Top 10 Apps Similar to L'Apocalypse

Bible: KJV, BBE, ASV, WEB, LSG 2.4
Very easy to use and high-performance Bible app.
The Fully power of Quran in your device. Translation, tfasirandAudio support.
40 rabbana en arabe et francais 1.0.2
Cette application contient : Les 99 noms d'Allah(swt)avecleurssignifications et attributs. Les Douas en françaisaveclatraduction phonétique : - Invocation pour la demande depardon-Invocation pour persévérer dans l'obéissance à Allah-Invocationdu Prophète - Invocation pour ses parents -Invocationpourrepousser l'injustice - Invocation lorsqu'on sort dechez soi-Invocation lorsqu'on rompt le jeûne - Invocation pourceluiquivient de se marier - Invocation pour calmer la colère-Invocationspour remercier son frère en Islam - Invocationlorsqu'onentend letonnerre - Invocations avant d'entrer auxtoilettes -Invocationaprès les ablutions - Invocation lors del'insomnie -Invocationpour conserver quelque chose Les invocationsdu soir etdu matinavec leurs traduction française et phonétiqueainsi queleurs sonsau format mp3 Les 40 Rabbanas traduites enfrançais aveclatraductions phonétique et les 40 Rabbanas en mp3.(sanspublicités)nb : il y a certain bug pour les sons sur lesandroidkitkat 4.4.2
nacnews 3.0.5
DescriptionThe nacnews app offers a comfortable and compact overviewofmessages from diverse websites of the New Apostolic Church.Theglobal news sources include media of the New ApostolicChurchInternational, as well as the regional District Churches,churchdistricts, and charity organizations. Additional news sourceswillbe added continually. Languages and news sources canbeindividually selected in the settings of the nacnews app. Theappis ad-free and free of charge.What’s newNew functions in version 3.0.0Many details of the nacnews app have been optimized in version3or completely redeveloped, such as- a faster update of the start page by gesture control: pulltorefresh- no limits on previews: overviews can be scrolleddynamically- a uniform, five-line preview of all messages; irrespectiveoflanguage selection and display size- a comfortable slideshow: simply scroll through imagegallerieswith swipe gestures- significantly reduced memory consumption- an additional menu language: Spanish- a push function for the direct reception of new messages;newssources can be individually selected in the menu“Sources”- an integrated browser for a quick view of the originalnewssource/website- a clear three-column layout on the iPadThe New Apostolic ChurchThe New Apostolic Church is an international Christianchurch.The foundation of its teachings is Holy Scripture. TheNewApostolic Church recognizes three sacraments: Holy Baptism,HolySealing, and Holy Communion. The New Apostolic Church offersitsmembers appealing and contemporary pastoral care based onthegospel of Jesus Christ. It developed from the CatholicApostolicChurch in 1863 and is led by Apostles, just like thefirstChristian congregations. The return of Christ to take homeHisbride is a central component of New Apostolic doctrine. TheNewApostolic Church emphasizes the personal accountability ofitsmembers for their actions. The individual is responsible to Godforhis behaviour. The gospel of Christ and the system ofvaluesinherent in the Ten Commandments provide clear orientation inthisrespect. The New Apostolic Church is politically neutralandindependent. It is financed by the voluntary donations ofitsmembers.Legal notice, publisher, contactDo you have questions or suggestions? Please do not hesitatetocomment. You can also visit us at the websites and Apostolic Church InternationalÜberlandstr. 2438051 Zurich / Switzerlandhttp://[email protected] +41 43 2994100Telefax +41 43 2994200
Moore Bible français English 5.0
This application contains the texts of the Bible translatedintoMoore.
Daily Supplications PRO
YoubO apps
Read and listen everyday to more than 300 supplications fromQuranand Sunna.
E.ON Smart Control 3.1.6
E.ON Smart Control: Your power consumption - finally transparent
Mooré et Français English 5.0
The Word of God in Moore language, Burkina Faso and also French 2.1.2
Site Application with the conferences of thebrotherNader Abu Anas
Mafatih Al Jinan en français 1.14
Mafatih Al Jinan French - Keys to Paradise