Top 12 Apps Similar to Hajj Guide - دليل الحج والعمرة

الحج والعمرة 1.0.2
الحج والعمرة بسم الله الرحمن الرحيم تطبيق الحج والعمرة عبارة عنمنسكمُيسّر وفق هدي النبي ﷺ للشيخ الفاضل أبي عبدالرحمن عبدالله بنأحمدالإرياني حفظه الله. مميزات التطبيق: ◄ سهولة تصفح الكتاب ◄قائمةخيارات سريعة ◄ ميزة البحث في الكتاب ◄ إضافة الفوائد إلىالمرجعيات ◄عدم الحاجة للإتصال بالإنترنت ◄ المشاركة عبر الشبكاتالاجتماعيةوالبريد الإلكتروني ✦ تعلم كيفية مناسك الحج والعمرة علىوفق هدي النبيﷺ. ✦ أخي المسلم؛ بين يديك منسك مُيسّر فيه فوائدوتنبيهات هامة بما لاتجده مجموعاً في كتاب. ✦ قال الشيخ عبداللهالإرياني حفظه الله: ❞فقدكان السلف الصالح رضوان الله عليهم، يحرصونغاية الحرص على تعلُّمالدين، وكيفية مناسك الحج والعمرة على وُفق هديالنَّبِيّ الأمين ﷺ ...وقد جمعتُ في هذا المنسك المُيَسَّرِ عِدَّةفصولٍ … وحلَّيتُ المنسكبفوائد وتنبيهاتٍ هامةٍ من كلام أهل العلم،بما لا تجده مجموعًا فيكتاب، والفضل في ذلك لله وحده، فله الحمدُوالمِنَّة.❝ ✦ ملاحظة: اقتصرالشيخ عبدالله الإرياني حفظه الله بذكرحج التمتع فقط والسبب: حجةالتمتع هي الأكمل، وأما حج الإفراد فيبدأمن يوم التروية كما هو موضح،إلا أن يحرم من الآفاق فيقدم فيطوف طوافالقدوم عند وصوله مكة والقارننفس المفرد إلا أنه ساق معه الهدي،فيطوف للقدوم، ويبقى على إحرامه إلىيوم التروية، ثم يشتركون في بقيةالأعمال، إلا أن المتمتع والقارنيذبحان الهدي، بخلاف المفرد.
Manasikana 1.0.12
An interactive application that helps you during your journeytoperform Haj or Umrah, or during your visit to Madinah. TheMinistryof Haj and Umrah provides Manasikana app for pilgrims onsmartdevices with the following special capabilities: • It useshighlyaccurate satellite based maps of the sacred areas, that helpapilgrim make sure he is in the right place at the right time.•Using GPS technology, pilgrims can locate their companionsduringHaj and find the possible route to reach them. • Theapplication isregularly updated to reflect all the Masjids,restaurants,restrooms and other places of interest for pilgrims inthe holycities and Jeddah. • It provides instant translationservices forpilgrims. • Emergency services are available at an easyand directtouch • The app will automatically update your loved onesback homeevery time you reach your desired destination (Makkah,Madinah,Mina, Muzdalifa, Arafat, Jeddah, etc.). Manasikana appFeatures:Manasikana app has been designed by a team of highlyskilleddedicated professionals to provide you with the appropriatehelpand direction during the journey of Haj, Umrah, or Madinahvisitusing the following features: HELPS IN FINDING DIRECTIONSANDLOCATIONS Locate your companions in real-time and find the routetoreach them. OUT OF BOUNDS SERVICES Make sure you are withinthebounds of Mina, Arafat, Muzdalifa or Haram with a simple anddirectactions OFFLINE MAPS View and search to “Points of Interests”usingoffline maps without an Internet connection. PLACES OFINTEREST(POIs) Locate places of public interest such as nearestMasjids,restaurants, restrooms, shopping malls, etc. Find theshortestpossible route to a POI from your current location.EMERGENCYSERVICES Emergency services can be called at the touch ofthe redbutton that is always visible on the screen MONEY EXCHANGEANDCURRENCY CONVERTER Find the way to the nearest currencyconversioncentre Get up to date currency exchange rates forcalculationPRAYER SCHEDULE AND QIBLA COMPASS Get prayer times basedon yourcurrent location Know the time remaining for the next prayerGetQibla direction based on your current location WEATHER UPDATEGetweather alerts in Makkah, Madinah and Jeddah. NEWS SERVICES GetHajand Umrah related news by the Ministry. HAJ AND UMRAH TWEETSGetup-to-date tweets from Ministry of Haj and Umrah TRANSLATIONANDTEXT TO SPEECH SERVICES Translate any word or phrase from/toArabic(requires Internet) Let your mobile speak the Arabic text(requiresInternet) SUGGESTION AND FEEDBACK Submit your suggestionandfeedback in order to improve Haj and Umrah services RELATEDAPPSKnow related governmental apps that you can use during yourjourneyRECOMMENDED PLACES See recommended places by the Ministry ofHajand Umrah MULTI-LINGUAL SUPPORT Use the app in any of thesevenlanguages (Arabic, English, French, Urdu, Malay, TurkishandBengali) EASY INSTALLATION AND REGISTRATION Login throughTwitter,Google or Facebook.
مناسك الحج والعمرة 2.1
Al-Reda Apps
Rituals & Activities of Hajj and Umrah. Contains Fatwa&Prayers. [Arabic Only]
Hajj and Umrah 1.2.3
This App is the most authentic Hajj & Umrah guide foryourAndroid device.
