Top 18 Apps Similar to VAI Anas Plus

TomTom AmiGO - GPS Navigation 9.198.0
Online Maps, Live Traffic, Speed Camera & Android Auto
Linea Traffico 3.0.14
All information on Osterreich ', cameras and weather of theItalianroads.
MY WAY Autostrade per l’Italia
Resta aggiornato su traffico, Tutor e servizi inautostrada.Grazieai 2 milioni di sensori mobili Infoblu, My Way tioffreunanavigazione GPS in tempo reale con informazioni sutraffico,tempidi percorrenza, divieti di circolazione, chiusure,lavori incorso,Tutor, autovelox, incidenti, code e altro siasullareteautostradale che sulla viabilità ordinaria. Con MyWayinoltrepuoi: - guardare tu stesso la situazione del trafficosullareteautostradale grazie ai video provenienti da oltre1000telecamerelive - essere avvertito quando entri in tratta tutoremonitorarela velocità media tenuta tra due portali - verificareiprezzicarburante e individuare facilmente quello piùconvenientesul tuopercorso - conoscere tutti i servizi presentinelle areediservizio di Autostrade per l'Italia - scoprire letappedegliitinerari turistici di Sei in un Paese meraviglioso-chiamaretramite un semplice form il soccorso meccanico esanitariolungo larete autostradale - chiamare il call centerviabilità
Traffic Info and Traffic Alert
Avoid traffic jams - google maps & tomtom-maps combinedforgetting the max
Autostradale per l'italia 1.0.1
Semplice e leggera applicazione che consentedicalcolare la tariffa per il pedaggio autostradaleitaliano.Simple andlightweightapplication that allows you to calculate the rate forthe Italiantoll motorway.
MyWAY Truck 2.1.5
MyWAY Truck è l’applicazione ufficialeegratuita di Autostrade per l’Italia in collaborazione conlaPolizia di Stato con informazioni specifiche pergliautotrasportatori con tutte le features dell’App MYWAY oltre adunaserie di funzionalità specifiche pensate per ilmondodell’autotrasporto.***L’app MyWAY Truck permette di accedere alle informazioniditraffico (colori, velocità ed eventi sulle autostrade esulleprincipali strade extra-urbane e cittadine) in modo sempliceeintuitivo attraverso molteplici funzionalità***• NOTIFICHE - Possibilità di ricevere un set di notificherelativeagli aggiornamenti disponibili e allo stato dei servizidisponibilisulla rete autostradale.• SEZIONE «AUTOTRASPORTO» - Visualizzazione con aggiornamentointempo reale delle informazioni relative alla viabilità, lostatodella rete autostradale, le operazioni invernali e i Telepassperl’autotrasporto. Inoltre collegamento agli articoli diViabilitàItalia con la possibilità di scaricare i comunicati inPDF• SEZIONE «VAI A DESTINAZIONE» - per ricevere informazioniditraffico puntuali lungo il percorso richiesto• SEZIONE «SEGUIMI» - consente di visualizzare il traffico intornoate• SEZIONE «MY WAY» - l’ultimo collegamento My Way -fornisceaggiornamenti sullo stato del traffico attraverso icollegamenti MyWay in onda tutti i giorni su Sky Tg 24 e Skymeteo• FUNZIONALITA’ «ALERT SU PERCORSO» - l’utente puòattivarenotifiche push sul traffico sui percorsi salvati,impostandole aseconda dei giorni e dell’orario di interesse.• TUTOR E AUTOVELOX• TELECAMERE• AREE DI SERVIZIO CON LOGHI PARTNER E SERVIZI• MIGLIOR PREZZO CARBURANTE (COMPARAZIONE 4 ADS)• PUNTO BLU*** Funzione “Vai a destinazione”***Consente di impostare e salvare un percorso mostrando tutteleinformazioni rilevanti incluso stato di scorrimento deltraffico,eventi come incidenti, lavori in corso, segnalazionimeteo,stazioni di servizio, prezzi benzina e altro. La funzioneconsenteinoltre di registrare un percorso mentre si è in viaggio,senzadoverlo impostare manualmente. Il percorso potrà esseresalvato perun utilizzo successivo.***Funzione Seguimi ***Visualizza su mappa in real-time la situazione del traffico edeglieventi (incedenti e altro).La mappa consente di visualizzare anche le aree di serviziopresentiintorno a te, , i punto blu dove trovare informazioni suiservizi diAutostrade e le tratte tutor che potranno esserevisualizzate su unamappa dedicata o su un elenco con il dettagliodi tutte le singoletratte.