Top 20 Games Similar to

Vélo 101 1.03
Sport 101
Restez au contact de l'actualité ducyclisme(pros, amateurs, cyclosport, VTT, cyclocross...) entéléchargeantgratuitement l'appli Vélo 101. Soyez informés desévènements endirect grâce aux pushs sur votre smartphone etconsultezl'actualité, les résultats, des photos et vidéos, lesinterviews,les tests ainsi que les fiches coureurs depuis votremobile.Stay in touch with newsofcycling (pros, amateurs, cyclosport, mountain biking,cyclocross...) by downloading the free app Bike 101. Be informed ofliveevents through pushs on your smartphone and check the latestnews,results, photos and videos, interviews, tests and sheetsrunnersfrom your mobile.
Planète Cyclisme 5.3.2
L’application Planète Cyclisme vous propose une versionnumériqueenrichie de l'édition papier du magazine Planète CyclismeMagazine.Planète Cyclisme, le magazine des professionnels de lacompétitionsur route. Retrouvez l’actualité du peloton, desinterviews desstars et des espoirs, des magazines sur les équipeset des enquêtessur l’actualité. Acceptez de recevoir lesnotifications push pourêtre informé des exclus, des infos et del’arrivée de la nouvelleparution de Planète Cyclisme. Achetezdirectement le magazinePlanète Cyclisme depuis l'application grâceà l'une de nos formules: Achat à la parution : 3,99 € Abonnementd’un an : 22,99 €L’abonnement donne droit à l’ensemble desparutions régulières. Unefois téléchargées, les éditions restentaccessibles partout, mêmehors connexion. Les abonnements proposéssont : - Abonnement 1 an:22.99 € - Votre paiement sera prélevé survotre compte Google Playaprès votre confirmation d'achat. - Votreabonnement sera renouveléautomatiquement, à moins que vous nedésactiviez la fonction"renouvellement automatique" au plus tard24h avant la fin de votreabonnement depuis la rubrique "Votrecompte". - Le cas échéant,votre compte sera débité au titre durenouvellement 24h avant lafin de l'abonnement. - Après votreachat, vous pouvez désactiverl'option de renouvellementautomatique. Notre politique deconfidentialité et CGU sontdisponibles à cette adresse:
Pro Cycling News 6.1
If you are like me you have a lot ofbookmarksfor different cycling related sites. I made this app tohelpeliminate that and have all the bookmarks in one spot.You will find RSS fees to the big cycling websites alongwithTwitter feeds from pro cyclists and UCI teams. I alsoincludedfeeds from the Giro, Tour and VueltaSuggestions for new links are welcome!New in 8:- Added Cycling News RSS back! They finally fixed theirfeed!!!!New in 7:- Added News Now Cycling RSSNew in 6.1:- Added Bike Rumor RSSNew in 6.0a:- Fixed what Twitter brokeNew in 6.0:- Added more riders on Twitter- Added link to Added link to Reddit's Pro Peloton feed- Changed backgroundVersion 5.0:- Added more riders on Twitter- Deleted a dead linkVersion 4.0:- Added RSS feed to Bike Radar- Added links to PEZ Cycling photos and daily distraction ;)Version 3.0:- Added links to sites I use to watch racesVersion 2.0:- Added Twitter feeds for all 19 UCI teams
Track Cycling
For the TRACK CYCLING.managementvelodrome.This application allows you to track theprogress ofcompetitors.TIMER. Reference time, time comparisonmade.Calculation of anARRAY OF MARKET. Choice competitions.Standingstart or rollingstart. Individual or team race.
Info Cycling 2022 7.0.2
Follow the entire Pro Cycling season: results, riders, profiles...
