Top 16 Apps Similar to mosquito!

Anti Mosquito Sound Prank
!!!!! IMPORTANT !!!!!!!!!!!!!!Treat this app like a PRANK! It is not a real mosquitorepellenttool! Repelling mosquitoes and other insects using soundsis notconfirmed by science. The description below is onlyconjectures! Weare giving you free tool so you can test it byyourself.!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!"Anti Mosquito Sound Prank" is a prank app and will try to helpkeepall mosquitos and bugs away from you! This app is able to emithighfrequency sounds (ultrasonic sounds) which should irritate allsmallinsects. Mosquitos can mistake that sound as the sound oftheirenemies (e.g. dragonflies, bats). They should keep away fromthesource of the sound. Just turn the repellent sound on and keepyourmobile phone near you. No mosquito bites any more!Most humans can't hear sound above 17 khZ. Our app gives youtheavailability to set sound frequency from 9 kHz to 23 kHz!Setfrequency in way that you can't hear the sound and don't worry,themosquitos should hear the sound!Remember: Turn your volume to max while playing sound.This app does not guarantee 100% chance of success. There are alotof mosquito species in the world and some of them may beresistantto ultrasonic sounds. Moreover some built-in phonespeakers are notable to produce high frequency sounds.
高周波発生機 Pro版 1.0.9
Yuji Hayamizu
本アプリケーションは、高周波発生機のPro版(無料)となります。44の異なる周波数を発生することができ、中低音や低音も含まれています!収録されている周波数帯は、5Hz, 10Hz, 15Hz, 20Hz, 25Hz, 30Hz, 35Hz, 40Hz, 50Hz,60Hz,70Hz,80Hz, 90Hz, 100Hz, 200Hz, 300Hz, 400Hz, 500Hz, 600Hz,700Hz,800Hz,900Hz, 1KHz, 2KHz, 3KHz, 4KHz, 5KHz, 6KHz, 7KHz, 8KHz,9KHz,10KHz,11KHz, 12KHz, 13KHz, 14KHz, 15KHz, 16KHz, 17KHz,18KHz,19KHz,20Khz, 21KHz, 22Khzとなります。利用者様の声では、ネズミ対策に効果を発揮する事が多数実証されてます。20k以上で鼠が撃退できた報告もありました。その他、オーディオシステムのテストでご利用して頂いている利用者様もおられます。- インターネット接続しない(データ通信をしない)場合、広告は自動的に非表示になります。- 本アプリは、グローバルバージョンで開発している為、英語表記となります事、ご了承下さい。- 本アプリケーションを改善するため、ご意見、ご指摘を頂けましたら幸いです。[機能]HDのレイアウト。縦表示のみをサポートしています。Duration機能。 (音を再生する長さを設定できます。自動的に発生音を停止します。秒単位。)Ascending機能。(昇順で周波数が自動的に切り替わります。秒単位で3秒以下は不可。)Descending機能。(降順で周波数が自動的に切り替わります。秒単位で3秒以下は不可。)Random機能。(ランダムで周波数が自動的に切り替わります。秒単位で3秒以下は不可。)Timer機能。(音を自動で再生するタイマー機能となりますので、アラームに応用することができます。開始までの残り時間が分単位で表示されます。)(入力した数値は、終了ボタンを押して値を保存できます。)[ご注意事項]長時間の使用や大音量での使用はご遠慮ください。イヤホン、ヘッドホンでの使用は音量ご注意ください。頭痛を感じた場合や周辺に悪影響を及ぼす場合、すぐに使用を中止してください。(本アプリでいかなる影響が出た場合でも、開発者は一切の保障はいたしません。)
Mosquito Repellent Prank 1.33
Warning:This mosquito repelling method is not confirmed by science sotreatit as a prank!Anti-mosquito app works great on the whole world onthemosquitoes and insects.This whistle can be use on dogs to. Your dog gonna hate that.Run this app in a background.Sonic mosquito repellent generates powerful high frequencysoundsthat mimic sounds of mosquitoes natural predators.Tips:- Turn up the volume to the highest level for a moreeffectivemosquito repellent sound.- Use the Frequency controls to find the optimal repellingfrequencyfor your region.
