Top 2 Games Similar to Rice Courses

Rice Maps 1.42
Nathan Bucki
ATTENTION:This app is no longer supported (class data will nolongerbeupdated). Instead, use Rice Utilities, which contains allofthesame functionality and more.-----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------Rice Maps is an interactive mapping service designed tohelpnewand current students locate Rice University buses,buildings,andclasses.Current features:-Color coded shuttles are mapped and updated in real time-Autocomplete makes searching for places easy-Users can search buildings using building codes (e.g."SEW"willshow Sewall Hall on the map)-Users can find locations of classes using course numberorprofessor(e.g. "CHEM 121 Tran" will bring up a building onthemap)-Users can click on buildings or other locations toseetheirnames-Over 125 unique locations, with more to be added in thefuture.Rice Maps was originally developed during the2014HackRiceHackathon competition by four Rice students:DanielWilliams (PHYS'17), Ethan Frederic (COMP '17), Nathan Bucki(MECH'17), and SujayTadwalkar (ELEC '17). At the competition theapp wonthe "MakesLife Easy Award." Rice Maps is still beingimproved uponby thecreators, and is becoming a widely usedapplication in theRicecommunity.
National University BD Result 2.0
From this app you will find all resultsfromNational University of Bangladesh.You can search within this categories:DegreeDegree Year-1Degree Year-2Degree Year-3Degree(Subs.)HonoursHon's-1st PartHon's-2nd PartHon's-3rd PartHon's-4th PartMastersMasters 1st PartMasters FinalProfessionalMBA 1st SemesterMBA 2nd SemesterBBA ResultCSE 1st SemesterCS 1st SemesterCS 2nd SemesterLLB 1st SemesterLLB FinalLibrary ScienceM.Sc. In CSB.P.ED.M.Ed.B.Ed.Journalism