Top 6 Apps Similar to Congreso LACTRIMS 2014

Con la EM - Merck 2.3
Merck KGaA
Es una aplicación de Merck, con temasdeinterés sobre la esclerosis múltiple. Su objetivo es tratardeayudar a todos los afectados e implicados en su día a día.- Encontrarás explicaciones de expertos sobre laesclerosismúltiple, con temas de interés relacionados y cómo afectalaenfermedad a los distintos ámbitos de la vida- Testimonios de personas que quieren compartir suexperiencia.Podrás comunicarte con ellos de forma privada eintercambiarvivencias y consejos sobre la esclerosis múltiple- Juegos de carácter cognitivo. Donde además de entretenerte,podrásceder tu voto a proyectos solidarios con laesclerosismúltiple.Con la EM te da la oportunidad de ponerte en contacto conexpertos,pacientes, familiares, amigos... personas implicadas enlaesclerosis múltiple para ayudar a entender mejor la enfermedad,yentre todos aportar más información sobre sus vivencias.It is an applicationfromMerck, with topics of interest on multiple sclerosis. Your goalisto try to help all those affected and involved in their daytoday.- You will find explanations of experts on multiple sclerosis,withissues related interest and how the disease affects differentwalksof life- Testimonials from people who want to share their experience.Youcan communicate with them privately and share experiences andtipson MS- Games cognitive character. Where in addition toentertainment,you'll give your vote to solidarity projects withmultiplesclerosis.With the EM gives you the opportunity to contact experts,patients,families, friends ... people involved in multiplesclerosis to helpbetter understand the disease, and togetherprovide moreinformation about their experiences.
Life and MS 1.0.35
“Life and MS” is the new applicationdevelopedby Almirall addressed to all Multiple Sclerosis (MS)patientssuffering from spasticity and its related symptoms.This App contains a set of validated tests to help you measureatany time the intensity of spasticity symptoms and itsevolutionthrough time. They will provide a solid source of datawithquantifiable information that can be shared with healthcareprofessionals for their evaluation.Highlights:• MS Spasticity has a progressive negative impact on MSpatient’swellbeing and quality of life.• MS Spasticity means continuous and/or sudden muscle stiffnessorrigidity; often associated with pain, sleep disruption,bladderdysfunction, spasms, walking impairment and others.Key features:• Information describing all MS Spasticity symptoms.• Validated tests designed to keep track of every MSspasticitysymptom. Each symptom can be tracked with a specific testat anytime:- Numeric Rating Scales (Spasticity, Pain,SleepDisruption)- Barthel Activities of Daily Living Index Test- 12-item Multiple Sclerosis Walking Scale- Bladder Control Scale• Graphics will show the evolution throughout a specificperiodof time for each symptom• Results can be shared with all Health CareProfessionals(physician, nurse…) Remember that all results arecompletelyconfidential and it’s your own decision to sharethem.• A personal section where you will be able to register allthemedication you are taking, and set alerts to remind you whentotake your medicines.LifeandMS App can help you to test and track all MSspasticitysymptoms. Following the evolution of these symptoms youwillimprove their control.This is a symptoms guidance tool. It should never substituteyourdoctor advice.
Multiple Sclerosis Treatment 1.0
Revolxa Inc
This app will shows the informationaboutmultiple sclerosis treatment.Best comprehensive overview covers the symptoms and treatmentofmultiple sclerosis. This app has been developed for everyone,alltopics has been made to make it useful and interesting.*** Don’t wait! Download this app and get the health tips andfactsyou need today! ***multiple sclerosis treatment app feature:- What Is Multiple Sclerosis?- Who Can Get Multiple Sclerosis?- What Causes Multiple Sclerosis?- What Are the Types of Multiple Sclerosis?- What Are the Symptoms of Multiple Sclerosis?- Multiple Sclerosis Treatmentetc.*** Please Do Rate the APP and leave a reply on yourvaluablesuggestions and improvements ***
MS-Leitfaden für Neurologen 3.1.2
Eine App für alle, die mit der Behandlung vonMultipleSklerosePatienten betraut sind. Ziel dieser App istes,Neurologen,Studienschwestern, Pflege- und RehapersonalmitMS-Schwerpunkt eineübersichtliche und strukturierte Arbeitshilfeandie Hand zu geben.Das Kompetenznetz MS trägt damit zueinheitlichenStandards beiDiagnose und Therapie bei. Schrittweiseführt dieAnwendung durcheine SOP zur MS-Erstdiagnose, berechnetautomatischden EDSS-Wertund zeigt im StufentherapieschemaBehandlungsoptionenauf. Sieunterstützt den Nutzer außerdem imUmgang mit denMedikamentenDimethylfumarat, Teriflunomid,Fingolimod, Natalizumab,Alemtuzumabund Mitoxantron, sowie mit derSchubtherapie und derTherapie inSpezialsituationen. Die App isthierbei die interaktiveUmsetzungder KKNMS-Qualitätshandbücher.Inhalte und Funktionen: •viaCheckliste zur Erstdiagnose •Behinderungsskala:automatischeBerechnung des EDSS •Stufentherapieschema zurBehandlung von MS •Therapie mitDimethylfumarat, Teriflunomid,Fingolimod,Natalizumab, Alemtuzumabund Mitoxantron, sowieSchubtherapie: -interaktive Workflowtabelleführt durchmedizinische Maßnahmen, diejeweils vor, während odernach derTherapie notwendig sind -ausführliche Erläuterungen zurgesamtenBehandlung • MS-Therapie inSpezialsituationen, z.B. inderSchwangerschaft, auf Reisen oderbei Impfungen Vorteile: •NeuesterStand der Forschung •Unabhängige, mit neurologischenFachgremienabgestimmteInformationen • im Offline-Modus verwendbar •kostenlos• füriPhone und iPad entwickelt Die ApplikationwurdevomKrankheitsbezogenen Kompetenznetz MultipleSklerose(KKNMS)realisiert. Autoren des MS-Leitfadens sindrenommierteNeurologenaus ganz Deutschland. Die Empfehlungen zurTherapiemitDimethylfumarat, Teriflunomid, Fingolimod,Natalizumab,Alemtuzumabund Mitoxantron, sowie zur Schubtherapie undzurTherapie inSpezialsituationen entstanden in engerZusammenarbeitmit demÄrztlichen Beirat der Deutschen MultipleSkleroseGesellschaft(DMSG), der Deutschen Gesellschaft fürNeurologie(DGN), demBerufsverband Deutscher Neurologen (BDN) unddemBerufsverbandDeutscher Nervenärzte (BDVN).