Anti Mosquito 2 Prank 1.0
Welcome to Anti Mosquito 2 PrankThis Anti Mosquito app is not confirmed by science so treatitlike a prank!High frequency Sounds which are beyond the hearing sense ofhumanears.Based on the characteristics of the mosquito, they fear thehighfrequency sounds like the sound of bats, dragonflies, whokeepanimals away mosquitoes, because it was feared enemiesofmosquitoes. Anti Mosquito using external speakers emithighfrequency sounds-from 17 KHz to 22 KHz, is the region thatmustmosquitoes.This app prevents mosquitoes from biting you by emittinghighfrequency ultrasound from your phone that repels them away fromthesource of the sound.Due to the characteristics of each different speciesofmosquitoes, mosquitoes develop software on the phone, wearehelping users can adjust the frequency. You try to see ifthefrequency of other mosquitoes in your home must be removed.Werecommend using frequencies from 20 kHz to 22 kHz, thisfrequencythe human ear can not hear, but still effective inmosquitoperfect.This Mosquito repellent prevents you from getting bittenbymosquitoes and some other nasty bugs.The application emit a very unique high frequency sound(ultrasound) that the insects dislike. The pitch of the sound is sohighthat most humans will not notice anything.Download the free Anti Mosquito prank for Android and simulateafight against biting mosquitoes. You can prank your fiendsbytelling them, the app generates a high frequency signal intheultrasound range and scared off those pesky bloodsuckers. Onlyyouknow, it is just a simulation and not a real sonic sound.How it works ?- When you start the Anti Mosquito pro prank it produceshighfrequency sound which irritates the mosquitoes and helps youkeepthem away from you. You can adjust the volume of these soundsandkeep it low so that it does not disturbs you.- There are 6 high frequency sounds 8khz, 10khz, 12khz,14khz,15khz, 16khz. You can adjust the sound as you require.- There are two quick setting button on top corner of thescreen.One is for screen brightness. Clicking on it will reduce thescreenbrightness so that your mobile does not consume battery.Second oneis for locking your mobile screen. you can lock yourscreen and yetthe Anti Mosquito Lite prank will be on. It will usevery lessbattery.The main features of the application:- Non-toxic to humans, pets in your family.- Do not noisy.- Anti perfect mosquito, the frequency can beadjustedaccordingly.- Applications can run in parallel with other applications,thenotification bar, you can still use your phone normally withotherfunctions.- Anti mosquito single, easy to use.- It does not take batteries, energy-saving batteries run it -youcan turn off the display and can run Anti Mosquito Lite prankanyterm other application- Mosquito Software on the phone and still free, then.- Anti Mosquito 2 prank
No More Mosquitoes 2.1.4
Keep mosquitoes away! This app playsanultrasound (that can't be heard by the human ear) thatsimulatesthe sexual recall of the male mosquito, causing repulsionto thealready fertilized female mosquitoes, the only which are abletobite.• Social ReportsTake advantage of the power of the user community alliedagainstmosquitoes! It's possible to report and share the presenceofmosquitoes in your position, and also view on a map theusersfeedbacks and anticipate the moves of mosquitoes,avoidingthem!A special LED will light up when mosquitoes have been reportedinyour area.• High Resolution GraphicThe graphic is optimized for all the Android devices. It looksrealand engaging, both to see and to keep as utility on yourphone.• Green and Non-toxic!Keep mosquitoes away naturally, avoiding to breathe toxic gasandwithout environment pollution.• Free!You don't have to spend money thank's to the Ad support!• TipsTurn up the volume to the highest level for a moreeffectivesound.______________________FAQ:Q.: Is the application working when I read ON or OFF onthebutton?A.: The application is not working when you can read the redword"OFF" on the button and it's working when you can read thegreenword "ON" on the button.Q.: Why i'm hearing an hiss? / Why I don't hear nothing?A.: The app plays an high frequency sound. Some people under30years old can hear the sound, while over a certain age(variablefrom person to person) the ear lose the ability to hearhighfrequency sounds.Q.: Mosquitoes don't have ears, how do they hear sounds??A.: Insects don't have ears, but on feelers, that are themosquitoesaural organs, there are about 15.000 sensorialreceptors, structuredso to create an "active ear" in which naturalvibrations aregenerated so to amplify the incoming sounds.[Source: Le Scienzeon-line]Q.: Are you telling me that the phone loudspeaker canplayultrasounds?A.: Actually the frequency used in NoMoreMosquitoes isslightlyunder the ultrasounds threshold frequency. But it's veryclose tothe limit that can be heard by the human ear (20 kHz), sofor thesake of simplicity we called it "ultrasound", because a lotofpeople can't hear it.
