Top 1 Apps Similar to Vicario DEMO

Vicario + CAMERA DEMO 1.0
The DEMO version is a fullyfunctionalversionof the application, which can be used for 24hours.This is enough time to get a good impression of the app.If you need more time, just uninstall the app andthenreinstallit.This means that you will have another 24 hours to decide ifyoulikeit or not.You can install the app as many times as you like.Enjoy the app.Vicario is an Android application that provides remoteaccesstoyour device.The device is managed via email.In other words, you write a mail with commands for the appandtheapp performs themin the specified sequence.Vicario can:- display information about the device;- determine its location;- call any number;- forward incoming calls to another phone;- send SMS messages to any number;- duplicate incoming SMS messages to another phone or email;- change the password for locking the device;- lock the screen at a set time;- save email attachments in a specified file;- send a list of all contacts on the device;- add contacts;------------------------------------------+ front-facing camera usage;------------------------------------------it also takes up hardly any space, does notaskunnecessaryquestions during installation andwhen working and also does what you want from it. But not allatonce:)Let's not make any hasty conclusions:- Mail servers can be very overloaded and don't alwaysprocessmailpromptly. Our tests show thatthere were instances when an email sent to us by theapplication(aswell as by us to the application)arrived 8-10 minutes later. But this did not stop an emailsentlaterarriving instantly.- Sometimes the app in determining the coordinatescannotdeterminethe email address. This is not a bugin the application. It is because of a bug in the Androidservice.Inthis case, restartingthe device can help, if you have it to hand. In any caseitisnothing to worry aboutas you have the coordinates and any map will tell youtheemailaddress.- There are also errors in determining location. But, again,thisisdue to theOS services and devices in the application's arsenal.About settings:Fields that MUST be filled in:Address of email with commands - the address where VICARIOwilllookfor the email with commands.Password - the password for this email. (You can createaseparatemail box for it,although it won't cause problems for your existing box).Email subject - the subject of the email containingtheVICARIOcommands.It will ignore other emails.After completing these fields, try and check thesettingsbypressing the appropriate button.If there are any problems, you will see a message.VICARIO will probably determine the IMAP and SMTPsettingsitself(the server address and port).Check these settings if connection failed at thefirstattempt.They can be found in your email.Explanation:IMAP server - the server the application will accesstoretrieveemails.IMAP port - this server's port.SMTP server - the server the application will usetosendreplies.SMTP port - this server's port.Host address - the address reports will be sent to (bydefault,thisis the same address as the address of theemailwithcommands).You can also choose the folder for saving files, sent tothedevicewith the appropriate command.One more important point: You have to remember theHELPcommandor, at least, that an email that doesn't containany commands (just like a blank email) gives the same resultastheHELP command,a list of supported commands.Enjoy the app.