Top 32 Apps Similar to Salvation TV

Free TV 3.0
Free TV Apps
Watch TV on your mobile phone or tabletforfree!Free TV app loads a database of TV channels compatible withyourmobile device. Simply choose a TV channel, click play iconandwatch TV wherever you are whenever you want for free!Categories of TV channels:- news- music- entertainment- sports- gaming- educationalMobile TV app works wherever there is an internetconnection.Watch over 600 free TV channels on the go.No need to install flash player, as mobile tv app workswithHTML5 technology.Free TV app stream content in HD quality almost 24/7.Nowadays it`s common belief that every house has a TV.Althoughin the past, a television hasn`t played a main role inhumans life,in these days everything changed. Firstly, the mainreason ishiding in developing tehnology. In the past there was abig thingif you had a mobile, a radio or a television at home, buttoday isunacceptable being without all this stuff. Life must gowith theflow and this means growing with tehnology.Secondly, people in the past had no idea about possibilityofwatch TV online on mobile device. If we look wider, this isreallyfantastic invention. Sometimes we just watched black-whitemovies,where the main role was played by Charlie C. andothers,furthermore, we didn`t know anything about movie sound atall.Thanks to innovators who have discoverd dimensions oftehnology,expecially television, that we can watch everythingdirectly. Moreover, streaming is really cool idea, because we canwatch what ishappening at the moment accross the world. There areso manychannels where are streamed daily news from differentcountries. Onthe other hand, some of these local channels for newson basictelevision can be payable, so the solution is Free TV. Thismeansthat we can watch every channel on your computer, mobile ortab.Mobile TV is very convenient and in recent days veryspreaded.Watch TV online is a popular trend, because you can have aTValways with you.Thirdly, the main advantage of television which was doneinnearly past was HD. This was a big revolution, due to the factthatin the past existed just white and black pitcures on screen.Thanthey invented coloured movies, more over they also improvedsound.With developing they invented fantastic HD screen andsometimeswhile watching movie we could swear we where there.Indeed, a television had survied a lot of improvemens.Incomparison with the past, nowadays we have countless channels,HDscreen, Online TV, Free TV, Mobile TV and other advantages.Wecan`t forget on streaming TV, witch is the best way formonitoringevents accross the world. In conclusion, every life wasat leastonce marked by a television in a good way- great movie,good news,but on the other hand also on a bad way- with bad news orobssesionwith series. A mobile TV became a part of our lifes.DISCLAIMER:Please note that all TV channels used in our app are availableonwebsite and licensed under Creative Commons3.0( the video is licensed under Creative Commons 3.0 licenseweare free to:- Share – copy and redistribute the material in any mediumofformat- Adapt – remix, transform, and build upon the materialfor any purpose, even commercially. The licensor cannot revokethesefreedoms as long as you follow the license terms.Under the following terms we also have to:- Attribution: give appropriate credit, provide a link tothelicense, and indicate if changes were made. We may do so inanyreasonable manner, but not in any way that suggests thelicensorendorses you or your use.- ShareAlike — If we remix, transform, or build upon thematerial,we must distribute your contributions under the samelicense as theoriginal.
VXG IPTV Player 1.3.9
VXG Inc.
This application is based on VXG PlayerSDK-, you will need to input channels list(m3uplaylist) that youcan get from your provider or find afreechannels list in the web.Please, visit Youcanplaceyour playlist: 1) On a web server (Dropbox public link isoneofthe options) and specify its URL in the application 2)Onthedevice storage and select file in the file manager Features:✔OTTclient ✔ IPTV client ✔ Network Protocols: HLS, MMS, RTMP,RTSP,TSby UDP ✔ Recording of live streams ✔ M3U ✔ List viewcontrolandthumbnails for live streams ✔ Replay function on HLSstreams✔HTTPS and encrypted streams support ✔ Digital zoomandpictureshifting mode This application is based on VXG PlayerSDK.This SDKsupports all major network protocols and multimediacodecs,testedand tuned for all major Android hardware platforms andhasover 1M+users! Our SDK is designed to help our clients createvaluewithmobile video playback. With our wide range of featuresandpowerfultools you’ll quickly expand your audience,generaterevenue, andcreate more effective digital communications.It hasjust all youneed for your Mobile video playback solution!Buildyour own MediaPlayer within hours using our SDK! VXG PlayerSDKfeatures : •Hardware acceleration – a new hardwareaccelerateddecoder for HDvideo • Multi-core decoding - support ofthe multipleprocessorcores for decoding • Multi-channel support-simultaneousconnection to multiple resources or multiplevideodecoding • Videointegration with any Activity - basedonSurfaceView and can beintegrated with any Activity • Hardwarepreand post processing –hardware de-interlacing and various preandpost processing usingOpenGL shaders • Custom andstandardnotifications - notifiesapplication about connection,disconnectionand other events,possibility to add custom event•Multicast/Unicast UDP streamplayback For more info pleasereferto Visit our pageonFacebook: Pleasedon'thesitate tocontact us at [email protected] if youmeet anyproblem.
