Top 19 Apps Similar to Ancient Egypt 3D

Kemetic Calendar 2.4
A Calendar & Planner app based on the Sirius Star used bytheAncient Egyptians
Solar System HD Deluxe Edition 3.5.0
Mozg Labs
Solar System fantasy on your Android
PlanetDroid 6.3.0
W. Strickling
Universal astronomy ephemeris App for calculating highprecisionephemeris
DSO Planner Plus (Astronomy) 3.4.0
DSO Planner Plus is an astronomyobservationplanning tool with excellent star charting capabilitiesmade byactive and experienced amateur observers with a passion forvisualobservations. It has large integrated deep sky objectsdatabasesand star catalogs, and provides an opportunity to createany numberof user own object databases. The application excels atcreatingobservation plans on the fly, has powerful notetakingcapabilities, PushTo and GoTo support and night (red)mode.Consider Pro Edition if you need more stars/PGC objects.Before installation please make sure that you have at least 540MBoffree space on your internal SD card to downloadapplicationdatabases! (Note: due to Google Play rules this datacannot bemoved to your external SD card - you must have 540MB freeon yourinternal SD card!)+ Star catalogs. USNO UCAC4 (full star coverage to 14m, 15.4mnstars), Tycho-2 (2.5 mn stars), Yale bright star catalog (9000stars)+ Deep sky catalogs. NgcIc (12 000 objects includingMessier,Caldwell and Herschel 400 objects), SAC (Saguaro AstronomyClubdatabase, 10 000 objects), UGC (13 000 objects), Lynds darkandbright nebula (3 000 objects), Barnard dark nebula (350objects),SH2 (300 objects), PK (1 500 planetary nebula), Abellcluster ofgalaxies (2 700 objects), Hickson Compact Group (100objects), PGC(153 000 galaxies to 16.7m)+ Double Star catalog. Brightest Double Stars (2 300stars),Washington Double Star Catalog (120 000 stars), double starsfromYale catalog. Info Panel with PA and separation foreachcomponent.+ Comet support. Orbital elements of around 700 observablecometscould be automatically updated via internet+ Minor planet support. Database of 10 000 brightestminorplanets+ Famous Steve Gottlieb Notes attached to NGCIC objects+ Custom catalogs. Unlimited capability to create fullysearchableown catalogs+ Cross-match names database. Search objects by lesscommonnames+ DSS imagery support. Download DSS images of any sky portionintooffline cache and overlay it on the star chart+ Offline images. Integrated set of images of most NgcIcobjects,opportunity to add own images when creating customcatalogs+ Nebula contours. Contours of famous nebulae+ Object contours. Ellipse in real dimension and orientation+ Night mode. Fully red screen with red keyboard and menus+ PushTo for dobsonian mounts with setting circles. Levelyourdobsonian mount and perform one star alignment. The appwillautomatically recalculate az/alt numbers to easily hunttheobject+ GoTo for Meade and Celestron controllers withbluetoothdongle+ Unique visibility tool. Only objects that are visiblewithselected equipment in the current sky conditions could be shownonthe Star Chart (for objects from NGCIC/SAC/PGC catalogs)+ Planning tool. Filter any objects database by observerlocation,sky condition, astronomical equipment, time range ofobservationand object features (type, dimension, magnitude, minimalaltitude,visibility and other fields of own custom catalogs).Removeduplicate objects when searching in intersecting databases.Createup to 4 observation lists. Easily track observed andremaining tobe observed objects with note taking tool+ Import tool. Import observation lists in Sky Safari and SkyToolsformat. Use pre-compiled Night Sky Observer Guideobservationlists.+ Note taking. Take text and/or audio notes+ Observing places. GPS, manual coordinates, custom lists.Databasewith 24 000 cities worldwide+ Equipment. Keep track of all your telescopes and eyepieces.Usethem for object visibility calculation and star charting. Use500popular eyepieces database+ Twilight calculator. Calculation of the full darkness foracurrent night and for a month ahead.+ 2 visual themes (bright and dark)+ Powerful share/export/import capabilities (ofdatabases,observation lists, notes)Disclaimer
Unistellar 2.5.0
Pioneer the New Frontier in Astronomy.