***Funzione notiziari MyWAYConsente di visualizzare gli ultimi notiziari prodotti da MyWAY,laprima tv dedicata al mondo delle autostrade realizzatadaAutostrade per l’Italia e in onda tutti i giorni su Sky Tg 24 eSkyMeteo.***Funzione Tutor***Quando si viaggia in autostrada, un messaggio ti avverte chestaientrando su tratta coperta da tutor e da quel momento una barrainalto ti indica la velocità media tenuta tra due portali.E’ possibile accedere alle pagine «di consultazione» su tutteletratte Tutor, visualizzandole su mappa o tramite un elenco.***Funzione Telecamere*** consente di visualizzare le immaginidellarete autostradale, grazie alle telecamere installate daAutostradeper l’Italia.NOTA TECNICA 1: l’utilizzo del GPS in background puòdiminuiresensibilmente la durata della batteria, si consigliapertanto diutilizzare il cavo di alimentazione da 12V e di unsupporto perauto.NOTA TECNICA 2: Compatibilità con Android 4.0 e superioriMyWay Truck istheofficial application and free of Highways for Italyincollaboration with the State Police with specific informationfordrivers with all the features the App MYWAY addition to a numberofspecific features designed for the world of .*** The app MyWay Truck provides access to trafficinformation(color, speed and events on motorways and main roadsoutside urbanareas and small towns) easily and intuitively throughmultiplefunctionality ***  • NOTIFICATION - Ability to receive a setofnotifications about available updates and the state of theservicesavailable on the motorway network.• SECTION "CARRIAGE" - display with real-time updatingofinformation on road conditions, the state of the roadnetwork,winter operations and Telepass for road transport. Alsolink to thearticles of viabilities Italy with the ability todownload thepress in PDF • SECTION "GO TO DESTINATION" - to receive trafficinformationon time along the path required  • SECTION "FOLLOW ME" - displays the trafficaroundyou  • SECTION "MY WAY" - the last link My Way -providesupdates on traffic through links My Way on the air everyday on SkyTg 24 and Sky weather  • FUNCTIONALITY '' ALERT ON PATH "- the user canturnpush notifications on traffic on saved routes, settingthemdepending on the day and time of interest.  • TUTOR AND SPEED CAMERA  • CAMERAS  • SERVICE AREAS WITH LOGOS AND PARTNERS SERVICES  • BEST PRICES FUEL (4 COMPARISON ADS)  • BLUE POINT*** Function "Go to target" ***Sets and save a route showing all relevant information includingthestate of traffic flow, events such as accidents, road works,weatherreports, service stations, gasoline and other prices. Thefunctionalso allows you to record a route while on the go, withouthaving tomanually set. The route will be saved for lateruse.*** *** Follow me functionShow on map real-time traffic conditions and events(isolatedincidents and more).The map also displays the service areas present around you, thebluedot where to find information about the services of Highwaysandroutes tutor that can be displayed on a map dedicated or on alistwith the details of all individual routes .*** Function news MyWayDisplays the latest news produced by MyWay, the first TVchanneldedicated to the world of highways made by Autostrade forItaly andbroadcast daily on Sky Tg 24 and Sky Weather.*** *** Function TutorWhen traveling on the highway, a message warns you that youareentering on is covered by tutors and from that moment a topbarwill indicate the average speed between two portals.E 'can access the pages' consultation' on all routesTutor,displaying them on a map or by a list.Cameras *** *** Function displays the images of themotorwaynetwork, thanks to the cameras installed by AutostradeforItaly.TECHNICAL NOTE 1: The use of GPS in the background candramaticallydecrease battery life, we recommend that you use thepower of 12Vand a car holder.TECHNICAL NOTE 2: Compatibility with Android 4.0 and higher
Autovelox! 7.5.1
FREE Transform your Android device into a Radar Detector!