Blessing TV 0.1.1
Blessing TV brings you your Tamil Christian TV channels LIVE,Songsand Prayers by South Indian Famous Pastors from India directlytoyour television sets.For Admin Contact:http://[email protected]
Emmanuel TV 2.2.001
Emmanuel TV
Take Emmanuel TV anywhere you go!
youtv–онлайн TВ,160+ бесплатных каналов,TV Go,OTT 3.6.9
youtv – украинское онлайн ТВ для Android TV, 150+бесплатныхканалов, ЕПГ/EPG, 40+ бесплатных радио каналов, легкопопробовать370+ каналов (115 HD), ставь и смотри сразу! С youtv всебудет, какты любишь: *Бесплатные украинские TV-каналы *Каналы вотличномкачестве HD и Ultra HD на любой вкус *ТОП премиальныеканалы *ТОПфутбол и спортивные каналы *Функции: пауза эфира,перемотка иTV-архив *Удобный и понятный интерфейс *Персональныйсписокизбранных каналов *Удобный гид по программе передач*Мгновенныйпоиск по каналам Для Android телевизоров и Android TVприставокрекомендуем другую версиюприложения:Вприложении доступно 150+ каналов (в зависимости отлокации)абсолютно бесплатно и 370+ каналов любых категорий вподписках.Помни, одна подписка (одна оплата) может бытьиспользована на 5-иустройствах одновременно (TV-приставки,телевизоры, телефоны,планшеты, ПК). youtv - телевидение, как тылюбишь!
TiVi - Online Streaming TV 1.0
TiVi - Watch Your Favorite StreamingOnlineTVChannelsAplikasi Android Streaming Online TV berbagaiKategori.TersediaRatusan Channel TV dari Berbagai Stasiun TV diseluruhdunia.Nikmati dan Tonton Channel Favorit Kalian di MobilePhonedenganhanya satu aplikasi dari berbagai kategori Channel TVdiseluruhdunia .Android Application Streaming Online TV variouscategories.Hundredsof TV Channel is available from various TVstations aroundtheworld. Enjoy and Watch Channel Favourites in yourMobile Phonewithjust one application of the various categories ofTVChannelworldwide.
Mediabay 3.12.5
Live TV and Radio, videos and music presented by Mediabay
Watch Live Tv 3.5.1
Fastest live tv.Easiest to use.Watch Live TV ChannelsEasy to use, Fast and OnlineMobile TVLive TV
Mobile TV Free 3.1.2
TV Apps
Watch TV on your Android device for free!FreeMobile TV app loads a database of TV channels compatible withyourmobile device.Simply choose a TV channel, click play icon and watch TVwhereveryou are whenever you want for free!You can watch free TV channels divided infollowingcategories:- news- music- entertainment- sports- gaming- educationaland much more!Mobile TV app works wherever there is an internetconnection.Watch over 200 free TV channels on the go. No need toinstall flashplayer, as mobile tv app works with HTML5technology.Free TV app stream content in HD quality almost 24/7.Average number of television per household is around 3 in USAandstill increasing. According to USAToday, there has been only 1TV inthe majority of homes in 1975, so that`s really big increasein fewyears. There were not only increase in number of televisionsperhousehold, but also in offer of different TV channels, TVnetworks,TV shows, informative programs, entertainment, health,beauty,fashion, religious, music and sport content. Ten or twentyyears agothere were trend watching only informative programs, newsandweather forecasts. Nowadays it seems a bit different: peoplemostlikely watch TV shows, movies and entertainment content.There is also one another trend rising every year more andmore:mobile tv. It`s service which mainly operate on computers andonmobile devices and offers you your most popular tv channelwhereveryou are over internet. Many different online TV channelsandnetworks providers offer their service for free, some of themarealso charging few bucks per month. Most popular Pay-TV channelsandnetworks are definitely Netflix, Hulu and ESPN, butfreealternatives such as Mobile TV don`t offer lower qualitycontent.Just the opposite, Mobile TV for example offers more than200 HDchannels for free 24/7.As we mentioned before, free TV providers ensure thateverybodycan watch his favourite channels wherever he is andwhenever hewants.Regarding some research, people most likely watch TVshows,movies and other entertainment content.Luckily, there are every year more and more free TVchannelproviders which offer really good quality content, so peoplecanreally afford many televisions in household and watch TVwheneverthey want and wherever they are.TERMS OF CONDITIONS:Content used in this app is available on website archive.organdlicensed under Creative Commons 3.0 ( the video is licensed under Creative Commons 3.0 license wearefree to:- Share – copy and redistribute the material in any mediumofformat- Adapt – remix, transform, and build upon the materialfor any purpose, even commercially. The licensor cannot revokethesefreedoms as long as you follow the license terms.