MyTrails 2.1.11
No ads even in the free version! Perfect for hiking,riding,cycling,running, skiing or orienteering Premium topo mapsUsein-apppurchases to subscribe to high-quality,special-purposemaps.Flexible offline mode and competitive pricing.• OS OpenData(GB) •IGN TOP25, TOP50, Cadastre, Satellite andLittoral (marinemaps) (FR) maporiented with the built-in compass and GPSKnow exactlywhichdirection you are going. Uncluttered map area,withunobtrusivecontrols and a traditional scale with trackdurationand distance.Hardware-accelerated map drawing allowssmooth andsnappy displayeven with tens of thousands of trackpoints. Stats40+ stats tochoose from! Display them on a dedicatedscreen(including stats formultiple tracks at once), on theHUDoverlaying the map or even onAndroid Wear. Graphs Freelydefineaxes (over 30 combinations) tovisualize your tracks,includingelevation profiles, speed vs. time,etc. Free online mapsPick frommany built-in online map sources(OpenStreetMap, Yahoo,Bing,Google and many other global and localproviders). Add moremapsources using the configurable map sources(URL or WMS).Onlypremium maps are guaranteed: we may be forced toremove accesstoany of the free maps if requested by therights-holders; thisisregardless of whether you are using the Proor Freeversion.Offline maps Save battery and data charges. Themapdisplaysinstantaneously. No need to use desktop-based toolstocreateoffline maps, you can do it in MyTrails, in thebackground.RecordGPS tracks Visualize your track at any time andanalyse yourcourseduring or after the outdoor activity. DisplaymultiplecolorizedGPS tracks at once (Pro) Visualize your previousoutingsand thoseuploaded to GPS community sites, so that you alwayspick agreattrail. Visualize the key indicators of the track(altitude,speed,rate of ascent, slope, GPS accuracy, etc.) right onthe mapwith adetailed legend. Waypoints Manually add waypointstoindicatememorable spots or upcoming turns. Waypointsareautomaticallygenerated when getting directions or when you takeabreak. Shareand archive tracks (Pro) Share your tracks onMyTrails, GPSies,UtagawaVTT and Download trackssharedby other usersin your vicinity. Gestures Easily switchbetweenactive maps byswiping three fingers left to right in the mapview.Pull down theHUD with information on your speed and altitudebyswiping threefingers down your screen. Full tablet supportPlanyour outing on alarge-screen tablet, go out and have fun, andwhenyou're back,view the track in full glory. Use Dropbox toseamlesslysynchronizebetween devices. FAQ: see the FAQ
Cyclist Calculator 1.1.04
Compute speed of cyclist depending on various parameters.
Interval Timer 4 HIIT Workout 3.3.27
Interval Timer 4 HIIT Training isaninvaluable countdown timer for all people interested in workoutandtraining. Just set up any number of workout andrestintervals and you're ready to maximize your trainingresults.It doesn't matter what kind of workout you do-whether you run, use it for cycling, sprint, tabata,weightlifting, HIIT training, some cardio, boxing or martial arts.It issuitable also for lots of "home workout / training" like theonesyou can find all over the Internet! It can also fullysubstituteyour physical HIIT interval timer you'd otherwise need tocarry inthe gym. It can even be used during study or cooking! Thebestthing is that this app is always with you, because it's onyourphone.Just set your own training schedule the with the number ofrounds,workout time and the rest time. Before the actual exerciseyou canalso set up the preparation time and after you finish yourworkoutuse the relax time for the cool-down period. Import,Export,Download and Upload your training plans! - This site is a great addition to Androidappitself. You can find here all the information about theIntervalTimer, some tips & tricks, all the user uploadedtraining plansand many more. Check it out after you're done withyourworkout.Interval Training Timer 4 HIIT will:- Logs each of your training- Gives you awards as you workout- Allows you to set own workout sounds, vibrations and colors- Is ready for import and export of your exercises, stats andawardsto SD card or internal storage- Allows you to download and upload the training totheInternet- And share them with the world!- Combine various training into one long session inExtendedTrainingYou don't know what HIIT is?High-intensity interval training describes an exercise composedofHIIT techniques. HIIT workout sessions generally consist of awarmup period, then several repetitions of high intensityexerciseseparated by a medium intensity exercise for recovery, thena cooldown period. The number of repetitions and length of eachdependson the exercise, but may be as little as three repetitionswithjust 20 seconds of intense exercise. [wikipedia]Tip: If you hear the counter through the external speakers evenwhenthe headphones are plugged in - you can always go to thepreferencesand un-check the "Use alarm volume".Tip: If your background music is disrupted with every soundtimermakes, you just have to disable "use alarm volume"inoptions.Free AD supported version!Interval Timer 4 HIIT Workout has free Caller ID. Caller IDwillshow call information during/after calls - even for contactsthatare not in your phone book. Enable, disable or configure CallerIDat any time in the settings menu.Facebook:
iCRCM - Cyclisme Martinique
Avec iCRCM :- Consultez les résultats du Tour Cycliste InternationaldeMartinique depuis 2003- Consultez le palmarès du Tour Cycliste International deMartiniquedepuis 1965- Suivez les classements en Live des arrivées lors du TourCyclisteInternational de Martinique- Suivez en Live les événements majeurs de chaque étape- Fonctionne en 3G- Connexion WiFi idéaleWith iCRCM: - Check the results of the Tour CyclisteInternationalMartinique since 2003 - Check out the winners of the International Cycling TourofMartinique since 1965 - Follow STANDINGS Live arrivals at the TourCyclisteInternational Martinique - Follow live the major events of each stage - Works over 3G - WiFi ideal
Indoor Cycling 1.00
With the app Indoor Cycling forAndroiddevices, you will find all the information you need topracticeSpinning and exercise while you are having fun, burn fatandexercise your heart.In the application Indoor Cycling you will find all kindsofexercises, high-intensity, changes of rythm, mediumintensity,steady rythm, classes for beginners and competitionclasses.In addition, it includes tips for you to know how to adjusttheresistance on your spinning bike, improve yourperformanceday-to-day and lose weight in a healthy and definitiveway.This app indoor cycling includes:Training exercises to be able to continue a completespinningclass.Different types of routines depending on each level,withindications of a specialized instructor of spinning.Tips that will help you to achieve your goals, to keep rythmandadapt the class to your need of training.Selection of music that will motivate you to keep up withtherythm of the class of indoor cycling.Download this free app on your mobile phone or tablet andbeginto practice spinning in a healthful and funny way.
