Top 7 Apps Similar to SERAM

SERAM 2016 1.7
33 Congreso Nacional de la SERAMBilbao, 19 - 22 de mayo de 2016 - 18 de mayo Cursos EspecialesSociedad Española de Radiología Médica (SERAM)La SERAM es una organización médico-científica yprofesionaldedicadaa promocionar entre sus Socios la docencia,desarrollo,defensa einvestigación de todos los aspectosdiagnósticos yterapéuticosrelacionados con la imagen médica, dandoa conocer susactividades ala población general.La app contiene información útil sobre el evento conelprograma,información de ponentes, ubicación o contactoconlaorganización.33 National CongressoftheSERAMBilbao 19 - May 22 to 2016 - 18 May Special CoursesSpanish Society of Medical Radiology (SERAM)SERAM is a medical-scientific and professionalorganizationdedicatedto promoting among its members the teaching,development,defense andinvestigation of all the diagnostic andtherapeuticaspects ofmedical imaging, presenting their activitiesto thegeneralpopulation.The app contains useful information about the eventtotheprogram, details of speakers, location orcontacttheorganization.
Seram Corazón 2015 1.1
App del Curso Seram de Imagen delCorazónHospital Universitario Quirón16-17 Abril, 2015Contiene información útil sobre el evento conelprograma,información de ponentes, ubicación o contactoconlaorganización.Course AppSeramHeartImagingUniversity Hospital Chiron16 to 17 April 2015It contains useful information about the event withtheprogram,information on speakers, location or contacttheorganization.
Radiografias de examenes 7.0
Ideal para preparar los exámenes de universidad. Hemosrealizadounapequeña colección de las radiografías básicas presentesenlosactuales exámenes de radiología en medicina,fisioterapiayenfermería. Sabemos que faltan muchas pero hemospuesto las quemásse han repetido en los exámenes que hemosrevisado.
Radiologia Mulas 2
Lo Studio Radiologico ed EcograficoMULASdelDott. Massimo Fiocca, presente a Sassari ed Alghero, èlietodipresentarvi la sua nuova applicazione per smartphone etablet.Da sempre l'aggiornamento e l'utilizzo dellatecnologiahafacilitato le nostre indagini mediche ed aiutato lanostrasalute;per questo non potevamo mancare all'appello dellenuovetecnologie,anche nel campo della comunicazione.Questa App è un ulteriore passo in avanti persemplificareirapporti tra il nostro Studio e tutti gli utentichepotrannoscoprire di più sulla nostra attività ed i nostriservizi,ma anchecollegarsi in maniera facile e diretta con inostrioperatori eprenotare una visita presso uno dei nostriduecentri.Potrete anche connettervi direttamente alla nostrapaginaFacebookper conoscere news e convenzioni.The StudyofRadiologicaland ultrasound MULAS Dr. Massimo Fiocca, presentinSassari andAlghero, is pleased to introduce its newapplicationforsmartphones and tablets.Always updating and use of technology has facilitatedourmedicalinvestigations and helped our health; this could notfailto respondto new technologies, including in the fieldofcommunication.This App is a further step to simplify therelationshipbetweenour firm and all users will be able to discovermore aboutourbusiness and our services, but also connect easilyanddirectlywith our operators and book a visit at one of ourtwocenters.You can also connect directly to our Facebook page tolearnaboutnews and conventions.
Radiology Signs 1.1
This app is the compilation of most commonly signs seen and askedinPre-PG Exams, in routine Radiological Investigations like X-Ray,CTScan, MRI, Ultrasonography and Nuclear Imaging.. Radiologicalsignsalso form an important part of medical vivas. Links ofrelevantimages associated with signs is given below signs. Whenyou click onit you would be directed to Google image search whichwould searchbest image/s for you in the public domain. You canread and sharesigns in offline mode, if you want to see the imagesyou have to bein online mode. If we have missed some sign it wouldbe appreciatedif you click on mail us with standard reference.
Images Radiology 1.0
IMAGES radiology and MRI Center israisingthestandard of Excellence being one of the mostrespectedradiologypractices in Kuwait. The unparalleledsub-specialtyexpertise andextensive knowledge of ourboard-experiencedconsultantradiologists combined make them amongthe mosthighly-trained andtrusted physicians throughout themedicalcommunity. Our Mobileapps are user friendly and can be usedby newor old patient tobook check-up appointments, checkprevioushistory/prescriptions,download reports etc.
ICR 2014 v2.6.2.1
ICOM Group
It is our great pleasure to welcome youtotheICR 2014 (28th International Congress of Radiology); whichwillbeheld in Dubai from 9-12, September, 2014, as aresultofcooperation between the Egyptian Society of RadiologyandNuclearMedicine (ESRNM) with the International Society ofRadiology(ISR).The meeting has all the elements to be agreatinternationalsuccess. The story started 5 years ago whentheEgyptian Society ofRadiology and Nuclear Medicine approachedtheInternational Societyof Radiology to get their approval fortheircongress to beco-organized by the Egyptian Society. Thejoinedmeeting wasapproved and the two societies finally chose“Dubai(United ArabEmirates)” to be the location for the conjoinedeffortto cometrue.A diverse variety of excellent sessions andup-to-datelectureshave been incorporated in the scientific program,includingthe ISRcategorical courses; All over the course,highlyqualifiedexperienced professors have been chosen by the ISRboardto covermain subspecialties of radiology, teaching thedifferentaspects ofdaily practice for general radiologists.Scientific sessions will include keynote lecturesandresearchpapers submitted from all-around the world to showrecentadvancesin our field.Diverse lectures under basic radiology, casebasedpresentations,and hands on workshops, in addition to advancedandhot topicssessions, are included to cover the mostimportantsubjects in allsubspecialties of Radiology; from basics tothemost advancedtopics.Some presentations are organized in a clinical casesbasewithprovocative atmosphere while others will present in a clearwaythenew international diagnostic and therapeutic guides,Hotandadvanced topic sessions will cover new technicaldevelopment,someof them still under research, withinterestingclinicalapplications in the future.Two film interpretation sessions, including seniorandjuniordivisions, will be presented with various problematicbuteducativeas well as easier but confusing cases to guideradiologistfor abetter problem solving ability to servepatients.Plenary as well as special focus sessions will bepresentedbyhonorary international eminent radiologists givinghighlightfocuson advanced applications in addition to lectureshonoringAntoineBéclère and Walther Fuchs.We started this year a new hopefully successfultraditionbyadding a new session of “ISR meets clinicians” to openthe doorforinteraction and multidisciplinary approach of diagnosisandtherapywith a strong cooperation with other specialties.We are transferring our knowledge and experience toouryoungresidences and fellows as well as technologistsbyaddressinglectures and teaching sessions dedicated to them. Wehopewe canpave their way to carry on their professional carriertoevolutes anew radiology era putting radiology and medicalimagingin theforefront of the medical practice.Being under the patronage of the InternationalSocietyofRadiology, different radiological societies arecontributingfromall over the world, including societiesfromdifferentsub-specializations, coordinated by the EgyptianSocietyofRadiology to cover specific scientific subspecialtyprogramofinterest to our colleagues. Speakers from all-aroundtheworldeither individuals representing their universitiesandhealthinstitutions or through societies are enriching ourprogrambystrong lectures and presentations. We wish to thank themverymuchfor their enthusiastic contribution to the congress.Industry has been always involved in thedevelopmentoftechnology, which was always the driving force forourspecialtyprogress. Vendors from different companies have sharedbydifferentways their innovations and developments to ourconferenceand wewelcome them all. We hope this conference will be agreatleap fora fruitful and prosperous future of radiology inourregion.