Insect repeller 1.12
It frightens and repels mosquitoesandcockroaches using ultrasounds. Press the power button andstarrepelling them!
Mosquito Repellent Prank 3.4
WARNING!Mosquito Repellent is a Prank mobile application becausenosuchtechnology or scientific research support use this application as a Prank.MosquitoRepellentpreventsmosquitoes from biting you by emittinghigh frequency ultrasound from your phone that repels themawayfromthe source of the sound.Sonic mosquito repellent generates powerful highfrequencysoundsthat mimic sounds of mosquitoes naturalpredators.High frequency Sounds which are beyond the hearing senseofhumanears.
Anti-Loitering: Ultrasound 1.7
The app sends out irritating ultrasounds that only youngadultsandteenagers can hear. After a while the sound will becomesoannoyingthat they will have to leave the area or won’t evencomenear you.This technique is already used as an repellant bypoliceand localauthorities worldwide to reduce anti-socialbehaviouramongteenagers, such as loitering youth, vandalism, druguse,drugdistribution, andviolence.--------------------------------------MEDIA: An estimateof morethan 3500 councils, shop owners andpolice in the USA arecurrentlyfighting loitering youth with highfrequency (ultrasonic)devices,also know as mosquito boxes. Thetechnique has also has wontheInnovation Prize Police ( PIP ) in2006.Wiki: Our appoffers thesametechnique now for your mobile phone, and because oftheportabilityyou can use it on the road, trains, subways, or atthepark. Turningon the high frequencies sounds will make theareaaround youunattractive to teenagers without causing discomforttoadults. Thesound of the app can almost exclusively be heardbyyoung peopletill around 25 years. HOW TO USE: The app hassixdifferent highfrequencies: 14 , 15 , 15 , 16 , 17 , 18 , 20 KHZ.Depending onyour age and the condition of your hearingit'spossible that youcan still hear some frequencies. Only turn onthefrequencies thatyou can not hear. RANGE: The effective rangeisdependent on yourphone's speakers. Tip: Connect your phone toanexternal speakersfor more range.
Signal Generator 1.1
Easy to use audio signal generator(frequencygenerator) that generates audio tones from 1 to 22000Hz.Test your phone's speaker, headphones, subwoofers, speakersandamplifiers.Test your hearing.Features:- Variable frequency tone generator- Sampling rate at 44100 (CD quality)- 16bit PCM encoding (CD quality)- Time span selectable- PresetsExtra features: Anti Mosquito and Dog Whistle (orCatWhistle).Anti-Mosquito: the ultrasonic Mosquito repellent generatoremitsa very unique high frequency sound (ultra sound) thatmostmosquitoes find distasteful and prevents you from gettingbitten bymosquitoes.Dog Whistle: train your dog to do tricks, train your dog tostopbarking, or if there is a dog next door, use this app to makeitsilent.