Tv Online 1.2
TV Online atau TvO hadir memberikankemudahanbagi anda pengguna android. TvO adalah media televisionlineterlengkap dengan berbagai macam siaran berita sepertiLintasdaerah, Hukum dan Kriminal, Politik, Olahraga, dll) yangterusterupdate.Dengan TvOnline anda bisa menikmati berbagai siaran tersebuttanpabuffering dan gangguan lainnya. TvO menghadirkan televisidalammobile dengan berbasis android anda yang bisa ditonton kapansajadan dimana saja tentunya dengan dukungan jaringan data.Jangan lewatkan tontonan siaran berita menarik dan terlengkap diTvO(Informasi Tanpa Batas), saran dan kritik sangat kami harapkandalampengembangan TvO.TV Online or presentTVOprovides convenience for users of android. TVO is the mostcompleteonline television media with various news broadcasts suchasCross-regional, and Criminal Law, Politics, Sports, etc.)areconstantly updated.With TvOnline you can enjoy many of the broadcast withoutbufferingand other disorders. TVO presents the television in yourandroidbased mobile can be watched anytime and anywhere of coursewith thesupport of data networks.Do not miss the spectacle interesting and most comprehensivenewsbroadcast on TVO (Information Without Limits), suggestionsandcriticisms are we expected in the development of TVO.
The application is intendedforUSERS OF PAID ONLINE TV SERVICE the video playback an 1.2 Mbit/s connection and Dual-core1.2GHz dualcore processor is required.
Your Online Tv 1.0
Your OnlineTV is an application thatallowsyouto see the vast majority of channels. These channelsprovidevideos,news, radio. Our free application will allow you tosee thevastmajority of the channels and is supported by ads. YourOnlineTVapplication does not transmit any channel, weonlyredirectschannels that are transmitted via the Internetforcompany, usersand viewers of these channels. This applicationisfor smart phonesand tablets only.
IPTV Tv Online, Series, Movies, Player IPTV 6.2
The Best Google Play IPTV App Our app is a list reader and youneedto get a list on the internet to use. Watch online TV listenradioand watch movies and series, all with our App, you need tohave anIPTV list to watch content through IPTV M3U lists, you canget naIPTV M3u List on Web, watch movies and free programs, watchcontentfrom all over the world, Added QR Code Reader to load yourlists.  Easy interaction app ✔ See all content with .m3ulistsextension found on the web ✔ Watch on TV with Chromecast <i>✔ Video player built into the App, < i> ✔ Live breakforschedules and movies, ✔ Upload lists through the Url or the .m3u✔Simple and friendly interface, ✔ Powerful player capableofreproduce .m3u8 files from lists, mp4, and many other formats,✔Added DLNA, Through External APP (In Test) ✔ Free applicationtowatch tv online, ✔ You can watch tv online watch movies andseriesthrough m3u lists found on the web. Please note, our App doesnotcontain any channels or movies or series, our App is simply am3ulist reader and all content imported into it through the listsisthe responsibility of the creators of the lists
TV Planeta Online 1.0.31
The Interactive Streaming Internet-Television Service"PlanetaOnline" with VOD.
OnlineTV 1.3
OnlineTV media portal at TAS-IX zone with a huge database ofmovies!
