Top 15 Apps Similar to Cosmopolitan

Cosmo Now 3.0.5
Get the latest from Stayupto date on your favorite celebs, fashion & beautytrends,career advice, relationship realness, fitness tips, andmore. Tonsof brand new stories added every day. Best of all, it'scompletelyfree!Features:• Fun, fearless articles, photos, videos, quizzes and morefromCosmo at your fingertips.• New stories are added all the time. You'll find sex tips,datingadvice, career help, fitness coaching, and the latestcelebnews!• Bookmark your favorite articles and easily access them fromthehome screen.• Share articles with friends through Facebook, email, Twitter,andmore.• Filter stories by topic (celebs, sex, beauty, style, fitness,andmore), photo galleries or videos.
Cosmopolitan 3.3.0
Jeśli jesteś świadomą siebie kobietą,zależycina udanych relacjach ze swoim partnerem, przyjaciółmiirodziną,chcesz się rozwijać zawodowo, lubisz wiedzieć,cointeresującegodzieje się w świecie mody i kręcą cięnowinkikosmetyczne,Cosmopolitan jest właśnie dla Ciebie! Tonajlepiejsprzedający sięmagazyn dla kobiet na świecie, który ma64międzynarodowe edycje!Wyznacza trendy, rozwija kreatywność,pomagaw samorealizacji ipodpowiada, jak stworzyć udanyzwiązek.Cosmopolitan to Mocne Strony Kobiety. Twoje mocne strony!Cosmodziewczyna to świadoma siebie kobieta, ciesząca siężyciemiswoją kobiecością, spełniona we wszystkich aspektach,otwartanaświat, poszukująca nowych doświadczeń i wiedzy. BądźCosmo!CzytajCosmo!If youareself-consciouswoman, you care for a successful relationshipwithyour partner,friends and family, you want to growprofessionally,you like toknow what interesting is happening in theworld offashion and spinyou news Cosmetics, Cosmopolitan is rightfor you!Thisbest-selling women's magazine in the world, whohas64international editions! Sets the trends, developcreativity,helpsin self-realization and tells you how to createasuccessfulrelationship.Cosmopolitan strengths Women. Your strengths!Cosmodziewczyna is self-aware woman, enjoying lifeandherfemininity, complied in all respects, open to theworld,seekingnew experiences and knowledge. Be a Cosmo! ReadCosmo! 2.3.0
Where to find staggered news, trends decrypted, sound advice?
Cosmopolitan en Español Móvil 2.1
Cosmopolitan en español es la aplicaciónparalamujer "¡que lo quiere TODO!" Tiene artículos audaces yatrevidosquerompen moldes, y eso es lo que la hace diferente delresto delasrevistas del mercado. Sus artículos de sexo, relacióndepareja,belleza, moda, salud, trabajo y autoestima estánbieninvestigados ycontienen tips de los expertos. Cosmo es la guíadela mujer sexy quequiere triunfar en el amor y en suprofesión...Yquiere ser librefinancieramente.Cosmopolitan inSpanishisthe application for the woman "who wants it ALL!" It hasboldanddaring items that break molds, and that's what makesitdifferentfrom other magazines on the market. His articlesonsex,relationship, beauty, fashion, health, work andself-esteemarewell researched and contain tips from the experts.Cosmo istheguide to the sexy woman who wants to succeed in love andinhisprofession ... and wants to be free financially.
Cosmopolitan Argentina 2.2.10
Cosmo es la revista femenina más vendidadesucategoría en Argentina y en el mundo. Se publica en 26 idiomasysevende en más de 100 países. Esto hace de COSMOPOLITAN unadelasmarcas más poderosas y dinámicas del mundo.Cosmo isthebest-sellingwomen's magazine of its kind in Argentina and intheworld. It ispublished in 26 languages ​​and sold in more than100countries.COSMOPOLITAN This makes one of the most powerfulbrandsand worlddynamics.
Magzter Inc.
