Top 13 Apps Similar to Customer order and Delivery

Customer Order Booking 1.8
Create and Maintain. Synchronize to any Accounting Softwarefromanywhere and anytime. Customers send orders to vendordirectlythrough android application. Input Files for AndroidApplication:items - Product Details Excel Sheet cust - CustomerDetails ExcelSheet Output Files for AndroidApplication:Sales_Bill_SalesmanName.csv - Order Bill INSTRUCTIONS :Download :If we click a SYNC Option ,input files are automaticallydownloadedfrom the server. Stored in a mobile storage. Upload :Click BackupOption . Backup your sales bill. Click Upload button .The filesare uploaded to the server. Contact Us: Website :www.abrsys.comEmail : [email protected]
My Customer 2.1.52
NEWS ': YOU CAN SHARE YOUR NAME AMONG ALL YOUR ANDROIDDEVICESANDUPDATE THE DATABASE ALSO FROM PC !!!!! (For PC you needtodownloadfree software from the appropriatelink "My Customer" comes from myexperiencein the commercial /sales person, I always or always hadthe need tohave on hand themain information of my customers withouttheobligation to includea multitude of useless information thatisrequired in conventionalCRM I wanted to be the one to choosewhatinformation is importantfor me. In the application "Mycustomer"there is no mandatoryfield is the seller / sales personwho choosesthe data to beinserted. There are 8 fields that canbeuser-defined. "MyCustomer" is a comprehensive tool that allowsyouto import andgeolocalize their customers directly from Excel orthephone bookand to share information among all Android devices(viafreeDropbox) and also with the PC (through the free softwarePC)Thisallows you to update and review the information directlyfromthePC when they are in the office to ritrovarsele ontablet/smartphone. "My Customer" allows for differenttypesofuser-defined names (customers, prospects, etc.) and seeclientsinthe map with different colors depending on the type, soyoucanmake the best of tour visits visits a given area byoptimizingthecost and time "My Customer" allows you to have onhandthemanagement of their customer / prospect, to have thephonenumbers,etc., the activities, and files associatedwithcustomers(contracts, offers, etc.). All this information canbesharedbetween all devices. The data are all locally(oncesynchronized)so I do not need to always connect to the networkasall other CRM,this way I can see very quickly all informationevenin the absenceof network slowness.  "My Customer" allowsyouto easilymanage communications with customers and cancreatemailing liststo send email to contacts directly from the app/selectedcustomers. To help the management and planningofactivities can Iplace reminders / appointments directly intoGooglecalendar andregistry activity. You can manage price listsdividedinto family /subfamily to create a copy in pdf order can beshareddirectly tothe customer or company . I can put articles intheorder directlyfrom price list that can be imported directlyfromExcel, or I caninput new articles. My Customer also has amanualthat can beviewed off-line from the application options.Below arethe mainfeatures of the application: • Possibility todividecustomers intodifferent types • Import contacts from Excel orfromthe AddressBook, with the possibility of geolocalizzarli •AddnumbersUnlimited Referrals • any secondaryheadquartersCustomermanagement (offices, construction sites, etc.)• Managementforcustomer activities • Task List to do (To Do) •IntegrationwithGoogle Calendar • Management of orders Offers • copyofthecommission Creating PDF • Manage and import lists fromxls•Statistics with graphics for sales by period and / orforthecustomer and for the period of activity • Mailing ListCreation•Managing the history of visas customers for betternavigation•Export to PDF and Excel of customer card, the activitiestomakeoffers in place The Free version has advertising and islimitedtomanage a maximum of 30 clienti.Si can eliminate thelimitationsbyinstalling the release key "My customer PRO Key".Enablingsocketorders is not included in the release key Thank toANDRELOPEZARAUJO, NICK: VENAD for spanish tranlation
My Customer PRO Key 4