Multiple Sclerosis Information 1.0
This app provides complete informationaboutmultiple sclerosis diseases. Best comprehensive overviewcovers thesymptoms and treatment of multiple sclerosis . This apphas beendeveloped for everyone, all topics has been made to makeitcomplete, useful and interesting.We hope you will find this app very informative and useful. Ifyoulike it please do share it with your friends andfamily.Application does not overload you with complicatedmedicalterminology, the language is clear and does not requireanyproficiency.❤❤❤❤❤ Content & Features ❤❤❤❤❤• how to prevent yourself from multiple sclerosis• definition , description of disease and symptoms sign• what are the causes of multiple sclerosis and risk factors• preparing for your appointment• tests and diagnosis• treatments and prevention• lifestyle and home remedies• internal medical disorders• congenital and inherited disorders• infectious diseases and organisms• drugs and medication for multiple sclerosis• easy to read and download & beautiful fullscreenslideshows• table of Contents can be used for easy access.• search option is available for quick search of the topic.• friendly and easy to use.• simple uses and indications.• easy to study, no need to install or keep updatinglocaldatabases• important from examination point of view.• add to favorite option is added.• always new content will come in regular updates• internet connection is not required in order to use thisapp• 100% Free!!! anyway, this is a great worth app for your heathWhat to handle your heath from now on? Download this App nowandlearn from it for you loved. Help to keep away frommultiplesclerosis in your family! Just download it and learn fromit!Enjoy! ^_^❤❤❤❤❤ ATTENTION ❤❤❤❤❤This app contains multiple sclerosis diseases informationforknowledge if you need to apply then please contact tonearbydoctor. Useful information but is not a substitute forprofessionalmedical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If you thinkyou may have amedical emergency, immediately call your doctor orthe emergencyservices. Before acting on any of the information inthisapplication, consult with your doctor to make sure that it isrightfor you.Information of the diseases, contained in this application, arenotintended for medical treatment without a doctor and can be usedforinformation purposes only. This app cannot and should notreplace apharmacist or a doctor consultation. App content is onlyfor pocketreference & educational purposes. Consult a doctorbeforeactual usage of any of the information in this app.❤❤❤❤❤ App Developer Note ❤❤❤❤❤Please Rate it 5 Star for our application and feel free to emailusabout any comments or suggestions for future improvement. Incaseyou face any problems do send us an email with informationaboutyour phone model, and the exact problem, and we'll try to fixitimmediately.This app providescompleteinformation about multiple sclerosis diseases. Bestcomprehensiveoverview covers the symptoms and treatment ofmultiple sclerosis.This app has been developed for everyone, alltopics has been madeto make it complete, useful and interesting.We hope you will find this app very informative and useful. Ifyoulike it please do share it with your friends andfamily.Application does not overload you with complicatedmedicalterminology, the language is clear and does not requireanyproficiency.❤❤❤❤❤ Content & Features ❤❤❤❤❤• how to prevent yourself from multiple sclerosis.• definition, description of disease and symptoms sign.• what are the causes of multiple sclerosis and risk factors.• preparing for your appointment• tests and diagnosis• treatments and prevention• lifestyle and home remedies• internal medical disorders• congenital and inherited disorders• infectious diseases and organisms• drugs and medication for multiple sclerosis.• easy to read and download & beautiful fullscreenslideshows.• table of Contents can be used for easy access.• search option is available for quick search of the topic.• friendly and easy to use.• simple uses and indications.• easy to study, no need to install or keep updatinglocaldatabases.• important from examination point of view.• add to favorite option is added.• always new content will come in regular updates.• internet connection is not required in order to usethisapp.• 100% Free !!! anyway, this is a great worth app foryourheath.What to handle your heath from now on? Download this App nowandlearn from it for you loved. Help to keep away frommultiplesclerosis in your family! Just download it and learn fromit!Enjoy! ^❤❤❤❤❤ ATTENTION ❤❤❤❤❤This app contains multiple sclerosis diseases informationforknowledge if you need to apply then please contact tonearbydoctor. Useful information but is not a substitute forprofessionalmedical advice, diagnosis or treatment. If you thinkyou may have amedical emergency, immediately call your doctor orthe emergencyservices. Before acting on any of the information inthisapplication, consult with your doctor to make sure that it isrightfor you.Information of the diseases, contained in this application, arenotintended for medical treatment without a doctor and can be usedforinformation purposes only. This app can not and should notreplacea pharmacist or a doctor consultation. App content is onlyforpocket reference & educational purposes. Consult adoctorbefore actual usage of any of the information in thisapp.❤❤❤❤❤ App Developer Note ❤❤❤❤❤Please Rate it 5 Star for our application and feel free to emailusabout any comments or suggestions for future improvement. Incaseyou face any problems do send us an email with informationaboutyour phone model, and the exact problem, and we'll try to fixitimmediately.
MS Attack 2.0
Flavia Nelson
MS Relapse Tracker