,directdial numbers, or even navigate to a specific location.• Use the media controller to manage any music or podcast apponyour phone with big easy to see buttons.• Keep aware of your speed, location, weather, altitude, andmorewith the built in data widgets.• Multiple skins and color schemes for 100s ofdifferentlooks.• Automatic Day and Night color schemes to preserve yournightvision.• Automatic Response for SMS messages let’s you focus ontheroad.• Speed Alarm to help you avoid tickets• Full Feature List BelowMark the Geek: "CarHome Ultra for Android - Perfect App for inCarDock" Droid: "Car Home Ultra -- Finally a Real Car Dock AppforAndroid"Applater: "A handy car dock application to help you use yourdevicesafely even while driving"Android 4.2+ users can also use Google Voice Commands foracompletely hands free experience. See this link fordetails:**This is a 30 day trial, if you like the app pleasepurchaseCarHome Ultra License for unlimited use**Data Widgets:- Speedometer (speaks when pressed)- Compass- Altimeter- Battery Meter- Clock- Current Weather Conditions (Speaks when pressed)- Current Location (Speaks when pressed)Other Features:- Integrated Media Controller (Play/Pause, Next, Previous,Artist,Title)- Unlimited number of custom shortcuts- SMS Auto Responder- Location alerts- Custom Day/Night color schemes- Multiple skins and color schemes- Auto switch between Day/Night based on Sunset and Sunrise- Set to speaker phone mode when docked (optional)- Starts CarHome when bluetooth connection is detected- Auto Bluetooth on with Car Mode (optional)- Auto Bluetooth off when exiting Car Mode (optional)- Auto Wifi on/off with Car Mode (optional)- Displays speed in KPH or MPH- Displays temperature in Celsius or Fahrenheit- Full Screen Mode- Support for Icon Packs- Lock Screen Rotation (landscape, portrait, reverse landscape,andreverse portrait)- Android 5 Material Design- Brightness and Display Mode Controls- Volume Controls- Tactile Button Response- Mute Alerts- 3 Page Type: 6 button, 8 button, and media controller- Sleep Mode: saves power and reduces heat- Keep Display On until you exit the app- Stop music/media on exit- Android Auto partially inspired by this app (yes,that’strue)HAVE A PROBLEM? Please send me anemail:[email protected] Permission Descriptions:Device & App History – Required for the new MediaControllerfeature to detect if a media player is able to acceptmediarequests.Contacts/Calendar – This is required to setup a directdialshortcut. Calendar is bundled with the contactpermission.Location – This is required to access the GPS for thespeedometer,compass, altimeter, weather, etc…SMS – This is required for the new SMS Auto-responder feature.Ifthe feature is not enabled, the app does not interactwithSMS.Phone – This is required for the Direct Dial shortcut.Photos/Media/Files – This is required for the Debug Logfeature.Photos & Media are bundled with the permission, the appdoesn’tneed those.Camera/Microphone – The app will need the microphone permissionforany voice activated features in the future. It is requiredrightnow for the media player visualization feature. Attaching totheaudio stream requires the mic permission. Camera is bundledwiththe mic permission, the app doesn’t use the camera.Wi-Fi Connection – The app needs this permission toenable/disableWi-Fi.
AppRadio 2.8.11
Turn your car into a connected car with Pioneer AppRadio
OBD2 scanner & fault codes des 1.9.01
All-in-one OBD2 app for ELM327: OBD scanner, car diagnostic,ELMchecker & more