Top 8 Apps Similar to EventHK

港股360 2.5.0
「港股360」重點內容包括:一)互動圖表即時報價除了股票即時報價外,旋轉手機至橫向熒幕即顯示多功能選項,自動「趨勢線」及「蟹貨區」一目了然,助您掌握股票走勢及「睇位」,制定買入賣出策略。二)即市異動包括「20大升幅」、「20大跌幅」 、「20大成交量」、「20大成交額」排名,助您即市捕捉投資機會。三)360選股器您除可按基本或技術分析「DIY選股」外,更可以參考由《信報》投資研究部編制的「策略選股」,根據不同投資策略為您預先篩選股票清單。四)股票管理將心水股票儲存至組合,設定目標/止蝕、買入/賣出價,隨時查看組合即日/累積賺蝕表現,管理股票組合話咁易。五)港股直擊即時發布最新港股資訊,直擊大巿動向,追蹤異動股票,緊貼專家即市教路、滬/深港通新聞、企業通告和日誌等。
勞工事務局資訊站 1.3.6
「勞工事務局資訊站」,是由澳門特別行政區政府勞工事務局(DSAL)製作的手機應用程式,以便公眾可隨時隨地獲取勞工事務局有關勞動、就業、職業安全健康及職業培訓的各類資訊,通過本手機應用程式,用戶除可查閱勞工事務局的「最新消息」外,還可查閱以下資訊:- 強制性假日;-勞動權益模擬計算,輸入月薪等資料模擬計算「強制性假日提供工作額外報酬」、「週假提供工作額外報酬」、「解僱賠償(不具期限合同)」及「年假補償」;- 現正接受報名的培訓課程或考試,包括職業培訓課程、職安卡課程及考試及技能測試;- 職位空缺查詢:透過行業、薪酬水平等資訊搜尋合適的職位空缺;- 個人化資訊:我的檔案,使用者可查閱已於勞工事務局登記的服務狀態及資訊。
信報財經月刊 1.3.3
"Chinese Economic Journal" was founded in 1977 and is apublicationof "Chinese Economic Journal". Focusing on economic,political, andcultural analysis reports, each issue has in-depthspecial reportsand personal interviews. The authors come from allover the world,serious but not dull, in-depth but not difficult.
1690 STOCK-港股即時報價交易亞洲實盤競技 2.9.210915901
1690STOCK是香江證券(中央編號:BJB477)獨家研發的股票報價及交易軟件。支持港股及全球指數報價、到價提示、港股交易、新股認購、資金提存等功能。香江金融集團是香江集團的成員公司,為客戶提供一站式的專業金融服務。香江證券擁有一支經驗豐富的專業團隊,熟悉國際股票市場,精通交易流程,提供客戶買賣股票,債券,全權委託投資,資產管理等服務。公司致力為客戶提供快捷安全可靠穩定的交易平台。投資有風險,需小心謹慎。如有查詢,歡迎以以下方式聯絡我們:官網: 客服熱線:+852 39720708 | +86 400 1209293 傳真: +852 3972 0736
HkBetInfo 3.21.2
Horse racing & Mark Six info of Hong Kong, NO oversearacinginfo
Youyu Stock
“Youyu Stock” is a securities trading platform underYunfengFinancial Group and provides one-stop securities informationandtrading services for investors. Through the mobileapplication“Youyu Stock”, investors can enquire real-time quotesand conducttransactions online. Yunfeng Financial Group, listed onthe HongKong Stock Exchange Main Board, is a pioneer infinancialtechnology. The subsidiaries of Yunfeng Financial Grouparelicensed corporations which are granted a licence to carry onTypes1, 4, 6 and/or 9 regulated activities under the SecuritiesandFutures Ordinance in Hong Kong.  With strongtechnicalstrength and sensitive market sense, “Youyu Stock” willbecome agood partner on your investment journey, and help youaccuratelygrasp market opportunities. Why choose “Youyu Stock”?[Onlineaccount opening] You only need a valid ID to apply for anaccountonline, which is simple and convenient. [All-In-One account]Withone securities account, you can trade stock in Hong Kong andtheU.S. markets, as well as stocks and Shanghai and Shenzhenstocksvia the Stock Connect program. [Transparent fee] Duringthepromotion period, the Hong Kong stocks commission rate is as lowas0.1%, and the U.S. stocks commission is as low as 1 cent/share.Thefees are objective and transparent. [Real-time quotes] Weprovidereal-time quotes from HKEX, NASDAQ, Shenzhen Stock ExchangeandShanghai Stock Exchange [Online operation] Deposit andwithdrawalof cash and securities as well as foreign exchange, canbe operatedonline at one go. The processes are handy and speedy.