AutoSPA–свободные мойки и цены 3.1
Приложение AutoSPA найдет и поможет Вамвыбратьближайшую автомойку с самой-самой привлекательной ценой запомывкуИМЕННО Вашей модели автомобиля!Решили помыть автомобиль без очередей и проволочек?ПриложениеAutoSPA найдет удобную мойку, построит маршрут поездки исопроводитВас до ворот автомойки. С помощью приложения AutoSPAпомывка машиныстанет легким и удобным занятием!Приложение AutoSPA бережет Ваше время и самостоятельнонаходитвсе свободные автомойки. Вам нужно только выбратьпонравившийсявариант!Приложение AutoSPA покажет Вам СТОИМОСТЬ за помывку ИМЕННОВАШЕЙМОДЕЛИ автомобиля на разных мойках. Вы выбираете самыйВЫГОДНЫЙвариант помывки и получаете подарки за помывкуавтомобиля!Приложение AutoSPA полностью БЕСПЛАТНОЕ!При первом запуске приложение просит ввести Ваш номермобильноготелефона, чтобы в дальнейшем организовать с автомойкойформуобратной связи для бронирования времени записи иподтвержденияавтомойкой Вашей заявки.МЫ ГАРАНТИРУЕМ, что Ваш номер не будет передан третьим лицам инебудет использован для спам-рассылок.С помощью приложения AutoSPA можно УДОБНО и БЫСТРОпомытьавтомобиль в Москве, Казани и Нижнем Новгороде. И в самоеближайшеевремя такая возможность появится в других городахРоссии!AutoSPA app will alsohelpyou to choose the nearest car wash, with the most attractivepricefor bathing name of your model car!We decided to wash the car, without queues and delays?AutoSPAapplication finds a convenient sink, and build a tripitinerarywill take you to the car gate. With AutoSPA applicationmachinespomyvka become easy and convenient pastime!AutoSPA application saves your time and find yourself allthefree car wash. You only need to choose a favorite option!AutoSPA application will show you the cost of bathing behalfofyour car model in different washes. You choose the mostconvenientoption bathing and getting gifts for bathing the car!AutoSPA app completely FREE!When you first launch the application prompts you to enteryourmobile phone number to continue to organize a car wash withafeedback form for booking recording time and confirm your carwashapplications.We guarantee that your room will not be transferred tothirdparties and will not be used for spam.With AutoSPA applications can be conveniently and quicklywashthe car in Moscow, Kazan and Nizhny Novgorod. And as soon assuchan opportunity will appear in other Russian cities!
Freewash - мойся без очереди! 1.8.0
Freewash app is an irreplaceable assistant foranyautomobilist,which can help you easily find a convenient carwash,find out itsaddress, book the desired time and wash thecar,without waiting inqueues. Application features: - display ofcarwashes on the map orin the list; - filtration of carwashesaccording to criteria; -detailed info about the cost andadditionalservices; - automaticdetection of geolocation; - bookingof time onthe selected carwash; - confirmation and cancellationofapplications withoutoperator's call; - participation inloyaltyprograms of car washes;Today the service is already launchedandworks in more than 50cities of Russia, Kazakhstan and Moldova.Soonyou will be able tobook time at European car washes. Forgettediouswaiting in queuesat car washes. The program is designed sothat youcan immediately,without losing your precious time, find thenearestcar wash andbook the convenient time. With Freewash you arealwaysawaited!Приложение Freewash - это незаменимый помощникдлялюбогоавтомобилиста, с помощью которого Вы легко сможетенайтиудобнуюдля себя автомойку, узнать её адрес, забронироватьжелаемоевремя ипомыть машину не простаивая в ожидании.Возможностиприложения: -отображение автомоек на карте или списком;-фильтрация автомоек понужным Вам критериям; - подробнаяинформацияо стоимости идополнительных услугах; - автоматическоеопределениегео локации; -бронирование времени на выбраннойавтомойке; -подтверждение иотмена заявок без звонка оператора; -участие впрограммахлояльности автомоей; На сегодняшний день сервисзапущен иработает,более чем в 50 городах России, Казахстана иМолдавии. Вближайшеевремя появится возможность записи на автомойкиЕвропы.Забудьте обутомительном ожидании в очередях наавтомойках.Программа устроенатаким образом, чтобы Вы могли сразу,не теряядрагоценного времени,найти ближайшую автомойку и записатьсянаудобное для Вас время. СFreewash Вас всегда ждут!