SizeMyBike 1.1
N. Canouet
SizeMyBike is the first mobile bikefittingapp. Essential to choose the right bike size and improveyourposition! Define your morphology with 6 body measuresandSizeMyBike will compute the optimal geometry of your road bikeoryour mountain bike. Easy, fast and efficient!The right fit is everything. SizeMyBike will help you dial intheperfect fit, to give you the absolute best comfort andperformance.TOP FEATURES- Fit your road bike as you ride: comfort or performance- Fit your MTB as you ride: Xcountry or All Mountain- Multiple users managementPRESS QUOTES“While it certainly won’t replace a proper bike fitting sessionatyour local bike shop, the SizeMyBike app is a great place tostart.The program asks you to input six body size measurements andthenproduces two extremely detailed sets of bikespecifications.”Canadian Cycling, February 2011“With SizeMyBike, the beginners will be able to choose therightbike size at the time of the purchase. Expert riders shoulduse itto check if their current geometry is optimal. RATE8/10.”CycloPassion, num 199, July 2010“A quick test confirmed that dimensions were correct for aMountainBike.” O2BIKERS, Num 159, May 2010Keep in mind that professional bike fitting service costsabout$150.
Sites VTT-FFC 1.1
L'App officielle des sites VTT-FFC.Téléchargez l’Application des Sites VTT-FFC etprofitezd’unsystème de géolocalisation des parcours etitinéraireslabelliséspar la Fédération Française de Cyclisme.Retrouvez tous les sites avec leurs descriptifs etlesparcourspossibles, une cartographie vous permet de voirdirectementlessites les plus proches de là où vous êtes.Toutes les infos pour rouler sereinement et en toute sécurité.The official AppofVTT-FFCsites.Download the Application of VTT-FFC sites and enjoyageolocationsystem of routes and tracks labeled by theFrenchCyclingFederation.Find all sites with their descriptions and possibleroutes,mappingallows you to directly see the nearest locationswhereyouare. All about to roll calmly and safely.
Bike Repair 7.0.3
58 guides + 95 Tips and Tricks. Be your own mechanic!