[Safe andSecure] We are a listed brokerage firm with comprehensivelicensesand transparent information. [Youyu E-cash] You can earnyield byusing idle funds in the account. If you have any questions,pleasecontact us by the following ways: Hong Kong, China: +85228431422Mainland China: 4008439666 WeChat Official Account“YunfengFinancial Group”: majikwealth
霸財智贏 1.2.29
【軟件介紹】霸財智贏是一款專業的港美股分析系統,提供上百種指標、策略選股器、AB盤分析、經紀追蹤、異動股解析等獨家功能,幫助投資者解決買什麼、何時賣的問題【特色功能】1、霸財精選:系統每日根據策略模型算法篩選有主力吸籌的潛力股,待爆股,用家亦可自定義選股策略模型,在數千只股票中輕鬆把握機會 2、專家視點-異動股解析:重點點評近期存在主力異動跡象/市場熱點/業績良好的股票案例,解析背後原因——股票異動後通常會有不錯表現3、深造班課堂:每月4堂課,嘉賓導師深入淺出講解股票、期指、期權等方面交易技巧——學習係最好的投資4、經紀追蹤:經紀追蹤揭示莊家經紀席位對股票當前價格的多空態度,當股票委託數量暴升,且委託買單超過委託賣單,一般說明主力短期有拉升欲望5、AB盤分析:大數據揭示買入/賣出動能最強的價位,輔助交易判斷有效支持位、壓力位6、行情全面:股票包含美股、港股、全球指數,衍生品包含窩輪、香港/國際期貨、期權、外匯、貴金屬等7、更多功能敬請使用
HSBC HK Mobile Banking 2.5.2
HSBC HK Mobile Banking has been speciallybuiltfor our Hong Kong customers*, with reliability at the heartof itsdesign.What are the benefits?• Mobile Security Key – for faster log on using just one password,confirm transactions like bill payments, register andincreaselimit on HSBC Easy Pay, also to generate security code tolog on toInternet Banking• Accounts – up-to-date view of your local andglobally-linkedbanking and credit card accounts; plus transactionsearch• Manage money – make local and foreign currency transfers &paybills to registered payees, set-up recurring payments in HKD,maketransfers to your globally-linked accounts; use HSBC Easy Payfortransferring money (to eligible HSBC and Hang Seng BankLimitedaccounts) using mobile numbers• Message us – send us a secure message and choose whethertoreceive a response by reply or a call back• User-friendly design - new and improved design offeringasmoother, streamlined experiencePlus much more.Getting started is easy!• Customers new to HSBC’s digital banking can now register viathemobile app• Existing customers can log on with their Personal InternetBankingdetailsSo download the new HSBC HK Mobile Banking app today to enjoythefreedom of banking on the go.We do hope you enjoy using HSBC HK Mobile Banking app! We’d lovetohear from you – please send us a message from within the apptotell us how we can continue to improve the app.*Important:This App is provided by The Hongkong and ShanghaiBankingCorporation Limited (‘HSBC HK’) for the use of existing HSBCHKcustomers only. You should not download this App if you are notanexisting HSBC HK customer.