Top 19 Games Similar to 一撃マン (ちょっと難しいカジュアルゲーム)

漢検1級より難しいキラキラネーム検定!漢字クイズ好き必見 1.0.1
キラキラネームを当てるシンプルなクイズです。「希星」「来桜」「芯次威」・・・キラキラネームを1発で読むのは難しいですね。漢字検定1級も真っ青のキラキラネームが一発で読めたら、すごいですよね!友達のお子様の名前についていても、すぐに読めたら驚かれることうけあいです(笑)※このクイズの解答はあくまで1例です。もちろん別の読み方がある可能性はありますので、その点はご了承ください。キラキラネームとは:一般的に読むのが難しい当て字を利用した名前のことです。戸籍法上は常用漢字または人名漢字を用いる必要がありますが、読み方自体は記入する必要がないため読みを自由につけることが出来ます。日本以外に、海外にもキラキラネームは存在して例えばアメリカではApple(アップル)とかMac(マック)という名前が流行っているそうです。有名人の子供でも杉浦太陽さん辻希美さん夫妻の子供は希空(のあ)ちゃんと名付けられて話題になりましたね。It is a simple quizshedglitter name."Mare-boshi" "Raisakura", "core following I" ...It is hard to read glittering name in one shot.Kanji test primary also When read the in one shot deepblueglitter name, but it is amazing!It can have the name of the children of friends, is theguaranteebe surprised if you read immediately (laughs)※ answer of this quiz is only one case. There of course isapossibility that there is another reading, please understandthatpoint.The glittering names:It is a name that uses it is difficult phonetic equivalentofgenerally read.On the Family Registration Law will need to use the kanjiorperson's name kanji, but reading itself you can freely wearreadingbecause there is no need to fill out.In addition to Japan, is so sparkly name also abroad inthepresent example, the United States has been popular is namedApple(apple) Toka Mac (Mac).I Children of celebrities also Sugiura Taiyo Tsuji Nozomihiswife in children now properly named to topic Maresora(Noah).
毒蛇パニック◆シンプルだけどハマる!簡単だけど難しい◆ 1.0
◆内容◆毒蛇を倒して宝箱を手に入れろ!タイムリミットは30秒!15面クリアで宝箱に到達だ!キミは何秒で毒蛇地獄を脱出して宝箱にたどり着けるのか!毒蛇と冒険者の戦いが いま始まる!◆遊び方◆目の前に現れた毒蛇を上から順に蛇と同じ色の剣で毒蛇を叩き斬れ!黄色の蛇には黄色の剣で!ピンクの蛇にはピンクの剣で!青の蛇には青の剣で!緑の蛇には緑の剣で!順番を間違えたり、時間切れになると毒蛇に襲われるので要注意だぞ!レッツ アドベンチャー!※アプリを削除すると、ランキング記録はリセットされてしまいます。再インストールしてもデータは戻りませんのでご注意ください。◆ Contents ◆Get the treasure chest to defeat the Viper!The time limit is 30 seconds!It's reached the surface in clear treasure box 15!Do you get to the treasure chest in the number of secondstoescapethe hell Viper!Viper's battle and adventure begins now!◆ ◆ How to playVipers hit the kill with the sword of the same color asthesnakefrom the top to the bottom viper that has appeared infrontofme!The snake of yellow in the yellow sword!Pink snake with a sword in pink!The serpent of blue in the blue sword!The green snake in a green sword!I'll watch out because the snake or hit thewrongorder,expires!Let's Adventure!※ If you delete the app, ranking record will be reset.Please note that it does not return data when you reinstall.
Drawing Together!
Drawing Together! App that can liven up such as drinkingandfamily!!
Follow The Line 2 2.1.5
Follow The Line 2, From the makersofChainReaction!It is a best casual game in this segments.-------------------------------------Elegant and simple finger-runner. Just keep your circle onthewhiteline.Redefine the experience of Follow The Line lovers.Drag your circle and run through the randomly generated maze.-------------------------------------If your circle will get in touch with borders andmovingobstaclesthen you will be in trouble.Keep running as far as you can.Try to complete a task define in levels and unlock anewlevel.-------------------------------------We have developed its level difficult to challenge yourselftocomplete.Because More Challenging & Difficult games are makesyoumoreexcited to play.-------------------------------------Features:- Every time a different & difficult maze to run- Smooth game play- magical boosters which helps you to completechallenging&difficult levels.- Amazing graphics & effects which you have neverseeninprevious follow the line app- Dynamic obstacles- Amazing sound effects and music- Complete adventurous levels and unlock more difficultlevelthenprevious one.- Facebook integration (brag on Facebook how good you are)- Keep in touch with circle otherwise it will reduceyourscore- Level map to watch your friends status-------------------------------------Already a fan of Follow The Line? Like us on Facebook
AirDash! 1.10
t is an action game which usesonlyonebutton.Let's go to 2000m !It will Rolling, if it falls from a high place.The stage which played once can be practicedintrainingmode.In Shuffle mode, the stage which played before can beenjoyedatrandom.[how to play]Button : jumpButton during jump : AirDash
The Rolling Bug 1.2
Get The Rolling Bug and play right now!
