Top 4 Apps Similar to Patient Management

Cartella Clinica Tablet Cloud 1.0.1
APP OTTIMIZZATA PER TABLET CONLAPOSSIBILITA'DI CONDIVIDERE I DATI TRA I VARI DISPOSITIVI ANDROIDINPOSSESSO.L'applicazione richiede:- Una connessione dati attiva sul proprio dispositivo- Registrazione (solo durante il primo accesso) coninviodellecredenziali sulla propria email di riferimento.- Rinnovo annuale della licenza.Applicazione per la completa gestione dei dati clinicideipropripazientiL'applicazione gestisce i modo semplice edintuitivoleproblematiche che i medici specialistici si trovanoadaffrontarequotidianamente mantenendo in archivio tutti idaticlinici deipropri pazienti e permette di gestire comodamentelacartellaclinica con i dati anamnesi dei pazienti,l'esameobiettivo, levalutazioni cliniche della visita, le richiestediesami e lediagnosi e le terapie prescritte per il pazienteincura.Crea la cartella clinica inserendo tramite un wizardguidatoperogni visita i dati anamnesi, l'esame obiettivo,levalutazionicliniche della visita e la diagnosi e laterapiaprescritta per ilpaziente in cura.UTILE PER SPECIALISTI IN: Anestesiologia,Cardiologia,Chirurgia,Ematologia, Farmacologia,Dermatologia,Gastroenterologia,Ginecologia, Immunologia,Neurologia,Neurochirurgia, Odontoiatria,Oftalmologia, Oncologia,Ortopedia,Pediatria, Pneumologia,Psichiatria-Psicologia,Radiologia,Reumatologia, Riabilitazione,Urologia,Otorinolaringoiatria etutte le branche medicospecialistiche.APP OPTIMIZEDFORTABLETWITH THE POSSIBILITY 'OF DATA SHARING BETWEEN THEVARIOUSANDROIDDEVICES IN POSSESSION.The application requires:- An active data connection on your device- Registration (only during the first login) bysendingcredentialson your reference email.- Annual License Renewal.Application for the complete management of clinical dataoftheirpatientsThe application handles the simple and intuitive waytheproblemsthat specialist doctors are facing on a dailybasiskeeping inarchives all the clinical data of their patientsandallows you toconveniently manage medical records with patientdatahistory,physical examination, clinical evaluations of thevisit,requestsfor examinations and diagnosis and treatmentprescribedfor thepatient being treated.Create medical record by entering through a wizard drivenforeachvisit the medical history data, physicalexamination,clinicalinvestigations of the visit and the diagnosisandprescribedtreatment for the patient being treated.PROFIT FOR SPECIALISTS: Anesthesiology,Cardiology,Surgery,Hematology, Pharmacology,Dermatology,Gastroenterology,Gynecology, Immunology, Neurology,Neurosurgery,Dentistry,Ophthalmology, Oncology, Orthopedics,Pediatrics,Pulmonology,Psychiatry-Psychology, Radiology,Rheumatology,Rehabilitation,Urology , Otolaryngology and allspecialist medicalbranches.
Patient Doctor Records 3.3
The features that distinguish it are :We bet you will surely give it a try ;)1)Easy storage,Retrieval,edit,updation ,E-Prescription,SMSReminder, Print ,View Appointments,WhatsappReminder,PhotoStorage, Appointment of a particular Date, month,year Viewing,You can view the next Appointment Date , amount given,patientname,problems can call him/her in one click with thisPatientDoctorRecords or Patient Management .2)Data base can be exported to PC,Database can beviewed,searchedvia SQL Lite manager a small extension to FIrefoxBrowserRun on anyOperating system Be it Mac,Linux or Windows withthisPatient DoctorRecords.3)Easy storage,Retrieval,edit,updation in thisPatientDoctorRecords.4)Amazing Interface of this Patient Doctor Records5)Even Photos can be taken and stored,withcontactaddress,previous medical records,weight,pulse,medicationwith thisPatient Doctor Records6)Patient Doctor Records is the Perfect way to go Digital .7)Now simplify life with Technology withPatientDoctorRecords8)Commitment of Regular Periodic Updates withPatientDoctorRecords.9)Absolutely Light Weight in Size.10) All Premium Features for free and Light weightinsize.Whyshould you waste some bucks ;) while you can save withthisPatientDoctor Records or Patient Management11) Data base can be exported to PC,Database canbeviewed,searched via SQL Lite manager a small extension toFIrefoxBrowserRun on any Operating system Be it Mac,Linux orWindows withthisPatient Records or Patient Management12) Amazing Interface and interlinking of Features ofthiswiththis Patient Doctor Records or Patient Management.13) Even Photos can be taken and stored,withcontactaddress,previous medical records,weight,pulse,medicationwith thisPatientDoctor Records or PatientManagement.14) Patient Management or PatientDoctor Records is thePerfectwayto go Digital .15) Now simplify life with Technology and improve yourProfits,send e prescriptions ,e reminders with this PatientDoctorRecordsor Patient Management.16) Commitment of Regular Periodic Updates and supportwiththisPatient Doctor Records or Patient Management17) The entire coding has been done with DesignthinkingApproachand from heart .18)This Patient Doctor Records is Light weight in size19)Data base can be exported to PC,Database canbeviewed,searched via SQL Lite manager a small extension toFIrefoxBrowserRun on any Operating system Be it Mac,Linux orWindows withthisPatient Doctor Records.20)Easy storage,Retrieval,edit,updation in thisPatientDoctorRecords.21)Amazing Interface of this Patient Doctor Records22)Even Photos can be taken and stored,withcontactaddress,previous medical records,weight,pulse,medicationwith thisPatient Doctor Records23)Patient Doctor Records is the