THIS IS THE KEY TO UNLOCK THE LIMITATIONSOFTHE FREE VERSION (MAX 40 CUSTOMER)BEFORE DOWNLOAD, TRY FREE VERSION.YOU MUST HAVE INSTALLED THE FREE VERSION (MY CUSTOMER)IN PRO VERSION THERE IS NO ADVERTISING AND NO CUSTOMERNUMBERLIMITATIONSYOU DON'T NEED TO REINSTALL APPS OR COPY THE FREEVERSIONDATABASE.YOU NEED TO INSTALL THIS APP AND RESTART MY CUSTOMER APPDO NOT UNINSTALL MY CUSTOMER, ELSE YOU LOOSE ALL DATA.-----News!!!--------Now also for PC!! You can download the software (beta Version)tomanage my Customer database directly from your PC you can share our data between your mobile devices andyourPC----------------------"My Customer' comes from my experience in sales. I needed to haveonhand and easily accessible address book with the telephonenumbers,contacts name, email addresses of my customersI need also to have a vision in the map of the location ofmyCustomer to better plan my activities and visits.I had the need to include brief notes of the customerwithoutwasting too much time to enter data into CRM verycomplex.With My Customer I have on hand all of your customers, youcansort them according to distance from your location, name or dateoflast change.You can organize your customers into severalcustomizablecategories (eg customers, prospects, Large Account,etc.) and youcan easily see their location on the map. So you areunable toorganize your appointment optimizing your travel.Also on the map you can see only one kind of customersYou have so many customers and don't you want to import themoneat a time on the application?With My Customer, you can import all your clients from anExcelsheet, also when importing the application calculates theGPScoordinates directly from the address of your client byqueryingthe database of Google (if it's required). For thisfunction toread the instruction manual that are in the applicationsettings.You can always change GPS coordinates of customerlaterFor each client you can have an unlimited number of contacts,andyou can make calls and send emails directly from the apps. Whenyouenter a new contact you can choose to directly enter thephonenumber in the phone Contacts or lessMy clients also has a manual that can be viewed off-line fromtheapplication optionsor downloaded at the following link: Free version has advertising and is limited to handleamaximum of 40 clients.For any suggestions or bug send an [email protected]
Customer Keeper 2.1.6
Customer Keeper is design for: + professionals likeclinics,agents,teachers, sales + small business owners + salesteams +personal usefor contact backup or reminder + multiplatform/deviceusers TheFree features: + Birthday reminder alert +keep trackingofconversations and logs with customers + manageprivatecontactsseperately from phone contacts + group customersintomeaningfulgroups + create reminders to notify you ofupcomingmeetings + makephone call or email to customer within theapp +import from phonecontact + 10 customizable fields availableforeach meetings +Passcode protection from accessing the app Youcansubscribe toCustomer Keeper to enable the Pro Sync featureswithplans for: 1)USD$1.99 per 1 month 2) USD$19.99 per year willgiveyou access tothe following feature: + sync and access the datafromanywherewith any devices + backup the data across devicesYourCustomerKeeper subscription will automatically renew every 1or12months(depending on your choice) and your credit cardwillbecharged through your Google Play account. You canturnoffauto-renew at any time from your Google Playaccountsettings.SUBSCRIBERS’ AUTOMATIC-RENEWAL FEATURE:Yoursubscriptionautomatically renews unless auto-renew is turnedoff atleast24-hours before the end of the current period. YourGooglePlayaccount will automatically be charged at the same priceforrenewalwithin 24-hours prior to the end of the currentperiodunless youchange your subscription preferences in youraccountsettings. Youcan manage or cancel your subscriptions throughyourAccountSettings after purchase. No cancellation ofthecurrentsubscription is allowed during active subscriptionperiod.Pleasego more information.
Customer Appointments Lt 5.6.94
GIMIN Studio
Business calendar for managing appointments of visits,meetingsandclients booking for offices, clubs, spa, and otherservices.Theclear presentation of terms prepared for small andlargetouchscreens. Grouping customers and management of groupbookings.Mainfeatures: - calendar ontheinternethttp://booking-calendar....YOUR_CALENDAR_ID(moreinfo: ). - secure ! All dataonly inthedevice ( no data in the internet/cloud ) - the abilitytoworkoffline (without an internet connection) - add, delete,move,oredit terms agreed with the customer, - different termsearchmodes,- taking a photo with description, - customermanagement:contactdata, groups, descriptions and notes, -presentation ofdifferentcustomer groups by colors, - send messagesdirectly fromtheapplication, - calling customers directly from anapplication,-create a copy of the data to a file (backup), - weekview andmonthview - convenient operation on the phone as well astablet,-supports horizontal and vertical screen orientation,-synchronizedata between Phone and tablet via Bluetooth. - quick(single click) SMS messsaginig to many customers selected bygroupor by eventsdate. - event reminder. - SMS reminders(freeoption)©GIMIN Studio.