Inter TV - is an application forwatchingRussian TV channels in onlineWe are OOO "Интеркомтел" company registered in Russia.We own necessary licenses for broadcasting these channelsinuserssmartphones. (Attached)Additional information you can get in our web site:
Летай ТВ 3.6.3
«Летай ТВ» – это приложение, котороепревратитВаш смартфон или планшет в полноценный телевизор. Теперьвы никогдане пропустите любимую телепередачу или важный моментфутбольногоматча, а время, проведенное в дороге или очередях,пролетитнезаметно. «Летай ТВ» работает как в мобильных сетях 3G/4G,так ипо Wi-Fi.Пожалуйста помните, что использование мобильного интернетадляпросмотра ТВ, может повлечь дополнительные расходы на трафик.Этуинформацию вы можете уточнить у своего провайдерамобильногоинтернета."Fly TV" - isanapplication that turns your smartphone or tablet intoafull-fledged TV. Now you'll never miss your favorite TV show oranimportant moment of a football match, and time spent on the roadorturns, fly by. "Fly TV" works as in mobile 3G / 4G networks andonWi-Fi.Please remember that the use of the mobile Internet to watchTVand may incur additional charges on traffic. This information,youcan check with your mobile internet provider.
Виват ТВ 1.17
Виват ТВ, это порталмультимедийныхразвлечений, собравший все самое нужное иинтересноетелезрителю.Тут вы найдете множество рейтинговых телеканалов, как вобычномSD-качестве, так и в HD - качестве.Мы предлагаем к просмотру до 260 телеканалов, архив 60телеканаловза 7 дней, огромный онлайн кинотеатр, а также онлайнпросмотр HDWEB-камер.При первом входу вы получите бесплатный доступ к 10-тителеканалам(4 каналов в архиве за 7 суток), 240 интернетрадиостанций ивозможность просматривать 30 HD WEB-камер.Есть платный контентВНИМАНИЕ!1. Авторизация на портале происходит по серийному номеруимас-адресу устройства. При смене прошивки серийный номерможетизмениться и ваше устройство не пустит на портал ссообщением"Доступ запрещен администрацией". В этом случае напишитена[email protected] для решения проблемы.2. Для корректной работы сервиса необходим интернет-канал не менее4Мбит/c для SD-каналов и не менее 10 Мбит/сек дляHD-каналов.Просмотр возможен на смартфоне, планшете и на большомТВэкране.Наши преимущества:- качественная картинка;- быстрое переключение каналов;- списки каналов разделены на жанры;- программа передач на текущий день, неделю;- возможность составить список Избранных каналов;- архив 60-ти телеканалов за 7 дней;- техподдержка. Мы всегда на связи!;- есть Личный кабинет (баланс, текущий пакет, транзакции,лицевойсчет);- удобство платежа за услугу. Каждому устройству при первомвходеприсваивается номер лицевого счета. Оплата подписки посуточнопономеру лицевого счета в 15 000 терминалов по всехУкраине.Принимается оплата черезинтернет-эквайринг.Присоединяетесь к сообществу людей, предпочитающих отличноекачествосервиса и удобство просмотра телепередач!По вопросам технической поддержки и предложениям по улучшениюработысервиса пишите нам по адресу: [email protected] илизаполнитеформу "Заявка о проблеме" из приложения(Настройки/Обратнаясвязь).Viva TV, a portalofmultimedia entertainment, to collect all the most necessaryandinteresting viewer.Here you will find a lot of rating TV channels, as intheconventional SD-quality and in HD - quality.We offer to view up to 260 channels, 60 channels archive for 7days,a huge online cinema, as well as online viewingHDWEB-cameras.The first entry you will get free access to 10 channels (4channelsin the archive up to 7 days), 240 internet radio stationsand theability to view 30 HD WEB-cameras.Is paid content!1. Log in to the portal there is the serial number and MACaddressof the device. If you change the firmware serial number canchangeand your device will not start up the portal with themessage"Access Denied administration." In this case, [email protected] to solve the problem.2. For correct operation of the service requires theInternetchannel at least 4 megabits / c for SD-channels and atleast 10Mbits / sec for HD-channels. Viewing is possible on asmartphone,tablet, and TV on the big screen.Our advantages:- High-quality image;- Fast channel switching;- Channel lists are divided into genres;- Program schedule for the current day, week;- The ability to draw up a list of favorite channels;- Archive 60 channels for 7 days;- Technical support. We are always in touch !;- Have a Personal account (balance sheet, the currentbatch,transaction, personal account);- Ease of payment for the service. Each device is assigned whenyoufirst enter the account number. Payment of subscription by thedayon the account number 15 000 terminals for all Ukraine. PaymentviaInternet acquiring. the community of people who prefer excellent quality ofserviceand ease of watching TV!For technical support and suggestions for improvement of theserviceto contact us at: [email protected] or fill out the form"Requesta problem" from the app (Settings / Feedback).