Glob - GPS, Traffic and radar
Glob GPS
► Glob is all about contributing toandbenefiting from the common good, but not only ! Glob is asleekcombination of the latest car navigation technologyandworld-class real-time traffic information. You willalwayschoose the best route available based on accurate,real-timetraffic information that gets you to yourdestination faster,every day. Enjoy relaxed driving with accurateand timely alertsfor all types of speed cameras andtraffic jams. Youwill always choose the best route availablebased on accurate,real-time traffic information that getsyou to yourdestination faster, every day. Just by driving with Globopen,you're already contributing tons of real-timetrafficinformation to your local community. You can alsoactively reportaccidents, police traps and other hazards you see onthe road. Getroad alerts along your route.Plus, you can addfriends, sendlocations or keep others posted on your arrival time.Downloadnow for free and join the community of more than 3milliondrivers!► Glob is the most accurate and easiest to use GPS basedapp,which lets you:• Get real-time traffic information: See current trafficconditionsand how to avoid traffic jams• Get alerts for safety cameras: Avoid speeding fines withaccurateand timely speed warnings• Live routing based on community driven, real-time traffic androadinfo• Community reported alerts including accidents, police traps,roadclosures, hazards and more• Drive more safely thanks to acoustic and visual warning• Get the real-time alerts of mobile radar traps andfixedspeed cameras location• Automatic rerouting as conditions change on the road• Benefit from biker Mode or colorblind Mode• Report new traps, police radar, mobile camera with asingletap• Live routing based on community driven, real-time traffic androadinfo• Community reported alerts including accidents, police traps,roadclosures, and more• The world’s largest online speed cam database frompremiumproviders• 300 000+ real-time alerts of mobile speedcamerasand police traps each monthNote: Continued use of GPS running in the backgroundcandramatically decrease battery life. Glob will automaticallyshutdown if you run it in the background and haven't driven forawhile.
Transit: Real-Time Transit App 5.11.3
Transit is your real-time urbantravelcompanion. Navigate your city’s public transit system withaccuratereal-time predictions, simple trip planning,step-by-stepnavigation, service disruption notifications, anddeparture andstop reminders... all presented in a clear, boldinterface. Publictransport not cooperating? Easily request an Uber,reserve acar2go, or grab the closest bike share.Over 125 supported cities including NYC, Chicago, Washington DC,LA,SF, Toronto, Montreal, Vancouver and many more across NorthAmerica& Europe. Check below for a partial list.👉Google Play Picks👈📰 'Killer App' - WSJ📰⏰“You won't realize how much time you can save planning untilyouuse this app” - LA Times⏰🏆"MBTA has a favorite transit app — and it's called Transit"-Boston Globe🏆🗽NYC MTA App Quest Award Winner🗽🚆Elected Official App of Toronto Transit Commission—TTC/blogTO🚆KEY FEATURES- Know when your next subway or bus is arriving withreal-timepredictions- Plan A-to-B trips with ease.- See exactly where your bus or train is on the mapinreal-time.- Get push notifications if service disruptions will affectyourcommute (in select cities).- Launch GO for step-by-step navigation when you’re on anunfamiliarroute.- Receive departure alarms and stop notifications as well aspromptsto pick up the pace in GO.- View schedules and route itineraries. Even offline.- Locate bike share stations, see the number of bikes available,payfor passes, and unlock bikes (in select cities).- Check ETAs for the closest Uber and request a ride.- Find nearby car share vehicles and book one.