Customer Database 3.0
Keep track of all your customers with the new CustomerDatabase.Keeps track of all the contact information and with itsuserfriendly design, you can easily and quickly select, add, updateanddelete customers. *App specially developed for Technicians&Computer Repair companies. For normal customer database,download"Client Database" available for FREE. Includes data fieldsfor:-Name -Laptop/PC Info -Service required -Price/Amount due-PCPassword -Customer Phone Number -Customer E-mail-CustomerHome/Office Address Never lose track of your customer andalwayshave all information at the tip of your fingers! This is thenewCustomer Database
GoToAssist (Customer) v3.1.438
LogMeIn, Inc.
DOWNLOAD THIS APP ONLY IF INSTRUCTED TO DOSOBY A TRUSTED SUPPORT AGENTDESCRIPTIONThe GoToAssist (Customer) app allows GoToAssist RemoteSupportagents to provide full screen sharing, remote control,chatsupport, and camera sharing (live camera streaming from yourdeviceto your support agent) for Samsung and LG mobile devicesrunningAndroid OS versions 4.2 and higher. Also provides screensharing(without remote control) for devices running Android 5.x(Lollipop)and higher.HOW TO GET STARTED1. Download and install the GoToAssist (Customer) app.2. If you received a URL from a GoToAssist Remote Supportagent,select the URL to automatically populate the app with therequired9-digit support key. If the app is not already installed,you willbe prompted to install it first. Once installed, select theURLagain to auto-populate the 9-digit support key, and thentouch'Join Session' to start the support session.3. If you received a 9-digit support key from a GoToAssistRemoteSupport agent, start the app, enter the 9-digit support key,andthen touch 'Join Session' to start the support session.4. With your consent, the agent will have full remote control ofthedevice and will be able to chat securely with you. Touch theexitbutton to end the session anytime.FEATURES• Full screen sharing and remote control for Samsung and LGAndroiddevices running Android OS versions 4.2 and higher*• Screen sharing (without remote control) for other devices(besideSamsung and LG) running Android 5.x (Lollipop) andhigher• Camera sharing (live camera streaming from your device toyouragent) within a GoToAssist Remote Support session forAndroiddevices running Android OS versions 4.2 and higher• Secure chat support for Android devices running AndroidOSversions 4.2 and higher• Full integration with GoToAssist Remote Support, includingfullreporting and session recordingREQUIREMENTS• Full screen sharing and remote control: Samsung and LGAndroiddevices running OS 4.2 and higher (Jelly Bean MR1, KitKat,Lollipopetc.).• Secure chat: Android devices running OS 4.2 and higherHOW TO UNINSTALL THE GoToAssist Customer APP FROM ASAMSUNGDEVICE?Samsung devices require that the app is registered asDeviceadministrator, in order to allow the remote control andscreensharing capabilities.As a consequence, only for the Samsung devices - in ordertouninstall the GoToAssist Customer app it is necessary tofirstremove the app from the Device administrators menu. You can dothatby following the steps below:1. Go to Settings and search for “Device administratorsmenu”.Alternatively, you can follow the path: Settings -> Lockscreenand security -> Other security settings ->Deviceadministrators menu2. Select the GoToAssist (Customer) app and press onDeactivatebutton.In this moment, the app can be uninstalled for the mobilephone,following the regular uninstall procedure.
Goods Order Inventory Pro 4.2.1
Goods Order Inventory System Pro (GOIS Pro)
The Customer Factor 14.1.43
Android App Feature List - Customers and Prospects - Searchable-Addnew - Edit existing data - Add/upload photos - Viewcustomerjobhistory and prospect estimate history - Convertestimates tojobsseamlessly. - Appointments - Schedule jobs,estimates, tasks,orpersonal appts. - Edit/Reschedule/Delete - Timetracking forjobs -Send an "I'm on the way" text message - See astreet view ofeachappointment - Invoice - Generate Invoice - ViewInvoice PDF -PayInvoice (Third party API is used for Credit Cardprocessing)-Capture customer signature. - Email Invoice withpredefinedtemplatetext - Print Invoice if connected to an airprinter-Estimate/Proposal - Generate Estimate - View Estimate PDF-Captureprospect (or customer) signature. - Email Estimatewithpredefinedtemplate text - Print Estimate if connected to anairprinter Weupdate our apps regularly with new features and tomakesurethey're at 100%, so we suggest turning on automaticupdatesondevices running The Customer Factor app.
