Top 5 Apps Similar to Root Tester

Advanced Root Checker Pro 1.7.0
3k Developers
Advanced Root Checker Pro the ultimate root checking App foreveryandroid phone
Root/SU Checker & Busy Box Pro 2.4
DoubleDot Studios
*Most light-weight Root Checker app* Root Checker isfreelight-weight app to verify or check if your Android devicehasproper root (superuser or su) access. This is the mostaccurateroot checking app without any ads. This app also lets youfind outif Busy Box is installed on your android device, it alsotells thebusy box path. In addition to root/super user checking andbusybox, this app also gives the following build information aboutyourandroid device - • Brand • Bootloader • CPU_AB1 • CPU_AB2 •Display• Fingerprint • Hardware • Model • Product • Serial • Tags •Type •User • Codename • Incremental • Release Root Checker was madeforusers to easily check for root user access(super user) ontheirphones. This will notify users of the above information. Thisis asimple application that root access by accessing the “su”binarythat is installed on a user’s phone when rooting their phone.Also,the application, “SuperUser” must be installed and workingproperlyas well in order for the process to work. This applicationprovideseven the newest Android user with a simple method to checktheirdevice for root (administrator, superuser, or su) access.Theapplication provides a very simple user interface thateasilynotifies the user whether or not they have properly setuproot(superuser) access. With this application, you can easily findoutif your device has root (superuser) access. It is a verysimple,quick and reliable method to get these info. Root Checkerwillcheck and verify that the su binary is located in astandardlocation on the device. In addition, Root Checker willverify thatthe su binary is properly functioning in granting root(superuser)access. A lot of times, users experience issues abouttheinstallation path, configuring and gaining root access. Theprocesscould be simple for advanced users but for some users, theprocessis difficult. Regardless of the user's technical skill set,RootChecker, will quickly and correctly verify whether or notrootaccess is correctly functioning. The process of confirmingrootaccess is sometimes known by other terms such as, gainingsuperuseraccess or gaining administrator access. Root Checkercovers allthese terms as they relate to one core function, beingable toexecute commands through the su binary with root access. Ifyouhave any queries or suggestions, please write [email protected]
Root Checker Pro
**** THIS APPLICATION DOES NOT REQUIREROOTACCESS ******** THIS APPLICATION WILL NOT ROOT THE DEVICE ****This application will allow the user to confirm they haveproperroot ( superuser ) access and a proper BusyBoxinstallation.The Root Check mode displays the most important informationwhendetermining whether root (superuser) access has beenproperlyinstalled: standard su binary locations and filepermissions, rootuid/gid (user id/group id) and SELinux contextresults, Superuserapplication installations and version, adb shelldefault user mode(shell or root user), SELinux Status (enforcing ornot), and theSystem defined PATH.For the more advanced and technically inclined users, manyimportantdetails are provided around the Root and BusyBoxinstallation. Theapplication presents all the details needed toproperly troubleshootany Root or BusyBox issues.The goal of this application is to provide even the newestAndroiduser with a simple method to check their device for rootaccess.This application will also allow the user to verify aproperBusyBox installation.**PLEASE EMAIL ME WITH ISSUES OR QUESTIONS REGARDING MYAPPLICATION.I ALWAYS REPLY!**The application makes it very simple and easy to export thedetailedoutput via email or any other social media applicationinstalled onthe device. One simple button allows Root (superuser)and BusyBoxdetails to be shared for collaborating ortroubleshooting!This application will test the device for root access. Verysimple,quick, and reliable test method to check for root access.The subinary is the most common binary used on Android devices tograntroot access. This application will check and verify the subinarylocation and permissions on the device. This informationisgenerally the most helpful in diagnosing issues withrootaccess.A common method for resolving issues around properly installingandconfiguring root access via the su binary is to gatherthepermissions around the su binary along with theinstallationlocation. All this information is quickly summarized ina fewseconds by this application. To grant even greaterconvenience,this information can be quickly exported and shared forassistancein resolving su binary and root issues.The widget provided along with this application allows easyandconstant monitoring of root and busybox installation status.Thewidget allows the user to setup a timer interval to check forrootand busybox status. The widget will always keep the user up todatevia on screen widget notifications regarding root andbusyboxinstallation and operating status.Please don't leave negative feedback! Instead, please email mewithyour feedback, suggestions, and comments! Feel free to emailyouradvanced root/BusyBox results along with your feedback!Thankyou!!
Wps Wpa Tester Premium
Sangiorgi Srl
Test if your Access Point Wi-Fi is vulnerable and its speed !
Root Checker Pro - 90% OFF launch Sale 3.0
Motivation Inc
Root Checker Pro is a a fast and easy to use one-clickrootcheckingapp to verify if your device has proper root accessornot(superuser or su). *************DeveloperNote***************"AndI am no longer a slave..." Hi guys, I havebeen banging myheadsince 4 days thinking how to thank you guys forall your love.Ithas been a crazy 5 years. I was stuck in a job Ihated,doingthings I didn't like. I always had this urge to create,workonsomething which I can leave down as a legacy. Developingappswasjust the right instrument to give a physical form to thaturge(tocreate). Started as a 20 year old collegestudent,studyingelectronics, who just wanted to experiment andlearn, theseappshave become my bread and butter now. Everyday Iwake upfeelinggrateful, realising I am doing exactly what I wantedto do.Supportfrom you guys motivates me to push harder and makebetterapps. Ipromise you, you can expect the highest quality whenyoudownloadmy apps and I would never leave you hanging, emailmeanytime [email protected] for any queries and I wouldreplywithin 24hrs. Also, If you feel a little generous, please buytheproversions, to fund my late nights of work. The only thing Iwant,isfor you to have a great experience when you use my apps.Iwon'tlie, It really feels great when you guys share yourloveinreviews. You guys are like my extended family, love you! P.S:Youcan always reach out to me if you can't afford proversions,Iwould be happy to share a promocodewithyou.********************************************** Itishighlyaccurate due to it's threefold verification naturewhichincludes:• Searching for the su binary in the defaultlocations. •Checkingbuild.TAG for "test-keys". • executing the sucommand tocheck forroot privileges. this ensure trusted results andmakessure youknow exactly what's going on with your phone. Alongwiththat, rootchecker also checks the system for busyboxinstallationand alsoprovides the user some basic info on whyrooting theirdevice mayor may not be beneficial for them. Rootchecker provideseven thenewest Android user with a simple method tocheck theirdevice forroot (administrator, superuser, or su) access.Theapplicationprovides a very simple user interface thateasilynotifies the userwhether or not they have properly setuproot(superuser) access. Itis common for users to experienceissuesalong the path ofinstalling, configuring, and gaining rootaccess.The rootingprocess may seem easy to some users while complexforothers butregardless of the users' skill set, Root Checker,willquickly andcorrectly verify whether or not root accessisperfectlyfunctioning or not. The process of confirming rootaccessissometimes known by other terms such as, gaining superuseraccessorgaining administrator access. Root Checker covers allthesetermsas they relate to one core function, being able toexecutecommandsthrough the su binary with root access. If you faceanyissues withthe app please contact me before posting anegativereview. PrivacyPolicy: Root checker uses Firebase analyticstogather some basicuser data such as device id, usagetime,country/location, appcrashes etc. The soul purpose of thisdata isto provide betteruser experience and to monitor the app forcrashesand misbehavior.your privacy is important to us.