Insect Repellent Plus 1.0
Easy to use. Does not bother you. Itjustworks.There are too much insect repellent apps in the market.Butthisone is different. It also allows you to use yourandroiddevicewhile you are doing some other stuff. We worked hardforbuildingthis app and we are working for make it better foryou.
insect repellant 1.2.0
Description:The app is for experimental purpose and there are more than3500different mosquito species.The application emits ultrasonic sounds to mimic the sound ofmalemosquito wing beats.There are studies that have shown that females mosquitoesarerepelled by this sound.The research is however a little divided regarding the effectofsound to repel mosquitoes.Better application of insect repellent and mosquito.Goodbye mosquitoes.This can be detected by the human ear works withhigh-frequencyultrasound transmitter.tags:anti mosquito,mosquito repellent, mosquito preventive
Mega Zoom Camera
Application "Mega Zoom Camera" will letyoutake photos even with zoom x50 (maximum zoom depends onyourbuilt-in camera model). You will be able to set maximumhardwarezoom value while taking photos. Additionally, the programwasequipped with mega digital zoom, which will let you observeandphotograph objects which are in the far distance. This programcanalso be used as virtual binoculars, telescope or digitalmagnifier.It is an ideal tool for spies and wild naturelovers.Typically, your built-in camera operates two types of zoom:opticaland digital. Native camera applications usually don't usemaximumvalues of hardware zoom. Our app gives you an ability tousemaximum values of digital and optical zoom.Additionally, after reaching maximum manufacture values, you canuseadditional digital super zoom. It uses advanced zoomingalgorithm(bilinear interpolation), which will let you take photoseven withx100 zoom (maximum value of super zoom differs dependingon cameramodel installed in your phone).You will be able to take quite clear, stable and quality photosofvery far objects.In the application, you can additionally set:- effect of camera view (negative, sephia etc.)Accessibilitydepends on phone model.- kind of scene (beach, landscape, party etc). Accessibilitydependson phone model.- white balance (daylight, shadow etc.). Accessibility dependsonphone model.Attention! This application works best on phones with 8megapixelscamera and more.Main features of "Mega Zoom Camera":- access to maximum hardware optical and digital zoom.- super zoom even to x100 (maximum zoom depends oncameramodel).- settings: camera effect, camera scene, white balance
Mosquito Repellent : Simulator 1.1
Everyone needed good sleep at night,becauseitdecides your tomorrow.If you Dislike mosquitoes, you hate mosquitoes.MosquitoRepellentapplication emits high frequency sound which isdislikedby thatinsects.In this application you can set sound frequency from 10 kHzto22kHz! If you can not hear sound of set frequency in thiswaysodon't worry, mosquitoes should hear the sound!Most of Mosquito getting bitten and some other nasty bugs,ifyouwant to sleep very well and avoid this all mosquitoesthensimplyuse this application.Here you can set sound frequencies 10 kHz to 22 kHz.How to Use :- Just start application if you sleep very well.- Here you can set sound frequency of 10 kHz to 22 kHz,asyourequire you can set it here.- Listening sounds mosquitoes go away simple!Sometimes it not give you 100% solution, we tryourbest.So,checkyour self if it make any difference and if itdoes,well or good,sleep very well.It is just simulation and not a real Mosquito Repellent tool,maybeit useful for you.