Customer Appointments 3 Lt. 1.8.92
GIMIN Studio
Business calendar for managing appointments of visits,meetingsandclients booking for offices, clubs, spa, and otherservices.Theclear presentation of terms prepared for small andlargetouchscreens. Grouping customers and management of groupbookings.Mainfeatures: - employee assignement, - employee schedule,-employeeabsence management, - secure ! All data only in thedevice( nodata in the internet/cloud ) - the ability to workoffline(withoutan internet connection) - add, delete, move, or edittermsagreedwith the customer, - different term search modes, -taking aphotowith description, - customer management: contactdata,groups,descriptions and notes, - presentation of differentcustomergroupsby colors, - send messages directly from theapplication, -callingcustomers directly from an application, -create a copy ofthe datato a file (backup), - week view and monthview -convenientoperation on the phone as well as tablet, -supportshorizontal andvertical screen orientation, - synchronizedatabetween Phone andtablet via Bluetooth. - quick ( single click )SMSmesssaginig tomany customers selected by group or by eventsdate. -eventreminder. - SMS reminders(freeoption)©GIMIN Studio.
Customer Management 2.2
Manage your customers with custom fieldsandspread sheet export support.Features:- Schedule tasks with alarms- Custom Fields- Export to spread sheet (csv/Excel)- Share by e-mail, blutooth and social networks.- Search by name, company, phone and others
Customer List 0.0.1
Customer List is mainly for usersoftheInvoicing apps developed by Aspiring Investments CorplikeCustomerInvoice, Sales Receipt, Work Estimate, WorkOrder,BillingStatements, Billing Invoice, Invoice Suite Manager,WorkOrder Pro,who are looking for a way to easily record customerdatato be usedalongside these apps.Further, the customer list can be easily customized,turningitinto an email contact list, an address list and a phonelist.The app lets you save and re-use the customer list, so youcanseeand keep a track of the activity of your business over time.Ifyouwould like to share the customer list with yourbusinesspartners,simply tap e-mail, to send the informationinstantlyanytime andanywhere.Alternatively, you can locally save and email.Managing your customers contact info has never beensoeasier.We look forward to developing drop-down boxes andlookupfunctionsto integrate the customer list app with ourinvoice,receipt,purchase order and quote suite. Please write yourfeedbackto us [email protected].******We also now have the ability to use the app onthecomputer.You can access the app on your computer usinganybrowser. Theinitial cost of the app is $1.99. Theannualsubscription cost isbetween $5-$8 depending upon yourusagerate.Once we receive your initial payments, we'll be sharingwithyouthe app URL with generated code. You'll be able toaccessthewebapp, save, print, email and use all the features tillthenext 2months after which we'll charge you for the fullsubscriptionforthe entire year.Wish to share with you that we now allow the ability togiftourpaid apps to friends. You can write to us about the emailofyourfriends who should receive the gift codes for downloadingtheappon their device. You can make the payment of $0.99usingDonatebutton at The Donate button isatthebottom of the page. We accept credit card, debit cardandPaypalpayments. *********
Customer Appointments 2 Lt 5.5.94
GIMIN Studio
Business calendar for managing appointments of visits,meetingsandclients booking for offices, clubs, spa, and otherservices.Theclear presentation of terms prepared for small andlargetouchscreens. Grouping customers and management of groupbookings.Mainfeatures: - calendar ontheinternet ) - secure ! All dataonly inthedevice ( no data in the internet/cloud ) - the abilitytoworkoffline (without an internet connection) - add, delete,move,oredit terms agreed with the customer, - different termsearchmodes,- taking a photo with description, - customermanagement:contactdata, groups, descriptions and notes, -presentation ofdifferentcustomer groups by colors, - send messagesdirectly fromtheapplication, - calling customers directly from anapplication,-create a copy of the data to a file (backup), - weekview andmonthview - convenient operation on the phone as well astablet,-supports horizontal and vertical screen orientation,-synchronizedata between Phone and tablet via Bluetooth. - quick(single click) SMS messsaginig to many customers selected bygroupor by eventsdate. - event reminder. - SMS reminders ( freeoption) themes. ? Frequently AskedQuestions:©GIMIN Studio.