Top 6 Apps Similar to New Soul Knight 2 tricks

Pro Shadow Fight 3 tricks 1.0
Aerox Tech
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Pro Toy Blast 2 tips 1.0
Aerox Tech
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New Candy Crush Soda Saga tips 1.0
Aerox Tech
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New Farming Simulator 17 tips 1.0
Aerox Tech
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JuegaGerman Videos!
Cepillito xD
DescripciónEste es el segundo canal de Germán Garmendia, siendo elprimeroHolaSoyGerman. Este canal se centra en losvídeo-juegos(gaming),aveces random y muchas veces series. Una queotra vez sube vlogs.En este canal cuenta con 7.398.200subscriptoresaproximadamente.Series que ha jugadoSeries CompletadasSlender The Arrival: Este fue su primer gameplay en subir asucanal, pero lo dejo de subir aproximadamente 8 meses después,mastarde todos sus fans reclamaron el porque dejo de subir estejuego,por lo cual lo retomo mas tarde.Outlast: Esta fue la segunda serie en subir al canal que cuentacon14 vídeos, el cual se muestra que Germán es un poco miedososegúnsus seguidores, mas tarde subió el DLC de Outlast el cualcuentacon 9 vídeos (este fue el segundo videojuego de terror ensubir asu canal)The Walking Dead[1 y 2]: Juego de suspenso y supervivencia,poseeunos de los videos mas vistos de su canal. German confeso quehasido uno de los mejores videojuegos que ha subido. Jugo lasegundatemporada, concluyendo con un total de 50 videos.Condemned; Criminal Origins: Este videojuego de TerrorPsicologicoes uno de los juegos que Germán siempre repudio por losscreamersque poseía este, tales como los roperos, maniquies, etcasíaportando a la teoría de sus fans.The Cursed Forest: Es un videojuego de Terror Alemán Indie quejugóGerman, es un videojuego de terror en primera persona.Estafinalizada.Heavy Rain: Es un videojuego que mas ha llamado la atención delosseguidores al igual que Beyond: Two Souls o The Last of Us,endonde Germán tuvo que pasar obstáculos en el juego queledificultaron.Beyond: Two Souls: Este el videojuego que según la opinióndeGermán, es uno de los mejores que ha jugado en el canal, y delosmas representativos por el como usar al fantasma y alaprotagonista a la vez.Among the Sleep: El videojuego de terror mas subido en Junio,Julio,Agosto y Septiembre de 2014 en Youtube, fue un videojuego demodapor la gran mayoría de Youtubers.Murdered; Soul Suspect: Es un videojuego que también estuvo demodaen Septiembre y Octubre en Youtube. Está finalizada.The Last of Us: es un juego de suspenso que Germán subió. suprimervídeo fue hace 9 meses pero lo discontinuo y lo retomo hacemas omenos 3 semanas y prometió un vídeo todos los díashastaterminarlo. el juego Germán lo completo hace 1 semana. es unaseriemas gustadas por sus fans, ya que la mayoría de los vídeos deestejuego tiene mas de 1 millón de reproducciones. Actualmente,estaserie ya esta finalizada.inFAMOUS Second Son: Es un juego de acción, su historiaestácentrada en un chico, con el cual jugamos. Siendo ésteelprotagonista. Está finalizada.Series IncompletasAlone In the DarkBullyThe ForestDayLightAlien IsolationLos Sims 4Five Night At Freddy's. (Los 3 juegos)Series en desarrolloMinecraftWolf Among UsGTA V.Life is StrangeCriticasHan existido muchas criticas hacia Germán Garmendia, como queusaBots o que se vendió a Google, pero la critica mas fuertehastaahora es la de que ha dejado subir vídeos a su canal de juegosy nose ha dedicado a su canal de vlogs; HolaSoyGerman.DescriptionThis is the second channel of German Garmendia, thefirstHolaSoyGerman. This channel focuses on video games(gaming),sometimes random and sometimes series. Once or twice upvlogs. Thischannel has approximately 7.3982 millionsubscribers. Series has playedCompleted SeriesSlender The Arrival: This was his first gameplay up to itschannel,but I leave it to rise about eight months later, her fanslaterclaimed the climb because I miss this game, so I returnitlater.Outlast: This was the second set to go up the channel has 14videos,which show that German is a little scary as his followers,laterrose DLC Outlast which has 9 videos (this was the second gamehorrorupload to your channel)The Walking Dead [1 and 2]: Game suspense and survival, has someofthe most watched channel of your videos. German confessed tohavebeen one of the best games that has risen. Juice the secondseason,ending with a total of 50 videos.Condemned; Criminal Origins: Psychological Terror This game isoneof the games that Germán condemnation of the screamersalwayspossessed this, such as closets, mannequins, etc. thuscontributingto the theory of their fans.The Cursed Forest: A video game played Horror Indie GermanGerman,is a horror game in first person. This