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CaceresZone 1.0
appArte Soft.
CaceresZone es un portal que agrupalasofertasy carteles de los establecimientos de ocio de Cáceresyalrededores,con el objetivo de ayudarte a que encuentres loquemejor se adaptea lo que buscas de una forma sencilla yrápida.Podrás filtrar losestablecimientos por cafeterías,disco-pubs,restaurantes,cañas&tapas y cafés-conciertos.CaceresZone teofrece toda lainformación de tus locales actualizadaa diario.¿Cómo funciona?Es muy sencillo, solo eliges que tipo deestablecimientoteapetece ver, (Restaurante, cafetería,cañas&tapas, disco-pubycafé-concierto), y CaceresZone busca porti las ofertas deestosespacios mostrándolos ordenados pordistancia. Tambiénpuedeslocalizar en el mapa donde está situadoexactamente el localy porsupuesto sus ofertas, aparte de fotos ytodo tipo deinformación deinterés. Igualmente, puedes ver un mapacon lalocalización detodos los establecimientos quecontieneCáceresZone.CaceresZone isaportalthat brings together offerings and posters ofCáceresleisurefacilities and surroundings in order to help you findwhatbestsuits what you are looking for a simple and quick. Youcanfilterestablishments by cafes, disco-pubs, restaurants, rods&capsand cafés-concerts. CaceresZone gives you all theinformationofyour local daily updates.How does it work?It's simple, just choose which type of facility you wanttosee,(restaurant, cafe, rods & caps, disco-pubandcafe-concert),and looking for you CaceresZone offers thesespacesdisplaying themsorted by distance. You can also locate on themapwhere the storeis located exactly and of course theiroffers,besides all kinds ofphotos and information of interest.Also, youcan see a map showingthe location of all establishmentscontainingCáceresZone.
Be Your Guide - Cáceres 1.20
- Enjoy the full GUIDE CÁCERES for FREE.Hereyou will find updates on MONUMENTS, ROUTES AND NATURE,HOTELS,RESTAURANTS, SHOPPING AND NIGHTLIFE information. Discoverthe MOSTCOMPLETE INFORMATION, photos, contact ... over 100 POINTSOFINTEREST!- Ability to download it in OFFLINE MODE: No internetconnectionrequired for use.- You can use the MAP 100% OFFLINE: With GPS you canorientwithin the city. Using GETTING option, you can always findtheplace you are looking for, monuments, restaurants andmagicalplaces!- Share your experiences! RATE AND SHARE your experience onmajorsocial networks!- Be Your Guide Cáceres is available in 6 LANGUAGES,Spanish,Italian, French, German and Japanese.- Available for iPhone 4, 4S, 5, iPad and iPad Mini!- Begin your adventure in this wonderful city with BE YOURGUIDECÁCERES!- We will welcome your suggestions in [email protected] use of GPS running in the background candramaticallydecrease battery life