- Support for all transportation modes: bus / metro / subway /lightrail / streetcar / train / Uber / bike share / car2go /ferryHere is a partial list of supported agencies and cities(full list:⚾USA⚾Atlanta: MARTA*, CCT, GRTAAustin: Capital Metro*, B-cycleBaltimore: MTA*Boston: MBTA*, HubwayChicago: CTA*, Metra*, PACE, NICTD, DivvyCincinnati: Metro*, TANKCleveland: RTA*Columbus: COTA*, CoGoDallas: DART, Fort Worth TDenver: RTD*, B-cycleHampton Roads: HRTHartford (and CT): CTTransit, CTFastrak*Honolulu: TheBus*Houston: METRO*Las Vegas: RTC*Los Angeles: LA Metro*, Metrolink, OCTA*, LADOT*, Omnitrans,RTA,Burbank Bus, Foothill*, Big Blue Bus*, Glendale Beeline*Louisville: TARC*Madison: Metro*, B-cycleMiami: MDT*, BCT, Palm Tran*, Tri-Rail, Citi BikeMilwaukee: MCTS*, Bublr BikesMinneapolis: Metro Transit*, MVTA, Plymouth*, SouthWest*,U.Minnesota*, Nice RideNYC Metro: New York MTA*, Metro-North (MNR)*, Long Island RailRoad(LIRR)*, NJ Transit (NJT)*, PATH, SI Ferry, NICE*, Bee-Line,RITram, NY Waterway, SIR* Citi BikeOrlando: Lynx*Philadelphia: SEPTA*, PATCO, IndegoPhoenix: Valley Metro*Pittsburgh: Port Authority (PAAC)*Portland: TriMet*SLC: UTA*, GREENbikeSan Diego: MTS*, NCTD*SF Bay Area: SF BART*, SF MUNI*, Caltrain*, AC Transit*,VTA*,County Connection*, SamTrans, Bay Area Bike ShareSeattle: Metro Transit*, City of Seattle*, Sound Transit*,PierceTransit, ProntoSt. Louis*Tampa Bay: HART*, PSTAWashington DC: WMATA (DC Metro & Bus)*, DC Circulator*,RideOn*, Arlington (ART)*, Fairfax Connector, VRE*, DASH, CapitalBikeShare+20 more cities!🍁CANADA🍁CalgaryEdmonton: ETS*HalifaxLondon: LTCMontréal: STM, RTL, STL*, AMT*, MRC, CIT, BixiOttawa: OC Transpo*, STOQuébec: RTC*Saskatoon*Toronto (GTA): TTC*, GO Transit, York (YRT/VIVA)*, Guelph,HSR*,Grand River (GRT), Brampton (BT), MiWay, Burlington,Oakville,Durham (DRT), Toronto Bike ShareVancouver: TransLink*, SkyTrain*Victoria: BC TransitWindsorWinnipeg*+ 10 more cities!⛵EUROPE⛵London*Paris*Marseille*Milan*Rome*Berlin*+many more!🏄Australia🏄Melbourne*Sydney*+ more!*includes real-time info(eg bus time & subway time inNYC,bus tracker & train tracker in Chicago, NextBus inBoston,etc)
SRF Verkehrsinfo 3.2.1
SRF Verkehrsinfo hält Sie über dieaktuelleVerkehrslage auf den Schweizer Strassen auf dem Laufenden.Anhandvon Webcam-Bildern können Sie das Verkehrsaufkommenselberbeobachten. Ausserdem erfahren Sie, in welchen Parkhäuserningrösseren Städten noch Plätze frei sind.Hauptfunktionen von „SRF Verkehsinfo“:• Informationen zur aktuellen Verkehrslage auf denSchweizerStrassen mit folgenden Kategorien: Verkehrslage,Strassenzustand,Baustellen, Pässe, Tunnelzufahrten, Autoverlad,Parking undWebcams• Kartenansicht mit Infos zum Verkehrsfluss• Locate-me-Funktion: positioniert die Karte anIhremStandort.• Listenfunktion mit Meldungen in der Nähe und Favoriten• Push-Nachrichten-Dienst für wichtige Autobahnabschnitte• Staumelder und Notfallnummern• Informationen zum Bahnverkehr• Sprachversionen deutsch, französisch (RTS trafic) unditalienisch( traffico)SRF Traffic keepsyouinformed of the current traffic situation on the Swiss roadstodate. Using webcam images You can watch the traffic itself.Youwill also learn where car parks in major cities there areplacesavailable.Key features of "SRF Verkehsinfo":• information about the current traffic situation on the Swissroadsfollowing categories: traffic, road conditions, constructionsites,passports, tunnel entrances, car transport, parkingandWebcams• Map with information about the traffic flow• locate me function: positions the map to your location.• List function with messages near and Favorites• Push-message service for major highway sections• congestion indicators and emergency numbers• information on rail services• languages ​​German, French (RTS trafic) and Italian(RSI.chtraffico)
Muoversi a Roma Official App 2.7.4
Roma servizi per la Mobilità hasdevelopedMuoversi a Roma, the official app of toinform andupdate in real time citizens, tourists, commuters andcity users onpublic and private mobility.The app allows you to:- ROUTE PLANNER: view your jorney on map and choose how toreachyour destination using real-time information about bus androadcongestion- BUS WAITING TIMES AND ROUTES: view your bus route on map andcheckwaiting times at your bus stop- POINTS OF INTERESTS: find the point of interest(pharmacies,garages and more) closer to you- NEWS: latest news on public and private mobilityIn addition, you can use the same credentials ofmuoversiaroma.itto bookmark bus lines or bus stops.
Vai Fácil DF 2.5
-The Vai Fácil App simplifies usersofpublictransportation in Brasilia to research itinerary of thebuslinesin the main points of the capital stating remindersthroughtheschedules of selected lines as "Favorites". The VaiFácilwasdeveloped for the Android platform, and can be usedinPortugueseand English.-With a simple and intuitive interface, you canchecktimetables,prices and create notifications.New features are coming. wait,* DATA ABOUT BUS LINES OBTAINED WITH THE DFTRANS.