カラス撃退アプリ_Free 1.0
・本アプリはカラスの嫌がる音を出して撃退するアプリです。・無料版では「カラスの警戒鳴き」と「モスキート音」をお試しいただけます。・収録音1. カラスの警戒鳴きカラスが仲間に注意を促すときの鳴き声です。2.モスキート音カラスは高周波数の音が苦手であるため、有効です。3. 襲われているカラスの声オオワシに襲われているときのカラスの声です。逆にカラスに襲われる可能性があるので注意してください。4.ネコの威嚇の声ネコが怒っているときの声です。5. オオワシ鳴き声天敵であるオオワシの鳴き声です。6. フクロウの声天敵であるフクロウの鳴き声です。7. 爆竹音爆竹の音でカラスを驚かせます。*注意・音量は最大にしてお使いください。(近所迷惑になる可能性もあるのでご注意ください)・カラスの生育環境により、効果が現れない場合があります。・逆に襲われてしまう場合もあると思いますので、気をつけてお使いください。・実害が発生しましても、当方責任を負えませんのでご了承ください。• This application isanapplication to repel put out the sound hate the crow.· You can try the "mosquito sound" and "warning squeal ofcrow"in the free version.And recording soundWarning squeal of 1. Crow It is the cry when the crow call attention to the fellow.2. Mosquito sound Because crow is not good at the sound of high frequency, itiseffective.Voice of crow being attacked 3. It is the voice of the crow when you are being attackedbySteller's sea eagle. Please note there is a possibility tobeattacked by a crow in reverse.Voice of the threat of 4. Cat It is the voice when the cat is angry.5. Steller's sea eagle cry It is the cry of the Steller's sea eagle is anaturalenemy.Voice of 6. Owl It is the cry of the owl is a natural enemy.7. Firecracker sound I am surprised the crow the sound of firecrackers.* Note· Please use it to maximum volume. (Please be careful becausethereis likely to be in the neighborhood nuisance)· There is the case that growing environment of crow, effectdoesnot appear.· Because I think that in some cases it would have been attackedinreverse, please use it with caution.Please acknowledge harm even if occurred, because it does notbearthe responsibility for us.
Japanese Mosquito Buster 3.0
Another Sky
The sound which an insect dislikesisreproduced by the kind of sound which man does notheareasily.Please use it as an insect repellent in leisure, a camp, apark,etc.The operation method only carries out the tap ofthemosquito-repellant incense displayed on a screen.Mosquito-repellant incense rotates like a recordduringplayback.Since the defect report function with which Google is formaltothis application and provides it is carried, applicationperformsInternet communication.
カラス撃退アプリ 1.0
・本アプリはカラスの嫌がる音を出して撃退するアプリです。・収録音1. カラスの警戒鳴きカラスが仲間に注意を促すときの鳴き声です。2.モスキート音カラスは高周波数の音が苦手であるため、有効です。3. 襲われているカラスの声オオワシに襲われているときのカラスの声です。逆にカラスに襲われる可能性があるので注意してください。4.ネコの威嚇の声ネコが怒っているときの声です。5. オオワシ鳴き声天敵であるオオワシの鳴き声です。6. フクロウの声天敵であるフクロウの鳴き声です。7. 爆竹音爆竹の音でカラスを驚かせます。*注意・音量は最大にしてお使いください。(近所迷惑になる可能性もあるのでご注意ください)・カラスの生育環境により、効果が現れない場合があります。・逆に襲われてしまう場合もあると思いますので、気をつけてお使いください。・実害が発生しましても、当方責任を負えませんのでご了承ください。---キーワードカラス, 撃退, 追い出す• This application isanapplication to repel put out the sound hate the crow.And recording soundWarning squeal of 1. Crow It is the cry when the crow call attention to the fellow.2. Mosquito sound Because crow is not good at the sound of high frequency, itiseffective.Voice of crow being attacked 3. It is the voice of the crow when you are being attackedbySteller's sea eagle. Please note there is a possibility tobeattacked by a crow in reverse.Voice of the threat of 4. Cat It is the voice when the cat is angry.5. Steller's sea eagle cry It is the cry of the Steller's sea eagle is anaturalenemy.Voice of 6. Owl It is the cry of the owl is a natural enemy.7. Firecracker sound I am surprised the crow the sound of firecrackers.* Note· Please use it to maximum volume. (Please be careful becausethereis likely to be in the neighborhood nuisance)· There is the case that growing environment of crow, effectdoesnot appear.· Because I think that in some cases it would have been attackedinreverse, please use it with caution.Please acknowledge harm even if occurred, because it does notbearthe responsibility for us.--- KeywordCrow, repel, I drive out