Solar Walk 2 for Education, Te 1.6.3
Teach & Learn astronomy: 3D model of our solar systemforeducational purposes📚
DSO Planner Basic (Astronomy) 3.4.0
DSO Planner Basic is an astronomyobservationplanning tool with excellent star charting capabilitiesmade byactive and experienced amateur observers with a passion forvisualobservations. Basic Edition version comes equipped with Yalebrightstar catalog (9 000 stars to 6.5m), 600 000 stars to 10.7mfromTycho-2 catalog, 3 100 brightest objects from NGCICcatalog,observable comets (around 700) and 500 brightest minorplanets. Theapplication excels at creating observation plans on thefly, haspowerful note taking capabilities, PushTo and GoTo supportandnight (red) mode.Consider Plus/Pro Edition if you need more objects/starsandopportunity to create your own object databases.Before installation please make sure that you have at least 100MBof free space on your internal SD card to downloadapplicationdatabases! (Note: due to Google Play rules this datacannot bemoved to your external SD card - you must have 100 MB freeon yourinternal SD card!)+ Deep sky catalogs. NgcIc (3 100 objects includingMessier,Caldwell and Herschel 400 objects)+ Double Star catalog. 500 double stars from Yale catalog shownonStar Chart. Info Panel with PA and separation foreachcomponent.+ Comet support. Orbital elements of around 700 observablecometscould be automatically updated via internet+ Famous Steve Gottlieb Notes attached to NGCIC objects+ Cross-match names database. Search stars / objects by lesscommonnames+ DSS imagery support. Download DSS images of any sky portionintooffline cache and overlay it on the star chart+ Offline images. Integrated set of images of mostNgcIcobjects+ Nebula contours. Contours of famous nebulae+ Object contours. Ellipse in real dimension and orientation+ Night mode. Fully red screen with red keyboard and menus+ PushTo for dobsonian mounts with setting circles. Levelyourdobsonian mount and perform one star alignment. The appwillautomatically recalculate az/alt numbers to easily hunttheobject+ GoTo for Meade and Celestron controllers withbluetoothdongle+ Unique visibility tool. Only objects that are visiblewithselected equipment in the current sky conditions could be shownonthe Star Chart+ Planning tool. Filter any objects database by observerlocation,sky condition, astronomical equipment, time range ofobservationand object features (type, dimension, magnitude, minimalaltitude,visibility). Remove duplicate objects when searchinginintersecting databases. Create up to 4 observation lists.Easilytrack observed and remaining to be observed objects withnotetaking tool+ Import tool. Import observation lists in Sky Safari and SkyToolsformat+ Note taking. Take text and/or audio notes+ Observing places. GPS, manual coordinates, custom lists.Databasewith 24 000 cities worldwide+ Equipment. Keep track of all your telescopes and eyepieces.Usethem for object visibility calculation and star charting. Use500popular eyepieces database+ Twilight calculator. Calculation of the full darkness foracurrent night and for a month ahead+ 2 visual themes (bright and dark)+ Powerful share/export/import capabilities (ofdatabases,observation lists, notes)Disclaimer
AstroCalendar 4.0
Bhushan Babar
AstroCalendar - Calendar of astronomical and stargazing events
GeoEngineering 1.0
Smartphone app for day to day practice of Geo-Technical Engineers.
Virtual Microscope - Minerals 2023.8.1
Interactive thin sections of minerals under the microscope.
SkillMill 53
SkillMill is an online, on-demand learning platform for theskilledtrades.
Mobile Observatory - Astronomy
Wolfgang Zima
Mobile Observatory is the perfect toolforanybody interested in the sky's wonders, from the occasionalskygazer to the passionate amateur astronomer.Do you want to know if the next lunar eclipse is visible fromyourlocation or when the next bright comet is visible? Would youliketo be notified by your smart phone next time, Jupiter and theMoonmeet in the sky? Do you want to know what the blazing brightobjectin the evening sky is? Do you want to be always up-to-datewhichcelestial events that are visible from your location? Thenthis appis a must-have for you!Mobile Observatory does not only include a live, zoomable skymapwhich tells you what sky object you are looking at but providesyouwith loads of detailed extra information on stars, planets,deepsky objects, meteor showers, comets, asteroids, lunar andsolareclipses as well as detailed ephemeris of all included skyobjectsand an interactive top-down view of the Solar System. Allthat injust one app!Main Features- Zoomable sky map showing stars, planets, asteroids, andmore(above and below the horizon)- Interactive top-down view of the Solar System- Live mode (point device on sky and get information on whatyousee)- Calendar showing detailed descriptions of celestial events- Push celestial events to your phone's calendar and set areminderalarm- Rise, set, and transit times for any object- Position of any object in the sky (altitude and direction)- Twilight times, length of day- Bright Star Catalog (~9000 stars) with detailed information- More than 400 000 additional stars from the PPM StarCatalog(Android 3.1 or higher required)- 2500 selected NGC objects (galaxies, clusters, ...)- Messier Catalog (110 objects) complete with images- Caldwell Catalog (110 objects) complete with images- Hidden Treasures Catalog (109 objects) complete with images- Meteor streams (begin, maximum, hourly rate, ...)- Lunar and solar eclipses information- Lunar librations, ascending node, maximum declination- Bright comets (automatically selected according to thedate)- Dwarf planets: The five known dwarf planets- Minor planets: bright, near Earth, trans-Neptune (more than10000in the database)- Update database online: download up-to-date orbital elementsofcomets and minor planets- Moon phases, the apparent view of the sun and planets- Current image of the Sun and sunspot number- Automatically generated visibility report for any object- Simulation of light pollution- Intuitive User Interface: quickly find what you arelookingfor- Widget with rise & set times of the Sun and Moon- Maintain your favorite locations in a list- Automatic location determination from the mobile networkorGPS- Select a location from a built-in database or online viaGoogleMaps- 400 observatory locations- Choose any time and date- Detailed ephemeris, visibility information of all objects- Dates of conjunctions between any object with planets ortheMoon- 3D-view of the Moon and the planets- Accurate calculations for dates between 1900 and 2100
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Study in Egypt
Study in Egypt includes data of all institutions of highereducationin egypt.