ID Mobile SA
The Swiss-Traffic application (TrafficinSwitzerland) informes for FREE since 10 years about theinstantroad and traffic conditions, localized and auditiv.Because of the auditiv function it's the only application youcanuse while you are driving!«Like when using a GPS navigation system, you will be informedinadvance by the voice system of any danger or traffic delaysthatmight occur on your itinerary, and this without anyrequiredhandling of your smartphone. Thanks to thesepreventiveinformations, you can change your route and gain a lot oftime.»We inform you before and during your trip about :• ghost drivers, accidents traffic jams and delays reported iinrealtime• road repair sites, closed roads, mountain pass closures• continously updated and reported speedlimitations• route planner• voice alarm WHEN exceeding the permitted speed• New WIDGET! (first add favorites with route planner, minAndroid3.0)Infos: [Call phone numbers directly ]Only used to be able to call our Traffic Information Centerdirectlyfrom the application.***Using Swiss Traffic, you allow the application to transmit yourGPSposition in our computer center.These position data are completely anonymous and are usedtocalculate traffic overloads in order to continuously improvethequality of our traffic information.***
V-Traffic: traffic info
Travelling in Europe*? Check traffic androadweather conditions along your route!Don’t waste any more time stuck in traffic jams! Trafficinformationfrom V-Traffic gives you real-time updates on trafficstatus,accidents, road closures, bottlenecks, road works,congestion,police checkpoints**, speed cameras** and animalhazards (wildanimals crossing the road, farm animals on the road,etc.).Report any incidents you encounter while travelling simplybytapping the ‘Report event’ button and selecting the typeofincident (accident, congestion, road works, slippery road,policecheckpoint or animal hazard).Consult our road weather service before setting out. This willgiveyou plenty of real-time warning of weather conditions thatmayaffect traffic flow, saving you time and helping you travelmoresafely. Our road weather service was developed in partnershipwiththe Finnish Meteorological Institute.Weather forecasts produced in partnership with Météo-Franceprovideyou with detailed weather predictions covering several daysat atime.The most complete service available:V-Traffic covers more than 600,000 km of road network inEurope*,including motorways, secondary roads and urban arteries.Allinformation is updated in real time, offering unprecedentedlevelsof quality and accuracy.Whether commuting to work or travelling on vacation, you cannowcall up accurate traffic information directly from yoursmartphone.Travelling abroad? Avoid traffic congestion and plan thebestroutes using the latest local information, updated inrealtime.With a single tap, you can check traffic conditions inParis,Stockholm, Olso, Warsaw, Copenhagen, Helsinki and manyotherEuropean cities.*Available in: France, Finland, Sweden, Norway, DenmarkandPoland.**Depending on local legislation and availability.
Tutor Tracker 2.57
Sergio Bassan
We want for everyone only the bestexperienceso, for any problems, please send an email to [email protected], or checkthesupport link.Tutor Tracker allows you to measure your average speedwhiledriving on highways controlled by the Tutor speedcontrolsystem.Have you ever been in your car asking yourself how fast youdrovethe last few miles? Too fast? Too slow?Tutor Tracker keeps track of your speed on motorways controlledbythe Tutor system and recommends the speed to keep in order toreachthe next control with the correct average speed.Simple and effective.You can also activate alarms, that indicate when you exceed upto3 speed limits that can be customized, and save and exportyourtrips in Google Maps format.Tutor Tracker covers the whole Italian motorway networkandautomatically updates when changes or additions areavailable.You can submit new Tutor locations from inside applicationduringtrip tracking: simply press your finger on the map, whilecrossingthe new portal, until you hear the 'Click' and the currentpositionwill be saved ready to be uploaded.You can also reset your average speed at any moment, bytouchingthe indicator.Demo Mode, in Preferences, allow you to see how theapplicationworks.Visit for more information.Please note that continued use of GPS running in thebackgroundcan dramatically decrease battery life.
FN Mobilità è lieta di presentarvi lanuovaAPP" carsharing e-vai!"Una volta iscritto al servizio, potrai effettuareildownloaddell'app e avrai la possibilità di:- aprire l'auto con un click- tenere monitorati costantemente i tuoi noleggi- prenotare direttamente dal tuo smartphone- visualizzare il parcheggio più vicinoFN Mobility isproudtopresent the new APP "carsharing and-go!"Once subscribed to the service, you will be able todownloadtheapp and you'll have the opportunity to:- Open the car with a click- Keep constantly monitored your rentals- Book directly from your smartphone- Show the nearest car park