completed.Heavy Rain: It is a game that has attracted the attention offanslike Beyond: Two Souls and The Last of Us, where Germán had togoin the game obstacles that hindered him.Beyond: Two Souls: This is the game that in the opinion ofGerman,is one of the best he has played in the channel, and asmorerepresentative by using the ghost and character at atime.Among The Sleep: The Videogame horror risen more in June,July,August and September 2014 on YouTube, was a fashionable gameforthe vast majority of Youtubers.Murdered; Soul Suspect: A game that was also popular inSeptemberand October on Youtube. It is finished.The Last of Us: a suspenseful game Germán rose. his first videowasnine months ago but the discontinuous and I return more orlessthree weeks ago and promised a video every day untilcompletion.Germán completeness game 1 week. It is a series mostliked by fans,since most of the videos of this game has more than 1millioncopies. Currently, this number is already completed.Infamous Second Son: It's an action game, the story centers onaboy, with whom we play. It is the protagonist. Itisfinished.Incomplete SeriesAlone In the DarkBullyThe ForestDayLightAlien IsolationThe Sims 4Five Night At Freddy's. (The 3 games)Developing SeriesMinecraftWolf Among UsGTA V.Life is StrangeCriticismsThere have been a lot of criticism towards Germán Garmendia, suchasusing bots or sold to Google, but the strongest criticism so faristhat it is no longer upload videos to your channel games and hasnotbeen dedicated to its channel vlogs; Hi I am German.
Sensational ify is amultitalented,hardworking,& career focusedmother,&singer/songwriter/performer from Biafra Eastern partofNigeria.She was originally born in Warri, Delta State toparentsfrom ImoState. She moved to Lagos in 2007 to work on herdream ofbecominga well known & respected Performing artist inher owncountry.Making use of increasing Internet connectivityinNigeria,Sensational Ify has focused her initial musicpromotion&marketing in this domain, building up a veryrespectable fanbasednot only in Nigeria, but in most countriesthroughout Africa,andeven further afield across Europe, the USA& Asia.Her self-produced "Dirty Girl" album was releasedforworldwideInternet sales in 2010.She is currently on the lookout for other ways to gethermusicplayed across Nigeria (& Africa in general), whereshefeelsthat current on-line music sales is still limited toasmall"wealthier" minority only.Having taken time off from local live band performance in2011tofocus on her personal life, Sensational Ify has, in2012,beenwriting, recording & promoting many new singleswhilepreparinga full album to further promote her own unique NaijaHipHop sound& to claim her place as a genuine, exciting&creativefemale artist in an otherwise male dominatedNaijamusicenvironment.Her recent promoted singles include "Nnem Oma", "OkwuUka",Woman", "Mr DJ" Ft. Blue South, & the newlyreleased"GidiGidi" featuring W4 & Henry Knight, & "MyPrayer",featuringGeneral Pype.....from 2012 to 2013.Current activity at the time, includes promoting thehermusicvideos for "Gidi Gidi" by Clearance Peters, andhersocialconsciousness song, "My Prayer". A video short byPatrickElis.Sensational Ify has recorded more beautiful anddanceablesongslike "Aya Nma" & "Ije Love", included in therecent "MyPrayer"album yet to be released.Further more and recent activities/ updates onhercareer.....,Sensational Ify moved to Malaysia where she basedfor4years.During her stay in Malaysia, she took/ expand hermusiccareer to adifferent/ higher ground. This time she had acalling offulfillingher promises to God. Sensational Ify has gonefurther inrecordinga Gospel album. This time she recorded, Launchedandreleased adouble album titled "My Will", and "Call on Him".Thesebeautifulpiece of work has been making wave in Malaysiaespecially"My Will"album which has 15tracks.Sensational Ify has ministered some powerful songs from her"MyWill"album, songs like "Heavenly praise", "HeavenlyRated","Adonia","Purify Me", Send down Your Power Lord", and manymore indifferentchurches in Malaysia.She is desperate to spread the word of Godthroughherministration. Hope and pray to touch and bless soulswithherministration.A big thanks to all her fans for the fantasticsupport&motivating comments received to date on her variouswebsites@(Facebook, Twitter, YouTube & Reverbnation). This isthekindof response that gives the artists the motivation theyneedtocontinue in such a not easy business.....Welcome to her Facebook pages. Hope and pray you like whatyouseeand hear. Please continue to motivate, support andhelpSensationalIfy grow Spiritual in her new music careerandministration. Help herin Spreading the good work....Godblessyou.Xxx "Sensational Ify" xxx.