Perfect way to go Digital .24)Now simplify life with Technology withPatientDoctorRecords25)Commitment of Regular Periodic Updates withPatientDoctorRecords.26) We are always willing to help you if you faceanyproblemsWrite to us : @ gmail.comJust as a reference so you can decide, here is the list ofsomeofthe professionals the app is useful for or is beingusedby:Dentist, Nurse, Midwife, Health Specialist, Therapist,Clinician,EyeClinics, Pathology labs, Physician's assistant,Schoolnurse,Pediatrician, Homeopath, TCM, Ayurveda, Surgeons, MD,MS,MBBS,OPD, BAMS, Paramedic, EMT, Optometrist,PatientManager,Gynecologist, Cardiologist,Orthopedist,Orthodontist,Dermatologist, sports physio,hypnotherapist, MedicalCRM andstudent and school as well asinterns, EMR, EHR App,Hospital canuse the app as patientregistration system. Useful forquick andeasy patient intakes,first-aid or records by disastervolunteers,fire fighters or similarorganizations and emergencyrespondersduring calamities such asfire, earthquake, war-zones,storms,tornado, hurricanes etc
Doctor Assist 1.1
Doctor Assist Mobile applicationisdesignedwith so many great patient management features forbusymedicalprofessionals. Works fine on smart phones. No typingjustthe TAPto select templates and join them to eachother.Possibilities areendless to boost productivity. All data arestoredon mobile phoneand it is 100% personal and secure.Doctor Assist has several patient management featuresforbusymedical professionals. They can create custom templatesinorder tofill and store any particular type of data basedonspecialty.We are open for any suggestion, please writetous:[email protected] support please WhatsApp us @ +91-91566 11111For more information, please contact us @ +91-91566 11111KEY APPLICATION HIGHLIGHTS ARE AS FOLLOW:1.Maintain patient history2. Record patient visit and capture Photos3. Manage daily fees collection4. Send follow-up reminders for balance fees5. Manage Appointment6. Maintain Patient information and integratewithincomingcall7. Easy to define template to writer clinicalnoteandprescriptionJust as a reference so you can decide, here is the list ofsomeofthe professionals the app is useful for or is beingusedby:Dentist, Nurse, Midwife, Health Specialist, Therapist,Clinician,EyeClinics, Pathology labs, Physician's assistant,Schoolnurse,Paediatrician, Homeopath, TCM, Ayurveda, Surgeons, MD,MS,MBBS,OPD, BAMS, Paramedic, EMT, Optometrist,PatientManager,Gynaecologist, Cardiologist,Orthopedist,Orthodontist,Dermatologist, Sports Physio,hypnotherapist, MedicalCRM andstudent and school as well asinterns, EMR, EHR App,Hospital canuse the app as patientregistration system. Useful forquick andeasy patient intakes,first-aid or records by disastervolunteers,fire fighters or similarorganisations and emergencyrespondersduring calamities such asfire, earthquake, war-zones,storms,tornado, hurricanes etc..VISIT OUR FACEBOOK PAGE : of any issue kindly allow us to fix it before givingpoorornegative feedback.
Patient Management System 1.2
Download Javitri Hospital's new app and enjoyahandy experience of viewing reports and medical history aswellfixing appointments all in a single space saving userfriendlymobile app and save yourself the tedious waiting hours,long queuesand regular visits to hospital premises.This application is loaded with all the relevant regularandadvanced features of a integrated patient management systemandproves to be time saving and efficient, serving the patientsaswell as the doctors in the numerous ways:• Checking the reports for any kind of tests conductedatJavitri, inclusive of even minor relevant details, for bothpatientand spouse and details of further tests and treatments tobeundertaken. This handy feature of this app totally eliminatestheneed of continuous live visits to the hospital premises whichcanseem to be tedious when your current location is nowherenearJavitri.• Once the patient creates his/her profile on thisapplication,their treatment history can be easily viewed by them onthisuser-friendly application. Any changes in medication and dosagearenot only updated in the case history of the patient in no timebutalso the patient is immediately notified of any such changes beitrelevant or trivial.• Makes it handy for the patients to schedule theirappointmentswith their doctors and checking the current status oftheirappointments; whether approved, delayed, canceled, pre-ponedorpostponed.•Other than the above, we can get an insight into thevariousissues related to pregnancy, surrogacy, IVFs,infertilitytreatments and various other fortes in which Javitrihospital isinvolved in, in the application's News Tab. The issuescan berelated to hospital's internal policies or even nationalrules andregulations and their implications which may or maynotbeneficially or adversely affect the patientundergoingtreatment.Simplicity of design and friendliness of usage are twofeatureswhich make this app stand out from other patient managementsystemsof the same genre and is available without any kind ofmonetarysubscriptions or charges. It is specifically customized forpeoplewho are either undergoing any kind of treatment with Javitrioreven for those who feel the need of consulting the expert teamofdoctors at Javitri for any kind of advice or treatment.For any help/suggestion call us on Javitri Hospital TollFreenumber 780042700 (Available 365 days a year) or email [email protected]. Do not forget to rate/give feedbackonour product. Your suggestions help us become better.