Top 7 Apps Similar to APLReporter

Mi Wifi Beta 1.9
Con la app Mi Wifi podrás gestionar yoptimizarla configuración de tu Wifi de modo sencillo ydirectamente desde tusmartphone.Mi Wifi está pensada para que puedas configurar las opcionesmásimportantes de tu Wifi de una manera sencilla e intuitiva:- Pon tu Wifi a punto y sácale el máximo partido a la velocidaddetu Fibra: Mi Wifi te permite comprobar la saturación de redesWifien tu hogar y optimizar tu router para evitarlasinterferencias.- Cambia el nombre y la clave de tu Wifi en tan sólounossegundos.- Conecta tus dispositivos rápidamente capturando el código QR delaetiqueta de tu router.- Comparte tu Wifi con tus invitados o configura rápidamenteotrosequipos de tu hogar.- Identifica qué dispositivos se conectan a tu router encualquiermomento y si lo hacen por Wifi o cable.- Configura opciones avanzadas como la selección manual delcanalWifi o la activación del WPS de tu router desde elpropiosmartphone.- Conoce la mejor manera de aumentar el rendimiento de tu Wificonnuestra sección de consejos.VERSIÓN BETA: la versión actual de Mi Wifi solo es compatibleconlos modelos de router Fibra Mitrastar y Askey (puedesencontrareste identificador en la etiqueta de fabricante bajoturouter).Próximamente estará disponible para todos los router de FibraÓpticaMovistar.Si tienes alguna sugerencia o dudas acerca de la app no dudesencontactar con nosotros a travé[email protected] app My Wifiwillmanage and optimize the settings of your wireless simplyanddirectly from your smartphone.My connection is designed so you can configure the mostimportantsettings of your Wi-Fi in a simple and intuitiveway:- Put your wireless ready and make the most of the speed ofyourFiber: My Wifi lets you check the saturation of wirelessnetworksat home and optimize your router to avoidinterference.- Change the name and password of your connection injustseconds.- Connect your devices quickly capturing the QR code on the labelofyour router.- Share your Wifi with your guests or quickly configureothercomputers in your home.- Identify which devices are connected to your router at anytimeand if they do by wireless or cable.- Set advanced options such as manual selection of wirelesschannelor activating WPS router from your own smartphone.- Know the best way to increase the performance of your Wifiourtips section.BETA: My current version only supports wireless router modelsFiberMitrastar and Askey (You can find this identifier inthemanufacturer's label on your router).Coming soon will be available to all Movistar FiberOpticrouter.If you have any suggestions or questions about the app nothesitateto contact us via [email protected]
Movispeed 1.3.1
Test de velocidad para líneas ADSL/GPONTest speed ADSL/GPON
SIM Card Information and IMEI 1.1
Displays information of your SIMCard,including IMEI code and other parameters, if you need it,choosinginformation and sharing it is able by multiple options likeemail,clipboard or social networks.Thanks to our app you will be able to see contacts youhavestored in your SIM card too.-- Do you want to know what information about yoursimcard are you going to discover*? --*Depending SIM and mobile phone compatibility- IMEI code- SIM status- Serial Number- Operator code- IMSI- Voicemail number- Phone type- ISO country network- Network code- Network name- Network type (GPRS, EDGE, EGPRS, 3G, UMTS, HSPA, 3G+, HSPA+,4G,5G when available)We are checking this app on multiple network operators(Vodafone,Orange, TelMex , Movistar , China Mobile , Verizon , AT& T, NTTDOCOMO, Deutsche Telecom, France Telecom, AmericaMobile, SprintNextel, Telecom Italia, Softbank Mobile, MTN,Vivendi,China Unicom, Bharti Airtel, SK Telecom, STC, Telenor and etc.)Please, feel free suggesting us improvements youthinkappropriate.Thanks.
Parking Movistar 7.1.5
Erictel M2M
System that allows you to control your vehicle when you want it.
Movistar Cloud 12.0.5
Unlimited cloud space FREE for Movistar contract customers.
Localizador Familiar 2.0
Locate your family and friends.
Mobile Data Consumption
Control your data consumption, both mobile and Wi-Fi, andstartsaving.