ProgTV Android 2.81.9
Player for watching TV and listening to radio over Internet orlocalnetwork.
Ace Stream Media (Beta)
Ace Stream
Discover a new level of high-qualitymultimediaspace in the Internet with the Ace Streamsoftware:- Enjoy watching online large number of broadcasts, with thebestaudio-visual quality on the Internet (TV, custom streams,movies,cartoons, etc.), which are delivered with Ace Streamprotocol- Listen online to music in lossless-format, with a maximum levelofstream stability- Play torrents online, without waiting for content download- Watch content on remote devices (Apple TV, Chromecast etc.)oversuch communication protocols as AirPlay, Google Castandothers- Use for playback any players comfortable to you- Use functionality of the Ace Stream with your favorite appsThe contents of the Ace Stream Media package:- Ace Stream Engine - universal manager of multimedia streamswhichuses the most advanced P2P-technologies for efficient datastorageand transmission.Note: In this release the default output format in settings issetto "auto", which means that the stream is transcoded whenplayingvideo in MKV container with AC3 codec on devices and playerswithno support for this audio codec (Apple TV, Chromecast etc.).Thisleads to considerable delays when starting playback andincreasesresponse when seeking (especially on low-powereddevices).Therefore, if your remote device or player supports AC3audiocodec, then you can go to settings and switch the outputformat tosomething more convenient. P.S. In the future, we aregoing tooptimize this process and eliminate all theinconveniences.Attention! This application does not contain any content. Itonlyallows playback of content published by different peopleandthird-party services over Ace Stream and Bittorrentprotocols.Therefore, if you don't know why you need this app, donot installit, and if you are not satisfied with the quality of anybroadcastspublished in any third-party applications, or on anythird-partywebsites, or such broadcasts don't work at all, pleasecontactdirectly the owners of the content, but not us.
Tubio - Cast Web Videos to TV 3.36
The easiest way to stream online video & music to SmartTV,Chromecast, Airplay!
Galam TV 3.0 (9)
Kazakhstan Internet TV «GALAM TV»
DIVAN.TV — movies & Ukrainian TV
Mikarnial LTD
If you are tired of wasting your time searching for a realcoolmovieor a tv show, and you are sick of advertising andyouconstantly missthe latest episode of your favorite show -downloadthe DIVAN.TV appso you can watch TV online at any timeconvenientfor you! Divan TVis a new interactive TV, available onMobiledevices, PC, Chromecast,Apple TV and Smart TV of such worldgiantsas LG, Samsung, Sony,Phillips and others. Register and watchforfree your favoritemovies, cartoons, shows, news andradiostations. They are availableonline and stored in record for14days after the live. DIVAN.TVtakes care of you to get themaximumpleasure from viewing,therefore: -You will always watchhighquality videos, even on mobiledevices; - You can watchyourfavorite channels in record at anytime; - Tired ofadvertising?Rewind it without distracting from thefascinating filmplot; -Continue watching from the moment youstopped last time; -You canalso watch your favorite channels evenwhen you are abroad,becausethe app works wherever there is anInternet. And, of course,theDivanTV’s interface is easily managed.All your relativesandfriends will deal with the control of theapplication withoutanyproblems. In addition, after registration,you will receiveweeklyselections of the most "delicious" films forthe entirefamily tosee. Please note: depending on your location,the list ofavailableTV channels and videos may vary. This is causedby therequirementsof the right holders and the conditions ofthelegislation of somecountries. Full list of availabletv-channelsyou can find
Mobil Canlı Tv 2.6.0
Ödüllü Android Uygulaması Mobil Canlı Tvuygulamasıtelevizyonlarıncanlı yayınlarını izleyebileceğiniz,günlük yayınakışını kalitelibir arayüzde gösteren, programları sizehatırlatan,şu anda hangiprogramların yayınlandığını gösteren,programlarısevdiğinizkategorilere ayıran bir uygulamadır.Uygulamamızdayerli-yabancıtoplam 39 kanalın yayın akışına kolaycaulaşabilir,programdetaylarını okuyabilirsiniz ve programınbaşlangıcından 1saatöncesine kadar telefonunuzun programısizehatırlatmasınısağlayabilirsiniz. Böylece severekizlediğinizprogramları hiçbirzaman kaçırmazsınız. Ayrıca favorikanallarlistenizioluşturabilir, tek tuşla istediğinizkanalıarayabilirsiniz. Toplutaşımada, arabada, yatağınızda;internetbağlantınızın olduğu heryerde mobil telefonunuzdan CANLI TVizlemekeyfini yaşayın.Uygulamamız Vodafone Oksijen Ar-Ge AndroidUygulamayarışmasında2.'lik ve Kadir Has ÜniversitesiBilgisayarMühendisliği 2013bitirme projeleri arasında 1.'liködüllerikazanmıştır. Canlı Tv veyayın akışı uygulamamız ile ilgiliyeniçıkan haberleri Facebook veTwitter sayfalarımızdan takipedebilir,görüş ve önerilerinizibildirebilirsiniz.
FPT Play - K+, HBO, Sport, TV 7.11.12
Play is an application FPT watch television, films and videoclipsShow.
iPMAX TV - Live TV 4.0.0
Hundreds of TV channels ...HD quality, high speed, rich content, user friendlyandmultilingual...The best TV channels, favorite series, latest movies,news,football, basketball, sports, religion, children,documentarychannels at your fingertips anytime and anywhere.Happiness = iPMAXTVAll logos, trademarks and registered trademarks are thepropertyof their respective owners.Please contact us for all kinds of requests and yourcommentsat:[email protected]
mindigTV GO 6.4.5
Megújult az alkalmazás!
ONLine.TV - BNI ONL 2.1.2
ONLine.TV adalah aplikasi yang dirancanguntukmemudahkan pengguna dalam mencari materi pembelajaranberbentukvideo. Dapat ditonton dimana saja dan kapan saja,menggunakansmartphone berbasis AndroidONLine.TV isanapplication designed to allow users to search for learningmaterialin the form of video. Can be watched anywhere and anytime,using asmartphone based on Android
Armenian Online TV Channel - SHANT TV. TV in Armenia, NewsPrograms,Entertainment, Serials, Shows
Hosanna Tv 1.0
24/7 Telugu - English - Tamil - HindiSpiritualChristian ChannelAthmiyula koraku Athmiyathatho....Mee Hosanna TV.we Produce To equip the Church (The Body ofChrist) through Television Media andenable them to reach every homehaving a Television and also to peopleand people groups in remote areaswhere there is no Television with TheGospel of the Kingdom of God andalso to those people and peoplegroups who do not have an access toa Television and enlighten them aboutGod, His Love and Salvation, therebyfulfilling our Lord’s Great Commission.
Watch Live TV on Mobile!Watch your favourite Live TV channels, TV Series, watch LiveNews,Movies, and TV Reality Shows on the go without anyinterruption onyour mobile phone. Streaming over 100+ LIVE TVchannels.This application does not own or host any content. This is justahandy, user-friendly interface collects links. This isanindependent guide available streaming media on the web. We willnotsettle for streaming. This application enables users to easilyfindand android phones is designed to provide access media contentoverthe Internet. To benefit from this application they agreetorespect the rights of content owners. If not, you need todownloadthis app.1. Azerbaijan2. Belarus3. Brazil4. Bulgaria5. Czechia6. Germany7. Israel8. Kazakhstan9. Mexico10. Moldova11. Poland12. Russia13. Turkey14. Ukraine• FREE World Live TV channels• Watch Live TV on Android Mobile Free• Watch 14 Countries TV Channels• Watch Live News TV Channels• Watch Live Music TV Channels• Watch Live Movie TV Channels
TV Online 4.0
Te damos nuestra opinión de los canalesdetelevisión de forma general en varios países.No pierdas la oportunidad de probar nuestra aplicación.¡Esgratis!We give our viewTVchannels generally in several countries.Do not miss the opportunity to try our application.It'sfree!