Top 3 Apps Similar to Cardiology 1000 Questions Sim

Medrills: Cardiac Emergencies 1.6
Medrills: Cardiac EmergenciesThe EMT task of identifying cardiac emergencies isfullyillustrated using 3D graphics and interactive exercisestoreinforce key learning concepts. This lesson will help theEMSprovider in further assessing a patient with potentialcardiacconditions in order to provide the most adequatetreatment.Medrills, presented by ArchieMD, provides compellingtrainingmaterial for preventive and general medical tasks such asobtainingIV access, performing CPR, or using an AED. The app isdedicated toan individual medical task and includes:​1. An instructional animation providing a deep understandingofthe medical task.2. Training with interactive exercises which enable practicingthetask to prepare for assessment.3. In-app purchase of $0.99 for a testing section to evaluatetheuser’s knowledge and skill of a task. Score above 85% withnocritical task failures to receive a certificate fornationallyrecognized 1.0 CEH credit hour certified by CECBEMS.NOTE – IN ORDER TO RECEIVE CEH CREDIT HOURS, AN ADDITIONALCHARGEOF $0.99 MUST BE MADE AS AN IN-APP PURCHASE. USERS WHO DONOTPURCHASE THE CEH AND TESTING MODE MAY VIEW THE INSTRUCTIONALVIDEOAND TRAINING MODE BUT WILL NOT BE PARTICIPATING IN ACECBEMSACCREDITED COURSE.CECBEMS verifies that sound education principles havebeendemonstrated in the development of this educational offeringasevidenced by the review of its objectives, teaching plan,faculty,and program evaluation processes. CECBEMS does not endorseorsupport the actual opinions or material content as presented bythespeaker(s) and/or sponsoring organization.
Medlearn | Cardiology 1.0
Dr. Tarek Abdelhamid M.D.; MLitt EduisanInternal Medicine specialist and MedicalEducationalist."Dr.Tarek" has developed an innovative learningmodel(TheMultidimensional Learning Model MDLM) to enhance theprocessoflearning in medical students. Based on this model,Dr.TarekAbdelhamid was considered the first person in theworldtoeffectively integrate cognitive psychology &memorystudiesinto the field of Medical Education."Dr. Tarek" developed his MDLM in New Zealand as partofhisthesis in Medical Education at the University of AucklandSchoolofMedicine and health Science. The MDLM was then publishedbyMedicalEducation Online [] in the USA (See:TheMDLM at: Tarek uses several cognitive psychology and memorytacticstocreate his medical illustrations in order to facilitatethelearningof complex medical topics. Currently Dr. Abdelhamidlivesin the USand is the founder of a ground breaking E-learningsystemforteaching medicine via the internet.
Personalized Drug Reference 1.0
Personalized Genetic-Based DrugReference(PGDR)is an app that is designed for both patients andphysiciansalike.One of the largest costs in health care comesfromineffective drugtreatment or harmful drug interactions. Thisappshould be a valuabletool for patients and their physicians iftheyare taking any drugrelated to the CYP450 metabolic system.This isone of the mostcommon metabolic pathways ofpharmacologicintervention and isresponsible in some capacity forthemetabolization of 75% of alldrug therapy. Though this appiscardiology focused, it covers abroad spectrum of drugtherapyinteractions from antipsychotics toHIV treatments.If you have had a genetic test to identify yourgeneticprofile,this app will prove to be a helpful resource for youandyourdoctor(s), pharmacist, or caregiver when discussing howtoachieveoptimal treatment with your medications.The goal of this app is to raise awareness of the linkbetweenapatient’s genetic makeup and the potential that it hasshowntoimprove the effectiveness of that patient’s drugtherapy.