Enjoy FREE reading for 30 days when you download the app!
Cosmopolitan España App. 5.1
Cosmopolitan España es una aplicacióndedicadaalas “chicas cosmo”: mujeres que saben disfrutar y sacarelmáximoprovecho de sí mismas en todas las facetas de su vida.UnaAppdonde aprender y divertirte, donde sentirteatrevida,creativa,sexy. Con lo último en moda, belleza, salud, bodylove,amor ysexo, hombres…Secciones• Amor y sexo: Consejos sobre sexualidad femenina, sexualidadenlapareja, sobre el amor, las relaciones amorosas ylaamistad.• Moda: Lo último en tendencias de moda,modelos,diseñadores,accesorios. Cosmotrucos para optimizar tuimagen.• Belleza y Salud: Maquillaje, peinados, belleza y salud detucuerpoy para tu mente, nutrición y dietas, trucos debelleza,novedadescosméticas.• BodyLove: Consejos para estar en forma,fitness,nutrición,autoestima…• Galerías de fotos (NUEVO): Todas las fotos Cosmo,entumóvil.• Favoritos (NUEVO): El lugar donde guardar lo que te gusta.Cosmopolitan Spainisanapplication devoted to "cosmo girls": women who enjoy andmakethemost of themselves in all facets of his life. An App tolearnandhave fun, where you feel daring, creative, sexy. With thelatestinfashion, beauty, health, body love, love and sex, men ...Sections• Love and sex: Tips on female sexuality, sexuality incouples,aboutlove, love relationships and friendship.• Fashion: The latest in fashion trends,models,designers,accessories. Cosmotrucos to optimize yourimage.• Health & Beauty: Makeup, hair, beauty and health ofyourbodyand your mind, nutrition and diet, beautytips,cosmeticinnovations.• bodylove: Tips to be fit, fitness, nutrition,self-esteem...• Photo Galleries (NEW): All photos Cosmo, on your mobile.• Favorites (NEW): The place to store what you like.
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Revista Cosmopolitan 2.4
A Cosmopolitan é mais do que umarevistafeminina, é uma forma de estar na vida, um estado deespírito, queacompanha e dá as respostas essenciais a tudo aquiloque uma mulhercosmopolita, independente, determinada, divertida emuito femininaprocura no seu dia a dia. É a amiga trendy e sábia,sempre prontapara dar “aquele” conselho e a informação que asoutras revistasnão abordam.Autoestima, relacionamento, carreira, sexo, beleza ou modasãoalguns dos temas abordados mensalmente, num tom divertidomasresponsável, para mulheres atrevidas, femininas e apaixonadas,quegostam do lado FUN da vida!Sobre as assinaturas:A Cosmopolitan é uma revista mensal com a possibilidadedesubscrição de 1 ano. Ao efectuar a sua subscrição usufrui deumdesconto substancial em relação ao preço normal daediçãoindividual. As assinaturas são automaticamente renovadas;casodeseje cancelar a sua assinatura, deverá aceder à sua contaedesselecionar a opção renovação automática, pelo menos 24horasantes do final da sua subscrição.Pacote disponível:- Assinatura de 12 Meses: 11,99 €Por favor visite nossa política de privacidade e termos de usocasotenha alguma dúvida: Cosmopolitan ismorethan a women's magazine, is a way of being in life, a state ofmindthat accompanies and gives the essential answers to everythingthata cosmopolitan woman, independent, determined, fun andveryfeminine looking in your day the day. It's trendy and wisefriend,always ready to give "that" advice and information thatothermagazines do not address.Self-esteem, relationships, career, sex, beauty or fashion aresomeof the topics covered each month, in a fun but responsible toneforbold, feminine and passionate women, who like the FUN sideoflife!About signatures:The Cosmopolitan is a monthly magazine with the possibility ofoneyear subscription. Upon your subscription enjoys asubstantialdiscount from the normal price of the individualissue.Subscriptions are automatically renewed; if you wish tocancel yoursubscription, you must access your account and unchecktheautomatic renewal option, at least 24 hours before the end ofyoursubscription.Package available:- 12 Months Subscription: € 11.99Please visit our privacy policy and terms of use if youhavequestions:
Cosmopolitan Türkiye 8.0.8
Magzter Inc.