くまのがっこう ポコポコ 3Dアクションゲーム 1.0.0
・くまのがっこう公式アプリが3Dアクションゲームになって登場。・つぎつぎと出てくるスイーツをポコポコしてやっつけよう。・5連続で叩けば回転斬りで一気にやっつけられるよ。・スイーツをやっつけるとコインが出現するよ。・いっぱいコインを集めてショップでお買い物しよう。・ショップにはパワーアップアイテムがイッパイあるから全部集めてみよう。Kuma school officialappisnow a 3D action game.- One after another come out I will Yattsukeyo byPokopokotheSuites.-5 it can be punished at once a sword rotation if you hitinarow.• If you beat the Suites coins appear.· Full by collecting coins to try to shop at shops.Power-up items to shop Let's collect all because there full.
Hip DE Coins 1.0.1
◆Jump and drop with hips◆Jump, break blocks and drop with hips to get lots ofcoins!This is a Famicom style like casual game~Control is simple and the game is free!■How to playMake the running man to jump, break blocks and drop with hipstogetlots of coins!---1.Tap on the screen once to jump!2.Tap again when jumping in the air to drop with hips!3.Dig deep down by hip dropping again and again!---■RecommendationTarget place with items and lots of coins to drop!Look for the next target when you are dropping!Collect coins to upgrade the item effects!Upgrade to maximum item effects to get the highest score!■This game is suitable for players who like・Simple but addictive gameplay・to relax on the way to work or college・funny game【Be careful】DO NOT!!!!!・hip drop in the real world. It hurts!・use drill with hip drop!・collect magnet as you can't collect money with itinrealworld.・hip drop with clock. You can easily break your clock!
SpaceMemory 1.0
A delicately difficult game appears!! Tap the planet and Let'sbecured.
Hungry! Puppy 1.3
"You can enjoy this cute puppy app asabraintraining game!Tap the foods which comes from above and feedthehungrypuppy!Feed the puppy as much as you can and get the high score.If you give the puppy something\g that is not a food,thepuppywill be upset.Concentrate on giving the puppy only ""food!""How to play①Confirm the score which you could get with giving foodbypressing""遊び方"" at first.②Start the game by pressing the button, ""プレイ"".③Select the level from かんたん(easy), ふつう(normal), むずかしい(hard).④Tap the foods coming down and feed as many as possiblewithinthelimited time!"
激ムズのぼる人 /イライラ激ムズアクションゲーム 1.0.0
コインを集めてひたすらてっぺんを目指せ!『激ムズ のぼる人』はシンプルな画面と操作でコインを集めてひたすらてっぺんを目指す、激ムズ アクションゲームです。コインを集めて、のぼっていく魅力的な響きだけど、、、世の中もゲームもそんなに甘くない!■ゲームの遊び方のぼる人は自動でロープをのぼるので障害物をよけるだけ!右と左によけるだけだけど左右同時だとめっちゃ難しいよ。不規則で落ちてくる障害物と複数キャラクターの同時操作で、単純なのに超難しい。早い動きにイライラはまる、新感覚 ゆる系敏速アクションゲーム反射神経と洞察力を磨いて目指せ、高得点!■こんな人におススメ・簡単だけど、はまるゲームをやりこみたい・複雑で難しいゲームが苦手・反射神経の良さに自信がある方・スピード勝負のスコアトライアルを楽しみたい方・ただひたすら上を目指す方Aim the earnestlytoptocollect the coins!"Geki James climb people" aims to earnestly topbycollectingcoins in a simple screen and operation, it isintenseChelmsfordaction game.Collect the coins, go up,,, World It 's charming sound even games so much sweet!■ How to play the game ofClimb people just dodge obstacles so climb theropeinautomatic!It is hella hard that's left and right simultaneously and IjustKeruby the right and left.In simultaneous operation of obstacles andmultiplecharactersfalling in irregular, super and is difficult togetsimple.Early movement to the fit frustrating, a new senseSnugglyquickaction gameAim to polish the insight and reflexes, high scores!■ Recommended for PeopleIt 's simple, you want Speedrun a game that fits· Is weak complex and difficult game· If you are confident in the goodness of reflexesAnd who want to enjoy the score trial of speed game- Just who plan on earnestly
OtakuJump 1.0
Otaku Jump higher and higher!!!
