Top 6 Games Similar to CSEN Cinofilia

Agility1st Course Designer 1.0.0
The Agility1st Course Designer App allowsyoutodesign both full courses and short training sequences onyourtablet.Recommended screens sizes are 7" and above, we donotrecommendusing the app on a screen smaller than 1024px wide duetotheamount of scrolling that it would require acrossthecoursearea.Courses can be exported and saved to your camera roll foryoutothen print or email.Course size go up to 40 sqm.Provision for two sets of numbers (red and blue) toallowforpairs courses.Pinch and zoom function allows you to fine tune thelocationsofyour obstaclesCourses can be saved and edited laterA notes section allows you to record details such ascoursetimesor observations from your training sessions.Agility 1st
PES 2016 News 1.7
Things everyone wants - wanted the new PEStohave.
Tips For Winning Eleven 2017 1.3
Pro Evolution soccer 2017 is goingtomakemobile app that will be knonw as Winning Elewen 2017 , ifyouwantto know everything about that game you must download ourapp,there are a lot of tips,strategy guide , pes coins and more.Ifyou are a thrue fan of pes 2017 mobile game it meansthatthisguide is for you.Hope you will enjoy it by installing our guide forwinningeleven2017 konami .This is the best helper in playing winning eleven 17 game.(knownaswe 2012 or we 2016 konami football game )If you will like this app we will create winning eleven2016konamigame too .Disclaimer :Guide For Winning Eleven 2017 is an unofficial version andisnotendorsed by or affiliated with the creator of this gameoritslicenses.This application complies with the guiding principlesofcopyrightlaw reserved for fair use.
Power Dog T.C. 3.2
Questa app riguarda il CentroCinofiloPowerDogT.C. a Vago di Lavagno (Vr), le attività cinofilesvoltesonol'educazione di base, agility dog, rally-o e disc dog.Questa app indica dove poter trovare il centro efavederel'interno della struttura dotata di:- campo al coperto in erba sintetica- area workshop- segreteria con zona relax- spogliatoi con bagno e doccia- ampio parcheggioPossibilità di seguire il campionato italiano di agilityCSENdelTriveneto, valido per partecipare alle selezioni delWAO.Calendario Rally-o (CSEN)Info di carattere generale come orari apertura delcentroecontatti.In ultima gli Eventi proposti come seminari, stage ecc...,leNEWScome informazioni di carattere generale, possibilitàdiseguire indiretta STREAMING avvenimenti come gare,stage,eventi.... e ilgruppo Facebook del PowerDog.Seguiranno aggiornamenti ed eventuali modifiche in caso di bug.This app coverstheDogCenter PowerDog TC in Vago di Lavagno (Vr), theactivitiescarriedout dogs are basic education, dog agility, rally-oand discdog.This app shows where to find the center and shows theinteriorofthe structure with:- Indoor court with synthetic grass- Children's workshop- Answering with relaxation area- Changing rooms with bath and shower- Ample parkingAbility to follow the Italian league agility CSENTriveneto,validto participate in the selection of the WAO.Calendar Rally-o (CSEN)Info General as center opening times and contact details.In the last Suggested events such as seminars, workshopsetc...,the NEWS as general information, ability to watchliveSTREAMINGevents like competitions, internships, events ....andthe group'sFacebook PowerDog.Follow updates and any changes in case of bugs.
Seconde application de la série Citius, Altius,Fortius,aprèsCHRONOPerf, LANCERPerf vient compléter les recueilsdedonnéeseffectués sur les terrains d'athlétisme dans ledomainedeslancers. Tablettes 7" et 10" EXCLUSIVEMENT ! Dotéd'unpuissantsystème de GENERATION de barème, LANCERPerf élabore àlavolée vosgrilles d'EVALUATION attribuant des notes chiffréesenfonction del'âge et du sexe des participants. Mesure etévaluationde laperformance ! La saisie sur le terrain permet defonctionneravecdes groupes même importants, ets'accompagned'informationsimmédiates : RECORD battu de l'épreuve,du test,NOTES... LesBILANS affichent les différentesperformances,permettent de suivreprécisément l'évolution de vosélèves oustagiaires et serontdirectement accessibles en LIGNE grâceàl'interconnexion avecl'ENT PRO-EPS ! LANCERPerf est uneapplicationPROFESSIONNELLEfonctionnant sur différents supports(tablette 7" et10"), auservice des professeurs et des élèves, maiségalementpouvantaccompagner la pratique des entraîneurs. --> Àtitred'exempleen EPS : les tâches d'organisation des épreuves etdemesure desperformances (ainsi que préconisées dans lestextesofficiels duDNB 2012 pour le javelot) sont déléguées auxélèves quisaisissentfacilement les résultats des lancers enfonction destypes d'élanet poids des engins, et avec pour chaqueperformance,une noteattribuée en fonction de l'âge et du sexe surla base debarèmescréés automatiquement par l'application enfonctiondesperformances de terrain. Le GAIN en pratique sur uneleçonpeutêtre considérable et permet un bilan immédiat desperformancesetconditions de réalisations... Pour plusd'informations surcetoutil de relevé, bilan et évaluation: - uneliste complète desAPSAde lancer - le choix des points attribués àla performance -lavisualisation du barème associé au 1/4 de pointpar rapport àlanote maximale - le choix du poids de l'engin avecpar défautdespoids attribués par catégories - le choix du typed'élandel'épreuve - l'envoi par mail des bilans de test etnotes-LANCERPerf intègre également un moduled'information/évaluationenrelation avec les textes français EPS duDiplôme National duBrevet2012 dans l'APSA Javelot. Plusd'informations sur
Guide FIFA 16 Ultimate Tips 4.1
This is Guide, tips and tricks to the gameofFIFA 16 Ultimate Team. This is an unofficial guide, tips andtricksapps by us. You can read about Stadiums Guide, UltimateTeamBeginner's Guide, Finishing Tutorial, Shooting Guide, PassingTips,Crossing Tutorial, Build the Best Ultimate Team for free, etcPlease note - This Guide, Tips and Tricks of FIFA 16UltimateTeam apps is not a game!! It is game guide. Thisapplicationcomplies with US Copyright law guidelines of "fair use".If youfeel there is a direct copyright or trademark violationthatdoesn't follow within the "fair use" guidelines, please contactusdirectly.I hope you read and get some new experience from this appstocreate more moments of magic than ever before with FIFA 16UltimateTeam. Make every match memorable with Increased controlinMidfield, improved defensive moves, more stars, and a new waytoplay.Build your own dream team in FIFA 16 Ultimate Team, ultimateteamguide - how to earn more coins, how to win every match in FUTdraftor compete as one of 12 Women's National Teams for the firsttimeever. This game innovates across the entire pitch anddelivering anauthentic football experience.There is a very useful content in this apps, Please downloadandgive me a good feedback. So we can continue to perform updatesforfurther guide, tips and tricks of FIFA 16 Ultimate Team.