Armillary Sphere 1.0.3
Measure and record specific times, locations and movement of theSunand stars.
The Meridian 3.0.0
full 3D App for the oriental medicine, meridian, and acupuncture.
EclipseDroid USB 7.1.0
W. Strickling
EclipseDroid is the ultimate companion foreachengaged solar eclipse observer and all people, who areinterested insolar eclipses Your Guide for obserserving the BlackSun. The appcalculates exact data for any solar eclipse at anylocation, totalas well as annular, hybrid or partial eclipses aswell as ancient orfuture ones. Relax and watch the eclipse and notyour cameras,EclipseDroid will work for you!New in version 6: Text to speech (TTS) supported,- Network commands for WiFi network based cameras (Tested forPenatxFluCard), see Version 5 includes an EFlight mode for eclipseobservationfrom an aircraft. Now all timing tasks will run in aservice whichprevent from being terminated in background. Minorimprovements fornewer Canon cameras.EclipseDroid is especially designed to support engaged solareclipseobservers in their observations. It will show timetablesandcountdowns for the contact times, make acoustic announcementsof thecontacts or other user defined events. It will launch otherapps,show text announcements and trigger internal or externalcamerasconnected by USB or optical cable. All these events can bedefinedand customized in a script by the user. The timings of theeventsdepend on the contact times which are calculated with highprecisionfrom the actual device's position or a customlocation.To prepare your eclipse observation, select a desired locationfromthe map, from a list or input free coordinates. To rehearseandcheck your observation program, simply run EclipseDroid ineclipsesimulation mode. When selecting and checking yourobservation site,avoid unpleasant surprises like buildings or treesblocking youreclipse view! Just call the AR (Augmented reality)screen ofEclipseDroid to see an overlay of the Sun's position ateclipsetime with an actual camera image.EclipseDroid has several screens and layouts to show theprecisecontact times for your location. These are the beginning andend ofthe eclipse (C1 and C4), the beginning and end of the totalorannual phase (C2 and C3), the time of mid eclipse and thecurrentpercentage of coverage of the solar disk. You have thechoice oftwo layouts: a smart layout showing the localcircumstances and ananimation of the eclipse in a condensed form orthe classic layoutwith countdowns for all contacts, an events listwith the nextupcoming events and the actual eclipse view, if theeclipse isrunning.In the 'eclipse details' screen you get full information aboutthelocal and global circumstances and tables of magnitude timesforphotographers. Pressing 'Menu' will add the eclipse toyourfavorite personal calendar.Required Permissions:- Hardware controls: Camera. Required for AR.May cause compatibility refusal for devices without frontcamera.Try installation from mywebsite!- Exact location and network location: Forsite-specificcalculations of the contact times.- Internet Access: Online selection and network basedlocalizationof an observation site, database download.- SD card access: Storing settings, event lists, logs, locationsanddatabases. Cache for Google Maps for offline use.- System tools: Keep screen on if connected to external power- Your Account - Read Google service configuration: Needed fortheGoogle maps moduleLunar eclipses are not supported, nor does the app containprettypictures of huge graphics!Bugs or problems found? Please send an error report for bugfixingor send an email instead of giving bad ratings!Translators welcome! If you like this app and prefer it inyourlanguage, contact me! Translation is rather easy.
Azada [Full] 1.0.11
Solve the mysterious Azada and break the magical spell!
Learn Chinese Phrases 1.2.9
Learn 2000+ Chinese Mandarin common phrases. Speak Chinese in10minutes!