Top 1 Apps Similar to Flex4Grid GUI

Search GUI 1.1.05
Web search + Locals search +Privacy+Interactive Browsing friendly + Mobile friendly.Not just search, search, browse and exploretheWebinteractively.Privacy friendly. Mobile friendly. Web search + Locals search.Search takes less than a second. You spend several secondsifnotminutes going through web search results. Search GUImakesbrowsingeasier. It adds interactivity and exploration.You create folders on your desktop.Search GUI automatically creates folders of search documents.You can filter documents by search folders.The only search engine built for mobiles and tablets.Provides best privacy and best search browsing experiencePromo video: browsability video: search engines are for desktop and not friendlyenoughontouch devices like tablets/mobilesSearch GUI is built for mobiles and tablets. It is themosttouchfriendly search engine.Search GUI allows for touch friendly scroll. It allowstouchfriendlytap to see more details where you want to.Most privacy friendly searchYou do not want the search engine to track yourdeviceandpersonal information.Search GUI is the most privacy friendlyanonymoussearchengine.Unlike other search engines, Search GUI storesnopersonalinformation about you or your device at all.