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Notifications for new ads 2.52
By anchar2k
Find out the new ads automatically!
Notifications for Avito Pro 1.14
With this program you will found out new offersonAvitoautomatically. Create a new subscription with thedesiredsearchcriteria and you will always be up to date with newoffers.Avito is a trademark of Avito Holding AB.
Объявления FarPost: работа, ав
FarPost LLC
Millions of ads in Russia: goods, services, real estate,parts,labor.
Maroc Annonces 2.0.4
Avec cette application, vos petites annonces sont à portée demain,vous pourrez consulter le même contenu du site sous unenouvelleversion mobile adaptée à vos terminaux Android: smartphoneettablette.L'application offre plusieurs fonctionnalités:# Effectuer des recherches ciblées.# Consulter les annonces par catégorie.# Contacter directement l’annonceur par téléphone, SmsouEmail.# Sauvegarder vos options de recherches.# Partager les annonces préférées via Facebook, Twitter, Google+ouEmail.# Visualiser les dernières annonces sur l'accueil devotresmartphone grâce au Widget.Cette application a été réalisée par la société Mobiacube.Withthisapplication, your ads are handy, you can view the same contentonthe site in a new version adapted to your mobile Androiddevices:smartphone and tablet.The application offers several features:# Conduct targeted research.# View ads by category.# Contact the advertiser directly by phone, sms or email.# Save your search options.# Share favorite ads via Facebook, Twitter, Google+ or email.# View the latest ads on the homepage of your smartphone usingtheWidget.This application was made by the company Mobiacube.
Cliki Morocco Ads 1.1.5
Earn money by selling your old items that you no longer useandfindthe best deals near you. Open your "pocket store" anddiscoverawhole lot of ads; you are buying or selling, Cliki isthebestapplication to buy / sell used items in your city.SELLPRODUCTSTHAT YOU DO NOT USE - HOW TO SELL? Selling on Clikiiseasy, fastand free. Selling all used products you want andpostyour adseasily: simply take a picture of your item from yourphoneand postit on the application. In seconds, your ad ispublished andthearticle is available for sale to buyers in thevicinity. Tryitout, meet prospective buyers near and earn money bygiving asecondlife to your items on the market. FIND GOOD DEALSAROUND YOU- HOWTO BUY? If you are looking constantly for deals,Cliki istheperfect application for you. You can find your dreamcar,orapartment, for example from your phone on a couple ofclicksaway!In addition, deals are near you. Cliki is a new waytotradebetween individuals: contact the seller directly andmakeyourpurchase in the corner! ************* With Clikiyou*********** +Post your ad for free in seconds + Create and editads+ Contacteasily by sellers. Phone, SMS, e-mail + Save listingstoyour listof favorites. + Sign in to your email account orFacebook+ Receivealerts for items you want + Find listings nearby.+ SearchAd (s)with keyword / Minimum Price - Maximum price /categories +Nocharge whatsoever. ************ What can you buy andsell ontheapp? ********* • Cars and Automobiles • Real estate:housesandapartments for sale and for rent • Electronics:Smartphones,cameras, tablets / iPad, video games • Clothing:clothing,jewelryand watches, perfumes and accessories • Search anddrop joboffers• Appliances, furniture, sports equipment • Tickets,booksand DVD• Baby and Children's Products • Selected jobandcommunityannouncements Come see us if you use Avito, Rawaj,Moroccoads,Vivastreet, Bikhir, Superdeal, Hmizate, Moroccojobs,soukaffaires,Mabroka, jootia, Alwadifa and other ad sites foruseditems!Download it now and discover what's happening inyourcommunityCliki. Have a question? Send us an e-mail [email protected] tojoinus?
Notifications for 1.2
With this program you will found out new cars onAvitoautomatically. Create a new subscription with the desiredsearchcriteria and you will always be up to date with new cars.AUTO.RU ® is a trademark of AUTO.RU Holding
Клиент для сайта 1.17
Уважаемые пользователи: убедительная просьба, при появленииошибок,которых раньше небыло, сообщайте об этом на по электроннойпочте[email protected],этозначительно ускорит решение проблемы.Неофициальный клиент для сайта Позволяетпосмотретьинформацию об объявлениях о продаже легковыхавтомобилей,мотоциклов, скутеров, квадроциклов и другой мототехники ипозвонить продавцу для уточнения деталей прямо изприложения. Также в приложении есть возможность почитать отзывывладельцевавтомобилей о своих машинах. Если Вы приехали в другойгород, чтобыкупить автомобиль, это приложение станет Вашимпомощником в поискевариантов для покупки. С помощью фильтра Высможете легкоподобрать, подходящие Вам, варианты объявлений помарке, модели,цене и другим параметрам.В приложении так же есть каталог автомобилей в которомможнопосмотреть подробные характеристики выпускаемых модификацийтогоили иного автомобиля.ВНИМАНИЕ!Если у Вас установлен антирекламный аплет, программа скореевсегоработать не будет. Будет показывать просто черный экран.Это не особенность программы, это особенность антирекламногомодуля,он по каким то причинам помимо рекламы блокирует и работупрограммыв целом.Dearusers:please kindly, with the appearance of errors whichpreviouslynebilo, report it by e-mail [email protected], it will speedupthe solution of the problem.Unofficial client for the site Allows you toviewinformation about ads for the sale of cars, motorcycles,scooters,ATVs and other motorcycle technology and call the sellerforfurther details directly from the application. Also intheapplication it is possible to read reviews of car ownersabouttheir cars. If you come to another city to buy a car, this appwillbe your aide in the search for options to purchase. Withthefilter, you can easily pick up suitable you options for yourmake,model, price and other parameters.The application also has a catalog of cars in which you canviewdetailed specifications produced by modifications of acar.WARNING!If you have a antireklamny applet, the program probably willnotwork. It will show a black screen.This is not a feature of the program, this featureantireklamnogomodule, it for some reason, in addition toadvertising blocks andthe program as a whole.
Камелот Объявления Воронеж 3.9.17
Camelot LLC
Camelot Ads - easy access to relevant ads and Voronezh region.
SS.COM and - Ads 4.04
The largest ad service in Latvia and Riga