挑戦!無限に続くぶろちゃんタップアクションゲーム! 1.05
【ぶろちゃんストーリー】=======================ここはのどかで平和な街、Talkspace(トークスペース)。ここに暮らす動物たちは平和で毎日ウトウト… ZZZマイペースのぶろちゃんも今日はお家でゴロゴロ♪毎日おせんべいを食べてお茶をすすってたらぽてぽてまん丸になっちゃった!このままじゃみんなにバカにされちゃうっ!(汗)ぶろちゃんのダイエットをお手伝いしてあげよう!===================================ぶろちゃんを連続タップ♪パタパタ飛ばしてダイエットさせよう!音声系アバターアプリ、Talkspace(トークスペース)のアカウントと連携するとランキングに入るよ!ランキング1位になると…!?ハイスコア目指しちゃおう〜(*´艸`*)【こんな人におすすめ】・暇つぶしになる無料ゲームが大好き!・簡単無料ゲームにハマりやすい・簡単なゲームを友達と話しながら楽しみたい!・仲間でゲームのスコアを競って遊びたい!・難しいゲームより、簡単で可愛いゲームでひまつぶししたい!
Pesoguin Dash 1.0.1
An easy action game foreverybodytoplay. Pesoguin will run. Show him which way to go.Pesoguin is an imaginary animal similar to anemperorpenguin'sbaby, which is very cute and lives on the Internet,PCs,and mobilephones. He will relax your mind.
読みの難しい色名称100 1.0.0
Tilt and Avoid 3.0
Easy and Fun game. All you need to doistiltyour phone to manipulate!Tilt your phone and manipulate white ball.Without touching white wall, get to goal!
快感!イライラプラネット 2.0
シンプルな操作で簡単にイライラ棒を遊べるアプリです!簡単そうに見えるのにクリアできないイライラ、クリアできたときの快感が味わえます。操作は簡単!あなたのお持ちのスマートフォンやタブレットを傾けるだけ!こんな方におすすめです。・暇つぶしをしたい・快感を味わいたい・難しい操作のないゲームで遊びたい・みんなでわいわい遊びたい大幅アップデートでプラネットシステム導入☆マップも多数増えましたさらに随時追加予定です!It is anapplicationthatplay a frustrating stick easily with simpleoperation!I can taste frustrating that I can not clear it to lookeasygoingand pleasant feeling when I can be cleared.All you have to do! Just tilt the tablet or smartphone youhaveofyou!It is recommended in such one.· I want to pass the time· I want to taste the pleasure-I want to play the game without difficult operation-I want to play noisily togetherPlanet system introduced in major update ☆Map has also increased numberIt is at any time going to add more!
くるくるイライラ棒 1.0.1
Goodia Inc.
くるくるイライラ棒を攻略せよ!!■遊び方画面下部にあるスティックでプレイヤーを動かします。■ルール棒は回転します。ガードレール・障害物に接触しないようにゴールを目指します。ゲームの結果に応じてポイントがもらえます。ポイントでアイテムをゲットして優位に進めよう!とても簡単なので、誰でも気軽に遊べますよ。ベストスコアで世界ランキングに挑戦しよう!※音楽協力【12sound(Twitter:@t_okmt_12sound)】【Rich-media Music (Twitter:@RichMediaMusic)】Round androundWhatevercapture a frustrating stick! !■ How to PlayIt will move the player with the stick at the bottomofthescreen.■ rulesBar will rotate.It aims at the goal so that it is not in contact withtheguardrail,obstacle.Points in accordance with the game result you get a.Let Susumeyo advantage is get the item at the point!It is so simple, anyone can play with ease.Let's challenge to the world rankings in the best score!※ music cooperation[12sound (Twitter: @ t_okmt_12sound)][Rich-media Music (Twitter:RichMediaMusic)]
Follow The Neon Line 1.3
Follow The Neon Line- frustrating bar!■ How to play ■To advance the goal to not hump from the wall by moving afinger■ rules ■The game will be over and in contact with walls and obstaclesBecause it is a simple game, simple, anyone can playwithease.Let's challenge the ranking the best score!