Sorties VTT
Envie de rouler ce week-end ? Grâceàl'application, trouvez facilement et rapidement lessorties,randonnées et évènements VTT proches de chez vous !Vous pourrez rechercher ou découvrir les sorties VTT prochesdevous ou n'importe où ailleurs en France. Si voussouhaitezplanifier une sortie, vous pouvez également effectuerdesrecherches dans des plages de date précises.Grâce à notre carte interactive, d'un coup d'œil, vous savezoùet quand se déroulent les évènements. Vous trouvez rapidementlasortie de vos rêves !Pour chaque sortie, découvrez les éléments indispensables àvotrechoix ou à votre planification. Les circuits, les tarifs,lesinformations fournies de l'organisateur, les contacts,lesmodalités d'inscription et la météo prévue se tiennent àvotredisposition.Le jour de la sortie enfin arrivé, laissez-vous guiderparl'application jusqu'au point de départ grâce aux outilsdenavigation de votre smartphone.Retrouvez toutes les sorties sur le site web de Sorties VTT:éé par Tekigo : to ride thisweekend?Through the application easily and quickly find out,hiking andmountain bike events near you!You can search or explore the attractions ATV near youoranywhere else in France. If you want to plan a night out, youcanalso search within specific time ranges.With our interactive map, a glance, you know where and whentheevents take place. You quickly find out your dream!For each output, discover essential to your choice oryourplanning elements. Circuits, prices, information provided bytheorganizer, contacts, registration details and weather providedareat your disposal.The release day finally arrived, let us guide you throughtheapplication to the point of using the navigation tools onyoursmartphone.Find all the outputs on the website outputsATV: by Tekigo:
U kunt in de Sporza App terecht voorliveupdates van de Jupiler Pro league en de belangrijksteEuropesevoetbalcompetities. Uiteraard kunt u er ook genieten vanallewedstrijden van de Rode Duivels. Daarnaast is er plaatsvoorwielrennen, veldrijden, tennis en zaalsporten.Deze app is een startpunt, geen eindpunt. Sporza zal in fases deappombouwen tot een volwaardige, hedendaagse mobiele applicatie.Naastde live-verslaggeving, is er ook plaats voor nieuwsberichtenenvideobeleving. U kunt hier onder andere terecht voor dehoogtepuntenvan de Jupiler Pro League nog dezelfde avond van dewedstrijd.You may be Sporzaappoffers live updates from the Jupiler Pro League and themajorEuropean football leagues. Of course you can also enjoy allthegames of the Red Devils. In addition, there is space forcycling,cyclocross, tennis and indoor sports.This app is a starting point, not an end. Sporza will be inphases,the app converts into a full-fledged, modern mobile. Inaddition tothe live coverage, there is also place for news andvideoexperience. You can go for include the highlights of theJupilerPro League the same night of the match.
Cyclocross Magazine 5.0
Subscribe to ourcontent-packed,authentic,authoritative, informative andentertaining print mag.It’s vastlydifferent than our website, withmuch more in-depthcontent onriders, tech, reviews, andbehind-the-scenes look atraces. It’sonly quarterly currently, butoffers three times thecontent ofother magazines. You can do themath, but we think at theend offour issues, you’ve gotten morecontent than the standard10-issuecycling mag!
Cyclocross Free 4.0.6
Tom Vergotte
Cyclocross Free is the must haveapplicationforevery cyclocross fan.CALENDARThe app contains the calendar for the entire season. Dividedintwohandy options, where you can choose for the entire seasonoronlythe races yet to come. Per race you find extrainformationandstatistics. Think about the first edition, the date,websiteandthe last three winners. Check the Pro version for afullhistorylist!TROPHIESFurther it contains the standing of thedifferenttrophies(Superprestige, Bpost bank trophy and the Worldcup). Againyou canfind the last 3 winners of each trophy. (Proversion hasfullhistory!) Currently only the winner is displayed,but in one ofthenext versions the top 3 will be shown if you rotateyour phone.Inthis section also the world championship andthenationalchampionships of cyclocross minded countriesarelisted.TOP RIDERSThe section top riders contains some of the mostsuccessfulridersand will be extended in the future. You can readabout theriderstheir career and see what important trophies theywon in onehandyoverview page.UPDATE INFOThere is also an in app update function that will downloadtheraceresults from the server once available. However, you havetoselectthis menu option manually in order to trigger theupdate.Currentlypush notifications are being developed and willbereleased onceavailable (in Pro version).The free version is very similar to the pro (paid)version,onlysome statistics are not available, this to stimulatepeople tobuythe pro version. The funds raised by the pro versionare usedtopay servers and software licenses and fees for theappstores.Pleasevisit are from Pro version.This is the must have app for every cyclocross fan!
JvA wintercompetitie 3.2
Jan van Arckel Wintercompetition: calendar, start times,locations,rankings.
Measures bike - plus 2.61
Get the initial steps to bring the bike with the measures used
bmx avenue
BMX AVENUE magasin Français spécialistedevélos bmx freestyle, race, oldschool, gravel bikes, fixies,vttdirt, accessoires, vêtements et shoes. Grâce à cetteappligratuite, recevez toutes les infos des derniers arrivages,despromos, mais aussi la vie du shop et du team (Photos,vidéos,events). Recevez également des infos push exclusives(Codesremises, dernières nouveautés, actualité du team etc...)BMX AVENUE storeFrenchspecialist bmx freestyle bikes, race, oldschool, gravelbikes,fixies, dirt bike, accessories, clothing and shoes. With thisfreeapp, receive complete information of the latest arrivals,promos,but also the lives of the shop and the team (photos,videos,events). also receive exclusive push information (discountscodes,latest news, the news team etc ...)