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隨身公職題庫 1.8
※ 收錄試題的年份 : 98年1月-103年4月※ 收錄的科目:租稅各論財政學財政學概要財政學大意稅務法規稅務法規概要稅務法規大意民法民法概要法學知識法學大意行政法行政法概要行政學行政學概要行政學大意政治學概要公共管理概要地方自治概要地方自治大意※ 上述科目試題來源的考試名稱:初等考試身心障礙人員考試(三等考試)身心障礙人員考試(四等考試)身心障礙人員考試(五等考試)高等考試三級考試普通考試原住民族考試(三等考試)原住民族考試(四等考試)原住民族考試(五等考試)地方政府公務人員考試(三等考試)地方政府公務人員考試(四等考試)地方政府公務人員考試(五等考試)※ 收錄的歷屆試題和答案來源 : 考選部※ 手機未連接至網路時, 本軟體有限制功能※FAQ :1.是否會增加其它科目?目前不會再增加其它科目2.最新試題何時會更新?不保證何時更新最新試題※ questions includedinthe year: January 98 --103 April※ subjects included:On each taxfinanceFinance SummaryFinance carelessTax regulationsSummary of tax regulationsThe effect of tax legislationCivil LawCivil Law SummaryKnowledge of lawLegal effectadministrative lawAdministrative SummaryAdministrationAdministration SummaryAdministration effectPolitics SummaryPublic Profile ManagementLocal Autonomy SummaryLocal Autonomy effect※ questions above subjects sources Exam Name:Elementary ExamPersons with disabilities exam (Third examinations)Persons with disabilities examination (fourth-examination)Persons with disabilities exam (exam five and so on)Higher exam three examGeneral TestAboriginal exam (third-examination)Aboriginal examination (fourth-examination)Aboriginal exam (exam five and so on)Local government civil servants exam (third-examination)Local government civil servants exam (fourth-examination)Local government civil servants exams (five exams, etc.)※ included past paper and answers Source: MinistryofExamination※ When the phone is not connected to the Internet, thissoftwarehas a limit function※ FAQ:1. whether it will add other subjects?Currently not add other subjects2. The questions will be updated when the latest?The latest update is not guaranteed when questions