Umrah Guide step by step 2.3
Step by step guide to perform Umrah with refs from the Quran&authentic Sunnah
Official app of General Presidency of the Grand Mosque andtheProphet's Mosque
Haramain Recordings 1.18
The All In One App To Keep You Connected To The Blessed Lands
المنتقى من فتاوى ابن باز 2.3.1
مادة منتقاة تجمع المسائل التي تكثر الحاجة إليها في أبواب متعددة
فقه المهن
تنفيذ مجموعة زاد وبرعاية كريمة من أوقاف الشيخ محمد بن عبدالعزيزالراجحي الخيرية
Islamway 1.3
Inova LLC
Islamway is the largest Islamic online library. Islamwaycontainsmore than 100,000 audio lessons, for 900 scholars. Islamway30,000articles with total number readers reaching more than130,000,000for all articles. Islamway has more than 10,000 books.Features ★Listen to any lesson or recitation. ★ Browse more than100,000lessons. ★ Browse more than 900 scholars. ★ Browse more than30,000articles. ★ Browse best lessons, new lessons, most viewedlessons.★ Browse best recitations, new recitations, mostviewedrecitations. ★ Browse best articles, new articles, mostviewedarticles. ★ Search for lesson by lesson name or scholar name.★Search for article by article name or author name. ★ Searchforbooks by book name or author name. An active internet connectionisneeded to use the Islamway app. SUPPORT ★ If you haveanyquestions, suggestions or problems, please contact [email protected] ★ Become a fan on Facebookat
Visit Abu Dhabi 3.3.1
Had enough of bulky maps and heavy guidebooks? The new freeVisitAbu Dhabi mobile app is the easiest and most friendly waytodiscover the Emirate of Abu Dhabi Be the first to know aboutallthat Abu Dhabi has to offer – from attractions and experiencestoculture and heritage, from hotels and restaurants to spasandmalls. Find fast and easy-to-navigate information on getting toandaround the emirate. Cool off with our water-sports &cruisingexperiences, be inspired by our architectural wonders,tee-off atone of our great golf courses or have a once-in-alifetime desertescape. Everything you need to know about theemirate – searchable,portable and sent straight to your phone. Whyis the Visit AbuDhabi mobile app the best way to experience AbuDhabi? • Supportfor 3 languages: English, Arabic and Chinese •Extensive,up-to-date information on all there is to see & do inAbu Dhabi• Make the most of your visit to Abu Dhabi and plan thetrip of alifetime with customized itineraries • Available with a‘Near Me’functionality showing you everything within easy reach •'Take methere' icon to help you navigate to the location •Comprehensive,easy-to-navigate map • Full listings of hotels,restaurants andspas with filters to find what’s best for you • Markyour Favoritesand see them in a single page • IntegratedTripAdvisor reviews forall locations, hotels and restaurants •Inspiring video and photogalleries • Option to share yourexperience from the app • Pushnotifications: Get instant access toall that’s new in Abu Dhabiand make sure you don't miss anydestination updates We want you tohave the best experience possibleand we take your feedback veryseriously. Something not working toyour liking? Want to see a newfeature? Let us know your [email protected] Please also take the time torateour application and post a review in the Play store. Enjoyyourtrip and we hope you have a great time in Abu Dhabi!
Islamna 1.7
Leemox Inc.
Islamna This Application is a charity for the soul of the lateProf.Dr. Sherif El-Degwi, may Allah grant him paradise and countthischarity application towards his good deeds. Islamna is a free(andad free) Islamic utilities application with the followingfeatures:1- Quran: a- Reading. b- Listening: Ayah by Ayah orstreaming,including 5 reciters: i- Mashary Rashed ii- SaadEl-Ghamdy iii-El-Hosary iv- Maher El-Maakely v- Saood El-Shorem c-Tafseer:including 7 Tafseers (Quran explanation) i- Ibn Kathir ii-Muyassariii- Qurtubi iv- Saadi v- Tabari vi- Tanweer vii- Waseetd- Search:for words or sentences in the Holy Quran e- Bookmark f-Night moodg- Share Ayah by messages, email and all social media.2- Qibla:Direction of Qibla detected from the user currentlocation 3- PrayerTimes: Including: a- Prayer Calculation methodincluding: i-Egyptian General Authority of Survey ii- Shafie iii-Hanafi iv-Islamic Society of North America v- Muslim World Leaguev- UmmAl-Qurra, Saudi Arabia b- Prayer notifications. 4- Doaa orAzkar 5-Calendar: a- Switch between Islamic and GeorgianCalendars. b-Islamic Holidays 6- Media: Selected Islamic mediapresented via: a-Articles b- Audio c- Video 7- Asmaa AllahEl-Hosna: a- The 99 namesof Allah with explanation of each name b-Share the name andexplanation via messages, email and all socialmedia 8- Cards: a-Islamic cards: for different Islamic occasionsto be sent viamessages, email and all social media. 9- Charity:supplication forDeceased 10- Hadith : collection of Hadith ofProphet Muhammad •Sahih Bukhari صحيح البخاري • Sahih Muslim صحيحمسلم • Sunan AbuDawud سنن أبي داود • Malik's Muwatta موطأ مالك •Sunan an-Nasa'i سننالنسائي • Jami` at-Tirmidhi جامع الترمذي •Sunan Ibn Majah سنن ابنماجه • Riyad as-Salihin رياض الصالحين •Shama'il Muhammadiyahالشمائل المحمدية • Bulugh al-Maram بلوغالمرام • 40 Hadith Nawawi •40 Hadith Qudsi We cannot reply tocomments over here so kindly sendall your comments and suggestionsto: [email protected] join the Facebook page: