Top 15 Apps Similar to Весёлый прикол над друзьями

Funny jokes and pictures 1.11
Zubr Mobile
Clear jokes, funny pictures, funnypictures,pictures with gags, jokes on the phone, fun with photosfor yourphone or tablet!Every day a team of pink pigs is working, that you hadfun!We choose the most funny jokes, pictures, memesdemotivators,photos, quotes and anecdotes to you do not have to getbored andsad!Sets "jokes!" on the phone or tablet and forget aboutboredom,waiting for you with a solid gigabytes fun humor!We have a large collection of jokes! Every day we are workingtomake it even bigger and better! Each picture and jokesarecarefully selected before they appear on your screen.Your Smile - it's our job, the more you smile, the more joyforus!Especially for animal lovers and girls, we select thefunnypictures with animals. But for boys - pictures and jokeswithcarbon rzhachnye demotivators.You can evaluate the jokes and share them with friendsviaVKontakte, Facebook, Twitter, Email, SMS or otherapplications.Join the followers of pink pigs and a good mood to youisguaranteed!Version 1.1:- Download new jokes button appears - to show new tricks;- Added preset database of jokes, which speeds up thefirstrun;- Improved performance of the program.Version 1.3:- Viewed fun gather in groups;- Improved performance of the program.Version 1.4:- Chinese language support;- Updated preset database of jokes.Version 1.5:- Modified the button "Share Fun" (now instead of links toimage,upload images, adds support for Facebook, Twitter, Skype,Viber andother applications installed on the device);- Limit the maximum size of the cache;- Updated preset database of jokes;- Changed the color of the "viewing fun."Version 1.6:- Speed up the program, now new tricks load faster;- Minimize the size of the traffic when updating the jokes;- In the settings menu button added "Share jokes!";- Updated preset database of jokes.Version 1.7:- Images can be saved in the gallery;- Added "Favorites", "My Likes", "Top 100";- View images in full screen;- Changed the structure of the menu;- Updated preset database of jokes.Version 1.8:- Added ability to switch between versions(Russian,International);* In the Russian version a lot of jokes, because it is ourbasicversion.* International version shows jokes without the Russian text.- Fixed a potential errors in the preservation and publicationofjokes;- Clicking on the device "Menu" button opens a menu;- Updated preset database of jokes.Version 1.9:- Fixed bug in saving images on the device;- Updated preset database of jokes.Version 1.10:- Liked and favorite jokes labeled darkened icons;- Fixed a bug in fielding likes;- Updated preset database of jokes.
Fake Call 1.2.1
Fake Call - an interesting application,anassistant in difficult situations.If you need an excuse to withdraw from an unsuccessfuldating,boring meetings, or just leave a nasty company, use a fakecall andpeople will think that you have an urgent business!This program helps to save your time and hassle!
Анекдоты про школу 1.0
Самые смешные и веселые анекдоты прошколуиучеников!Приколы над учителями, остроумные ответы учеников и другиеситуациивсвежих анекдотах про школу!В этом маленьком приложении собраны более тысячианекдотоввудобной оболочке для чтения.Теперь Вы всегда сможете блеснуть знанием новогоанекдотасредидрузей и знакомых!The mostridiculousandfunny anecdotes about the school and students!Comedy on teachers, students and witty answers othersituationsinfresh jokes about school!This small application collected over a thousandjokesinconvenient environment for reading.Now you can always flash the new knowledge joke amongfriendsandacquaintances!
Trollolol 31.0
Troll your friends, create rage facedphotosandshare created comics :)★ Automated faces detection and rageface swap★ More then 100 troll faces are available★ Take photo from camera or picture gallery★ Share created comics via Facebook, email, mms and etc★ Edit, scale and rotate the faces★ New faces are constantly added★ push-FREE app!Notice: If you have found any issues with the app, PLEASEEMAILME!That will help me make app better :)
Russian Memes 2016 Soundboard 1.1.0
Max Trum
Regular updates and updating content.Can be used for trolling kids in CS:GO.
Четкие приколы 1.4
Zubr Mobile
Четкие приколы - самое позитивноеприложение!Только для четких ребят! ;)Только у нас самые свежие и самые смешные приколы изпабликовВконтакте, Facebook. Картинки с приколами и фото приколы.Отборныйи позитивный юмор. Ежедневное обновление и морепозитива!Приколы вк. Самые смешные картинки и демотиваторы. Лучшие приколынааву. Четкие партинки для четких пацанов. Статусы скартинками.Приколы с котами и животными. vk приколы.Прикольныекартинки.Самое прикольное и четкое приложение! Смешные картинки сприколамина каждый день!Ржачные анекдоты, фото юмор, смотреть приколы онлайн. Всесамоесмешное из Четких Приколов, МДК, Орлёнок, Юморист, Шутник,Позитиви других знаменитых групп.Ты можешь оценивать фото, а так же делиться ими с друзьямичерезсоциальные сети Facebook, Вконтакте, а так же другиеустановленныена устройстве приложения! Понравившиеся приколы можносохранять визбарнное, а понравившиеся картинки - сохранять вгалерееустройства.Crisp fun - themostpositive app! Just to clear the guys! ;)Only we have the freshest and funniest jokes from thePublicVKontakte, Facebook. Pictures from the photo gags and jokes.Choiceand positive humor. Daily updates and positive sea!Comedy VC. Best funny pictures and demotivators. The best fun ontheavatar. Crisp clear partinki for kids. Updates with images. Funwithcats and animals. vk fun. Cool pictures.Very cool and clear app! Funny pictures with jokes every day!Rzhachnaya anecdotes, photos humor, fun to watch online. Themostridiculous of the clear funny, MDK, Eaglet, Comedian,Joker,Positive, and other well-known groups.You can rate pics, as well as share them with friendsthroughsocial networks Facebook, Vkontakte, as well as otherapplicationsinstalled on the device! Like the fun can be saved inan existingFAV, and favorite pictures - stored in the device'sgallery.
Air fresher - Joke & Simulator 1.3
TAMI games
If the right time, there was no airfreshenerat hand, then download this app and make the around airthe way youwant. Aromas of toast, exotic red fishing line, morningpea juice,yellow beetles and flour - that is all that you need now!Absolutely harmless, imperceptible, but very effective andusefulair freshener will not leave you in the lurch!The unique composition and instructions for use in Russianineach air freshener, scattering the stench, and cheer up! Eachspraycontains its unique captions that will not be bored alone withhim,and let a smile pass the time, wherever you are.Each air freshener is individually designed, colorfulandmulti-colored caps and colorful smellest sets, cause you haveanattack of joy, while others - an attack of jealousy!Pick up a set of individual air fresheners, you'll getaninvaluable advantage over any other mobile phone user ortablet,because you are always at hand to this great entertainmentapp forAndroid.The application includes a physically-realistic soundsplashesair freshener, and it can be used for practical jokesfriends,simulating the use of a spray. Fun guaranteed! Well?Downloadnow!:) And tell us in a review - how you joke your friends:)
Дурная Красная Кнопка 1.4
DCC is a great joke on a friend
MadCall.Me 1.36
А сколько голосов в твоей голове? Да тытакойне один! Ведь у каждого есть голос, которыйавтоматическивключается, когда звонит мама, босс или лучший друг!Не так ли? Мывытащили голоса из твоей головы и создали для нихотличную средуобитания! Целый мир в твоем девайсе!Наслаждайся! - единственное приложение, позволяющее в режимереальноговремени изменять свой голос во время звонка. Надо простовыбратьперсонажа, голосом которого ты хочешь пообщаться с другом,нажатькнопку вызова и радоваться результату!Хочешь рассказать другу анекдот или весело поздравить его сднемрождения, но все обычные способы наскучили? Тогдаскачивай записывай забавные видеооткрытки споздравлениями ишутками и отправляй их друзьям и родственникамчерез смски,социальные сети или по почте!Важно! Для совершения вызовов приложению необходимоустойчивоеподключение к сети интернет через 3G, 4G/LTE или wi-fi,без негоприложение либо не сможет сделать вызов, либо передачаголосаосуществится с искажениями и потерями.И помни, что смех продлевает жизнь! А что может быть лучше,чемпродлить жизнь своим друзьям и близким?Давайте больше смеяться!And how many voicesinyour head? You're not alone! After all, everyone has a voicethatis automatically activated when calling mom, boss or bestfriend!Is not it? We got a voice out of your head and created forthem agreat environment! The whole world in your devayse!Enjoy! - the only application that allows real-time changeyourvoice during a call. You just have to choose a character,whosevoice you want to chat with a friend, press the call buttonandenjoy the result!Want to tell a friend or a fun anecdote to congratulate him onhisbirthday, but bored with the usual ways? Then downloadMadCall.meCapture funny video reel with congratulations and jokesand sendthem to friends and relatives via sms, social networking,or bymail!Important! To make a call, the application needs a stableconnectionto the Internet via 3G, 4G/LTE, or wi-fi, without theapplication,or can not make a call or voice distorted and realizedlosses.And remember that laughter prolongs life! And what could bebetterthan to prolong the life of someone you know?Let's laugh more!
Scare your friends 1.0.1
Prank app that helps you scare the pants off of your friends!
Sniper Camera 14.0
Become an army sniper shooter! Wowniceshot~!It is a Composite photo app and just for fun app.This is kind of FPS game point of view.You can easily build composite imgaes with some weapons.It is easy to use. No need to reload. Just take a picturesellectingyour favorite guns in scene mode.Touch the shooting button and then You will get so funnycompositepictures.This app has six different scene modes.Two Sniper Scope modes(armed cam), three Rifles modes and onepistolmode.Photos are stored on the SD card in/DCIM/SniperCamera/folder.You can also see "SniperCamera" folder on your BasicGalleryapp.
LOL Call 1.0.81
Наша группа вВКонтакте:Стань супер пранкером - разыграй или поздравь друзейголосамиизвестных блогеров или крутыми мемасами! У нас есть иИвангай, иМарьяна, и Шмальц с Foster-ом, и многие другие! Картошкаспюрешкой, PPAP - тоже.Выбирай в приложении розыгрыши и поздравления от самыхизвестныхвидеоблогеров и отправляй своим друзьям прямо нателефон.Как отправить розыгрыш с помощью мобильного приложения:1. Установи приложение на смартфон.2. Войди через Вконтакте.3. Выбирай блогера или подборку пранков и розыгрыши внутри.4. Затем выбирай того, кому хочешь позвонить.5. Твой друг получит звонок и услышит твой пранк или поздравлениеотблогера.6. Наблюдай, как твой друг удивится! Вот ржака-то :)Внимание! Приложение работает только с номерамироссийскихоператоров связи. Для нормальной работы приложениятребуетсясоединение с Интернет.Если у тебя остались сомнения или вопросы - пиши в нашугруппу, мы поможем разобраться!Our groupVKontakte: a super prankerom - Raffle or congratulate friendsvoicesknown bloggers or steep memasami! We also have Ivangay,andMariana, and Schmalz with Foster-th, and many others! Potatoeswithpyureshkoy, PPAP - too.Electioneering in the application drawings and greetings fromthemost famous videoblogerov and send to your friends right onyourphone.How to send a drawing using mobile app:1. Install the app on your smartphone.2. Go through FaceBook.3. Choose a blogger or a collection Prank andsweepstakesinside.4. Then choose the person to whom you want to call.5. Your friend will receive a call and hear your Prankorcongratulation on the blogger.6. Watch how your friend will be surprised! Here rzhakasomething:)Attention! The application works only with non-Russiancommunicationoperators. For normal operation of the applicationrequires anInternet connection.If you have doubts or questions - write inour group, we will help tounderstand!
Play Pranks 1.0
You want to try new, creative pranks, you've never knew before?Ourprank-app offers you a wide selection of various pranks, soyoualways have something to laugh about. We have tons ofpossibilitiesto trick people: Many need some preparation, but arejust all thefunnier. Of course, we also have pranks, you can justspontaneouslyperform. Step by step, you'll learn how to prepare thetricks,explained in text and demonstrated in pictures. To get youstarted:Did you know this trick? Smear shampoo on the toilet seat!Yourvictim won't see anything being on there until he/she sitsdown,and slips right onto the floor!
Second Face 1.0.12
You may have noticed that human's face is unsymmetrical, withthisandroid application you can see, how would you look if yourfacewill consist of two left parts. SecondFace is a funcameraapplication, which can immediately make some little changesto yourappearance so your friends just wouldn't recognize you!Photoeditor SecondFace makes you able to: - Edit your photo withjustone simple motion - Create funny avatar for socialnetworks(Facebook, Twitter and Gravatar) - Share new entertainmentphotosto the popular sites or send them to your friends -Directlysharing your photos to SecondFace from other apps (i.e.Instagram)- Get collage with three versions of yourself (a usualone andcreated of your left and right parts) for a deepself-analysis -Have an awesome fun with your friends Only one stepseparates youfrom the installing it, so come on - click thedownload button andstart investigating your second face!