Top 16 Apps Similar to 怪物彈珠 - RPG手機遊戲

蒼天英雄誌2 0.102.0
The return of the king, this is your Three Kingdoms!
卡片圖鑑for神魔之塔 13.0.25
Stan Studios
Provide the Tower of the Devil: § Card illustration§Dragonengraving § turn beads simulation § Simulation team § analogdrawcard § Instant news § Making cards
新射鵰群俠傳之鐵血丹心 1.8.8
Cross-generation martial arts card RPG
Tower of Saviors 2023.513
Tower of Savior x Hatsune Miku 2nd Crossover Event Unveils!
三國英雄傳說 Online - 動漫風無雙格鬥 MMORPG 1.0.34
Heroes of the Three Kingdoms, comic characters, passionatefighting,unparalleled legends! Collect and develop the heroes ofthe ThreeKingdoms anime, and control the brawl with your ownhands. Legionswork together to relive classic online games andform online teamsto enjoy legendary duels. Long-term operation,sincerely invite youto join the Three Kingdoms World.
蒼天英雄誌 1.0.73
Dubbing by luxury Japanese voice actors Full of benefits andeasyaccess to high-level generals Easily master the game to endtheliver burst and stay up late Xuan Q painting style brokenscreenspecial effects extremely cool battle Voice social, easychat, fullserver hi turn
The 4th Anniversary Celebration begins, and the new HornedRaccoondebuts!
御灵绘卷 36.0
Aesthetic and windy screens and top-notch Japanese seiyuuheavilycreated, the ultimate restoration of a safe world.Super-burningcross-service conquest, a new gameplay full-scalebattle, withgods, legendary weapons, folklore, and great men asprototypes, tomake new interpretations!
烈火戰記 4.9.2
The picture that spans time and destiny unfolds here.
貓咪大戰爭 12.7.0
Disgusting and cute cats have exploded across the country! Acattower defense game that anyone can easily learn Freeregistrationand you can play right away~ There are also new catsthat are onlyavailable in the Chinese version! Hurry up anddownload it tocultivate your personalized kitty army!
Retaining the classic MOBA gameplay, while providing an RPGcopymode, and the hero mode beyond imagination. Players willmanipulatethe unique heroes of the Three Kingdoms and experiencethe free andexciting blood competition in the fast-paced game
天涯幻夢 2.1.0
"That's it, we will be number one in the world!" With the oathofmartial arts, sentient beings attended the appointmentasscheduled. "The World's No. 1 Budo Club" cross-server qualifyingisnewly opened. Elites of all sects will fight againstGuangmingdingand become gods! Valkyrie dominance and exclusivegenerous rewardsare waiting for you to occupy!
The 3rd Anniversary Celebration of "Three Kingdoms KillingtheFamous General" opens! Three years of spring and autumn, thebloodis still there! Sign in to get "Chosen Gold"! There is alsoathree-year limited title for free!
永恆:宿命起源 25.1.3
魔法軍團Z-機甲組裝SLG 83
《魔法軍團Z》反抗命運枷鎖之頂上決戰在巨大的命運齒輪中,玩家將以傭兵的身份投入這場已持續了百餘年的戰爭,神錫大陸命懸一線,而打破宿命的關鍵將由玩家所組成的傭兵團決定!來吧!上陣吧!新世代戰爭詩篇《魔法軍團Z》新章始動!Facebook專頁:【遊戲特色】◆強敵襲來!好友協力討伐!突破自身界限!入手限定報酬!!近日,一個來自超遠古時期失落的地下城被發現,當中的機甲長期受到晶石侵蝕,並開始產生一種神秘智能,襲擊於附近旅行的冒險者。此類機甲均蘊含未知的遠古技術,經研究發現此技術將能對現今機體發展,有著極為重要的幫助。因此,傭兵工會發出大量討伐請求,希望各路傭兵團能協助擊倒此神秘智能,令現今機甲技術能再突破,發揮更強大的戰力!◆過萬玩家實時國戰戰力調配掌握戰場勝敗國戰系統,玩家將以傭兵的身分介入『海尼爾合眾國』和『帕茲諸王聯盟』兩大國度的百年戰爭,每一輪戰爭開始玩家都可自由選擇想要效忠的國家,當戰爭開始時全服玩家將派遣部進行實時的攻防戰,而戰場的參戰人數是沒有上限!因此玩家必須考量自身隊伍實力,部署自己的小隊才能有效奪取據點的控制權,從而掌握戰場勝敗。◆自由組裝機體出擊回合制戰棋決勝負!超高自由度!在《魔法軍團Z》中擁有超過250件機體部件可以自由組裝,玩家可因應戰場或任務實況,組裝出屬於個人獨創的機體,在3D回合制式的戰場上與敵對勢力進行博鬥,而玩家在戰場上,就是唯一的主角,帶領摩下軍團過關斬將!◆知名繪師x豪華聲優 同場共奏最強日式遊戲華爾滋!遊戲角色由江口拓也、小林裕介、五十嵐裕美、野水伊織、三澤紗千香、新垣樽助、大久保瑠美、石上静香、等日本人氣頂級動漫聲優全力配音,同時遊戲邀請到多位著名繪師包括「cuboon」、「卵の黄身」、「優木きら」、「柚希きひろ」、「谷裕司」為遊戲設計角色及機體,從而注入靈魂生命賦予每一位的角色均擁有鮮明的個性與特質,從而打造扣人心弦的故事劇情與充實的遊戲內容!【關注我們】官方網址:http://wz.goone.tw官方交友區:客服郵箱:
三国志 ひっぱりゲーム 三国大戦スマッシュ! 1.12.25
Multiplayer with your friends in Sangokushi's pulling game!