Top 27 Apps Similar to NXT Remote Motor Control

MagicQ Remote Control 4.18.3
ChamSys Ltd
Remote control your ChamSys MagicQ console or PC setup withthishandy app
HMI Modbus TCP, Bluetooth Free 2.14
This software can be used as replacement for HMI operatorpanel.Somefunctions of Scada-systems such as reading andwritingdifferent datatypes are provided. Modbus TCP/IP protocolissupported. In order touse Modbus RTU/ASCII additionalModbusconverter (for exampletgw-715) is necessary. If youneedonlyviewer: through Bluetooth (Modbus RTU), canbeused forcommunication via Bluetooth shield for Arduino andotherdevices.Viewing requests and responses in Hex format in thelog.Programinterface is based on Drag and Drop principle. Longtap onelement inediting mode is used to move that elementwithinworkspace. Mostexternal HMI are using port no. 8000, PLCportusually set to 502.Read/write functions currently supports Int16,Int 32, Float, Floatswapped, Boolean data types. Softwarewastested on HMI panel WeintekMT6070iH, Delta DVP20EX2 PLC,Siemenss7-1200 PLC
EcoStruxure IT 4.1.8
EcoStruxure IT digital monitoring service of your criticalphysicalequipment.
ArduController 3.0.0
Manage Arduino with your smartphone
Controlz - MOC controller 2.9
Control Lego (Control+, Powered Up), BuWizz 2.0, BuWizz 3.0devices.
Induction Motor
Simulation of Induction Motor (IM) transients, display curvesandvalues
Arduino Tutorials - Examples 1.8
Arduino tutorial 64 examples can direct upload code to ArduinoviaUSB/Bluetooth
TasmotaRemota 4.9.13
Remote Control all your Tasmota devices on LAN without MQTT.
Wireless DCP 1.2.6
Wireless DCP is the Android App to control Yamaha's MTX/MRXseriesprocessors.
Sinric Pro 2.23.2
The simple way to control your IoT development boards likeESP8226for FREE!
openHAB 3.7.0
Vendor and technology agnostic open source home automation
Virtuino MQTT 1.0.36
Ilias Lamprou
MQTT HMI platform - MQTT visual interface
DriveWizard Mobile 3.4.1
With DriveWizard Mobile you can operate your inverter drivefromyour smartphone 1.1.3
Network security and privacy
Home Remote Control Pro 1.7.6
Simon Schubert
The one Remote Control for your Windows/Linux/OSXsystem.KeyFeatures • Control mouse/keyboard • Control the soundvolume•List/manage/download/upload files to the system filesystem•Writecustom commands • Use a terminal • Execute tasks in thefuture•Control media • Monitoring the system. You can exportanyremotecontrol profile as a json file, share itwithfriends/colleagues orimport it to another app instance. FortheLinux remote control nothird party software is required exceptanSSH server which is mostlikely available via your packagemanager.Login via user andpassword or via SSH key. Live Monitoring•Current CPU usage • Usedand max ram • Network interfaceinformation• Bluetooth Mac addressand name • Left battery life inpercentage •Used and max swap •Disk partitions and generalinformation aboutthe systemarchitecture You can also customize themonitoringcommands anddisplay any kind of information you want.Wake on LanWake up asystem via network with a so called "MagicPacket". Youwill findinstructions on how to enable the wol featureinside theapp.Widgets The app has 3 types of widgets for your homescreen:one tosend commands, another one to show live monitorinformationand oneto wake up systems. Windows/OSX Login viascanning the QRcodeoftheServerApp(
RoboRemoDemo 2.5.0
Interface for DIY projects. Bluetooth WiFi and USB. In-app editor!
Q-Basics2go 2.6.4
Capable production processes and operations throughout theentirevalue stream are decisive for the delivery quality of ourproducts.We can only achieve zero defects if we identify andeliminatefailure modes in every work step, define standards andconsistentlyadhere to them. Derived from main errors of the past,the 14Q-Basics for the value stream describe fundamental standardswhichwill help us to achieve best quality. It is important thatallassociates are involved in the implementation of thesestandardsand in the continuous improvement process. Only then weshall havefailure-free processes and permanently satisfiedcustomers. TheQ-Basics2go App is a newly designed app to improvethe establishingof standards in the value stream context. With thisapp a newpossibility is given to make your work more efficient.TheQ-Basics2go app supports you in taking notes and comments fortherespective 14Q-Principles. You are given the opportunity totakephotos and attach them to your notes. You can also export thisviamail and share it within your organization. Some of themainfeatures are: 1. Explanation of the 14-Q-Principles 2.Notescreation and editing 3. Photo capture and editing 4. EmaildispatchRequirements for Android: All Android devices with min.Android min6.x installed.
Electrical Calc Elite Electric 2.3.1
Electrical Code Calculator — designed for ElectriciansNEC®Compliant.
Quelea Mobile Remote
Remote control app for the projection software Quelea
Bluetooth Terminal HC-05 Pro 1.9
Simple Bluetooth Terminal to Sending and Monitoring dataforembedded system
RemoteXY: Arduino control 4.13.4
Control Arduino and other boards via WiFi, Bluetooth, USB,Internetusing GUI
PICmicro Calculator 2.03A
PIC Micro Calculator is a tool to easily calculatedifferentregister values.
Main Station 1.06
The MainStation transforms your Tablet into a fullfunctioncontroller for your model railroad. Features: Simple,intuitiveoperation with the same operating appearance and logic aswith theMärklin Central Station 2. The MainStation assumes thesettings forthe Märklin Central Station when running andcontrollinglocomotives, for operating solenoid accessories, and foractivatingroutes by means of the track diagram control board. Up to8locomotive controllers can be represented. Several trackdiagramcontrol boards that can be zoomed in or out can berepresented.Configurable screen views. Graphic locomotiveselection. Up to 32locomotive functions and 2040 solenoidaccessories can becontrolled. Automatic display of the functionstatus by means ofself-explanatory pictograms. Can be used invertical or horizontalformat. Requirements: Märklin CentralStation60213/60214/60215/60216/60226 (Version 1.6.) Networkconnection tothe Central Station 2/3 WLAN
TeslaSCADA2 Runtime 2.53
TeslaSCADA2 Runtime version for Android
Virtuino 6 6.0.33
Ilias Lamprou
HMI for SCADA & IoT platforms - MQTT, MODBUS, HTTP,Bluetooth,WIFI, Thingspeak