Eğlenceli, cesur, ne istediğini bilen kadının dergisidir.
Cosmopolitan Slovenia 8.0.8
Magzter Inc.
Enjoy FREE reading for 7/30 days when you download the app!
Cosmopolitan Ukraine 8.0.8
Magzter Inc.
Enjoy FREE reading for 7/30 days when you download the app!
COSMOPOLITAN South Africa 3.0
Fashion that slays; on-point health,fitnessandbeauty inspo; the best relationship content; winningpsycheandcareer motivation. Come play with more than a millionfun,fearlessCOSMO females. #NoFOMOever
Harper's Bazaar 3.3.0
Harper's Bazaar to najdłużej - przez 146 lat-wydawany magazyn o modzie i stylu życia. Jestnajbardziejluksusowym tytułem w Polsce – znajdziecie tu sesjezdjęciowenajlepszych fotografów mody na świecie, świetną selekcjęubrań,butów, torebek i akcesoriów najważniejszych w obecnymsezonie,najnowsze kosmetyki i metody pielęgnacji urody.Harper's Bazaar to najbardziej opiniotwórczewypowiedziprojektantów, stylistów, redaktorek mody. Cztery razy doroku swojeulubione kolekcje rekomenduje czytelniczkom CarineRoitfeld,niegdyś najsłynniejsza redaktor naczelna francuskiegoVoque'a,obecnie dyrektor mody wszystkich 27 światowych edycjiHarper'sBazaar. Najświeższe trendy na nowy sezon ocenialegendarnadziennikarka Suzy Menkes - za zasługi dla mody odznaczonafrancuskąLegią Honorową.Harper's Bazaar zaprasza do rozmowy najciekawszychtwórców,rekomenduje godne uwagi książki, koncerty, płyty, wystawy,polecanajpiękniejsze na świecie miejsca i adresy dlawtajemniczonych,pokazuje domy i apartamenty sławnych osób. Pomagabyć atrakcyjnąkobietą w każdym wieku i pozwala zawsze trzymać rękęna pulsiemodnych zdarzeń. Harper's Bazaar to pismo "dla dobrzeubranychkobiet o dobrze ubranym umyśle".Harper's Bazaar isthelongest - for 146 years - issued magazine about fashionandlifestyle. It is the most luxurious way in Poland - here youwillfind photo shoots best fashion photographers in the world, agreatselection of clothes, shoes, bags and accessories, themostimportant in the current season, the latest cosmetics andbeautycare methods.Harper's Bazaar is the most opinion-expression ofdesigners,stylists, fashion editors. Four times a year, yourfavoritecollectibles Carine Roitfeld recommends czytelniczkom, oncethemost famous editor in chief of the French Voque'a, now directoroffashion all 27 global edition of Harper's Bazaar. The latesttrendsfor the new season evaluates the legendary journalist SuzyMenkes -for services to fashion awarded the French Legion ofHonour.Harper's Bazaar invites you to talk to the mostinterestingartists, recommends notable books, concerts, panels,exhibitions,recommends the most beautiful places in the world andaddresses forthe initiated, shows houses and apartments of famouspeople. Ithelps to be an attractive woman of any age and you willalways keepyour finger on the pulse of fashion events. Harper'sBazaar is amagazine "for the well-dressed women with well-dressedmind."
How to Make a Man Fall in Love 1.0
You know how to attract a man’s attention, but do you know howtomake him fall in love with you.First of all you have to know how to talk to a man and make himlikeyou.Then you should know how to make a man want you.Learn how to flirt with a man and keep him interested in you.Find out and make a man fall in love with you.